北师大版小学英语四年级下册《unit 9 Day and night》 (8)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大版小学英语四年级下册unit 9 Day and night (8)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Unit-9 Day and night课时第七课时教材分析1. Key points 4-skilled words: always usually often sometimes never breakfast lunch dinner morning afternoon night get up go to bed eat sleep OK (in) class oclock when school parkNew structures: 1. When do you get up. I always get up at seven. When does he get up? He often gets up at seven. 2. Pronunciation: Sounds and letters: or, o教学目标1.The students can read the words and recognize the words preliminary.2. The students can describe the time and activities in English.3. The students can grasp how to pronounce “or” and “o”4. Developing the pupils ability of co-operation by group work.课前准备Courseware, audiocassette recorder, new words cards板书设计Unit 9 Day and nightWhen do you get up. I always get up at seven. When does he get up? He often gets up at seven.教 学 活 动 设 计设 计 意 图Step1. Warm up:T: Class begins!Morning! Boys and girls!S: Morning ,teacher!T: What day is it today?S: Its / Today isT: What do you do on weekend?S: I do my homework.Step 2. Review1. Review the following vocabulary: always, usually, often, sometimes, and never. Write the words on the board and check that the children can remember their different meanings.2. Now review the phrases get up, go to bed, eat breakfast / lunch / dinner, and the word sleep.3. Repeat the procedure used to review the other words.4. Point to the word always. Say, “I always get up at ( seven ) oclock.” have a child in the class give you another example sentence. Make sure that the child uses the word always and one of the other activities written on the board, for example, I always eat lunch at 12 oclock.5. Repeat the procedure for usually, often, sometimes, and never.Step 3. Uncle Bookys storytime1. Ask the children what they know about bears. Have the children talk in Chinese about bears: Where do they live? What color are they? What do they eat? What can they do?2. Have the children open their books at page 36. tell them they are going to read a story about a girl who is reading a book on bears.3. Have the children read the story silently by themselves. Tell the children they can guess the meaning of new words through context. The teacher walks around the classroom, providing helps when necessary.4. When they finished, point to the first picture and ask: Who are in the picture? What are they doing? What is the possible relationship between them? the children can talk in Chinese.5. Now point to the sentences in speech bubbles and play the tape. Repeat the procedure with the other pictures. Make sure they all understand the meaning of each sentence.6. Play the tape again, stopping after each picture. This time have the children repeat following the tape.Step 4. Clock gameThis is a game that can be used to review telling the time.1. Draw two clock faces on the board with the numbers one to twelve marking each hour. Say, “One oclock.” Have the children tell you which number the clock hands should be pointing to for one oclock. The children should answer twelve ( big clock hand ) and one ( small clock hand ). Now draw the hands on one of the clocks.2. Repeat the procedure for one fifteen, one thirty, and one forty-five. 3. Divide the class into two teams and have them stand in two rows, facing the board. Explain that you will call out different times. The first child in each team must then rush to the board and draw two clock hands to show that particular time on their teams clock. The child who finishes drawing the correct time first wins a point for his or her team.Step 5. Counting game1. This is a traditional English game. Use the game to review the numbers one through ninety-nine.2. Have all the children stand in a circle. Each child should call out a number in turn, starting with the number one. The next child should call out two, and so on. However, children whose number is five or a multiple of five (ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five) should remain silent when it is their turn.3. If a child calls out the wrong number or a number that is a multiple of five, then that child has to drop out of the game.4. After the number ninety-nine is called out have the next child call out number one and start again.5. The winner is the last child left standing in the circle.6. The game can be made more difficult by increasing the speed at which the numbers must be called out, or by varying the numbers that must be left out, for example, multiples of three ( three, six, nine, twelve)Step 7. extend Try to say out any time.Step 8. Sum up:Practise the students listening And speaking Ask the children to know the new languages of this unit.Elicit the new wordsPractise the new sentences.Raise the students using the sentences abilityConsolidate the new words and the new sentences.Ask the children to know the new languages of this unit and at the same time, consolidate the key point for this unit.作 业设 计Must do: 1.Read the story 5 times .2. Translate the story into Chinese.3. Copy the story 2E 1C4. Preview page 37 .Choosing do: Read another story by yourself.教 学反 思 The students like this story very much. So most of them can recite this story. 6 / 6


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