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新起点五年级英语上册教案设计shopping教学目标:1、 认知目标(1)能听懂、会说服装类单词a cap, a vest, a hat, a tie(2)能听懂、会说日常交际用语Can I help you? Id like How much is it? yuan, please.并能较熟练地运用日常交际用语回答。2、能力目标(1)在创设的情境中,通过不同的语调、手势让学生理解对话内容。(2)通过进入角色的语言操练,使学生大体上记住并能熟练运用。3、情感目标通过国丰富多彩的购物,让学生感受到生活的美,感受到学英语的乐趣,从个人激发学生的学习兴趣。重点难点:本课的教学重点是本科的新词、句型与对话Can I help you? What colour? How much is it?教学过程:Step1.Warming upGreetingsT:Good morning, boys and gils.Ss:Good morning, Miss Wang.Step2.Presentation1Took at my sweater. I bought it in the shop.T: Look at here, can you see a shop?(The teacher draws a picture about shop on the blackboard)Ss: Yes we can.T: Lets go shopping.(The teacher writeUnit9 Shoppingon the blackboard)T: Unit9 ShoppingSs: Unit9 ShoppingT: I like shopping. Do you like shopping?Ss: Yes ,we do.T: But what shall we buy? Lets see.1、Lead-in.(课件:显示屏上出现cat and fish)Took at the scream. What would the cat like?(CAI: The cat would like the fish)Ss:The cat would like the fish.T:Who can spell the word cat?S1:C-a-t,cat.T: Well done. Lets spell the word together.Ss: C-a-t, cat.2、Learn new wordhat。(课件:显示出现一顶帽子和一只猫)T: Look at the picture. Whats this in English.Ss: Its a hat.T: Spellhattogether.T:I can say a rhyme:Is it your hat? On the cat? Can you see? I see, I see. It isnt my hat. Its his hat.T:I change the wordhatfor key. Can you say the rhyme?Ss: Is it your hat? On the cat? Can you see? I see, I see. It isnt my hat. Its his hat.3、Learn the wordcap(课件显示一顶鸭舌帽)T: Is it a hat?Ss:NO. Its a cap(catcap)Ss spell and read.4、Learn new sentence What colour?Play a guessing game(课件:显示屏上出现一个箱子,猜箱子里装的是什么颜色)CAI: What colour?Ss: What colour?T: Lets play a guessing game. What colour in the box?S1:Red.CAI: Sorry, you are wrong. Please try again.S1: Orange.T: Lets see.T: Yes, you are right.Red, greeen, white, black, blue, brown, yellow, orangeT:Look at the caps. What colour?S1:Its a white cap.S2:Its brown.S3:Its green.5、区分句型:What colour ?与 What colour is it?两句的不同问答。6、Watch a vedio, and learn the sentences:Can I help you? Id like7、Shopping time : Practice the sentences: Can I help you?Id like What colour?8、learn the word :vestSs: Can I help you ?T: Id like a vest.Ss learn the word vest(veryvest)9、Learn the sentences :How much is it? Its yuan.T: How much is the vest?Ss: Its yuan .Ss practice the sentences.10、Watch a vedio, and learn the sentence:What about? What about the (red) one?11、Shopping timeStep3.Presentation21、Listen and choose.学生听磁带,回答相应问题。2、Read new dialogue together.3、I can sing this dialogue.Do you want to sing? Let sing it together.(两只老虎的伴奏音乐)Step4. Consolidation1、 完成Listen and number填空题(书本E部分)2、 Shopping time。(学生在水果类、文具类、衣物类、食品类4种类型中根据自己所需选择性地进行购物。)Step5: Homework1、Copy the words three times.2、Do a survey. 用所学英语调查你的同学,看他们最近都买了些什么衣服,什么颜色,什么价格,填写表格。5 / 5

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