北师大小学英语三年级上册《Unit 4 Dinner time!》 (3)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 Dinner time! (3)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Unit 4 Dinner time!Lesson 5Teaching aims 复习句型What are you doing ,what is he/she doing ,使学生对此句型记忆深刻,学会正确书写和应答。Teaching emphasisUse the sentence and answer it Teaching difficultyRead and do it Teaching processSetp 1Greeting Review Read the text Step 2Mode the structures Make a set of drillcardsHave the two children hold up the drillicards to from the questionRead the question aloud ,pointing to each word as you do so Read after the teacherRepeat the procedure used to model the other structuresStep 3Uncle Bookys blackboardStudent book page 45Do some exerciseRead it by yourselfDo it in pairsStep 4Touch ask and answer Look at the book Ask the question “what is he doing ”Do it in pairs 教学反思通过对话练习,学生已经能够掌握这一句型,但在语感上,还应加强练习,培养语感。Lesson 6一、 teaching aims 1.can use the sentence ask and answer 2. can draw the words 二、teaching important can use the sentence ask and answer三、course 1. sing an English song 2 .draw some picture on the blackboard and guess 3 read and act 4 act and answer the question: what are you doing? 5 read and draw 四、writing blackboard What are you doing? I amLesson 7Teaching aims 学习儿歌使所学内容融入歌谣中去,激发学生学习的兴趣,巩固 所学单词。Teaching emphasis How to sing the chant Teaching difficultySing the chant and act out Teaching processStep 1Greeting Do some orderReview the flashcards for this unit Whats (he ) doing (He ) is (cooking )step 2read check and color student book page 46Read the sentences and decide which one matches the picture Point to each word in turn as you read the wordsHave the children say the words after you and touch them in their book Choose the right answerMake sure that all the children to do this correctly Step 3Lets chant Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme about the room in a housePointing to each picture elicit the name from the children Ask them what can you see in each roomRead the rhyme to the children point to each wordPlay the tape for the whole rhymePlay the tape again and have children join in Have the children point to the picture in their books as they listen to the tape again homework Say the chant to your family. 教学反思: 学生掌握知识不灵活,缺乏练习,对儿歌的掌握很好。4 / 4

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