北师大小学英语三年级上册《Unit 2 How much》 (2)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语三年级上册Unit 2 How much (2)教案撰写人:_时 间:_第一课时【教学目标】1. The structures “how much?and Its” to use;2. The core words in the story.【学情分析】学生有一定的数学基础和买东西的经验【教学需要】录音机 磁带 教学挂图【教学设计分析】.Warm up:A. Count the numbers from 1 to 20B. Everyday English: how many ?C. Use the flashcards to review the vocabulary for train, kite, ball and robot.意图:教学初用How many ?复习了110的数字,还引出了新学的数字1120,.The new lessons:A. Set the scene:1. Talk to the pupils about shopping and say something about the price. then let them guess the meaning in Chinese.2. Use the structure “how much?” then, let the pupils guess the price of somethings3. Have the pupils ask you the price of somethings in surrounding. B.Talk about the story:p151. have the pupils open their books at pages 14 and 15, and help them to observe the picture, then ask these questions: P1:what are they doing? P2-4:what do you think Ken and Ann are saying? P5:how much are they altogether? P6-7:what is Ken doing? what is the woman doing? P8-9:what is Mocky wearing? What is the man in the hat doing? P10:how did Mocky catch the thief?2. listen to the tape:a. Play the tape and have the pupils look at each picture as they listen;b. Ask them what did they hear;c. Play the tape again, pausing at each picture and have pupils repeat the words what the characters said;d. Explain the meaning of thief, and tell them when or why we say well done! 第二课时【教学目标】1 learn to numbers “11-20”2 review the structure “ How much?”【学情分析】学生初步熟悉“how much。和its。”句型,掌握一定词汇【教学准备】录音机 磁带 教学挂图【教学设计分析】.Review:A.the numbers ;B.the story.The new lessons:A. words to learn1. have the children look at the pictures at top of the page;2. play the tape and have the children point to each matching number as they hear it mentioned on the tape;3. play the tape again ,stopping after each number and let pupils repeat the number.4. play the tape a third time and have the pupils say the number along with the tape.5. without the tape ,point to one of the numbers and have the pupils read the numbers aloud.B.listen to this1. explain that they will hear the price of each toy on the tape2. play the tape ,stopping after each sentence, and have the pupils point to the corresponding toy and then to its price tag3. play the tape again, stopping after each sentence and have pupils draw a line from the toy to the correct price tag.B. play the game;1. have the pupils turn to page 17,and explain that they can choose any toys so long as the total cost is less than 20 yuan;2.2. model the activity by choosing ,for example, one book and one packet of pencils.3. put the pupils into pairs to play the game.第三课时【教学目标】1. be able to use the structures : how much?Its 2. the skill about writing.3 to solve some math problems in English.【学情分析】掌握了11到20数字的英文说法,初步掌握“how much”句型【教学准备】录音机 磁带 教学挂图【教学设计分析】Review :A.the number; B.the structures: how much is the?Its Yuan.The practice:in chinese,问同学们是否去过肯德基和麦当劳,都吃过什么?多少钱?怎么跟卖东西的人说?拿出一些食物的图片,问“whats this ?/what are these /those?”A.Act out1. have the children turn to page 18, and draw their attention to the top of the page;2. let them observe the picture and ask them what are Ken and the stallholder saying;3. .have the children repeat the question and answer in class drill;4. divide the class into two groups and have the children repeat the dialog;5. .Put the children in pairs and have them practise the dialog and encourage them to substitute other items and prices.B. Listen and match1. have the children open their books at page 18, and have them say the name for each picture;2. play the tape and have the children match each picture to its price tag3. play the tape again ,stopping after each sentence ,then have the children draw a line from each item to its price tag;4. check the answer.C.add, match and trace p191. have the children turn to page 19;2. .tell them that they are going to solve some math problems in English;.3. point to the 1st box and ask, how much is 5 and 6 ? let children say eleven4. .have the children find the word eleven, and match the box and the word with a line5. have the children say in class drill, 5 and 6 is 11;6. trace the word eleven.第四课时【教学目标】can recognize the long sound /i:/ and short sound /e/ of letter E【学情分析】熟练掌握“how much。”句型【教学准备】录音机 磁带 教学挂图【教学设计分析】.Review A.how much is the ? Its B.whats this?.The new lessonA. sounds and letters1. introduce the letter E ,write the letter E on the blackboard and explain that you are going to say some words with the letter E in them. some have a short sounds /e/, and the others have a long sound /i:/.2. ask the children to listen and watch as you model and then have them repeat the two sounds after you.3. draw the childrens attention to the top of the page 20.4. play the tape for elephant and pen;5. ask them : do these words have short or long sounds?6. play the tape again and have children say the words aloud.7. B. listen for E1. tell the children that there are three words have a short sound /e/ but one word has a long sound /i:/ in each row;.2. play the tape and have the children point to each word as they hear it;3. play the tape again, this time have the children cross out the words hat has a different sound;.4. C. read with uncle Booky第五课时【教学目标】1. Review the knowledge learned in this unit;2 Can read the rhyme.【学情分析】学生有一定的歌谣韵律基础【教学准备】录音机 磁带 教学挂图【教学设计分析】.REVIEWA.the Numbers;B.the Core Words.THE PRACTICEA. Read and Write the Price1. Have the children turn to page 22, and explain to the children that you want them to find the price of each item and write it in the speech bubble;2. Draw the childrens attention to the 1st picture and have them read the speech of Kens;3. Ask them to find the matching price tag and have them read it aloud;4. .Have the children write the number in speech bubble;5.6. Check the answer and have them read each price aloud.B.Lets chant!1. Read the rhyme to the children, pointing to each word;2. Have the children read the rhyme after the teacher;3. Play the tape and have the children join in;4. Play the tape again and encourage the children to add action and act rhyme out;5. Solidity the practice till the children hold it.第六课时【教学目标】1.Review overall knowledge learned in this unit;2. Have the children realize that they are making progress and help them build up a sense of achievement and confidence.【学情分析】 学生已经基本掌握了how much句型,会听懂买卖东西的用句并使用。【教学准备】 录音机 磁带 教学挂图【教学设计分析】1.问同学们过生日时怎么过?然后问mary怎么过的生日?让同学们找一找mary都看了什么礼物?多少钱? 最后买了什么?2. 听录音,跟读,两组练习3. self-assessment先问:“how much is it?”引导学生说出图片标价的价钱.然后问:”how much are the .and.?”训练学生说出:“they are .yuan .”给同学几分钟时间完成问题,对答案。4.I can write the following words.先说出单词发音,然后一起拼出单词。依次练习。6 / 6

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