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毕 业 设 计(论 文)外 文 参 考 资 料 及 译 文译文题目: 如何防范网络金融风险 How to guard against financial risks networkProfessor Kristian BehrensThis article is an excerpt from the “Journal of Economic Geography, “ November 2009 2First, the definition of network financeNetwork Finance is a computer network for the technical support of the financial activities and related activities in general, is a network of information technology and product of the combination of modern finance, but it is not a simple combination of the two, but a financial industry and even all industries An operating mechanism, is the future of enterprise system development. Narrowly understood, refers to the financial network of financial service providers based on the host to the Internet or communications network for the media, through the financial data and business processes embedded software platform, user interface terminal mode of operation of the new financial ; from a broad understanding of the concept of network finance their mode of operation also includes matching network of financial institutions, networks and related financial markets, regulatory and other external environment. Including: e-money, online banking, online payment, network security and network insurance.Second, the network of financial riskNetwork mainly engaged in the financial settlement of electronic money and electronic virtual financial services, in addition to traditional financial activities which exist in the process of credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, currency risk and market risk, from a technical, business and legal perspective, There are the following specific risks:1. Technology risk(1) hacker attacks. The operation of the network must rely on financial transactions, computer and Internet, all transactions are stored in the computer, the transmission of online information is easy to become a large network of “hacker“ attack. In addition, Web access is a form of Internet service, is also a network of financial institutions trading and services platform, but it depends on TCP / IP protocol, there are many security vulnerabilities. This gives hackers broke into financial institutions through the network to create the conditions for the system. Hackers only need to use loopholes in the system itself, “only need to modify a few settings “ you can allow financial institutions to a standstill.(2) technology selection risk. To carry out financial business networks, they must choose a proven technology solutions to support. Once there is choice, there will be a result of selection for the same mistakes which led to the risk. One possibility is to choose the technology system and client terminal software compatibility due to poor speed of information transmission interruption or reduction, another risk is that of technical alternatives have been eliminated, resulting in relatively backward technology, the network out of date, leading to enormous technical and Loss of business opportunities. Financial terms of the network, technology choice may lose all of the market failure, or even lose the basis for survival.2. Business risks.(1) operational risk. Operational risk from the system reliability, stability and security caused major defects in the possibility of potential loss may come from the negligence of online financial customers, may also come from the financial security system network and its products, design flaws and operational errors . Operational risk relates primarily to authorize the use of online financial accounts, the network of financial risk management systems, networks, financial institutions and the exchange of information among customers, true and false recognition of electronic money.(2) the risk of market signals. Market risk is due to signal asymmetric information network of financial institutions led to the face of adverse selection and moral hazard arising from business risks. Such as Internet banking customers can not identify the risk level of the Internet at a disadvantage, online customers may use their hidden information and action to make the network to their advantage at the expense of the interests of the decision-making banks and leaving because of adverse public comment on Internet Banking Risk of losing customers and sources of funding risks.(3) credit risk. Reputation risk is the network of financial institutions can not create good customer relations, can not establish their own good reputation, and thus can not engage in financial business. Once the virtual network of financial institutions to provide financial services can not achieve the expected level of the public, or adverse reactions in the community, or network security system of financial institutions have been destroyed to form a network of financial credit risk.3. Legal risks. The legal risks of financial networks, mainly from two aspects: First, violation of relevant laws, regulations and system requirements, and online transactions failed to comply with the provisions of the relevant rights and obligations. These laws and regulations, including consumer protection laws, financial disclosure system, privacy protection, intellectual property protection law and currency system. Second, the lack of network financial law. China Internet Finance still in its infancy, is still quite a lack of appropriate laws and regulations. Therefore, using the Internet to provide or receive financial services, signed an economic contract rights and obligations in the face considerable legal risk, vulnerable to undue disputes, not only increase the cost of online financial transactions, and even affect the Development of the financial health of the network.Third, improve the network to prevent and control financial risksPoint of the network of financial risks, involving a wide range of interests, it is necessary to perfect legal environment, strengthening access management, a sound regulatory system, adjust the regulatory strategy and other aspects, a multi-pronged, comprehensive treatment.1. Improve the legal system.(1) legislative efforts to increase the network of financial, clear the network of financial rights and obligations of relevant subjects.(2) to develop rules of fair trade network. In the identification and validation of digital signatures, transactions preservation of evidence, the transaction and both parties share responsibility for the protection of personal information of consumers to make detailed provisions to ensure transaction security, digital evidence when disputes arise and transactions in a real and effective personal Privacy.2. Enhanced market access management.(1) The status of the technology infrastructure as one of the conditions of market access. Financial services applications for operating the network of financial institutions not only a considerable scale of network equipment, but also need to have confirmed the legality of trading partners, to prevent tampering with trading information and prevent information leakage and other aspects of key technologies.(2) to develop rigorous internal control system. Publicity for the network of financial services, information disclosure, and system design have institutional arrangements, the establishment of a network of financial institutions or a new business, the must have sound risk identification, identification, management, risk cover and disposal programs.(3) to develop and improve the types of transactions operating procedures. Applications to open accounts for customers, customer authorization statement, the general development of trading procedures, rules to prevent illegal trading and online financial transaction system against criminal activities.(4) the implementation of the network type of financial business management. Development of classification standards, banking and financial services capabilities and the ability to credit rating, thus a variety of services on the network to carry out the financial restrictions and permits.3. Improve the regulatory system.(1) improve the network of financial risk monitoring systems. The establishment of “national (network) Financial Risk Management Committee.“(2) to strengthen collaborative supervision. “Committee“ of the member units and other relevant regulatory authorities to share information resources among each other and opening up their own information database, and regularly informed of their supervision, promote joint supervision, supervision of financial risks to improve network accuracy and timeliness.(3) to strengthen international cooperation in financial supervision network. Meanwhile, the network with international cooperation in financial supervision to strengthen the network of bank borrowing way illegal tax evasion, money laundering and other acts, the way the use of Internet banking transnational smuggling, illegal arms trafficking activities such as arms and drug trafficking, illegal attack on the use of Internet banking other sites internet bank hackers, and other international criminal activities a full range of monitoring, the formation of the network can effectively protect the financial health of the global network operations and is responsible for the supervision of the financial system.4. Adjust the control strategy.(1) and improve the modernization level of financial supervision network. In the practice, we should have complete control of the network of financial institutions to improve the business operation of the network capacity and the forecast level of financial risk, and enhance macro-control of the systematic and forward-looking, but also to strengthen financial supervision and standardization of network construction, improve the network of financial supervision modern and scientific level.(2) improve the network of financial and non-site inspection of the site content system. On-site inspection should focus on the technical elements to be checked.(3) the establishment of mandatory information disclosure system. Follow the “open, fair and just“ principle, development of financial services than the traditional more stringent information disclosure rules, norms, disclosure of the content, format, frequency and responsibilities and so on, through the financial statements, disclosure of the online publicity and other means of financial networks business information.(4) Innovative forms of regulation. Take full advantage of information superiority, the establishment of real-time tracking and monitoring systems, strengthen monitoring, while also taking on the network “rules, patrol checks,“ the way the operational status of the network and whether the financial “irregularities“ carry out spot checks found that, in a timely manner to correct or take punitive measures.5. Building security system.(1) accelerate research and development with Chinas own intellectual property rights of advanced information technology. Including computer equipment, communications equipment, system software, encryption algorithms, from the protection of national financial security and national economic security perspective to improve network security.(2) improving the network operating environment. Computer networks and centers to strengthen the management of the engine room, increase physical security measures for computer input, and enhance computer systems of key technologies and key equipment against attacks, anti-virus capabilities, maintenance of computer hardware security, ensure network banks rely on network hardware The normal operation of the environment safe.(3) secure access. On the one hand through the network of physical and logical isolation means isolation, and physical resources to unauthorized users isolated from each other, on the other hand through the application of the authentication and grading systems such as login authorization to restrict access to unauthorized users.References:1 Kun-Li Wen. A Matlab Toolbox for Grey Clustering and FuzzyComprehensive EvaluationJ .Advances in Engineering Soft-ware, 2008, 39 (1) :137-145 .2 Narendra K S, Parthasarathy K. Identification and control of dynamical systems using neural networks .IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1999, 1 (1) :4-27 .3 Arnold F Shapiro. The merging of neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms .Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2002, 31 (1) :115-131 .4 Ghiassi M, Saidane H, Zimbra D K. A dynamic artificial neural network model for forecasting time series events .International Journal of Forecasting, 2005, 21(2) :341-362 .5 Shintani M,Linton O. Nonparametric Neural Network Estimationof Lyapunov Exponents and a Direct Test for ChaosJ .Journal ofEconometrics, 2004, 120 (1) :1-33 .6 Eric Fenmore. Making Purchase-Order Financing Work for You .The Secured lender, 2004, 60 (2) :20-24 .7 Internet Banking and Technology Risk Management Guidelines,Version3.0 .Monetary Authority of Singapore, .如何防范网络金融风险克里斯蒂安贝伦斯教授本文是摘自于经济地理杂志中的一篇文章2009 年 11 月第 2 期一、网络金融的定义网络金融是对以电脑网络为技术支撑的金融活动和相关活动的总称,是网络信息技术与现代金融相结合的产物,但它并不是二者的简单结合,而是一种金融业乃至所有行业的一种运行机制,是未来企业机制发展的方向。从狭义上理解,网络金融是指以金融服务提供者的主机为基础,以因特网或者通信网络为媒介,通过内嵌金融数据和业务流程的软件平台,以用户终端为操作界面的新型金融运作模式;从广义上理解,网络金融的概念还包括与其运作模式相配套的网络金融机构、网络金融市场以及相关的、监管等外部环境。包括:电子货币、网络银行、网上支付、网络证券及网络保险等。二、网络金融的风险网络金融主要经营电子货币和电子结算等虚拟金融业务,因而除了具有传统金融活动过程中存在的信用风险、流动性风险、利率风险、汇率风险和市场风险外,从技术、业务和法律角度分析,还存在以下特定风险:1.技术风险(1)黑客攻击。网络金融交易的运行必须依靠计算机和因特网,所有交易资料都在计算机中存储,网上信息的传递很容易成为众多网络“黑客”的攻击目标。另外, Web 访问是 Internet 服务形式的一种,也是网络金融机构提供交易和服务的平台,然而它所依赖的 TCP/IP 协议中存在很多安全漏洞。这就给黑客通过网络闯入金融机构的系统创造了条件。黑客只需要利用系统中本身存在的漏洞, “只需要修改几个设置”就可能让金融机构瘫痪。(2)技术选择风险。要想开展网络金融业务,就必须选择一种成熟的技术解决方案来支撑。而一旦存在选择,就同样会存在因选择失误而导致的风险。一种可能是选择的技术系统与客户终端软件的兼容性差导致的信息传输中断或速度降低,另一种风险就是选择的技术方案已经被淘汰,造成技术相对落后、网络过时,导致巨大的技术和商业机会的损失。对网络金融而言,技术选择失误可能失去全部的市场,甚至失去生存的基础。2业务风险。(1)操作风险。操作风险来源于系统可靠性、稳定性和安全性的重大缺陷而导致潜在损失的可能性,可能来自网络金融客户的疏忽,也可能来自网络金融安全系统和其产品的设计缺陷及操作失误。操作风险主要涉及网络金融账户的授权使用、网络金融的风险管理系统、网络金融机构和客户间的信息交流、真假电子货币识别等。(2)市场信号风险。市场信号风险是指由于信息非对称导致网络金融机构面临不利选择和道德风险而引发的业务风险。如由于网络银行无法在网上鉴别客户的风险水平而处于不利地位,网上客户可能利用他们的隐蔽信息和行动做出对自己有利但损害网络银行利益的决策,以及由于不利的公众评价而使网络银行面临丧失客户和资金来源的风险等。(3)信誉风险。信誉风险是指网络金融机构无法建立良好的客户关系,不能树立自身的良好信誉,从而无法从事金融业务。一旦网络金融机构提供的虚拟金融服务不能达到公众所预期的水平,或者在社会上产生不良反应,或者网络金融机构的安全系统曾经遭到破坏,就形成了网络金融的信誉风险。3法律风险。网络金融的法律风险主要来自两个方面:一是违反相关法律、规章和制度规定,以及在网上交易中没有遵守有关权利义务的规定。这些法律和规章制度包括消费者权益保护法、财务披露制度、隐私保护法、知识产权保护法和货币发行制度等。二是网络金融法律的缺乏。中国网络金融还处于起步阶段,相应的法规还相当缺乏。因此,利用网络提供或接受金融服务,签定经济合同在有关权利与义务等方面面临相当大的法律风险,容易陷入不应有的纠纷之中,不仅增加了网络金融的交易费用,甚至还影响网络金融的健康发展。三、完善对网络金融风险的防范和监管网络金融面临的风险点多、涉及的利益面广,有必要从完善法制环境、加强准入管理、健全监管体制、调整监管策略等方面入手,多管齐下,综合治理。1健全法律制度。(1)加大网络金融的立法力度,明晰网络金融各相关主体的权利义务。(2)制定网络公平交易规则。在数字签名的识别和确认、交易证据的保存、交易双方当事人责任的分担以及消费者个人信息的保护方面做出详细规定,以保证交易安全、出现纠纷时数字证据的真实有效和交易中的个人隐私。2加强市场准入管理。(1)将技术设施状况作为市场准入的条件之一。申请开办网络金融业务的金融机构不仅要有相当规模的网络设备,而且还需要有确认交易对象的合法性、防止篡改交易信息以及防止信息泄露等方面的关键技术。(2)制定严密的内控制度。对网络金融业务的公示、信息披露和系统设计等要有制度性安排,对网络金融机构的设立或新业务的开展,必须具备完善的风险识别、鉴定、管理、风险弥补和处置方案。(3)制定、完善各类交易操作规程。对客户申请开立账户、客户授权的声明、一般交易程序等拟定细则,防止违法交易和侵害网络金融交易系统的违法犯罪活动。(4)对网络金融业务实行类别管理。制定分类标准,对银行金融业务能力和资信能力进行分级,从而对网络金融各种业务的开展加以限制和许可。3完善监管体制。(1)健全网络金融风险监管体系。成立 “国家(网络)金融风险管理委员会” 。(2)加强协同监管。 “委员会”各成员单位和其他相关监管部门之间实现信息资源共享,相互开放各自的信息资料库,并定期通报各自的监管情况,促进联动监管,提高网络金融风险监管的准确性和时效性。(3)加强国际间的网络金融监管合作。同时,借助国际间的网络金融监管合作,加强对借用网络银行方式进行非法避税、洗钱等行为,对利用网络银行方式进行跨国走私、非法贩卖军火武器及贩卖毒品等活动,对利用网络银行非法攻击其他国家网络银行的电脑黑客网站,以及其他国际犯罪活动进行全方位的监管,形成能有力保障中国网络金融健康运行和对全球网络金融负责的监管体系。4调整监管策略。(1)不断提升网络金融监管的现代化水平。在监管实践中,应提高全面掌握网络金融机构业务经营情况的能力和对网络金融风险的预测水平,增强宏观控制的系统性和前瞻性,还要加强网络金融监管规范化建设,提高网络金融监管的现代化、科学化水平。(2)完善对网络金融的现场和非现场检查内容体系。在现场检查中要着重对技术要素进行检查。(3)建立强制信息披露制度。遵循“公开、公平、公正”的原则,制定比传统金融业务更为严格的信息披露规则,规范信息披露的内容、格式、频度及职责等,通过财务报表、网上公示等手段披露有关网络金融业务的信息。(4)创新监管方式。充分利用网络信息优势,建立实时跟踪监测系统,加强监控,同时还可以在网络上采取“制定规则,巡逻抽查”的方式,对网络金融的运行状况及是否“违规”进行抽查,一旦发现,及时纠正或采取处罚措施。5构建安全体系。(1)加快研制和开发具有中国自主知识产权的先进信息技术。包括各种计算机设备、通讯设备、系统软件、加密算法等,从保护国家金融安全和国家经济安全的角度提高网络安全性能。(2)改进网络运行环境。加强计算机网络和中心机房的管理,加大对计算机物理安全措施的投入,增强计算机系统的关键技术和关键设备的防攻击、防病毒能力,维护计算机硬件安全,保证网络银行所依赖的网络等硬件环境能够安全正常运转。(3)实现安全访问。一方面通过网络的物理隔离和逻辑隔离方式,将非法用户与物理资源相互隔离,另一方面通过应用系统的身份验证和分级授权等登录方式,限制非法用户的访问。参考文献:1 Kun-Li Wen. A Matlab Toolbox for Grey Clustering and FuzzyComprehensive EvaluationJ .Advances in Engineering Soft-ware, 2008, 39 (1) :137-145 .2 Narendra K S, Parthasarathy K. Identification and control of dynamical systems using neural networks .IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1999, 1 (1) :4-27 .3 Arnold F Shapiro. The merging of neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms .Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2002, 31 (1) :115-131 .4 Ghiassi M, Saidane H, Zimbra D K. A dynamic artificial neural network model for forecasting time series events .International Journal of Forecasting, 2005, 21(2) :341-362 .5 Shintani M,Linton O. Nonparametric Neural Network Estimationof Lyapunov Exponents and a Direct Test for ChaosJ .Journal ofEconometrics, 2004, 120 (1) :1-33 .6 Eric Fenmore. Making Purchase-Order Financing Work for You .The Secured lender, 2004, 60 (2) :20-24 .7 Internet Banking and Technology Risk Management Guidelines,Version3.0 .Monetary Authority of Singapore, .本文档由【 中文 word 文档库】www.wordwendang.com 提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息;中文 word 文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、报告和经济类 word 文档。word 文档


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