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2019版七年级英语上册第7讲Unit3Welcometoourschool一同步基次程讲义新版牛津版which /wt/ pron. 哪一个best/best/ adv.(well的最高级)最,最好地so/s/ conj. 因此,所以adv. 如此,这么;非常 date/det/ n. 日期meeting /mit/ n. 会议;集会summit /smt/ n. 峰会o clock /klk/ adv.(表示整点)点钟OK /ke/ adv. (=okey) 好,对;不错gate/get/ n. 大门Mum: Whats the date today, Millie?Millie: Its 9 October. Oh, tomorrow is our Open Day. Can you come, Mum?Mum: Yes, I can. What time is it?Millie: The parents meeting begins at two oclock in the afternoon. After that, parents watch two of our lessons.Mum: OK. Lets meet at the school gate at 1:30.show / vt. 引,带,领around /rand/ adv. 到处,向各处show sb. around 领某人参观front /frnt/ n. 前面in front of在.前面building /bld/ n. 建筑物,房子,楼房ground /grand/ n. 地,地面ground floor n. (英)底层,一楼 =(美)first floorbright /brat/ adj. 明亮的modern /mdn/ adj. 现代的;新式的hall/hl/ n. 礼堂,大厅Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿Millie: Hi, Mum.Mum: Hi, dear. Your school looks beautiful. The playground is so big.Millie: Yes, it is. Let me show you around. Were now in front of the classroom building. There are 18 classrooms in it. My classroom is on the ground floor.Mum: The classrooms are clean and bright.Millie: Yes, they are. This way, Mum. We also have an art room, a music room and two computer rooms.Mum: Thats wonderful. You have a library too, right?Millie: Yes. That new building is our library.Mum: It looks modern. Whats the building over there?Millie: Its the school hall. We have meetings there.Mum: I see. Whos that man in a white shirt?Millie: Hes Mr. Wu, our English teacher.Mum: Oh, he looks young.Millie: Yes, he does. Lets go to the hall, Mum.biology /baldi/n. 生物geography /dgrfi/ n. 地理history /hstri/n. 历史diary /dari/ n. 日记dairy /der/ n. 奶制品look at 看一看wall/wl/ n. 墙let me see 让我想想题一:Millie wants to write about her school. Complete her diary entry with the information on page 32.10 OctoberDear Diary,Today is our Open Day. Our parents come and visit our school on this day. Our school looks _. The _ is very big, and our classrooms are clean and _.There are 18 classrooms in the classroom _, and my classroom is on the _ floor. We also have an _ room, a music room and two _ rooms. Our library is new and _. There are lots of books. We often go there in the afternoon. We also have a school _. We have meetings there. Our school is really nice. We all love it.第7讲Unit 3 Welcome to our school(一)题一:beautiful; playground; bright; building; ground; art; computer; modern; hall

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