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九年级上英语期中考试考前复习 一 以教材为本 紧紧围绕课本内容进行复习 脚踏实地二 温习巩固 学习评价 涉及考点和练习 查漏补缺三 充分利用课外辅导材料和网络资源 强化拓展 复习建议 复习主要内容 课文巩固 词汇识记 词组强化 句型点拨 表达运用 语法回顾 写作提示 范文展示 课文巩固 UnitOneReadingIhaveafriendSimon Hehaslotsof 精力 Heis 精力充沛 and 活跃 Heis 耐心 enoughtolistentoothers Heisa 谦虚 personandnevershowsoffinfrontofhisclassmates Heis 有礼貌 and 公平 Heisalways 友好 tome Wealllikehimbecausehehasagoodsenseof 幽默 Heis 充满智慧 andoften 成功 energy energetic active patient modest polite fair kind friendly humour wise successful UnitTwoReadingColorscan 影响 andchangeourmoods Theymakeushappyorsad energeticor 昏昏欲睡 Blueandwhiteareccolors Bluemakesusfeelcalmand 祥和 Itcreatesthefeelingofharmony Itcanalsorepresent 悲伤 Someonewhoisfeelingsadmaysay I mfeelingbtoday affect sleepy alm peaceful sadness lue Orangeandyellowarew colors Orangerepresents 快乐 andcanbringyou 成功 Yellowisthecolorof 智慧 Greenisane color Itrepresentsnewlifeand 生长 Itisnotonlythecolorof 自然 butalsothecolorofmoneyandenvy Redisas color Itrepresents 力量 Wearingredclothescanhelpwhenyouarehaving 困难 makingadecision arm joy success nergetic growth nature trong power difficulty wisdom Unit3ReadingMilliehasalotofh Butatthem shehasaproblem Thep isthatshes somuchtimed herhomeworkthatshecannotfindanytimeforherhobbies Veryoften shejustcannotd whentodoherhomeworkandwhentospendtimeonherhobbies Theproblemmadeherveryu Canyoupleaseteachherhowtoa abalancebetweenthetwo obbies oment roblem pends oing ecide nhappy chieve Simonisc aboutplayingfootball Hisl offootballhasb abigproblem Helikess outlatetoplayfootball Hisp don tlikethisandaskhimtocomehomebefore6o clock Hethinkstheyaresos andhefeelsstressedanda fromtimetotime Heb hobbiescanhelphimr andmaketheirlivesc Hewisheshecouldhavehisparents s Canyouo himsomes razy ove ecome taying arents trict ngry elieves elax olorful upport ffer uggestions 词汇识记 1 energy 形容词 2 decide 名词 3 patient 反义词 4 creative 动词 5 know 近义词 6 argue 动名词 7 有实际经验的8 细节9 相似的10 平衡11 平静的 12 情绪13 压力14 满意15 谦虚的16 代表17 推荐18 解释19 对充满梦想20 被分成21 炫耀22 其余的 energetic decision impatient create realize arguing practical detail similar balance calm mood stress satisfied modest represent recommend explain dreamabout bedividedinto showoff therestof 23 情绪 不 好24 学生会25 在上演 进行26 处理 对付27 提醒28 在试衣室里29 保持平衡30 提供建议31 宽恕 的过错32 交作业33 一系列34 正常表现35 得满分36 与很相配 beinagood badmood Students Union beon dealwith dowith remindsbofsth inthefittingroom keepbalance offersomesuggestionsgivesomeadvice forgivesbforone smistakes handinone shomework aseriesof actnormally getfullmarks match gowellwith 词组强化 1 担心没有早饭吃2 想出新的主意3 感到有压力4 使某人想起某事5 使某人兴奋起来6 做某事有困难7 做出决定8 呆在外面很晚9 得到父母的支持 worryaboutnothavingbreakfast comeupwith thinkofnewideas feelstressed remindsbofsth cheersbup havedifficulty in doingsth makeadecision makedecisions have getparents support stayoutlate 10 注意 关注11 不注意 忽视12 与某人争吵13 与某人辩论14 打电话给某人 payattentionto paynoattentionto quarrelwithsb arguewithsb callsbgivesbacalltelephone phonesbmakeatelephonetosb 词组巩固 填上合适的词组 1 Sandyisgoodatpainting Butshenever infrontofotherpeople 2 Anita herbrothernow Wedon tknowwhy 3 Youshouldwearwhiteifyou 4 IwilluseorangestationerywhenIamsadbecauseorangecan me showsoff isquarrelling quarrelingwith feelstressed cheer up 句型点拨 1 你真是太好了 tobringmethenewspaper 2 Itissillyofyou 不去原谅别人的过错 3 Youare 你有足够的耐心等而不生气 4 Doyouknow 有多少颜色 inarainbow It sniceofyou nottoforgiveothers fortheirmistakes patientenoughtowaitwithout gettingangry howmanycolorsthereare 5 Somecolors 使我们感到平静和祥和 6 任何感到疲劳和虚弱的人 shouldwearcolorsthatmakeyoufeelenergetic 7 He 不介意做额外的工作 fortheStudents Union 8 红色和白色很相配 两种 makeusfeelcalmandpeaceful Anyonewhofeelstiredorweak doesn tminddoingextrawork Redandwhiteisagoodmatch Redmatcheswellwithwhite 9 Simon数学比我强 两种 10 有更合适的人选吗 两种 11 你穿蓝色好看 两种 12 我的电脑坏了 Bluelooksgoodonyou Youlookgoodinblue SimonisbetteratmaththanI Simondoesbetterinmaththanme Isthereanymoresuitableperson Isthereanypersonmoresuitable Mycomputerdoesn twork Thereissomethingwrongwithmycomputer Somethingiswrongwithmycomputer 13 为什么不穿红衬衫呢 1 weararedshirt 2 weararedshirt 3 weararedshirt 4 wearingaredshirt 5 wearingaredshirt 注意 回答上面问题应用如下答句 That sagoodidea That llbegreat fine I dloveto But Willyou Whatabout Howabout Whydon tyou Whynot 14 Susanisahard workingstudent 用感叹句的两种形式改写此句 Susanis Susanis 15 ThestudentsconsiderMrWuthebestteacher SVOOC宾补 注意 1 宾语和宾补是主谓关系 2 常带宾补的动词有make keep find call believe consider等 e g Thenewsmadehimunhappy Weshouldkeepourclassroomcleanandtidy Ifindhimkind Whatahard workingstudent Howhard working 16 Myauntgaveeachofustwogifts SVIO 间宾 DO 直宾 注意 在英语中常跟双宾语的动词有 1 give offer show passsbsth give offershow passsthtosb2 buysbsth buysthforsb 重点句型反馈练习改错 1 It skindforSandytohelpmewithmywork 2 It simportantofmetofinishmyhomeworkeveryday 3 Simoniscrazyaboutplayfootball 4 Millielooksquitebeautifulonred 5 Peoplewholivesincoldclimateslikewearingwarmclothes for of of for play playing on in lives live 6 Eattoomuchisbadforyourhealth 7 Iwantedtoknowwhywashelateforschool 8 Orangecancheerupyouwhenyouarefeelingsad 9 Doyouknowsomethinginterestingaboutcolors 10 Wouldyoumindmyopenthewindow Eat Eating washe hewas cheerupyou cheeryouup something anything open opening 表达与运用 用success succeed successful successfully填空 1 Iwishyou 2 Willitbea Ikeptaskingmyself 3 ThistimeI inpassingtheexam 4 Youarebusinesslikeandareoften 5 Theylandedonthemoon C 成功之事 具体某一件事 success n U 成功 泛指任何事 succeed vi succeedindoingsth成功做某事successful adj 成功的做定语修饰名词或放在be动词后做表语successfully adv 成功地修饰动词 success success succeeded successful successfully 1 Youshouldnotworryaboutnot have breakfast 2 Sheisafraidof go outatnight 3 Doyoumind tell mehowtousethee dictionary 4 Don tgiveup learn English It sveryuseful 5 Danielisbusy do hishomeworknow having going telling learning doing 6 take exerciseeverydayisgoodforyourhealth Taking 总结 动名词一般用于 1 及物动词或介词后面2 动词作主语3 一些固定搭配后面 用所给动词的正确形式填空 介词with和without的用法 根据提示完成下列句子 1 它是一幢带有花园的漂亮建筑物 8AP35 Itis 2 鱼睁着眼睛睡觉 7BP57 Fish 3 没有闪电就没有植物的生命 7BP57 Thereis 4 你有足够的耐心去等而不生气 9AP5 Youare 总结 1 with 有 带有 用 2 without 没有 不 3 with和without后面可接名词或动名词 abeautifulbuildingwithagarden sleepwiththeireyesopen noplantlifewithoutlightening patientenoughtowaitwithoutgettingangry 1 atalltimes atanytimeIcanhelpyouatalltimes 2 allthetime alwaysHe sabusinessmanallthetime 3 attimes sometimes fromtimetotimeSheisimpatientattimes 4 atatime foronce everytimeMothergiantpandashaveonlyoneortwobabiesatatime 5 atthesametime meanwhile togetherYoucannotsneezeandkeepyoureyesopenatthesametime 6 bythetime untilTheyhadfallenasleepbythetimeIgotthere 1 beafraidofsthSheisafraidofsnake 2 beafraidofdoingsthSheisafraidofgoingoutatnight 3 beafraidtodosthHeisafraidtoaskquestions 4 beafraidthat Iamafraid that wecan tcatchtheearlybus afraid adj 害怕 用法 Iamalways worry aboutmyparents health 2 Heisnot withtheresult satisfy 3 Davidisalso organize andneverforgetstodothethingsheneedstodo 9AP18 4 Haveyoueverwalkedintoaroomandfelt relax 9AP22 5 DidyoutellMillieaboutthenews 7AP24 Yes Shewasreally please worried satisfied organized relaxed pleased 注意 有一些动词的过去分词形式 可以用作形容词 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 perhaps几乎和maybe一样 多用于英国 maybe多用于美国 两者都是副词 位置较灵活 但多放在句首 Perhapshewon tcometonight MaybeIknowhimbetterthanyou 2 maybe是情态动词 后面跟动词原形 须在句中做谓语 Theymaybeinthereading roomnow 3 probably指很有可能 其语气比上面三者都强 Heislate Heprobablygotuplate Heprobablydidn tcatchthebus perhaps maybe maybe probably Vocabulary Unit1 写出下列单词的反义词 activepatientpolitepossiblefairusualluckhealthyhonest weakmodestshygenerouslazy 加上前缀in im un dis 可构成反义词 inactive impatient impolite impossible unfair unusual unlucky unhealthy dishonest strong proud outgoing selfish hard working Vocabulary Unit2 写出下列单词的同义词 joysadsadnesshopestrongenergeticcalmmoods happiness unhappy unhappiness wish powerful lively relaxed feelings Vocabulary Unit3 get 的用法 请用英语解释划线的单词Lucygetsabustoschooleveryday 2 WhenIheardthis Igotangry sad 3 Everydaywegetalotofhomeworktodo 4 LiMingdoesnotstudyhard soheoftengetslowmarksintest 5 DadhasgonetoHongKong Hegottherelastnight takes become have receives arrived getagoodmark getsomehelpfrom getenoughsleep getexcited getabus getmarried1 Myuncle lastyear 2 Did 3 Youdidn t didyou 4 Theaudience youhearSimon intheexam whentheysawHelloKitty 5 Myfather toworkeveryday 6 Shallwe anadviser 到家到学校上车下车起床结婚生气疲劳收到某人的来信与某人和睦相处取回有足够的睡眠取得好成绩 翻译下列有关get的词组 gethome gettoschool getonthebus getup getoffthebus getangry getmarried getaletterfromsb gettired geton alongwellwithsb get back getenoughsleep getgoodmarks 表达与运用用所给词的正确形式填空 Failure 失败 isthemotherof Ifyouwanttobe youmustworkhard thenyouwill ineverything success 2 Eating isgoodforyour andkeepyou health 3 Davidisveryconfident Heisneverafraidof speak atassembly 4 Milliewenttoschoolwithout have breakfastthismorning success successful succeed healthily health healthy speaking having 5 Thiscanhelpwhenyouarehavingdifficulty make adecision 6 Footballisreally Peopleallovertheworldare init interest 7 Simonneverputsuphishandintheclass Heisvery active 8 Hismotherfelt abouthisson worry making interesting interested inactive worried 用介词of和for填空 1 It snice youtobringmethenewspaper Hobo 2 Itissilly younottoforgiveothersfortheirfaults 3 Itisgenerous kittytogiveeachofustwopresents 4 It skind yourparentstoorganizethispartyforus 5 It simportant ustolearnEnglishwell 6 It snecessary themtosupportandhelpeachother 注意 1 当我们用nice kind silly generous等形容词来描述人的性格时用句型It s adj of sb not todosth 2 当我们用important necessary hard easy difficult等形容词来描述动词不定式的情况时用句型It s adj for sb todosth of of of of for for 语法回顾 语法回顾 so that too to enoughto句型的互换他太小了以至于不能去上学 Heis young hecan tgotoschool Heis young gotoschool Heis gotoschool 注意 1 so that后面跟从句 而too to后面跟动词不定式 2 enoughto后面也跟动词不定式 要特别注意enough的位置 放在名词之前 形容词和副词之后 汉译英1 这间房间大到足以能容纳100人 Thisroomis hold100people 2 他有足够的钱买下这台钢琴 Hehas buythepiano so that too to not old enough to bigenoughto enoughmoneyto 用wouldrather than和prefer to 翻译下列各句吉姆喜欢篮球 而不喜欢足球 Jim basketball football 他宁愿步行去上学 也不愿坐车去 He toschool abus He toschool abus 昨天我宁愿呆在家里也不愿意到外面去 I athome outsideyesterday I athome outsideyesterday wouldratherdosththandosthpreferdoingsthtodoingsth prefers to wouldrathergo thantake prefersgoing totaking wouldratherstay thango preferredstaying togoing 注意wouldrather than后面一般不直接跟名词 1 Listen isknockingatthedoor 2 Isthere intheclassroomnow 3 wouldliketodoit It ssohard 4 Ican tsee inthefittingroom 5 candoitexceptTom Someone anyone Noone anyone Nobody 选用下列不定代词填空 A someone somebody anyone anybody noone nobody 1Thereis wrongwithmycomputer 2 Isthere wrongwithyourcomputer 3 Thereis wrongwithmycomputer 4 ofusknewtheanswer 5 Mum isthereanybreadforbreakfast No thereis 6 Arethereanytomatoes No Thereare Weatethemall something anything notanything nothing None none none B something anything nothing none 不定代词的用法someone somebody anyone anybody noone none nobody用于指人 2 something anything nothing none用于指物 3 用于肯定句 someone somebodysomething用于疑问 否定句 anyone anybody anything用于否定句 noone nobody nothing none 4 someone somebody是指某个人e g Listen Someoneisknockingatthedoor 5 在疑问句中用someone somebody something表示征求意见 希望得到肯定答案 e g Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat 6 在陈述句中用anyone anybody anything指的是任何一个人或一件事 e g Youcandoanythingyoulike 7 修饰不定代词的形容词要后置 e g Thereissomethingimportantintoday snewspaper Doyouneedanythingelse 8 none的用法代词 代指上文出现过的人或物e g Iwantedtwotickets buttherewerenoneleft b 常与of连用 noone nobody均不能和of连用 e g Noneofthemoneywaspaidtome Noneofthestudentsvotedforhim C 注意在答句中与noone的区别 e g Howmanystudentsarethereintheclassroom None Whoisintheroom Noone 完成下列句子1 Ireallydon tknow 下面做什么 2 Thestudentswanttoknow 如何算出这道数学题 3 Shecan tdecide 该买哪一件 4 Canyoutellme 跟谁说话 5 Pleasetellhim 该去哪里 Wh words todo 注意 1 我们经常在know decide understand tell等动词后用此结构 2 Why不用此结构 3 此结构还可和宾语从句互换e g Ireallydon tknowwhattodonext Ireallydon tknowwhatIshoulddonext whattodonext howtowork outthemathproblem whichonetobuy whototalkto with wheretogo 语法反馈练习 选择题 1 Itis tothinkmoreoryourselfthanothers A generousB activeC selfishD modest2 Imadesomemistakesinthetext Iwasnot A carefulenoughB enoughcarelessC enoughcarefulD carelessenough3 Thereisarivernearhishome Hewouldrather than A gohiking gofishingB togohiking togofishingC togofishing togohikingD gofishing gohiking4 Thisnewsmademefeelsad isakindof structure A S V OB S V DO OCC S V DOD S V IO DO C A D B 5 Sandyprefers to A dancing singB dancing singingC dance singD dance singing6 Isthere intoday snewspaper A interestingsomethingB somethinginterestingC interestinganythingD anythinginteresting7 Wemustkeepourclassroom everyday A cleanB cleaningC tocleanD cleaned8 Thepoemsaresowonderful Idon tknow A tochoosewhichoneB whichtochooseoneC whichonetochooseD onetochoosewhich B D A C 写作部分 Arecommendationletter Dear Iwouldliketorecommendmyselftobethenewmonitor Iam Ithink Iam Ihopethatyoucanagreewithme Yourssincerely Greetings Mainbody Unit1 Purpose Reasons Conclusion Closing Signature Unit2 Para1 WhattowearPara 2 3ColorsandwhattheyrepresentPara 4 Thewriter sopinion idea Structureofthepassage Unit3Teenageproblems1 IntroductionAGrade9studentBenotsurehowtodealwiththisproblem2 MainbodyCauseofstressandsolutionsAlotofhomework planyourtimecarefullyToonoisyathome letyourparentsknowtheproblemToomanyexamsandtests talktoyourteachers3 Conclusion 范文展示 Unit1AformalrecommendationDearMrZhang Iamwritingtorecommendmyselfasthenewmonitor Iamhard working IstudyhardandhandinmyhomeworkIthinkIamveryclever Ialwaysgetgoodmarksintests Iamalsohelpful Atschool Ioftenhelpotherstudents Forexample Ihelpmyclassmatesworkoutmathproblems IamorganizedandneverforgettodothethingsIneedtodo Ioftenorganizesomeinterestingafter classactivitieswithmyclassmates Ihopethatyoucanagreewithme YourssincerelyMillie Unit2Myfavoritecolor Therearelotsofcolorsintheworld Iliketwocolorsbest Theyareredandwhite Redrepresentspowerandstrength It sthecolorofheatandstrongfeelings Whiteisthecolorofpurity Itrepresentscalmandpeace SomefriendsaskmewhyIlikethem IthinkIlikethembecauseIoftenfeelstressed Ilikewearingwhiteclothes theycanhelpmefeelrelaxed SometimesIamlively soIcanwearredsportsclothestoplayfootball Theycanmakemetrytobesuccessful Redandwhiteisagoodmatch TheycanhelpmewhenIhavedifficultymakingdecisions Unit3DearDaniel Howareyou IaminGrade9nowandIamalwaysbusy IusuallycannotfindenoughtimetodothethingsIwanttodo Infact manystudentsofmyagefeelstressed Someofthemarenotsurehowtodealwiththisproblem Onemajorcauseofstressishomework Wehavetoomuchhomework Veryoften wedon tknowwhentoworkandwhentoplay Doyouhavethesameproblem Onewaytosolvethisproblemistoplanyourtimecarefully Makealistofallthehomeworkyouhavetodo Thenworkouthowmuchtimeyouneedtofinishit Thiswillgiveyouanideaofhowmuchfreetimeyouhave Anothermajorcauseofstressistoomuchnoiseathome MygrandmotheroftenturnsuptheTVloudly Idon tknowhowtofinishmyworkquietly ThenIletmyparentsknowtheproblem Theyhaveatalkwithmygrandma WhenIamdoingmyhomework shedoesn twatchTVanymore Themostimportantcauseofstressistoomanyexamsandtests Ialwaysworryaboutthem Ithinkyoualsohavethesameproblem Onewaytosolvethisproblemistotalktoyourteachers Theywouldliketohelpyou SoIamtellingyoumyproblems Ifyouneedhelp Iamhappytogiveyousomeadvice YourfriendEmma Thankyou

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