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2019-2020学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题(含解析)考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whose birthday is it today?A. Marys B. Mikes C. Davids2. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife B. Boss and secretary C. Teacher and student3. What is the woman going to do?A. Take her son to school B. Pick up Jack C. Attend a meeting4. What does the man want to do?A. Visit his friend B. Post a book C. Buy a book5. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a supermarket B. In a restaurant C. At home第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the boys favorite?A. Rock music B. Pop music C. Classical music7. What does the boy think of country music?A. Noisy B. Boring C. Soft听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What does the woman want?A. An overcoat B. A jacket C. A skirt9. When will the speakers go to the tailors?A. Next Saturday morning B. Next Saturday afternoon C. Next Sunday morning听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What does the woman want to do?A. Decorate the room B. Rearrange the room C. Move house11. What will the speakers move first?A. The bed B. The lamps C. The tables12. What does the man suggest doing later today?A. Painting the room B. Cooking a meal C. Buying some paint听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How will the man go around Florida?A. By car B. By bus C. By taxi14. Where will the speakers meet?A. At Disney World B. At Orlando Airport C. At the Kennedy Space Center15. Why does the man want to go to Panhandle?A. To enjoy the beach B. To go diving C. To meet some friends16. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Relatives B. Neighbors C. Schoolmates听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。17.What is the big hall mainly used for?A. Parents meetings B. Music lessons C. Sports activities18. When can children use the library on their own?A. At any time of the day B. Between lessons C. After school19. Where is the speakers office?A. Beside the reception desk B. Opposite the library C. Behind the water machine20. How often do children use the puter room?A. At least twice a day B. At least once a day C. At least once a week第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。A colorful winter holiday:Science and Technology Museum*Opening hours:Sunday -Wednesday 10:00am-5:30pm*Charge: $5*Whats onAncient Technology-the ground floorModern Technology-the first floorSpacethe second floorThe silk road: trade and travelthe second floor*Please noteThe museum is closed for 3 days during the Spring Festival every year.*Contact usInformation desk: 73238299Email: stm99163.To all climbers*Place: Castle Peak Indoor Climbing Centre*Date:8:30am, February 15*Dos:Sign in when you e to the centre. /Climb with a partnerWear a hard hat at all times/ Wear the correct climbing shoes*Donts:Dont eat or drink anywhere except in the caf.Dont listen to personal music players while climbingDont light fires*Good practice:Use a locker to store your things.Wear loose, fortable clothingWearing jewellery can cause accidents.Taking on a mobile phone while climbing can be dangerous.1. If you want to visit the Museum on weekdays, which of the following is the right time?A. 10:00am, Saturday B. 6:30pm, FridayC. 2:00pm, Sunday D. 2:30, Monday2. If you want to know some information about the silk road, you should go to _.A. the first floor B. the ground floorC. the second floor D. the third floor3. While climbing, youd better_.A. talk on a mobile phone B. stay alone all the timeC. listen to personal music players D. wear the correct climbing shoes4. Which one do you think is a good practice? _.A. Eating something when you feel weak B. Wearing jewelleryC. Keeping your things in a locker D. Wearing a soft hat at all times【答案】1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C【解析】一年一度的寒假即将来临,科技馆为小朋友们准备了丰富多彩的科技大餐:古代科技、现代科技、太空、丝绸之路.。本文介绍了科技馆的开放时间、票价和注意事项。1. 细节理解题。根据*Opening hours:Sunday -Wednesday 10:00am-5:30pm以及题干要求工作日的要求得知不包括周六日和周五。故选D。2. 细节理解题。根据The silk road: trade and travelthe second floor得知要;了解丝绸之路应该去三楼。故选C。3. 细节理解题。根据*Dos:Sign in when you e to the centre. /Climb with a partnerWear a hard hat at all times/ Wear the correct climbing shoes得知如果你要攀岩一定要穿合适的登山鞋。故选D。4. 细节理解题。根据*Good practice:Use a locker to store your things.得知好的行为是把自己的用品锁到存物箱内。再结合文中:不要边爬边吃东西、佩戴珠宝危险、要带质地硬的帽子。故选C。BChinas first home-built polar research vessel and ice breaker has been named Xuelong 2, or Snow Dragon 2, according to a report of Science and Technology Daily on Tuesday.The construction (建造)of the ship, jointly designed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Finland-based Aker Arctic Technology, was launched (开始建造)by Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) in December. The new vessel will be 122.5 meters long and be able to break through 1.5-meter thick ice at a maximum speed of 3 knots(节,海里), said the Polar Research Institute of China.Xuelong2 is scheduled to be pleted in xx, when it will team up with the countrys currently only icebreaker Xuelong to form a polar research fleet, directing scientific research groups and supplying resources to polar regions.Xuelong, the countrys first icebreaker, was built in Ukraine and put into service in 1994. China first sent a research team to the Antarctic in 1984. Since then, the country has set up four scientific research stations in the Antarctic.5. From the passage, Chinas first icebreaker was constructed in_.A. Finland B. UkraineC. China D. America6. The underlined word “vessel” in first paragraph probably means_.A. plane B. trainC. ship D. coach7. The best title for the passage would be _.A. Chinas first home-built icebreaker named Snow Dragon 2B. China designed her first icebreaker by herselfC. China has established four scientific research stations in the AntarcticD. Chinas first icebreaker is being built8. According to the passage, _.A. Xuelong 2 has been pletedB. The new vessel will be able to break through 3-meter thick iceC. Chinas first icebreaker was put into service in 1984D. XUelong 2 is being constructed【答案】5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D【解析】本文是一篇新闻报道,周二科技日报介绍了:中国自主建造的第一艘极地科学考察破冰船-雪龙2号。5. 细节理解题。根据最后一段Xuelong, the countrys first icebreaker, was built in Ukraine“雪龙”号由乌克兰赫尔松船厂建造,我国购入后加以改造,成为极地考察船。得知中国第一艘极地科学考察破冰船是由乌克兰建造的。故选B。6. 词义猜测题。根据第二段The construction (建造)of the ship,得知本文介绍了中国第一艘自主建造的极地科学考察破冰船。故选C。7. 主旨大意题。根据首段Chinas first home-built polar research vessel and ice breaker has been named Xuelong 2, or Snow Dragon 2, 第一段点明主题,得知本文是一篇新闻报道:中国自主建造的第一艘极地科学考察破冰船-雪龙2号。故选A。8. 推理判断题。根据第三段Xuelong2 is scheduled to be pleted in xx,得知中国极地科学考察破冰船“雪龙2号”正在被建造。故选D。【名师点睛】这篇文章内容不是学生非常熟悉的,篇幅适中较长,要求学生快速阅读材料,在掌握文章大意的前提下答题。考查题型以理解细节题为主,还要学生结合文章主旨给出适当的标题,这些不是某个句子可以体现的,要对文章有整体把握。这篇文章第3题就是标题判断题。学生对标题判断题不能很好的把握,主要还是没有弄清主旨,分析三个选项都出现了关键词icebreaker,但是B项说:中国独自设计第一艘破冰船,显然和文章内容jointly designed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Finland-based矛盾,C项是中国在南极洲已经建立四个科考站,明显不够全面,D项虽然也讲的是破冰船,但是将它定义为第一艘在建的破冰船,这和文章内容不符。通过全篇正确理解不难得出答案。CI was watching a kid doing tricks(技巧)on his skateboard. He was doing pretty good until he tried to skate down a set of steps and lost his balance. The skateboard went one way and he went the other. But, lying on the concrete(混凝土), he still managed to keep his sense of humor. He looked at me, smiled and said, “Epic fail!”The term “epic fail” isnt proper grammatical English (we should use the noun form “failure”), but it is monly used and perfectly acceptable. People use it to describe small embarr assments(尴尬)as well as serious mistakes. The kid on the skateboard suffered a small embarrassment. An example of a serious epic fail wound be Hillary(希拉里) Clintons loss to Donald Trump(特朗普)in last years U. S. presidential election. The only difference between the two was how they responded to their epic fails. The kid laughed at his embarrassment and got back on his skateboard. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, could not accept her epic fail but, instead, wrote a bitter book about it in which she blamed(谴责)everyone but herself for the loss.All of us can expect to have epic fails in our life. We might fail an exam or not win a prize in some pletion. Later in life, we may not get the job we want or be as successful as we hoped we would be. But if we manage to keep our sense of humor and a positive attitude, we can overe our epic fails. One embarrassing mistake or even a serious disappointment does not mean the end of the world.9. According to the article, which of the following is NOT an epic fail?A. Be defeated in a basketball matchB. Get blamed for your friends mistakeC. Fail to win a prize in a pletionD. Slip when dancing in front of your friends.10. According to the article, how did Hillary Clinton respond to her epic fail?A. She failed to recognize her responsibility in the failureB. She laughed at her failure with a sense of humorC. She wrote a book analyzing her failureD. She thought about how she could perform better in the next election11. The author suggests we deal with epic fails by _.A. paring them with the end of the worldB. asking a friend to scold usC. reading historical example of epic failsD. keeping a positive attitude【答案】9. B 10. A 11. D【解析】“史诗般的失败”不是正确语法的英语,但是使用非常频繁。本文介绍了常用语:epic fail,表示“惨败,非常失策”。人生之中难免惨败,但是只要我们保持幽默乐观,我们就能克服惨败。9. 细节理解题。根据最后一段We might fail an exam or not win a prize in some pletion. Later in life, we may not get the job we want or be as successful as we hoped we would be.得知生活中比赛失利、没有获奖、朋友面前表演出丑都是惨败。根据排除法可以判断,故选B。.11. 细节理解题。根据最后一段But if we manage to keep our sense of humor and a positive attitude, we can overe our epic fails.得知只要我们保持幽默乐观,我们就能克服惨败。故选D。DThere was a rich merchant(商人)who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most. He gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much. Hes very proud of her and always wanted to show her off to his friends. He too, loved his 2nd wife. If the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out.Now, the merchants 1st wife has made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household. However, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.One day, the merchant fell ill. Before long, he knew that he was going to die soon. Thus, he asked the 4th wife, “I loved you most. Now that Im dying, will you follow me and keep me pany?”“No way!” replied the 4th wife and she turned away without another word. The 3rd and 2nd wife gave him the same answer. Then a voce called out: “Ill leave with you. Ill follow you no matter where you go.” The merchant looked up and said, “I should have taken much better care of you while I could have!”Actually, we all have 4 wives in our lives. The 4th wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we spend in making it look good, itll leave us when we die.Our 3rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they all go to others.The 2nd wife is our family and friends. No matter how close they had been there for us when were alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave(坟墓).The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often ignored in our search of material, wealth and pleasure. Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go. We are not to ignore it. Perhaps its a good idea to develop and strengthen it now rather than to wait until were on our death bed to cry.12. Which of the merchants wives devotes herself to him most?A. the first one B. the second oneC. the third one D. the fourth one13. If the merchant is in trouble, what is he likely to do?A. He often deals with the problems himself.B. He will ask his second wife for helpC. He will rid of the trouble with the first wifeD. Nobody will help him14. From the passage, we can infer that_.A. we shouldnt marry four wivesB. only one wife is our best choiceC. The merchant prefers his wives to his possessionsD. our soul is more valuable than anything else15. In the last paragraph, the underlined word “it” refers to _.A. body B. wealthC. soul D. pleasure【答案】12. A 13. B 14. D 15. C【解析】本文通过拥有四个妻子的商人在弥留之际只有结发之妻愿意陪在自己身边的这个引人思考故事告诉我们:灵魂是我们拥有的最珍贵的东西。12. 细节理解题。根据Now, the merchants 1st wife has made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household. However, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her. 以及Then a voce called out: “Ill leave with you. Ill follow you no matter where you go.” 只有大夫人说:“不管你去哪里、走多远,我都会陪着你!得知商人第一任妻子完全把自己奉献给丈夫。故选A。13. 细节理解题。根据If the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out.得知当商人遇到困难时,都会找第二任妻子求助。故选B。14. 推理判断题。根据最后一段The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often ignored in our search of material, wealth and pleasure. Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.得知灵魂对于我们来说是最珍贵的东西。故选D。15. 细节理解题。根据最后一段The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often ignored in our search of material, wealth and pleasure.得知第一任夫人则代表我们的“心”,它和我们的关系最密切,但也最容易被忽略,反而我们将精力全部投注于身外之物上。得知我们不应该忽略自己的灵魂。故选C。【名师点睛】3.D【解题剖析】此题属于推理判断题中的(4)根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,作出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。答案需要从文章的最后一段The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often ignored in our search of material, wealth and pleasure. Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go进行推断。【答案定位】根据最后一段The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often ignored in our search of material, wealth and pleasure. Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.得知灵魂对于我们来说是最珍贵的东西。【推理关系】题干From the passage, we can infer that_.文章内容The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often ignored in our search of material, wealth and pleasure. Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.【答案】根据最后一段The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often ignored in our search of material, wealth and pleasure. Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go D选项our soul is more valuable than anything else。第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项Dont worry about taking examsEvery year, many young people take different kinds of exams. Whether they love or hate these exams, most of them will face some anxiety before the big day. _16_And you dont have to feel so worried. Now read some good advice from people whove been through the same experience as you._17_. Breakfast is often considered as the most important meal of the day. You should eat energy-giving fool like oats and eggs, which help to improve your memory.Having a good nights sleep helps you work and think better the next day. If you get good sleep, your memory is better and that means you can memorize the information you have learned._18_ .Writing down your anxieties is a good way to reduce your stress. This is what Miss Lisa from the Sleep Council advises because it can “free your mind”. _19_When your brain cant absorb any more information, youll need to stop._20_Theyre always there to support you, worrying about you and the final results. As a family member, maybe you need to give them some advicerelax, everything will be OK!A. Eating the right food can keep you energeticB. We will pass the exams easily if we study hardC. If youre anxious about your exams, youre not aloneD. You can buy a notebook and write down the teachers wordsE. And remember not to watch TV or chat online before bedtimeF. But if all this is still making you fell worried, turn to your parents.G. She also says sitting on your bed doing nothing is not a good idea【答案】16. C 17. A 18. E 19. G 20. F【解析】本文讲述了一些帮助我们考前减压的方法。16. 根据空格前的Whether they love or hate these exams, most of them will face some anxiety before the big day得知几乎每个人都有考前焦虑,所以如果你也这样,那是正常的。故选C。17. 根据空格后的Breakfast is often considered as the most important meal of the day. You should eat energy-giving fool like oats and eggs, which help to improve your memory.得知早餐应该吃一些提供能量的食物帮助你提升记忆力,所以句首建议我们吃合适的食物来保持精力充沛。故选A。18. 根据空格前的Having a good nights sleep helps you work and think better the next day.得知本段建议我们考试前要睡好,因此句尾提到睡前不要看电视或网上聊天。故选E。19. 根据空格后的When your brain cant absorb any more information, youll need to stop.得知睡眠委员会的丽萨建议我们坐在床上什么也不想不做。故选G。20. 根据空格后的Theyre always there to support you, worrying about you and the final results.得知家人一直在支持你为你担忧。得知本段建议我们向父母求助。故选F。第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I am going to_21_the story of my daughter with you.My daughter Helen _22_some terrible illness in her early childhood. After years of regular_23_, she finally recover.Several years ago, while she as watching the Olympics, she has a dream in her sweet little headto be a _24_. Last summer, she determined to_25_ our local swim team. She practiced hard and finally_26_it. However, the team practice was a _27_ stat. She coughed a lot and could hardly survive her first few weeks. Hearing her coughing _28_ , I decided to stop her. But Helen woke me up early next morning, wearing her swimsuit ready to go. I told her not to swim, but she refused to_29_ and insisted she go.From that day on, Helen kept swimming and didnt _30_a single practice. She had a _31_intention within herself to be the best one she could be. My eleven-year-old girl was growing and _32_right into the human being with a passion(热情). There were moments of frustrations(沮丧) of course: often she would be the last swimmer in the race. It was difficult for Helen to_33_that she wasnt a _34_. But that didnt stop her from trying.The final awards ceremony(嘉奖仪式)came at the end of the year. Helen didnt expect any _35_but was still there to cheer on her friends. _36_the ceremony was nearing the end, I suddenly heard the coach_37_ , “The highest honor goes to Helen!” He continued, “Helen has encouraged us with her spirit. _38_skill and gifts bring great success, the most_39_wealth one can hold is the heart.”It was the greatest moment of my daughters life. For her this was the hour of true_40_.21. A. tell B. municate C. share D. talk22. A. suffered B. did C. ran D. made23. A. failure B. loss C. success D. treatment24. A. dancer B. swimmer C. hiker D. treatment25. A. train B. join C. appreciate D. touch26. A. found B. got C. made D. survived27. A. amazing B. unfair C. wise D. hard28. A. generally B. naturally C. nervously D. seriously29. A. give up B. give

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