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三大从句考点提问清单写作应用 1 代人或物 充当主宾表 充宾可省 不用于非限定 不介连 代物或前文整件事 充当主宾表 用于句首 或与thesame such连用时 表人 whom做宾语 可介连 做定语 ofwhich whom 作时间状语 作地点状语 作原因状语 2 只用that的几种情况 当不定代词anything nothing all much few any little等作先行词时 eg ThatisallthatIwanttosay TherewaslittlethatIcoulddoforyou 2 先行词为序数词 形容词最高级或theonly thevery修饰时 ThisisthebestfilmthatIhaveeverseen Thisistheverydictionarythatiwanttobuy 3 2 引导词that用法小结与应用 a 引导定从 见表 写作应用 1 这是我所见过最好的电影 b 引导名从 写作应用 1 许多人支持这样的观点 帮助他人就意味着帮助自己 beinfavoroftheideathat 2 众所周知 不是每个人都将被大学录取 ThisisthebestfilmthatIhaveeverseen 只连不充当成分 引导宾从可省 Manypeopleareinfavoroftheideathathelpingothersmeanshelpingthemselves Asiswellknown noteveryonecanbeadmittedtocollege 4 c 用于强调句 写作应用 1 也就是你的帮助 对我的人生起了很大作用 d 含that的状从 写作应用 1 他的表现如此出色以至于受到了经理的表扬 提示 除了引导从句 that用法有 写作应用 1 天津的人口比北京的人口少 Itisyourhelpthatmakesadifferencetomylife 只连不充当成分 so such that inorderthat forfearthat onconditonthat Hedidsowellthathewaspraisedbythemanager Sowelldidhedothathewaspraisedbythemanager adv 很 代词 代可单 不可名词或整件事 ThepopulationofTianjinislargerthanthatofBeijing 5 3 引导词which理解与应用 a 引导定从时 写作应用 1 天津有很多名胜古迹 是一个历史悠久的大城市 2 他为母亲买了个新电视 这使得母亲非常高兴 b 引导名从时 2 我也不知道在这次比赛中那支队会赢得最后的胜利 代物或前文整件事 Tianjinisabigcitywhichhaslotsofplacesofinterestandalonghistory HeboughthismotheranewTV whichmadehismotherverydelighted 连接代词 adj性 作定语 Idon tknowwhichteamwillwinthefinalvictoryeither 6 4 成分解题步骤 判定从句 类型 看所缺成分 锁定连词1 Ishallneverforgetthedays IlivedinTianJin 2 Ishallneverforgetthedays Ispentwithmycousin A thatB onwhichC whenD where3 Iwanttotellyouisthedeeploveandrespect Ihaveformyparents That thatB What whichC Which whatD What what4 Thequestionis teamwillwinthematch A ThatB WhatC WhichD This5 AfterlivinginPair50yearshereturnedtothesmalltown hegrewupasachild A whichB thatC whereD when C A 7 AfterlivinginPair50yearshereturnedtothesmalltown hegrewupasachild A whichB thatC whereD whenIvisitedthecountry hadbeenbombedbytheUS ledNATOamonthbefore A whereB C thatD inwhich 题型变换 AfterlivinginPair50yearshereturnedtothesmalltown hegrewupasachildin A whichB thatC whereD when in 8 5 定从与同位语从句中的隔离现象 ThisisthebookonthedeskwhichIborrowedfromourlibrary 写作应用 1 中国人被歧视的日子一去不返了 2 我们班赢得了比赛的消息传来了 Wordcamethat 一隔介短 二隔谓语 ThedaysaregonewhentheChinsewerelookeddownon Wordcamethatourclasswonthismatch 9 6 写作时要注意从句中的语义重复 改错 1 Theboywhoweoftenplaywithhimisourmonitor 2 ThisisthehousewhereIlivedintwoyearsago 10 7 定语从句中的whose怎么用 Ivisitedascientist nameisknownalloverthecountry 用ofwhom替换 Theclassroom doorisbrokenwillsoonberepaired 用ofwhich替换 写作应用 1 许多父母在大城市工作的孩子不得不由家里的老人照顾 2 我有两个哥哥 其中一个是个医生 whose thenameofwhom whose thedoorofwhich ManychildrenwhoseparentsworkinbigcitiesHavetobetakencareofbytheoldfamilies Ihavetwobrothers oneofwhomisadoctor 11 8 介词 关系代词可以 只存在于定语从句中 写作应用 1 雷锋是我们应该学习的好榜样 关系副词 LeiFengisagoodexamplefromwhomweshouldlearn 12 介词的判定 还原法 LeiFeng whomweshouldlearnisourgoodexample LeiFengweshouldlearn isourgoodexample Thisistheboy whomIplayedtennisyesterday Ilikethiscity whichIhavelivedformorethantenyears whom LeiFeng from from with in from from with 13 1 Thesungivesusheatandlight whichwecan tlive 2 Theengineer whommyfatherworksisabout50yearsold 3 I llneverforgettheday whichshesaidgood byetome 4 Whocangivemethereason whichhehasn tturnedupyet for with on without 14 9 as在从句中的应用 a as引导定从 Thisissuchaninterestingbook wealllike 写作应用 1 正如谚语所说 有志者事竟成 b as引导 状语从句 写作应用 1 随着时间的流逝 我们都长大了 2 入乡随俗 用于句首 或与thesame such as Asthesayinggoes wherethereisawill thereisaway 时间 原因 方式 让步 Astimegoesby wegrowold WhenyouareinRome doasRomesdo 15 作时间状语 只连不充当成分 引导宾从可省 只连接不充当成分 带疑问 只引导表语从句 表事物 充当从句主 宾 表 定 表人 充当从句主 宾 连接代词 adj性 作定语 做定语 表谁的 作地点状语 作原因状语 作方式状语或表程度 16 写作应用 1 大家正在讨论关于是否我们应该熬夜来学习 2 他很想知道我们如何按时完成任务 3 他住在哪里没人知道 Wearedicussingaboutwhetherweshouldstayuptostudy Hewonderedhowwecanfinishtaskontime Nobodyknowswherehelives 17 11 引导词what理解与应用 a what只引导名从 写作应用 1 他所说的与所做的截然不同 nothinglike 2 重要的是你要学会听从别人的建议 whatisimportant whatmattersmostisthat 表事物 充当主 宾 表 定 Whathesaidisnothinglikewhathedid Whatmattersmostisthatyouneedtolearntofollowtheothers advice 18 b whatever既可引导 也可以引导 nomatterwhat 写作应用 1 无论我们遇到了什么困难 我们都要努力克服 2 无论你做什么都和我没有关系 名从 状从 Nomatterwhatdifficultywemeet wemusttryourbesttoovercomeit Whateveryoudoisnoneofmybusiness Whateveryoudohasnothingtodowithme 19 12 名从中的形式主语与形式宾语 写作应用 1 很肯定的是 成功在于不断的努力 itiscertainthat 2 他不应该把别人帮助他当成理所应当的事情 takeitforgrantedthat 3 很明显 他不断的努力成就了他最后的成功 Itiscertainthatsuccessliesintheconstantefforts Heshouldn ttakeitforgrantedthatothershelpedhim Itisobviousthathisconstanteffortscontributetohisfinalvictory 20 13 宾语从句的时态规则 主过去从句 主现在从句 从句是客观事实或真理一律用 写作应用 1 小的时候 老师告诉我光的速度比声音的速度要快 2 昨天 当我邀请他去看电影的时候 他说他已经看过这部电影两次了 用过去的相应时态 看情况而定 一般现在时 Theteachertoldhisclassthatlighttravelsfasterthansoundwhenhewasachild Yesterday hesaidhehadseenthismoivetwicewhenIinvitedhimtogotothecinema 21 14 表语从句的特殊引导词because asif用法 写作应用 1 他看起来好像很疲惫 2 他生病了 那就是他今天没来的原因 why thereasonwhyisthat Helooksasifheisverytired Hewasill Thatiswhywasabsenttoday Thereasonwhyhewasabsentwasthathewasill 22 同位语从句个性考点 15 同位语从句与定语从句异同 Thenewsthattheyhadwonthegamesoonspreadoverthewholeschool Thenewsthatyoutoldmeyesterdaywasreallydisappointing 归纳总结 两类从句一般都放在 之后 而同位语从句前的名词多为抽象名词 从句补充说明 指出内容 that在从句中 成分 而定从是对前名词进行 that在定从中 成分 名词 不充当 修饰限定 充当 23 写作英语 1 毫无疑问的是没有什么比生命更重要 2 我们赢得比赛的消息很快在校园里传开了 3 你昨天告诉我的消息很令人失望 Wordcamethatwewonthismatchinourschool Thereisnodoubtthatnothingismoreimportantthanlife Thenewsthatyoutoldmeyesterdayisdisappointing 24 16 名词性从句中的虚拟有哪些 写作 1 我们应该养成好的学习习惯这很重要 2 真该是我们好好学习的时候了 3 我的建议是我们要懂得如何记笔记 Itisimportantthatweshouldformgoodhabitsofstudying Itistimethatwestudiedhard Itistimethatweshouldstudyhard Mysuggestionisthatwe should knowhowtotakenotes 25 16 名词性从句中的虚拟语气 It ssuggestedthattheplan be carriedout Hisfalefacesuggestedthathe be verytired Heinsistedthatwestudents finish ourhomeworkbyourselves Thethiefinsistedthathe notsteal thebook should be was should finish hadn tstolen 归纳总结 坚持 命令 建议 要求 构成的名从谓语用 但suggust表 时不用虚拟 insist表示坚持自身很肯定的事情 虚拟 表明 暗示 不用 should do 26 17 如何判定连词个数 1 Oneofthemenheldtheview thebooksaidwasright whatthatB thatwhatthatwhichD whichthat2 isknownisthatheisafamousscientist A ItB ThatC WhatD As 谓动词个数 2个谓语 2个句子 一个连词 27 18 从一句多译看从句间的转换 1 他把书放在小孩子够不到的地方 状从 定从 2 这就是所有我要告诉你的 定从 名从 Heputthebookwherethekidscant reachit Heputthebookintheplacewherethekidscant reachit ThisisallthatIwanttotellyou ThisiswhatIwanttotellyou 28 3 无论谁违反了校规 都要收到惩罚 名从 定从 状从 4 众所周知 他是个著名的作家 定语从句 主语从句 主从 表从 Whoeverbreaksthelawwillbepunished Anyonewhobreaksthelawwillbepunished Whoeverbreaksthelaw hewillbepunished nomatterwho Asweknow heisafamouswriter Asisknown heisafamouswriter Itisknownthatheisafamouswriter Whatisknownisthatheisafamouswriter 29 30 31 32 一 AdverbialClausesofTime时间状语从句 When while as区别 考题探究 OneFriday wewerepackingtoleaveforaweekendaway mydaughterheardcriesforhelp A afterB whileC sinceD when考点总结1 三个词中只有 可以接暂时性动词 典型句型 wasdoingsomething whenwasabouttodo whenwasonthepointofdoingsth when 思考 三个词的共同点 when 都表 的时候 都接延续性动词 33 考题探究 Wearecleaningtheclassroom theyareplayingthefootball A whenB whileC asD themoment 考题探究 Iacceptthatheisnotperfect Idoactuallyliketheperson A WhileB SinceC BeforeD Unless考点总结2 可强调对比 表 然而 有时候也表转折 意为 考题探究 timegoesby weallgrowold A afterB withC sinceD As考点总结3 只有 表 随着 典型句型 随着社会的发展 Associetydevelops Withsocietydeveloping Withthedevelopmentofsociety while 尽管 变式思考 timegoingby weallgrowold afterB withC sinceD As as 34 考题探究 1 01北京春 DidyouremembertogiveMarythemoneyyouowedher Yes Igaveittoher Isawher A whileB themomentC suddenlyD although2 1998上海 Ithoughtherniceandhonest Imether A firsttimeB forthefirsttimeC thefirsttimeD bythefirsttime3 enteredtheofficewhenherealizedthathehadforgottenhisreport A HehardlyhadB HadhehardlyC HardlyhadheD Hardlyhehad B C C 35 2 总结 一 就 1 Thethiefwascaught hearrivedinDalian 2 arrive inDalian thethiefwascaught 3 Hardly thethiefarrivedinDalian hewascaught 4 Thethief arrivedinDalianthanhewascaught 考点4 注意时态与倒装 1 I give thelettertoherassoonasIseeher 2 I give thelettertoherthemomentIsawher 3 Nosooner I go tobedthanI go tosleep assoonas2 Themoment minute instant 3 immediately directly instantly 4 hardly when nosooner than5 Ondoingsth assoonas Onarriving had when hadnosooner willgive gave gone went 36 3 since 自从 时态要谨记 常规 He work heresincehe leave hishometown 考题探究 1 Ithasbeen isthreeyears Icamehere 2 Itwas5am wearrivedatthevillage 3 Itwas willbetwoweeks wemet meetagain 考点总结5 时间点对应 时间段 从句用过去 主句一般现在或现完 用 主将从现或主从皆过去 用 hasworked left since when before when since before 变式思考 Itwasthreeyearsago Icamehere A whenB sinceC beforeD that 37 小试牛刀1 04福建 Scientistssayitmaybefiveorsixyears itispossibletotestthismedicineonhumanpatients A sinceB afterC beforeD when2 05北京春 Itisalmostfiveyears wesaweachotherlasttime A beforeB sinceC afterD because C B 38 4 until till till不用于句首 基本用法 主句为持续性动词 主句肯定 意为 到 为止 如 Heremainedtheretill untilshearrived 主句短暂性动词时 用否定 意思是 直到 才 如 Shewon tgotobedtill untilhereturnshome 思考 将上述划线句子变成强调句与倒装句 强调句 倒装 Itisnotuntilhereturnshomethatshewillgotobed Notuntilhereturnshomewillshegotobed 39 二 条件状语从句 if unless as solongas onconditionthat incase 万一 once 考题探究 Itisknowntoallthat youexerciseregularly youwon tkeepgoodhealth A unlessB wheneverC althoughD if 考题探究 IalwaystakesomethingtoreadwhenIgotothedoctor s Ihavetowait 05全国卷3 A incaseB sothatC inorderD asif考点7 unless相当于ifnot 意思是 除非 如果不 就 考点8 incase incaseof 句子 词语 40 考题探究 Onlyifyoueatthecorrectfood beabletokeepfit A willyouB canyouC youcanD youwill 考题探究 Ifailedinthetestagain Ihadmadeagoodpreparationforit A onlyifB ifonlyC whenD unless考点总结9 onlyif意为 主语 ifonly意为 从句部分用 写作练习 只用用这种方式 我们才能获取成功 只有 如果 半倒装 要是就好了 虚拟 Onlyinthiswaycanwemakesuccess 41 三 原因状语从句 because since now inthat as for 并列句 只放句中 选词填空 1 Whywereyouabsentfromthemeetingyesterday Iwasill 2 everybodyishere let sbeginourmeeting 3 youdidn tturnupatyesterday sget together wemissedyouverymuch Itmusthaverainedlastnight thegroundiswet Because Since As for 42 四 让步状从 though although while as evenif though nomatterwh wh ever whether or 考题探究 1 lateheis hisfamilywillwaitforhimtohavedinnertogether 2 difficultiesweface wewillnevergiveuphope 3 yousayisofnousenow 考点总结10 只用于状从 既引导状从 也引导名从 adj adv n 句序相当于感叹句 However Whatever Whatever nomatterwh wh ever however whatever 43 考点11 尽管 值多少 考题探究 Child heis heknowsalot as引导的让步状从须倒装 heisachild heknowsalot 考点总结11 不可倒 必须倒 可倒可不到 although though whileas as though Although while though althoughwhile as though 44 五 地点状语从句 考题探究 Heplantedalotoftrees therearemountainsandrivers A whereB whichC inwhichD when考点12 注意与状从与定从的区别 在定从中where可以 介词 which 45 六 方式状从 as asif though 考题探究 1 When youare inRome do theRomansdo 2 Youlookasifyou be verytired 3 Hetalksaboutthemoonasifhe be there 考点13 asif though有时候用虚拟 对现在虚拟用 对过去虚拟用 as is hasbeen did haddone 46 七 比较状语从句 考题探究 1 Thisbuildingistwice high thanthatone 2 Thisbuildingisthreetimesas high asthatone 3 Thisbuildingisthreetimesthe high ofthatone 考点总结14 倍数表达法 先倍数后比较 1 A 倍数 比较级 thanB2 A 倍数 as原级as B3 A 倍数 thesize height weight lengthetc ofB higher high height 47 比较级表示最高级意义 1 用比较级表示 Heistallerthan anyotherstudentinhisclass anyoneelseinhisclass alltheotherstudentsinhisclass Heisthetalleststudentinhisclass 48 49 八 目的状语从句 sothat inorderthat forfearthat 翻译句子1 Moststudentsgotocollegesothattheycanbeengineers teachersorchemists 2 Hetookthenamedownforfearthatheshouldforgetit 50 九 结果状语从句 so that such that sothat 考题探究 1 Tomstudied hardthathepassedtheexam 2 Heearned littlemoneythathecouldn tsupporthisfamily 3 Itis fineweatherthatweallwanttogotothepark 考点总结15 n adj adv 但n 前有many much little few时用 可数名词单数时 a an adj n adj a an n so so such such so so such so 51 考点16 so such adj n位于句首时半倒 Socold theweatherthatwehadtostayathome 考点17 定从与结果状从区别 as thatThisissuchaninterestingbook wealllike Thisissuchaninterestingbook wealllikeit was as that 52


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