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产品代理合同合同编号: 甲方:XXXXXX 有限公司乙方:_XXXX 商贸有限公司 _甲、乙双方经友好协商,本着平等自愿、诚实守信、互惠互利的原则,就乙方代理甲方指定产品在指定地区推广销售等合作事宜达成如下协议:一、代理产品名称甲方委托乙方代理的产品为:“XXX”系列 XXX 产品及本合同有效期内甲方新增加的产品。二、代理权限1. 甲方授权乙方为 XX 省 XX 市 地区的独家代理商,全面负责该地区的销售、经销商管理及售后服务。对于乙方代理的销售区域,乙方可以根据实际情况制订销售政策,原则上甲方不予干涉,但乙方对于自己以及下属经销商的经销行为负无限连带责任。2. 甲方不得在乙方代理区域内另设其他任何级别代理商。如出现上述情况,乙方有权立即终止代理合同及得到相应补偿。三、代理期限本合同的代理期限为 壹 年,从本合同签订之日起 壹 年内。双方可根据本合同的约定提前终止或到期续签,乙方有原区域优先续签权。乙方要求对本合同续期的,应至少在本合同期限届满前提前 壹 个月向甲方书面提出。四、代理价格政策1. 代理价格:甲方向乙方等其他区域代理客户统一公开销售产品的价格,附表 1产品目录价格 2012-V1.0 版为甲方的代理价格,甲乙双方的结算以区域总代理价格为依据。2. 销售价格:乙方应当按照甲方建议的零售价格销售产品。如果甲方建议的零售价格不符合本地区市场情况,乙方需调整销售价格时,应当向甲方报告。甲方应当根据系统的统一性要求和乙方所处地区的市场情况综合考虑,作出调整价格的决定。产品对外销售价格按照甲方的规定执行。3. 遇甲方委托代理产品、价格等需调整的,由甲方以书面形式及时通知乙方,该通知一经发送后即成为本合同的组成部分。4. 优惠政策:以附表 1 代理价格为标准,根据乙方一次购买的产品合计数额,甲方按下表给予乙方进一步优惠;乙方除正常性经营赢利外,可享受甲方给予的定期考核奖励,考核及奖励政策另定。一次订货量(万元RMB)代理价格50100(含 50) 附表 1 代理价格0.95101200(含 101) 附表 1 代理价格0.9201 以上 附表 1 代理价格0.85五、合同双方的权利及义务(一)甲方的权利及义务1. 甲方拥有“XXX”系列智 XXX 产品的价格制定权、发布权和解释权。2. 甲方产品严格按照符合国家或行业标准的质量标准生产,并经质检部门严格检验合格后出品。甲方向乙方提供合格产品的同时,有义务对乙方提供开展经营所必需的业务培训、技术指导、营销咨询等服务,协助乙方拓展市场。3. 甲方不得在乙方未违反本合同约定的情况下,在授权区域对授权产品另设代理商。甲方不得在乙方销售代理区域销售本协议第一条所列产品,如果有乙方区域客户向甲方咨询,甲方应将具体业务操作转交给乙方办理。如果有乙方销售代理区域以外的客户向乙方询价购货,则乙方应将其转给甲方处理。4. 甲方严格控制跨区域窜货,维护乙方代理商的利益,协调跨地区各代理商之间的关系,做好市场维护工作,及时处理代理商的投诉。5. 甲方有权对所有代理商的市场经营行为进行督查,督查包括产品推广、甲方形象维护、销售区域限制、价格体系维护等。乙方应协助甲方督查员进行监督检查业务,积极主动地提供有关资料等。6. 甲方免费向乙方提供一定数量的产品样本及其他进行广告宣传所需的资料。7. 甲方根据市场情况定期或不定期举办产品推广会、培训、宣传等活动,乙方应配合并开拓和维护销售市场。甲方将在全国性的媒体、大型行业展会上进行广告宣传并提供市场支持,此费用由甲方承担。乙方在约定代理地区所作展会、媒体广告等促销活动产生的费用由乙方承担。8. 甲方保证其产品质量符合相应的国际、国内或行业标准,努力增加产品种类并使之系列化,并应尽量保证乙方订货需要。甲方只提供产品质量保证并承担相应的责任,除产品本身质量外不承担其他责任。9. 经甲方确认,保修期内产品出现较大质量问题,甲方将负责更换并承担调货的费用。如果由甲方产品质量原因给乙方造成直接经济损失,甲方将根据国家相关部门的裁定结论承担相应责任。10. 如因甲方产品在销售地不能很好的适应时,乙方应及时将问题反馈给甲方,甲方应尽快改进,以适应市场需求。11. 甲方有权调整产品的价格和零售价格;甲方应将产品、产品价格、交货期等的任何变化及时通知乙方(书面传真通知有效)。12. 在乙方正常履约的情况下,在不损害乙方利益前提下,甲方有权直接与乙方的客户进行商务接触或达成协议。(二)乙方的权利及义务1. 乙方可以用“甲方产品授权代理商”的名义进行一切合法的商业活动,乙方积极开拓甲方产品在当地的市场,并逐步提高甲方产品在该地区的市场占有率。2. 乙方可以在自己省内尚未设定总代理的任何城市设立销售网点(包括独家代理商或者拓展经销商),此类网点一律从乙方提货。设立时乙方必须把详细情况以书面形式汇报给甲方,以作备案。合同内容需要经过甲方同意方可签约,否则甲方有权单方面终止合同,且造成的一切后果由乙方承担。甲方在合约有效期间也不得再在此地设立任何级别的代理。3. 乙方不得进入其他已经设定代理商区域进行销售,甲方有权对其予以处罚,对情节严重者,甲方有权取消其代理资格和本协议给予的一切权益。乙方因此而给第三方造成的损害,由乙方自行承担,若因此给甲方造成损害的,甲方有权要求乙方予以赔偿。4. 在开展业务过程中,乙方应忠实于甲方提供的各种资料,保证各种宣传准确无误,不得任意夸大和捏造,不得损害甲方的利益和市场形象,否则应承担由此引起的一切后果。5. 顾客对乙方的服务提出投诉,甲方将进行核实。确系乙方责任的,甲方将根据所造成不良影响的程度给予相应的处罚。6. 代理过程中遇有顾客对甲方产品质量提出异议和申诉时,乙方应先行积极处理,并立即通知甲方,将对甲方造成的不良影响及损失降到最低,应维护甲方品牌在当地的形象和声誉。7. 乙方在经营活动中应保障双方的长期共同利益,乙方在销售完成后,应按甲方要求填写客户登记表,并应于每月定期以电子邮件、传真或其他形式向甲方返回客户登记表,以便于日后的售后服务和例行巡检工作。8. 乙方在代理过程中须按照甲方的具体要求建立相关顾客档案,并将收集的顾客信息(含顾客资料、顾客对甲方产品的评价和意见等)须及时反馈给甲方,并定期向甲方提供有关市场竞争情况和用户意见的书面报告。六、订货、付款、交货和检验1. 甲方执行款到发货原则,产品运费及保险费由乙方负责承担。2. 本合同发生的支付均通过银行帐号进行,货款由乙方直接汇到甲方指定账户,不得将现金或无公司名称的支票交给甲方业务人员,否则甲方有权拒绝发货,且后果由乙方自负。3. 乙方应以书面形式向甲方下达订货计划,应写明产品名称、型号规格、数量及特殊要求等,订货人签名并加盖公章后传真给甲方,甲方收到后予以回复确认。4. 在甲方库存能满足乙方所需数量时,采取一次付清方式,乙方支付货款后将汇款凭证传真到甲方,甲方收到乙方货款后三个工作日内将货物发往乙方指定地点。5. 在甲方现货不足时,甲乙双方应签定订货合同,乙方可先支付合同总额 50%的定金后,合同生效;甲方补充生产完成后通知乙方,乙方支付余款后将汇款凭证传真到甲方,甲方收到乙方剩余货款后三个工作日内将货物发往乙方指定地点。6. 产品在运输途中出现损坏,由乙方负责向承运方索赔,甲方应积极协助处理。7. 货到乙方指定地点后,由乙方负责验收。乙方提货时,须当场验收合格后再提。货物有损失时,甲方协助乙方与运输公司交涉追讨相关损失。8. 乙方在提货后,应及时详细清点货物品种和数量,5 个工作日查验完毕,过期则视为查验合格。如与订货清单不符,应以书面方式向甲方提出异议,甲方经核实后如有库存则在 5 天内相应补齐或换货。七、退货换货1. 乙方的退货/换货合格产品更换只限定在三个月内进行,内包装与产品外观不得严重损坏,否则,甲方不予全额退款或加付重新包装的费用后换货;人为损坏不在更换与维修范围内。甲方在收到退货并确认符合上述要求后退回货款或调换后发货。2. 乙方原因导致的退货换货的运费及保险费用由乙方承担,甲方批量质量原因导致的退货换货的运费及保险费用由甲方承担。八、技术支持1. 首批定货完成后,甲方派出技术员(1 人)到乙方驻地进行一次技术培训,乙方接受培训人员应符合甲方提出的合理要求(包括被培训人员的学历和专业水平),甲方所派技术人员去乙方所在地的往返交通费由甲方承担,在培训期间的食宿费及当地交通(含机场或火车站接送)由乙方负责,其中食宿费标准每日不应低于 200 元。2. 在培训后,乙方在设备安装、调试过程中确实需要技术支持的,甲方可以派技术人员进行现场指导,往返交通费由甲方负责,当地食宿、交通由乙方负责,标准同上一条。3. 甲方每年定期举办新产品应用培训和售后服务培训,乙方可派人参加,乙方人员的往返交通费自负,甲方统一提供培训期间的免费食宿。九、售后服务1. 为保证最终用户利益,用户购买产品以后,按照国内电子类产品通行标准,给予质量保证和售后服务。2. 经乙方售出产品,甲方承诺一个月包换、十八个月内免费维修、终身维护,人为损坏及不按规定使用造成的损坏不在此列,维修仅收材料成本费,并严格按照国家有关“三包”规定执行售后服务。3. 甲方产品的保修期起始时间为发货时间,因乙方保管、安装不当及用户操作不当和不可抗拒因素造成的损坏,甲方不负责保修。若产品被拆开或修改过,甲方不负责保修和包换。保修内容包括坏件的修理和更换,但不承担现场维修费用。4. 保修期满后,甲方提供长期的技术咨询及配件供应服务,费用不高于当时成交价格。5. 甲方为乙方提供的产品应严格按照甲方提供的质保书和国家的相关规定进行质保服务;所有故障品、不良品统一返厂维修,保修期内,返厂维修的运费为甲方承担,保修期外,返厂维修的运费为客户自己承担。6. 乙方应制定具体的售前、售后服务机制,并指定专人负责,并接受甲方的培训和考核。7. 乙方负责代理产品的安装、调试、调换及本地维修,甲方负责返厂品维修。8. 返厂维修产品操作程序为:乙方集中将故障产品退回甲方,甲方在接到乙方返厂维修故障品后,确认型号、规格、数量、故障类型及维修费用,属于保修期内的即刻安排正品发货给乙方,而不必等到故障品维修好以后;超保修期的,向乙方出具维修费用清单,经乙方确认后维修,维修完毕发货给乙方,维修费用月结。9. 甲方承诺对乙方接到客户关于产品或服务的投诉,而又在乙方解决能力之外时,按下面规定处理:情况 描述 时间 措施一般故障 如信号不稳定,有干扰或出现异常情况 2 小时 电话指导排故严重故障 如出现的问题直接影响系统的运作时或是硬件本身的技术缺陷问题4 小时 电话指导排故十分严重 硬件或软件自身的质量或技术缺陷而损坏不能修复,而直接影响使用时57 日 退回原厂维修投诉 产品质量问题、 售后服务质量投诉 2 日 公布原因或处理结果,并采取相应措施消除影响。十、合同的变更和终止1. 本协议有效期已过一半以上时间,乙方仍未能实现销售,甲方可以终止本协议。2. 乙方以任何形式直接将第一条所列产品销往所限定区域以外时,甲方有权终止本协议。3. 乙方订货虽支付了定金,但其后又取消订货合同而造成甲方产品积压时,甲方可以终止本协议,并要求乙方按订货合同总金额支付违约金。4. 有下列情况之一的守约方可终止本合同,但需提前一个月通知对方:a) 甲方的产品、市场不符合乙方要求,无法打开市场。b) 乙方对甲方调整代理区域及代理费比例不同意,且双方无法达成一致。c) 乙方经常违反甲方的要求或多次被顾客投诉。d) 乙方部分或全部丧失民事行为能力,不能正常完成甲方代理工作。e) 本合同订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使本合同无法履行,经双方协商不能就变更合同达成一致。十一、附则1. 本合同一式贰份,协议由双方法定代表人或委托代理人代表签字,并加盖公章后,自双方签字盖章之日起生效,双方各执壹份,具有同等效力。2. 本协议的所有附件均为本协议不可分割的一部分,如有未尽事宜,经双方协商后可随时以书面方式修改或补充,并作为本合同组成部分,与本合同具有同等效力。3. 在合同履行过程中,如双方发生争议,应友好协商解决。双方不能达成一致时,可向甲方所在地人民法院提出诉讼。4. 在协议的履行过程中如果出现了战争、水灾、地震等不可抗力事件,致本合作协议不能履行或不能全部履行时,遭遇不可抗力事件的一方或双方均可部分或全部免责。但应在不可抗力事件结束后 10 天内,向对方说明理由并提供相关的证明文件。5. 本协议的任何终止,不影响双方发生的债权和债务,债务人应继续偿付未了债务,直至偿清债权人的全部债务为止。合同终止后,乙方不得再以甲方代理人名义从事任何有关活动,否则,因此造成的后果由乙方自行承担,若因此而给甲方造成的损失,甲方有权要求乙方予以赔偿,若触犯刑律,甲方将追究乙方的刑事责任。 6. 本协议所涉及的各种文件,包括协议本身、技术资料、价格、图表等影响到双方利益,技术、商业秘密,双方均有保密义务,未经对方书面认可不得向第三者泄密。凡透露给竞争对手商业机密且造成利益损失的行为将被诉诸法律。7. 未经对方书面同意,甲、乙双方不得将自己的任何权利和义务转让第三方。合同款项到此结束。甲方(盖章)乙方(盖章)地址 地址邮编 邮编电话 电话传真 传真开户行 开户行帐号 帐号授权代表(签字)授权代表(签字)日期 年_月_日 日期 年_月_日Between_whose registered office is at_(hereinafter called “the Principal“) and_其注册登记营业处设在 (以下简称为“委托人” 与whose registered office at_(hereinafter called “the Agent“) IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS其注册登记营业处设在 (以下简称为代理人)就以下达成协议:Art. 1 Territory and Products 第一条 地区与产品1.1. The Principal appoints the Agent, who accepts, as his commercial agent to promote the sale of the products listed in Annex 1, 1 (hereinafter called “the Products“) in the territory defined in Annex 1, 2 (hereinafter called “the Territory“).委托人委任代理人,而代理人接受委托作为委托人的商事代理,在附件中规定的地区(以下简称为“地区”),推销附件所列举的产品( 以下简称“产品”)。1.2. If the Principal decides to sell any other products in the Territory, he shall inform the Agent in order to discuss the possibility of including them within the Products defined under article 1.1. However, the above obligation to inform the Agent does not apply if, in consideration of the characteristics of the new products and the specialization of the Agent, it is unreasonable to expect that such products may be represented by the Agent (e.g. products of a completely different range).如果委托人决定在“地区”内销售任何其它产品,委托人应通知代理人以便讨论是否可能将这些产品包括在所规定的“产品”之中。但是如果考虑到新产品的性能以及代理人的专长,而期望将这类产品交由该代理人代理是不合理的(例如完全不同类别的产品),上述通知代理人的义务就不适用。Art. 2 Good faith and fair dealing 第二条 诚信与公平2.1. In carrying out their obligations under this agreement the parties will act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing.为履行本协议所规定的义务,当事人将依照诚信与公平的原则进行活动。2.2. The provisions of this agreement, as well as any statements made by the parties in connection with this agency relationship, shall be interpreted in good faith.本协议的条款以及当事人就本代理关系所作的声明,都应该以诚信的原则进行解释。Art. 3 Agents functions 第三条 代理人的职责3.1. The Agent agrees to use his best endeavours to promote the sale of the Products in the Territory in accordance with the Principals reasonable instructions and shall protect the Principals interests with the diligence of a responsible businessman.代理人同意遵照委托人合理的指示,尽最大努力在“地区”内促进“产品”的销售,并应以负责任的商人的勤勉和努力,保护委托人的利益。3.2. The Agent shall not solicit orders from outside the Territory unless permitted to do so by the Principal. Where the Agent negotiates with customers in the Territory business which results in contracts of sale with customers established outside the Territory, article 15.2. shall apply. E.g. for goods to be sold to subsidiary established in another country: the agent is acting within his territory, hat the sale is made to a foreign customer, and the agent would have (in absence of article 15.2) no right to commission.非经委托人同意,代理人不得经“地区”之外的地方征求定货。如果代理人与该“地区”内的顾客洽谈商务导致与设立在本“地区”之外的顾客签订销 售合同,应适用第节的规定。3.3. Unless otherwise specifically agreed, the Agent has no authority to make contracts on behalf of, or in any way to bind the Principal towards third parties. He only solicits orders from customers for the Principal, who is free (save as set forth in article 4.2. hereafter) to accept or to reject them. The other alternative, i.e. to give the agent the authority to conclude contracts on behalf of the principal has not been considered in the model form, since it is rather uncommon in international trade. Of course, if the parties have special reasons for permitting the agent to make contracts on behalf of the principal, they can so provide in article 3.3. It should be noted that in certain cases the third party (customer) may rely on the apparent authority of the agent this means that, especially in legal systems where it is common that the agent is authorized to act on behave of the principal, the exclusion of any such authority provided for in the contract between principaland agent (like art. 3.3. of this model form) does not necessarily bind a third party which had good reasons to rely on the apparent authority of the agent. It is, therefore, recommended that the principal avoids any action which may give third parties the impression that the agent has representative powers, and that he informs, if necessary and possible, third parties that the agent has no authority to bind the principal.除非另有专门的协议,代理人无权代表委托人签约,也无权在签约中用任何方法使委托人受第三人之约束。代理人仅能为委托人经顾客处招揽定货,而委托人(除以下第节的规定外)有接受或拒绝定货的自由。3.4. When negotiating with customers, the Agent shall offer Products strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract of sale which the Principal has communicated to him. This is to ensure that orders by the customers conform to the Principals terms and conditions (e.g. prices, delivery terms, etc.): if this is not the case (because the agent has given incorrect information to the prospective customer) the principal will be in an embarrassing situation (at least from the commercial point of view) if the refuses the order.代理人在与顾客洽商业务时,应严格按照委托人向其交代的销售合同的条款和条件对“产品”进行报价。3.5. The Agent is not entitled to receive payments on the Principals behalf without prior written authorization from the Principal to that effect. When the Agent has been so authorized, he must transmit them as soon as possible to the Principal and until then hold them separately on deposit on the Principals behalf.代理人未经委托人对该事项的事先书面授权,无权代表委托人收取付款。如果业经授权收款,则代理人必须尽快将付款转交给委托人,而在转交之前,应以委托人的名义将付款单独地存放。Art. 4 Acceptance of orders by the Principal 第四条 委托人接受定单4.1. The Principal shall inform the Agent without undue delay of his acceptance or rejection of the orders transmitted by the latter. The Principal may accept or reject any individual order transmitted by the Agent at his own discretion.委托人应不无故迟延地通知代理人对其转交的定单予以接受或拒绝。委托人对代理人转交的任何定单的接受或拒绝可由其自行决定。4.2. The Principal may not however unreasonably reject the orders transmitted by the Agent. In particular, a repeated refusal of orders contrary to good faith (e.g. if made for the only purpose of hindering the Agents activity) shall be considered as a breach of contract by the Principal.但是委托人不得无理地拒绝接受代理人所转交的定单。应特别指出有悖诚信原则的反复拒绝接受定单(例如,这样做的目的只是妨碍代理人的活动),则被认为是委托人违约。Art. 5 Undertaking not to compete 第五条 保证不进行竞争5.1. Without the prior written authorization of the Principal, the Agent shall not represent, manufacture or distribute any products which are in competition with the Products, for the entire term of this contract.未经委托人事先以书面授权,代理人在合同的全部期限内不得代表、制造或经销与“产品”相竞争的任何产品。5.2. The Agent may represent, distribute or manufacture any products which are not competitive with the Products, provided he informs the Principal in advance of such activity. However, the above obligation to inform the Principal does not apply if, in consideration: (i) of the characteristics of the products which the Agent wants to represent, and (ii) of the field of activity of the principal for whom the Agent wishes to act, it is unreasonable to expect that the Principals interests may be affected.代理人可以代表、经销或制造与“产品”无竞争的任何产品,但是应在进行上述活动前事先通知委托人。然而,如果考虑到鉴于:()代理人打算代理的产品的性能以及()代理人打算为之进行代理业务的委托人的经营范围,委托人的利益按合理的期待可能不会被影响,则上述向委托人事先通知的义务不适用。5.3. The Agent shall refrain from representing or distributing non-competitive products of a manufacturer who is a competitor of the Principal, if requested to do so by the Principal, provided the latters request is reasonable, taking into account all the circumstances of the case. E.g. if there are reasons to fear that the collaboration with a competitor may impair the confidence between the parties or the protection of confidential information.若委托人如此要求,并且从实际情况来看该要求是合理的,则代理人须不为与委托人竞争的制造商代表或经销非竞争性产品。5.4. The Agent declares that he represents (and/or distributes or manufactures, directly or indirectly) the products listed in Annex II on the date on which this contract is signed.在本合同签字之日,代理人宣布对附件所列举的产品作为代表(和或直接或间接地进行经销或制造)。Art. 6 Sales organization, Advertising and Fairs 第六条 销售机构、广告和展销6.1. The Agent shall provide an adequate organization for sales and, where appropriate, after-sale service, with all necessary means and personnel, in order to ensure the fulfillment of his obligations throughout the Territory under this agreement.为了保证在整个“地区”履行本协议项下的义务,代理人应以必要的手段和人力建立充分的销售机构,并且当适宜时,建立售后服务。6.2. The parties may agree on the advertising to be jointly made in the Territory. The contents of any advertising must be approved by the Principal. The cost of advertising carried out by the Agent shall be apportioned between the parties as indicated in Annex III, 1.当事人可同意在“地区”内联合进行宣传广告。广告的内容必须经委托人批准。代理人所作广告的费用应按附件三的规定,由当事人分摊。6.3. The parties shall agree on their participation in fairs or exhibitions within the Territory. The cost of the Agents participation in such fairs and exhibitions shall be apportioned between the parties as indicated in Annex III, 2.当事人应同意参加在“地区”内举办的交易会或展览会。代理人参加交易会和展览会的费用应按附件三的规定由当事人分摊。Art. 7 Sales Targets-Guaranteed Minimum Target第七条 销售目标 保证完成的最低目标A distinction is made between a “sales target“ (7.1., 7.2.) the non-attainment of which does not, in principle, involve a contract breach, and o “guaranteed minimum target“ (7.3.), which implies a possible contract termination (or other consequences) in case of non-attainment. If the parties wish to agree upon such “guaranteed minimum target“, they must fill in Annex IV.7.1. The parties may agree annually on the sales targets for the forthcoming year.当事人可每年商定来年的销售目标。7.2. The parties shall make their best efforts to attain the targets agreed upon but the non attainment shall not be considered as a breach of the contract by a party, unless that party is clearly at fault.当事人应竭尽全力地实现商定的目标,但是未实现目标不应认为是某一方的违约,除非该方有明显的过错。7.3. In Annex IV the parties may agree on a Guaranteed Minimum Target and on the consequences of its non-attainment.在附件五中当事人可以商定保证完成的最低目标以及未能实现目标的后果。Art 8 Sub-agents 第八条 分代理人(In certain circumstances it may be advisable to add a clause providing that each party agrees not to engage subagents and/or employees of the other party. ) The Agent may engage sub-agent. The Agent must carry out agents, provided he informs his activity without recourse the Principal at least one month before the engagement to sub-agents. The Agent shall be responsible for the activities of his subagents.代理人可以聘用分代理人,但至少代理人必须自己进行业务活动,不依但至少在聘用前一个月通知委托人。代理人应对分代理人的活动责。Art. 9 Principal to be kept informed 第九条 向委托人通报情况9.1. The Agent shall exercise due diligence to keep the Principal informed about his activities, market conditions and the state of competition within the Territory. He shall answer any reasonable request for information made by the Principal.代理人应以适当勤勉向委托人通报其在“地区”内的活动,市场情况以及竞争状况,代理人应答复委托人提出的合理的有关提供信息的要求。9.2. The Agent shall exercise due diligence to keep the Principal informed about:代理人应以适当勤勉向委托人通报有关:(i) the laws and regulations which are to apply in the Territory to which the Products must conform (e.g. import regulations, labeling, technical specifications, safety requirements, etc.), and在“地区”内要实施的“产品”必须符合的法律和法规,(如进口条例、标签、技术规格、安全要求等);(ii) the laws and regulations concerning his activity, as far as that they are relevant for the Principal.有关代理人业务活动的法律和法规,只要是与委托人有关。Art. 10 Financial responsibility 第十条 财务责任10.1. The Agent shall satisfy himself, with due diligence, of the solvency of customers whose orders he transmits to the Principal. He shall not transmit orders from customers of which he knows or ought to know that they are in a critical financial position, without informing the Principal in advance of such fact.代理人应以适当勤勉查明他向委托人转交定单的顾客的支付能力。对于代理人知道或应该知道财务处于危急情势的顾客之定单,在未事先向委托人通报这种情况下,不得将其定单转交委托人。10.2. The Agent shall act as a del credere agent only if, and to the extent, the parties have expressly agreed thereto. In that case they should complete and sign Annex V.只有经当事人明确商定并仅在双方商定的范围内,代理人才能充当担保买方信用的代理人。双方为此应填写并签署附件五。Art. 11 Principals trademarks and symbols 第十一条 委托人的商标和标志11.1. The Agent shall use the Principals trademarks, trade names or any other symbols, but for the only purpose of identifying and advertising the Products, within the scope of this contract and in the Principals sole interest.代理人应使用委托人的商标、商名和其它任何标志,但其唯一目的是为了识别和宣传“产品”,而且只限于在本合同的范围内和为了委托人的利益。11.2. The Agent hereby agrees neither to register, nor to have registered, any trademarks, trade names or symbols of the Principal (or which are confusingly similar with the Principals ones), in the Territory or elsewhere.代理人在此同意不在本“地区”或其它地区将委托人的商标、商名或标志(或与以上商标、商名或标志相近似而可能引起混乱名)如以注册或使之被注册。11.3. The right to use the Principals trademarks, trade names or symbols, as provided for under the first paragraph of this article, shall cease immediately for the Agent, on the expiration or termination, for any reason, of the present contract.本条第一所规定的关于使用委托人的商标、商名或标志的权利,在本合同期满或由于任何原因而终止时,应立即终结。11.4. The Agent shall notify the Principal of any infringement of the Principals trademarks, trade names or symbols that comes to his notice.代理人一旦发现委托人的商标、商名或标志被侵权时,应通知委托人。Art. 12 Complaints by Customers 第十二条 顾客投诉The Agent shall immediately inform the Principal of any observations or complaints received from customers in respect of the Products. The parties hereto shall deal promptly and properly with such complaints. The Agent has no authority to engage in any way the Principal, unless after he has received a specific authorization to such effect.代理人应立即将收到的或注意到的顾客对“产品”的意见或投诉通知委托人。当事人应及时并恰当地处理这些投诉。除非代理人收到专门的书面授权,他无权以任何方式将委托人卷入。Art. 13 Exclusivity 第十三条 排他性13.1. The Principal shall not, during the life of this contract, grant any other person or undertaking within the Territory the right to represent or sell the Products.委托人在本合同有效期内,不得授予“地区”内的其他人或企业“产品”的代理权和销售权。13.2. The Principal is however entitled to deal directly, without the Agents intervention (provided he informs the latter) with customers situated in the Territory; in respect of any sales arising therefrom, the Agent shall be entitled to the commission provided for in this contract.然而,委托人有权与“地区”内的顾客直接进行交易而无须代理人介入(但应通知代理人);经此形成的任何销售,代理人应有权取得按本合同规定的佣金。13.3. The Principal shall be entitled to deal directly with the special customers listed in Annex VI, 2; in respect of the sales to such customers the Agent shall be entitled to the reduced commission provided for in Annex VI, 2. Paragraph 13.3. shall not apply if 2 of Annex VI (Special customers/Reduced commission) has not been filled in by the parties.委托人有权与附件六所列举的特别顾客直接进行交易;同这一类顾客的销售,代理人应有权取得按附件六规定的减低的佣金。如果当事人未 填写附件六(特别顾客与减低的佣金),则第款不适用。Art. 14 Agent to be kept informed 第十四条 向代理人通报情况14.1. The Principal shall provide the Agent with all necessary written information relating to the Products (such as price lists, brochures, etc.) as well as with the information needed by the Agent for carrying out his obligations under the contract.委托人应向代理人提供有关“产品”的所有必要的书面资料(诸如价格表、宣传小册子等)以及代理人为履行本合同义务而需要的其它资料。


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