(新课改)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Music学案(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc

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Unit 5 Music(一)课前自主学习.阅读单词知其意1classical adj.古典的;古典文艺的2roll vt.&vi. 滚动;(使)摇摆n. 摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈3fame n. 名声;名望4instrument n. 工具;器械;乐器5pub n. 酒馆;酒吧6studio n. 工作室;演播室7millionaire n. 百万富翁;富豪8reunite vt. 再统一;再联合;重聚9folk adj. 民间的10jazz n. 爵士音乐 .重点单词写其形1musician n纵联1 音乐家2pretend vt. 假装;假扮3attach vt.&vi. 系上;缚上;附加;连接4form vt. (使)组成;形成;构成5passerby n纵联2 过路人;行人6earn vt. 赚;挣得;获得7extra adj. 额外的;外加的8actor n. 男演员;行动者9rely vi. 依赖;依靠10broadcast n& vi.&vt. 广播;播放11familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的12addition n. 加;增加;加法13afterwards adv. 然后;后来14sensitive adj. 敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的15cash n纵联3 现金16dip vt. 浸;蘸.拓展单词通其变1invitation n邀请;招待invite vt.邀请2perform vt.&vi.表演;履行;执行performance n表演;演奏performer n表演者;执行者纵联43humorous adj.幽默的;诙谐的humor n幽默4attractive adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的attract vt.吸引;引起attraction n吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物5confident adj.自信的;确信的confidence n自信;信任;信心6brief adj.简短的;简要的n.摘要;大纲briefly adv.简要地;短暂地7devotion n投入;热爱;奉献devote vt.致力于;奉献devoted adj.献身的;忠诚的8painful adj.痛苦的;疼痛的pain n疼痛纵联1.“后缀ian家人”大聚会musician音乐家 physician内科医生electrician电工 edian喜剧演员magician魔术师 technician技术员politician政治家纵联2.“结伴”而行passerby过路人;行人 steamboat汽船armchair扶手椅 sandstorm沙尘暴teamwork协作 airport飞机场纵联3.多种“付款”方式任你选cash现金 check/cheque支票bill钞票 change零钱balance余额 budget预算纵联4.“音乐”演唱会perform vt.& vi. 演出;表演performance n. 演出;表演classical adj. 古典的pose vt.&vi. 作曲;创作poser n. 创作者conduct vt. 指挥album n. 专辑单元话题音乐子话题1乐器与音乐类型drum n鼓 guitar n吉他;六弦琴 hiphop嘻哈音乐 symphony n交响乐musical adj. 音乐的;爱好音乐的classic/popular/folk music 经典/流行/民间音乐子话题2人员与创作演出band n. 乐队conductor n. (乐队等的)指挥 pianist n. 钢琴家choir n. 合唱团,教堂的唱诗班chorus n. 合唱曲;歌咏队violinist n. 小提琴家;小提琴手 album n. 音乐专辑;歌曲专辑concert n. 音乐会;演奏会live adj. 实况的;现场(直播)的pose a song/music 创作歌曲/音乐学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1(2013全国卷阅读B) In 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music, dance and theatre in Edinburgh.The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.It quickly famous names such as Alec Guinness,Richard Burton, Dame Margot Fonteyn and Marlene Dietrich as well as the big symphony orchestras (交响乐团)It became a fixed event every August and now attracts 400,000 people yearly.写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:_musician;此处教你一招,face the music意为“接受惩罚/批评”选词填空:_B_AattackedBattractedCattached2(2018全国卷阅读C)While famous foreign architects are invited to lead the designs of landmark buildings in China such as the new CCTV tower and the National Center for the (perform) Arts, many excellent Chinese architects are making great efforts to take the center stage.写出invite在本单元中的同根名词形式:invitation;帮你拓展一下,inviting作为形容词时意为“诱人的”用perform的适当形式填空:Performing高考采撷(二)写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)1(2017北京高考书面表达)泰山位于山东省,长期以来一直是旅游胜地,许多中国传奇(legendary)故事都与之有关。(attach)Located_in_Shandong_Province,_Mount_Tai_has_long_been_a_popular_tourist_attraction,_with_many_Chinese_legendary_stories_attached_to_it._2(2014四川高考书面表达)因此,当我坐在教室做试卷时,感到精力旺盛,信心十足。(confident)So_while_sitting_in_the_classroom_and_doing_my_papers,_I_felt_confident_and_was_full_of_energy.(二)课堂重点释疑1pretend vt.& vi.假装;假扮;扮演记牢pretend 练通单句语法填空She pretended to_be_doing (do) her homework when her mother came in.When mother came back, I pretended to_have_fallen (fall) asleep.She opened a book, pretending (pretend) to read, with tears dropping on the open page.写美翻译句子他会问我们是谁,假装不认识我们。He_would_ask_who_we_were_and_pretend_not_to_know_us.联想 和pretend有类似用法(后接to do/to be doing/to have done)的动词还有happen, appear, seem, claim等及be said to结构。2attach vt.& vi.系上;附上;附加;连接;贴上;使依恋记牢(1)attach . to认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接attach importance/significance/value to sth. 认为有重要性/意义/价值(2)attached adj. 依恋;附属于be attached to 附属于;依恋练通 单句语法填空It is high time that the country should attach importance to energy saving and environmental protection.Across the stream, a man is trying to reach out on the edge of the bank for the fruit with a net attached (attach) to a pole.This hospital_is_attached (attach) to the medical college nearby.用准attach . to .中的to为介词,其后跟名词、动名词等。写美补全句子(2018天津高考书面表达)附在这个邮件中的是我为我的小组制订的训练计划,我希望你能读一下,看看它是否实用。Attached_to_this_email is the training plan I have worked out for my team, which I hope youll read to see if its practical.3form vt.(使)组成;形成;构成n.形状;表格;形式记牢(1)form the habit of doing sth. 养成做某事的习惯(2)in the form of 以的形式fill in/out the form 填表格take the form of 采取/表现为的形式练通 单句语法填空Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request in the form of a question.He was about to give up when a good idea began to_form (form) in his mind.写美补全句子自从那时起,我就养成了与朋友有规律地打篮球的习惯,这有助于我身体更强壮、变得更自信。Since then, I have_formed_the_habit_of_playing_basketball with my friends regularly, which helps me to grow stronger and bee more confident.4perform vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行记牢(1)perform a(n) . role in在中起作用perform an operation/a play 进行手术/演一场戏perform ones duty/promise 尽某人的责任/履行 某人的承诺(2)performance n. 执行;表演;演奏;履行put on/give a performance 表演(3)performer n. 执行者;表演者练通 单句语法填空Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it_being_performed (perform) live is quite another.As everyone knows, she performs an important role in our organization.His good performance (perform) in school does credit to his mother.写美翻译句子(2015全国卷书面表达)在那之后,我们将唱他们最喜爱的歌曲,表演民间舞蹈。After_that,_well_sing_their_favourite_songs_and_perform_folk_dances.5familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的记牢(1)be/get familiar with熟悉;与熟悉起来be familiar to 为所熟悉(2)unfamiliar adj. 不熟悉的练通单句语法填空Exposure to the English language which is used in our daily life can make people familiar with it.This word was not familiar to the people some decades ago.句型转换They are not familiar with charity work, which is still at an early stage in China.Charity work, which is still at an early stage in China, is_not_familiar_to them.用准be familiar to的主语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语通常是人;be familiar with的主语只能是人,宾语是所熟悉的内容或物。写美补全句子(2015天津高考书面表达)我认为这些捐赠的书不仅能使你更熟悉中国,而且有助于提高你的汉语。I believe these donated books will not only make_you_more_familiar_with_China but help improve your Chinese.词汇过关综合训练 .单词拼写1Emperor Kangxi came to this village twice, thus earning (赢得) it the name Huangcheng.2In order to get familiar (熟悉的) with the new neighbour, I decided to call at his house.3Nie Er is considered as one of the most famous musicians (音乐家) in China.4She pretends (假装) that she likes them so that she can get their help.5The girl student is very sensitive (敏感的) to what others think of her and easily annoyed by ments, whether they are praise or criticism.6I put the letter in an envelope, attached (贴上) a stamp and mailed it.7Walking is a good form (形式) of exercise for both the young and the old.8When the fire broke out, many passersby (过路人) volunteered to put it out.单句语法填空1Applying for jobs can be a long and painful (pain) process.2Let me briefly (brief) tell you what happened.3If you havent read this book, please dont pretend to_have_read (read) it.4After months of unemployment all he asked for was a chance to_earn (earn) his bread.5I need you to message me your full name and address so that I can send you the invitation (invite) to their wedding.6We appreciated his devotion (devote) of time and money to the project.7We all like Mr. Brown because he is a very humorous (humor) person.8Hangzhou is considered to be one of the most attractive (attract) places in China.9The childrens performance (perform) gave the elders a lot of pleasure last week.10Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached (attach).一句多译1他总是乐于帮助他人,因此在这儿大家都熟悉他。(familiar)He is always willing to help others, so everyone here is_familiar_with_him.He is always willing to help others, so he is_familiar_to_everyone here.2我在街上见到她时,她装作不认识我,这确实使我很伤心。She pretended_that_she_didnt_know_me when we met in the street, which really made me upset.(pretend that .)She pretended_not_to_know_me when we met in the street, which really made me upset.(pretend to do .).语境辨义根据语境选出form的词性和词义(A)n.形式;方式(B)n.表格(C)vt.组成;构成 (D)vt.形成;产生1The rocks were formed more than 4,000 million years ago._D_2Vitamin C can be taken in capsule or tablet form._A_3Fill in the form and send it back with your cheque._B_4Vegetables and bread form the Western normal diet._C_(一)课前自主学习1dream_of 串记1 梦见;梦想;设想2to_be_honest 串记2 说实在地;实话说3attach_._to 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接4in_cash 用现金;有现钱5play_jokes_on 戏弄6rely_on 依赖;依靠7be/get_familiar_with 熟悉;与熟悉起来8or_so 大约9break_up 打碎;分裂;解体10in_addition 另外;也11sort_out 分类12above_all 最重要;首先同根短语串记串记1.“v.of”短语小结dream of梦见;梦想;设想consist of由组成approve of赞成 die of死于think of想到 hear of听说串记2.to短语来“插”队to be honest 说实在地;实话说to be frank 坦白地说to begin with 首先to tell you the truth 说实话to be brief 简单地说to be sure 无疑;诚然1in front_of_thousands of people面对成千上万的观众2form a band 组成乐队3the first step_to fame 成名的第一步4earn some extra money 多挣一些钱5give performances 表演;演出6put an advertisement in a newspaper 在报纸上登一则广告7not long after 后不久8on a brief tour 在短暂的巡回演出中9show ones devotion_to sb. 表达对某人的热爱10go wrong 变坏1Sometimes they may play to passersby in the street or subway so_that_they_can_earn_some_extra_money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,这样他们可以为自己或自己要买的乐器多挣一些钱。2The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most_of_which was based loosely on the Beatles.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。3Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.弗雷迪和他的乐队无论走到哪里都会有人跟随。4Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as_if_they_were_close_friends.一些不认识他们的人也在不断地讨论他们的私生活,而且就像是他们的密友一样在谈论他们。学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)完形中的短语(补全句子)1(20176月浙江高考完形填空)Now Alia waited for the war to end and dreamed_of (梦想) peace and a new library.2(2010湖北高考完形填空)He taught her how to rely_on(依赖) her other senses, specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment.高考采撷(二)写作中的短语和句式(补全句子/词汇升级)1(2016北京高考书面表达)说实在地,郑和,明代的一位探险家,是我在中国历史上最喜爱的人物。To_be_honest,_Zheng He, an explorer in Ming Dynasty, is my favorite figure in Chinese history.2(2017全国卷书面表达)Besides(In_addition), in order to learn Tang poetry well, youd better get some information about Tang Dynasty before class.(用本单元短语替换加黑词) 3(2016北京高考书面表达)在他的一生中,他写了大量优秀的诗歌,这些都对中国文化产生了巨大的影响。(“名词/代词介词关系代词”引导的定语从句)During his lifetime, he wrote a great number of excellent poems, all_of_which_have_a_great_effect_on Chinese culture.4(20166月浙江高考书面表达)然而,一个计划如果没有实际执行,是不会有结果的。(双重否定句式)However, a plan can bear no_fruit_without being actually carried out. (二)课堂重点释疑短语集释1rely on依赖;依靠;指望;相信记牢rely on sb.to do sth.指望/相信某人会做某事rely on (doing) sth. 依赖/信任/指望(做)某事rely on it that . 相信;指望练通单句语法填空To be honest, he is not a man who can be_relied (rely) on.Many people now would rely on surfing (surf) the Internet rather than read newspapers for news.句型转换We rely on his finishing the work today.We rely on him_to_finish the work today.We rely on_it_that_he_will_finish the work today.写美翻译句子因此,在购买时,你要依靠你的经验和对每双(鞋)的感觉。So_you_have_to_rely_on_your_experience_and_on_the_feel_of_each_pair_as_you_shop.联想 与rely on意义和用法相同的短语还有:depend on, count on。2break up打碎;分裂;解体;分拆;分解;驱散;分手;结束;放假辨清写出下列句中break up的含义In order to get some money, the man broke up that old machine and sold some parts.分拆Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have broken up. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.分手The police came running and broke up the crowd.驱散When does the school break up for the summer holiday?放假记牢break down 出故障;失败;垮掉;分解break in 破门而入;打断(谈话等)break into 强行闯入;突然起来break out (战争、火灾等)爆发;发生(无被动语态)break away from 脱离;挣脱练通 选用上述短语填空Close the door and windows carefully to prevent some strangers breaking_into your house.Dont break_in when he is telling his own story.Youll break_down sooner or later if you go on working like that.用准break into中into为介词,其后须接宾语;而break in中in为副词,为不及物动词短语。写美补全句子只有在那时我才意识到与所有的朋友脱离关系且从不与他们联系是多么地傻。Only then did I realize that it was so foolish of me_to_break_away_from_all_of_my_friends and never contact them. 3above all 最重要;首先记牢after all 毕竟;终究all in all 整体说来;总而言之in all 全部;合计at all (否定句)一点也不;(疑问句)到底;究竟练通 选用上述短语填空He is hardworking, cheerful, and above_all_honest.I was very upset to find out that he didnt like my gift at_all.Dont believe the advertisement. After_all,_it is the customers who pay for whatever you are given.How many students are there in your school in_all?写美翻译句子(2018全国卷书面表达)总之,我真诚地邀请你到我们学校来亲自看看。All_in_all,_I_sincerely_invite_you_to_e_to_our_school_and_see_for_yourself.句式集释1“代词介词关系代词”引导的定语从句教材原句The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most_of_which was based loosely on the Beatles.悟拓展例句(1)The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, most_of_which are beyond our control.植物的生长速度受很多因素的影响,其中大部分因素是我们无法控制的。(2)Many young people, most_of_whom were welleducated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.许多年轻人都前往偏远地区追逐梦想,他们中大多数人受过良好的教育。(3)The girl lives in the house, the windows of which (whose_windows) face south.那个女孩住在这所房子里,房子的窗户是朝南开的。析用法规则(1)most of which .是“代词介词关系代词”引导的定语从句。先行词是物时,用which;先行词是人时,用whom。(2)常见的此类结构还有one/two/several/each/all/many/more/some/.of which/whom .(3)“then.ofwhich”结构一般可以与“whosen.”互换。背写作佳句(1)(2016四川高考书面表达)There are four seasons in a year, each of which has distinctive features.(开头句)(2)(2015广东高考写作) Our class also has problems of its own, the most obvious one of which/of which the most obvious one is the students laziness.(要点句)2not . without .双重否定句式,表示肯定意义教材原句Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.悟拓展例句(1)I couldnt_have_gone_through that bitter period_without your generous help.没有你的慷慨帮助,我不可能熬过那段痛苦的日子。(2)You cant_be_too_careful while driving the car.你开车时再怎么小心也不为过。(3)Use your head and you will find_nothing_is_impossible_in the world.动动脑筋你就会发现世上无难事。析用法规则用法归纳(1)常见的双重否定结构:(2)常见的用否定形式表示肯定意义的结构有:not/no/never .without .“没有不”;“除不”cannot .too .“越越”;“无论怎样也不为过” nothing/not/no . impossible .“没有不”注意事项英语中有些句子“貌相”(形式)否定,实则表示肯定的意义,甚至表示非常强烈的肯定意义。此类句子尤其容易出现在阅读理解中给考生增加干扰因素。背写作佳句(1)As we know, there is no success without hardships.(开头句)众所周知,没有苦难就没有成功。(2)You cannot make egg rolls without breaking eggs.(要点句)有失才有得。词块、句式过关综合训练 .选词填空break up, in addition, be familiar with, to be honest, play jokes on, above all, rely on, dream of, or so, sort out1In_addition,_they enjoy the quiet and peace of the countryside.2Beyond, a famous rock band, played its last concert in 2005 and then it officially broke_up in Singapore.3To_be_honest,_it doesnt make any sense to rent such an expensive house.4We are_familiar_with the magazine; we like its content and style.5Never waste anything, and above_all never waste time.6Her friends are always_playing_jokes_on her, which sometimes makes her angry.7Not having been here for a long time, I had to rely_on my friends to help me find a job.8It is not difficult to sort_out the materials as long as time permits.9I hope the rain will keep off half an hour or_so,_for Ive forgotten to bring an umbrella.10He was saving his money for the house that they had dreamed_of owning someday.根据提示补全句子1应一些英语学习者的要求,他出版了许多书,其中一本是关于英语习语的。(“代词介词关系代词”引导的定语从句)At the request of some English learners, he has published a lot of books, one_of_which_is_about_English_idioms. 2没有护照你就不能离开这个国家。(not . without .)You_cant_leave_the_country_without a passport. 3我们将坐在大厅的前面,以便听得更清楚。(so that)Well sit in the front of the hall so_that_we_can_hear_better. 4我们错过了公共汽车,看来我们好像必须要打的了。(as if)We have missed the bus. It looks as_if_well_have_to_take_a_taxi. .读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I was touched through experiences, memories, books, stories, animals, angels, and most of all other people. People have moved me and molded (塑造) me with moments of love and examples of kindness.One time on the day before Christmas many years ago when I was a minimum wage mill worker, I found myself with very little money and very little time to buy my small children a few simple toys. I knew that they would have to be cheap ones and I hoped my children would like them. I hated not having enough to give them more. I hated being poor. And I hated feeling bad at Christmas rather than happy.I pulled_into a store parking lot and counted my money again. It wasnt much but maybe I could get something small with it. As I was getting out of the car I noticed the Salvation Army bell_ringer (撞钟人) at the entrance. I felt bad again because I didnt feel I could spare anything to give him. I started walking towards the entrance when two cars pulled into empty parking spots in front of me. The first was a shiny, new Cadillac and I felt kind of jealous when I saw it. “How nice,” I thought, “would it be to have enough money to buy a car like that.” The second car, though, was an ancient sedan more beatup (破旧的) and rusty than the one I was driving.A man hopped out of the Cadillac and hurried into the store right past the bell ringer without a second glance. Out of the old sedan came a young mother with three small children in tow. Her clothes looked as worn out as her car, yet she stopped in front of the bell ringer, smiled, opened her purse,_and dropped a bill in his red kettle.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:I stood there for a minute in astonishment. Paragraph 2:In that second a warmth touched me, my jealousy and hatred left me, and all the love and joy that are Christmas filled me. 写作步骤第一步:速读全文文本大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者是一位收入很低的母亲,当圣诞节来临时,她很为孩子们的礼物犯愁。在商店外面时,她看到两辆对比鲜明的轿车,一辆是凯迪拉克豪车,另一辆是破旧的轿车。可是让她惊讶的是豪车车主对救世军撞钟人的募捐活动熟视无睹,而那位旧车车主却慷慨解囊。叙述意图:宣扬给予和奉献精神。第二步:细读全文1所给短文情景模式分析。whoI, children, bell ringer, two driverswhatI had very little money and I felt bad when I noticed the Salvation Army bell ringer at the entrance. A man hopping out of the Cadillac didnt contribute while a young mother ing out of the old sedan dropped a bill in the bell ringers red kettle.whenon the day before

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