北师大小学英语三年级下册《Unit 11 Green berries》 (4)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语三年级下册Unit 11 Green berries (4)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Unit 11Green berries教学目标:知识:1、阅读理解,初步感知故事内容。 2、结合故事内容学习句型How are you ? Im not well. Whats the matter?My stomach hurts.技能:1、能够根据课文插图、录音、课件等阅读理解故事。 2、能够使用How are you today?询问别人身体状况及其回答。 3、能够根据场景的不同,向别人介绍受伤或生病的情况。情感:1、向学生渗透主动帮助、关爱他人的情感教育。 2、使学生明白吃东西前要洗手、不能能贪多,要形成良好的生活习惯。教学重点:1、根据课文插图、录音、课件等阅读理解故事。2、结合故事内容学习句型How are you ? Im not well. Whats the matter?My stomach hurts.教学难点: 能够正确运用功能句型进行口语交际。教具准备: 教学卡片、录音、课件教学过程:一、 review二 、Warming upT:Hello,girls, how are you today?girls: Im fine. (板书: I m fine.)T: boys, how are you doday?Boys: Im fine.T: “Im fine” may also say “. ”(板书: I m well.)指生问:How are you today, Yang Yu Chun?引导生用两种不同形式回答:I m fineIm well (How can also say?)T: Who can ask me?S: How are you today, miss Qin? (板书: How are you ?)T: I m not well. (补充板书:I m not well.) My chest hurts.引导:ts the matter? (板书)试与一生进行对话:Who can talk with me? Try again.T: Whats the matter?指生身体相应部位对生进行询问:The head huts?The chest huts?The stomach huts?Open your mouth , please. Say aaaaah. S: 根据师的询问和动作暗示进行回答。No matter.,you are fine.三、Introduction text(引入课文)look at our friend,(show the picture), How is Ken today? Who can ask ?指生问:Whats the matter,ken?T: I tell you , Hes not well, Because his stomach hurts.Why his stomach hurts? Look at the story.四、Talk about the story1、看PPT 课件故事,整体感知故事。T:Who can answer: Why Ken stomach hurts?S: 因为他吃了不干净的东西。2、深入分析课文,细化故事内容。(Show the first picture) T:,Look,What are these? They are berries. What color are they? They are green. So they are green berries.(板书课题)eaten berries, Now, How abou ken?S:He not well,His stomach hurts. (卡片出示,引生认识新词stomach(肚子)和hurt (疼),指生练读。(Look at the picture49)T: Who will help ken?Lets watch again.S answer: Mockey and Uncle Booky.T ask: How does Uncle Booky help him?生答师适时补充板书: Whats the matter? (Open you mouth.,please. Drink this,please. You are a good boy,Ken.。)(Look at the last picture) T: The second day, How is Ken?S: Im better.(板书)多形式练读课文故事:A、repeat the story. B、in the group reads.C、read according to the role.( 全班跟读、分组读、男女生对读、分角色读等)五、课堂小结Look at the blackboard, say sentence.板书设计: Unit 11 Green berries I mfine.How are you today? I m not well Im better. Whats the matter? My chest hurts. His stomach hurts4 / 4

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