北师大小学英语五年级上册《unit 4 Mocky’s birthday》(5)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语五年级上册unit 4 Mockys birthday(5)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Unit4 Mockys birthday教学目标:技能目标:1能够用一般过去时态谈论生日和用一般过去时态描述人物做过什么事。2通过阅读能够理解故事短文。3学生能够在key words和key sentences帮助下完成对课文的简单复述。4能够用一些简单的句子表达自己的意思。知识目标:1语音:掌握字母s及组合sh在单词中的发音;能准确朗读本单元涉及单词及句子。2词汇:核心词汇:January, Febrary, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, birthday, Calendar, date, month, season, spring, summer, winter, year, Forget.语意词汇:funny,surprised,语音词汇:sailboat,season,句型:When is your/his/her birthday? Its January 12th/March 1st/September 3rd. How old is he/she? How old are you?Im/Hes/Shes eight/eleven/fifteen years old.情感态度目标:1能通过结合学生生活实际的语言运用活动让学生体验成功的愉悦感受英语学习的乐趣。2能用一般过去时态描述人物的生日,年龄和做过什么事。运用活动培养学生了解家人的生日,关爱家人,进而关爱他人好品质。文化意识目标:通过生日、年龄、日期表达方式的学习,让学生了解和体会汉、英两种语言在表达方式上的异同。教学重点:1能够掌握生日、年龄、日期表达方式。2能用一般过去时态描述发生在过去的事情。教学难点:1能够掌握生日、年龄、日期表达方式。2月份的相关知识。第一课时教学目标:技能目标:1基本能够了解怎样询问生日、年龄和正确表达自己的生日和年龄。2基本能用本单元主要句描述过去发生的事情。知识目标:1基本掌握核心词汇When, birthday, autumn, spring, March, September, October,语意词汇funny, surprised,及短语happy birthday. 能说,能简单运用。2句型When is your/his/her birthday?Its January 12th/March1st/September 3rd.How old is he/she?How old are you?Im/Hes/Shes eight/eleven/fifteen years old.能理解上面核心句型和简单运用。情感、文化、策略目标:通过Mocky误送Ken生日礼物的事引出生日话题来讲述生日、年龄、日期。培养学生关心他人的生日,关爱他人,进而关爱他人好品质教学重点:1怎样询问生日、年龄和正确表达自己的生日和年龄。2基本能用本单元主要句描述过去发生的事情。教学难点:1怎样询问生日、年龄和正确表达自己的生日和年龄。2故事中月份的认读,表达。教具准备图片、录音机、实物教学过程:Step1 Greetings and warm-upSs与T问候T:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? S:Good morning . Were fine,thank you. how are you?T:Im fine,thank you. What day is today?Ss: Its Tuesday today.T: What day was yesterday?Ss: It was Monday yesterday.T: Ask Ss about their ages. eg.Im 25 years old. Then ask Ss:How old are you ? Ss answer.Simple assessment3个学生回答后,学生2-4组练习相互问年龄。Then show-offStep2 Set the scene倾听和模仿Ss try to talk:How old is Ken? He is eleven years old. How old is Ann? She is ten years old.Ss:聚焦T,积极参与活动T:Lets find out Mockys age and his birthday.T:It was a sunny day yesterday. Mocky went to Ken and Anns house.He had a birthday gift for Ken.Why? Because he thought yesterday was Kenbirthday.T: How old is Ken? He is eleven years old. How old is Ann? She is ten years old.Ss: repeatIt was a sunny day yesterday.Mocky went to Ken and Anns house.He had a birthday gift for Ken.Ss talk about Ken/Anns birthday.Ss: listen and point the sentencesSs:look and listen and pointSs:listen and try to read the storySet the scene:Question:How old is Mocky?When is Mockys birthday?T:Tell the story for the classTell the story again with the posterPlay the recordT:Ask Ss to read the storyStep3 The storyask Ss to read the following story (more difficult).And then write down the new wordsGive some questions eg;How old is Ken?How old is Ann? When is Kens birthday?When is Anns birthday?Ss: read it by themselvesSs: read and circle the new words Ss:information gap firstly.Then listen to teacherT:explain tbe new wordsKen is ten years old.Ann is eleven years old.Kens birthday is in autuma.Anns birthday is in spring.Yesterday was Kens birthday.Let Ss read the story again.Group work: discuss the main idea Then do T o FSss show-offAssessment Ss作业设计:1Listen to the story with their parents.2 try to retell the story to their parents.3 Preview P40-P41.板书设计:Unit4 Mockys birthday Lesson1 The story Assessment T1 T2 T3How old is Mocky?He is four years old.When is Mockys birthday?Its October 25th.How old are you, Ken/Ann?Im eleven/ten years old.When is your birthday,Ken/Ann?My birthday is in spring/autumn.Its March 12th/ September 19th.6 / 6

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