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.ActThe Prince and pauper Are born(in Toms house)Toms Father:Tom!Go out to beg the streets!Tom: Yes,Father.(dreamily)Oh,if only Iwerena pauper,but a prince!(One day,Tom goes to the palace and sees the prince.)Soldier:(pushing Tom)Get away from here,you dirty beggar!Edward:(angrily)How dare you treat a poor boy like that?Open the gate,and let him in!(in Edwards nice room)Edward:Tell me about the life of people outside the palace.Tom:My friends and I run races in the street and go swimming in the river.Edward:Oh,wonderful!I want to take off these clothes and swim in the river like you.Tom:I want to wear clothes like you.(A few minutes later, Edward and Tom stand in front of a mirror wearing each otherclothes)Edward:Oh,it is a miracle!We look exactly the same.Stay here until I come back .Thats a command!(Edward quickly hides something and runs out to the gate.)Soldier:(hitting Edward on the ear)Get out of here,you pauper!Edward:What?I am the prince of Wales!Soldier:Ha-ha!This little beggar thinks he ir a prince!Toms Father:(grabbing Edward)Where have you been?Edward:Oh,you are Toms Father.Return me to my father,the King.Toms Father:Ha-ha!Youre mad.lets go home!(at the palace)King:My child,you know me,dont you?Tom:(falling on his knees)Yes,but I am not the prince .I was born a pauper.King:His mind is sick from too much studying!.Oh,my poor boy!He will get if he rests now.ActThe Prince Meets Miles Hendon(in the middle of the night,Toms father wakes his family up in a hurry.)Toms Father:Run,family!The police want me for murder!Edward:(running to the crowd)I can get away and return to the palace!(Edward runs to the Guildhall.)Edward:(loudly)Open the door!I am the prince of wales!Soldier:Get away from here ,or I will beat you.(soon Edward is surrounded by a crowd .)Miles:prince or not ,you are brave!My name is Miles Hendon.Come with me .Messenger:(yelling) The king is dead!Edward:(crying)Oh,farher ,I an here,oh(Miles takes Edward to his room and he rells about his story.Then Edward tells his own story.)Miles:(saying to himself)Oh,poor boy,His mind must be sick.Ill be his friend.(Edward follows a thief named Hugo out of London into the forest.Toms father is waiting for Edward there.)Toms father:Well,now do you know your father?Edward:You tricked me into coming here!My father was the king!Toms fatherHugo:(giggling)Oh!Long live Foo-foo the First!(Hugo takes Edward begging.)Hugo:Ahhh!Please,sir,give me a penny.My brother will tell you know sick I am.Man:Poor man,I will give you three pennies.Edward:He is a thief!He has picked your pocket!(Hugo jumps up and runs away,and Edward runs the other way.).ActThe Princes Adventures(Edward sees a little hut.An old hermit is inside.)Edward:(coming in the hut)I am the King!Hermit:Oh,welcome!Please sit down and have some food.(saying to himself)His father ,Henry,was a bad king.I will kill this boy!(The hermit ties Edward up and puts a cloth in his mouth.)Miles:(knocking on the door)Open the door!I know the boy is here because I saw his footprints!Hermit:Oh,the poor boy?I sent him to get something.I will show you which way to go in order to find him.Follow me.(The hermit and Miles leave together.)Toms fatherHugo:(opening the door)Ah- hah! We found you!(Toms father and Hugo take Edward to the city.)( Hugo steals a pig and puts it in Edward s hands. Then Hugo runs away.)Woman: Thief! Thief!(In the police station, Miles is close by to help Edward.)Judge: How mach dose the pig cost?Woman: There shillings and eightpence.Judge: When someone steals a thing over the value of thirteen pence , he will be hanged. Did you know that?Woman: Oh, I dont want the poor boy to be hanged! The pig is eightpence.(The policeman follows the woman out of the police station.)Policeman: It is a fat pig. I will buy it for eightpence.Woman: No! It is worth more than that.Policeman: Oh, is it? Then you lide. Come with me and tell the truth to the judge. The boy will hang.Woman: OK, give me eightpence.Miles: (to the Policeman) I saw how you cheated that woman for her pig.Let us go, or Ill go to the judge and tell everything.(The Policeman looks the other way as they run away.)Edward: (saying to himself) I have learned a great lesson.All kings should experience their own laws.Act Who Is the True king?(It is Toms coronation day. Tom arrives at Westminster.)Tom: (saying to himself) Oh, where is Prince Edward? I miss my family!(The Archbishop of Canterbury holds the crown above Toms head .)Edward: Stop! Dont put the crown on his head! I am the king!Tom: (falling on his knees) Oh, my King!Kings advisor: If you are the real king ,you have to prove it.Where is the missing Great Seal of England?Edward: Go to my room and open the closet.(A servant runs to get it and returns.)Servant: The Seal is not there!Tom: Is it round? Dose it have letters carved on it? Oh, I see. Remember, my King, you put it in another place before you ran out of the room that day.Edward: Oh, yes! I did! Its in the coat of armor in my room!(The servant runs out of the room and then back in.)Servant: (Loudly) Here it is!(The Archbishop puts the crown on Edwards head.)(After the coronation, Edward talks privately with Tom.)Edward: Tom, how did you remember where I hid the Seal?Tom: Because I used it for days.Edward: Used it? How?Tom: Icont say, sir.Edward: Speak up and dont fear.Tom: To crack nuts with.Edward: What? Ha-ha-ha.(at the palace)Edward: Tom, you are honest. You will be given a job as Chief of Christs Hospital. Take care of the poor people in the streets.Miles , you helped me a lot. You will be made Earl of Kent.(saying to himself ) Ive learned many things form my adventures.I will never forget the lessons , and I will rule my people with love

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