七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to school(第6课时)Study skills学案牛津版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to school(第6课时)Study skills学案牛津版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to school(第6课时)Study skills学案牛津版.doc_第2页
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Unit3 Welcome to schoolStudy skills(第六课时)【学习目标】1.了解常见的辅音字母及组合的发音。 语音:p b t d k g h m n l r j w 2.用正确的读音规律,准确读新单词。【学习重、难点】用正确的读音规律,准确读新单词【学习过程】 Step 1:Daily greetings: T:Good morning,everyone. S:Good morning. T:How are you? S:Im fine,thank you.And you? T:Im OK.Thank you.Sit down,please.Step 2:Show Learning aim T:Today we will learn Unit 3 Study skills.Please look at our Learning aim(Then I read it slowly.)T:Are you clear?S:Yes.T:Lets go on.Step3:Show Guide Oneto the students. Guide OneListen and imitate.Pay attention to the coloured letters in these words./p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/,/g/,/h/,/m/,/n/,,/l/,/r/,/j/,/w/ 2.Lead reading the 14 new consonants.3.Ask the students to try to write them.Have a match!Who can do it best?Step4:Show Guide Twoto the students. Guide TwoTo read the words in Part A. Pay attention to the different sounds of the letters.1. Lead students to find the difference between voiceless consonants and voiced consonants.2.Lead them to find the difference between the rest consonants.Have a match!Who can do it best?Step4:Show Guide Threeto the students. Guide ThreeFinish Part B and then reaad it.Have a match!Who can do it best?Class Exercise (一)1. He often swims _(通过) the river.2. The one on the _(右边) is my fathers.3. Look! He is standing at the_(十字路口).4. Can you _(拿来) your photos here?5. You can_(带去) an umbrella with you.教学反思:


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