(江苏专用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Understanding each other练习(含解析)牛津译林版选修6.doc

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选修六 Unit 3 Understanding each other检测评价A卷.单项填空1Where shall we go during this holiday, the Great Wall or the West Lake?_ Its all the same to me.AEnjoy yourself.BIts a deal.CDont mention it. DIts up to you.解析:选D考查交际用语。由空后的“去哪儿对我来说都一样”可知,答话人是让对方做决定。Enjoy yourself“玩得痛快”;Its a deal“一言为定;成交”;Dont mention it“不客气”。故Its up to you“由你决定”符合题意。2The reason _ he didnt see the film last night is _ he had to help his little sister with her homework.Awhy; because Bthat; whyCwhy; that Dthat; because解析:选C句意:昨晚他没有去看电影的原因是,他得帮助他妹妹做作业。考查The reason why . is that .句式,第一空用why引导reason的定语从句,第二空用that引导表语从句。3I accepted a _ teaching students ages 6 to 12 with severe learning and behavioral _ whod moved from school to school.Aposition; difficulties Bpost; hardCjob; troubles Doccupation; difficulty解析:选A句意:我接受了一个教从这个学校转到那个学校的且具有严重学习困难及行为的六到十二岁的学生们的职位。position与post都表示“职位”的区别:post更强调一份工作,而且使用环境并不十分正式;而position更强调“职位”这不仅仅代表了一个位置、一份工作,同时也带有“负责任的”“职称”等比较正式的隐藏含义,所以第一空填position;difficulty表示具体的“困难”时是可数名词,表示抽象概念“困难”时是不可数名词,题干指“学习和行为困难”,故用复数difficulties。故选A项。4You are not _ to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.Aaccustomed BresignedCentitled Dsubmitted解析:选C句意:如果你从来没有工作过,你就没有权利享受失业津贴。be accustomed to“习惯于”;be resigned to“甘愿忍受”;be entitled to“有权,有资格”;be submitted to“被提交给”。根据句意可知选C。5Tom has played a lot of puter games recently.Yes, that might _ his failure in the midterm examinations.Aaccount for Banswer forCask for Dstand for解析:选A句意:“汤姆最近玩太多电脑游戏了。”“是的,这也许是他期中考试不及格的原因。”account for“是的原因”,符合句意。answer for“对负责,因受到谴责”;ask for“要求,请求”;stand for“代表”。6The reason why the young man can _ the new conditions is that he has a flexible attitude towards everything.Aappeal to Badjust toCsubscribe to Ddevote to解析:选B句意:那个年轻人能适应新环境的原因是他对任何事物都持有一种灵活的态度。appeal to“吸引”;adjust to“适应”;subscribe to“同意,赞成”;devote oneself to“献身于”。根据句意可知选B。7Its impossible for her to have more free time to acpany her parents because her work _ much of her time.Atakes up Btakes overCtakes off Dtakes in解析:选A句意:她不可能有更多的空余时间来陪伴她的父母,因为工作占据了她的大部分时间。take up“拿起,占据(时间或空间)”;take over“接管”;take off“脱掉,起飞”;take in“吸收,上当”。根据句意可知选A。8Neither side seems to have a _ solution; there are still many uncertainties on this issue.Afamiliar BtheoreticalCdefinite Dconfidential解析:选C句意:双方似乎都没有确定的解决办法。在这个问题上还存在很多的不确定性。familiar“熟悉的”;theoretical“理论上的”;definite“明确的,确定的”;confidential“机密的”。根据句意可知选C。9Stay a bit longer, please. Its been such _ fun having you here.Thank you, but Ive got _ early start tomorrow morning.A/; the Ba; anC/; an Dthe; an解析:选C句意:“待的时间长一些吧。有你在这儿真的很好。”“谢谢,但是我明天早上要早早出发。”fun是不可数名词,故第一空不填;第二空填an, get an early start“很早动身”,故选C项。10(2019无锡模拟)With the prices of houses rising, they became extremely anxious _ they wouldnt have enough money to afford one.Ain doubt Bin caseCfor fear Dfor example解析:选C句意:随着房价的上涨,他们变得极其焦虑,害怕自己的钱不够买套房。in doubt“怀疑”;in case“万一”;for fear“害怕”。根据句意可知选C。11The fourth Thursday in November is set aside for Americans to _ Thanksgiving Day with family members.Apursue BcelebrateCcongratulate Dobtain解析:选B句意:美国人在每年11月的第四个星期四和家人一同庆祝感恩节。celebrate意为“庆祝”,符合句意。12Can you describe _ it happened?Yes, I was riding on my bike _ a car knocked me down from behind.Awhen; as Bhow; asChow; when Dhow; while解析:选C句意:“你能描述一下事情是怎么发生的吗?”“好,我正在骑车时,一辆车从后面撞倒了我。”第一空describe后跟宾语从句,根据下文可知是告知事情发生的情况,所以用how。第二空是be doingwhen从句,意为“正在做某事,这时突然”。故选C。13The students are so _ to the noise of the machine near the factory that they dont even notice it during their study.Alost BsubmittedCaccustomed Dassociated解析:选C句意:学生们对附近工厂机器的噪音早已习惯,以至于他们在学习期间甚至没在意。lost“丢失的”;submitted“屈从于”;accustomed“习惯于”;associated“有关的”。根据句意可知选C。14Chinese customs regulations _ taking precious works of art out of China.Aprohibit BforbidCavoid Drespect解析:选A句意:中国海关条例规定禁止将珍贵的文物带出中国。prohibit 和 forbid 这两个词都有“禁止”的意思,但应用范围不同:prohibit一般是通过明确的法律法规条文做出的禁止,forbid适用于日常各种情况。15How e Joan hasnt typed the report yet?Oh, my dear lady, take it easy. She is _ in puter operation.Aa green hand Ba black sheepCa dark horse Da blue stocking解析:选A句意:“为什么Joan还没有把报告打出来?”“亲爱的女士,别急。Joan在电脑操作方面是个新手。”a green hand“新手”;a black sheep“害群之马”;a dark horse“出人意料的获胜者”;a blue stocking“才女”。根据句意可知选A。.完形填空A Cypriot model shot to fame thanks to her bushy unibrow (连心眉). She insisted her unusual facial hair is beautiful _1_ receiving a wave of abuse online.Sophia Hadjipanteli, born in 1996, first _2_ the headlines when photographs of her bushy brows went viral (广为传播的), but has since been forced to _3_ herself from all kinds of accusations, _4_ ments for example, someone thought her disgusting and ugly.Sophia offered a(n) _5_:“I think my face looks better with a thick unibrow. I never _6_ my eyebrows would have this much of a(n) _7_ on people. But I really wanted to _8_ people to look at a unibrow which theyve been _9_ to think its kind of weird and something you should _10_.”Sophia may have a great _11_ for her natural brows, but she is also a _12_ of colorful makeup and bright lips. In a recent post, she _13_ that “I wear makeup and have a unibrow _14_ they are what I like.”Although she admires her look, she _15_ that her thick brows lead to people “_16_ staring” at her when she is at school. For Sophia, _17_ a unibrow is the same as wearing a red lip or dramatic cateye makeup. And while she has no _18_ to let her unibrow define her, she plans on showing it off for as long as it takes for others to learn how to _19_ it. “Until people start to accept others for this _20_ feature on the face, I wont feel ready to move on from it,” she said.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。长着连心眉的塞浦路斯模特Sophia Hadjipanteli笑对恶意评论,坚持展示她独有的美丽。她的故事告诉我们:就算与众不同又怎样,人要活得精彩。1A.despiteBbesidesCafter Dagainst解析:选A根据第一段中的“She insisted her unusual facial hair is beautiful”“receiving a wave of abuse online”可知,尽管她收到了一大波的网络谩骂,但她坚持说她与众不同的眉毛很漂亮。空处前后存在让步关系,故用despite“即使,尽管”。2A.occupied BhitCbeat Dfollowed解析:选B根据第一段中的“shot to fame”可知,此处指Sophia Hadjipanteli首次登上头条。hit the headlines是固定搭配,意为“成为新闻焦点,成为重要新闻”。occupy“占据”;beat“击败”;follow“跟随”。3A.withdraw BdefendCexclude Ddiscourage解析:选B根据语境可知,此处指面对各种各样不好的指责,Sophia不得不为自己辩解。defend“为辩护,为辩解”,符合语境。withdraw “撤离,退出”;exclude“防止进入,把排斥在外”;discourage “阻止,劝阻”。4A.indifferent BunprejudicedCimpersonal Dunpleasant解析:选D根据下文中的“someone thought her disgusting and ugly”可知,此处指令人不快的评论,故unpleasant“令人不快的,不舒服的”符合语境。indifferent“漠不关心的”;unprejudiced“公正的,无偏见的”;impersonal“客观的,冷淡的”。5A.proposal BapologyCexplanation Dpromise解析:选C根据语境可知,此处指Sophia解释道。explanation“解释性说法”,符合语境。proposal“提议,建议”;apology“道歉”;promise“妥协,互让”。6A.realized BdoubtedCplained Dexpected解析:选DSophia从未预料到她的眉毛会对人们产生如此的影响。expect“预料,预计”,符合语境。realize“意识到”;doubt“怀疑”;plain“抱怨”。7A.impact BtestCburden Dopinion解析:选A参见上题解析。impact“影响”,符合语境。test“测验”;burden“负担”;opinion“观点”。8A.require BinstructCpush Dremind解析:选C但是,Sophia真的想说服人们(换一个角度)去看待连心眉。push“说服,敦劝”,符合语境。require“要求”;instruct“指导”;remind“提醒”。9A.convinced BconditionedCdetermined Dprepared解析:选B人们习惯于认为连心眉有点奇怪,是应该摆脱掉的东西。condition“使习惯于,使适应”,符合语境。convince“使信服”;determine“决定,支配”;prepare“准备”。10A.get on with Bput up withCtake hold of Dget rid of解析:选D参见上题解析。get rid of “摆脱”,符合语境。get on with “进展,继续做”;put up with “容忍,忍受”;take hold of “抓住,握住”。11A.affection BsympathyCdesire Drespect解析:选A根据下文中的“she admires her look”可知,Sophia可能很喜欢她天然的眉毛。affection“喜爱,钟爱”,符合语境。sympathy“同情”;desire“渴望”;respect“尊重”。12A.victim BclientCfan Dpromoter解析:选C根据下文中的“I wear makeup and have a unibrow _ they are what I like”可知,Sophia也喜欢彩妆和亮唇。fan“迷,狂热爱好者”,符合语境。victim“受害者”;client“客户”;promoter“倡导者”。13A.recalled BsupposedCstressed Dregretted解析:选C根据语境可知,此处指Sophia强调说:“我化妆和留连心眉是因为它们是我所爱。”stress“强调”,符合语境。recall“回忆起”;suppose“假设”;regret“感到遗憾”。14A.if BunlessCthough Dbecause解析:选D参见上题解析。前后句之间存在因果关系,且前面是果,后面是因,故用because。15A.imagined BadmittedCargued Ddemanded解析:选B尽管她欣赏她的相貌,但是她也承认,在学校时她那浓密的眉毛确实让人们盯着她看。admit“承认”,符合语境。imagine“想象”;argue“争辩”;demand“要求”。16A.cheerfully BliterallyCcasually Dfaithfully解析:选B参见上题解析。literally“真正地,确实地”,符合语境。cheerfully“高兴地”;casually“随便地”;faithfully“忠实地”。17A.making for Btaking onCtidying up Dshowing off解析:选D根据下文中的“showing it off”可知,对Sophia来说,故意展示自己的连心眉就和涂红唇及化戏剧般的猫眼妆一样。show off“炫耀,显示”符合语境。18A.intention BchanceCtime Dmood解析:选A根据下文中的“she plans on showing it off for as long as it takes”可知,此处指尽管Sophia不打算让她的连心眉来界定自己,但是她打算继续展示自己的连心眉。intention“打算,计划,意图”,符合语境。chance“机会”;time“时间”;mood“心情”。19A.wele BrememberCevaluate Dsubstitute解析:选A根据下文中的“Until people start to accept others for this . face”可知,此处指其他人学会如何接受它(指连心眉)。wele“乐意接纳,欣然接受”,符合语境。remember“记得”;evaluate“评价”;substitute“代替”。20A.interesting BimpressiveCspecific Dstrange解析:选C她说:“直到人们开始接受其他人脸上的这种独特的特征,我才觉得我准备好继续前进了。”specific“特有的,独特的”,符合语境。interesting“有趣的”;impressive“给人印象深刻的”;strange“奇怪的”。.任务型阅读(2019镇江市高三期末考试)According to “Time Health”, researchers have found that those who scored highest in a measure of “gratitude scores” were more likely to have less inflammation (炎症), which is often a cause that worsens the symptoms of heart failure. In a study conducted by Paul J. Mills, a professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California, San Diego, patients who kept journals in which they recorded the things for which they were grateful showed reductions in levels of inflammatory biomarkers and an increase in heart rate variability which is considered a measure of reduced cardiac (心脏病的) risk.Another advantage for those with thankful hearts is a better quality of sleep. When you lie down at night, does your mind hit replay, putting on all the worries and concerns you faced during the day? Still your anxiety by thanking God, one by one, for all the positive aspects of your day. Of course, this is not new advice and did not take a team of researchers to discover.Joseph Oatman Jr., the pastor (牧师) who wrote the hymn Count Your Blessings, discovered this miracle sleepaid in 1897 when he was 41 years of age. The song became wellloved and Gipsy Smith, one of his contemporaries noted, “Men sing it, boys whistle it and women rock their babies to sleep to it.” It doesnt seem likely that this familiar hymn will bee trendy again today, but maybe we can teach it to our grandchildren. Certainly, we can use its message to remind ourselves of the benefits of recognizing and acknowledging our blessings.If your best friend had to choose a nickname for you based on your level of gratefulness would it be “Appreciative Amy/Al” or “Thankless Tonya/Tom”? Oh, you say you dont have a best friend? That is too bad and may be a sign that you e across as ungrateful. In a 2014 study published in the journal Emotion, it was reported that researchers concluded that showing gratitude helps you make new friends. Conveying gratefulness to others is not only a way to nurture old relationships, but also a method to begin new ones.This is a nobrainer, but people who are generous with words and expressions of thanksgiving have a healthier outlook (看法) on life than those who feel no need to say “thank you.” It is impossible to be both grateful and negative at the same time. If you feel yourself drifting toward a pessimistic point of view rather than an optimistic one, it may be time to make a list of your many blessings and express heartfelt thanks.Better health, more restful sleep, good friends and a bright outlook on life are good returns on an investment of taking time to be thankful.Many Good Returns on an Investment of Taking Time to be ThankfulBetterhealthPeople with highest gratitude scores were (1)_ likely to have inflammation.According to “Time Health” and Professor Paul JMills, being thankful is a possible way to (2)_ the chance of getting inflammation.MorerestfulsleepSome people are too (3)_ and have a lot of trouble going to sleep.As early as 1897, a pastor made a (4)_ that thanking for the positive aspects of every day is a miracle sleepaid.His song Count Your Blessings enjoyed great (5)_, which indicated that it really could relieve peoples anxiety.GoodfriendsWhether you are ungrateful may be based on the (6)_ of friends you make.According to a study in Emotion, we can safely draw a (7)_ that not only can you keep your old friends but also youll have a (8)_ circle of friends if you are ready to show gratitude.A brightoutlookon life(9)_ people are more likely to bee negative and pessimistic.Listing your many blessings and expressing thanks sincerely is an effective way to (10)_ you lead a positive and optimistic life.答案:1.less2.lower/reduce/decrease/lessen3anxious/worried/concerned4.discovery5.popularity6number7.conclusion8.larger/new/wider9Ungrateful10.ensure检测评价B卷阅读理解A(2019扬州高三一模)As you enter university, you are likely to be confused by new demands and challenges. You need to decide for yourselves what you want to achieve when you graduate. It is important that you have appropriate and realistic expectations of a university education and know how far you can go towards achieving your personal and academic goals, so that you will have a sense of achievement at the end of your first year as well as when you graduate.This website aims to be a quick one stop information hub to help you understand more about learning at HKU and make better use of HKUs support services.University life is an adventure that literally everyone here is a key player.Your strategic moves at each stage have a direct impact on the outes of this adventure. The key to winning is mainly about how you manage your resources, especially your time. Most successful players engage themselves in activities that meet their needs and goals.First Year ExperienceAs a new player, you may find yourself standing at the crossroads and wondering which directions you should go. An open mind for handling new challenges and a roadmap or planning and setting priorities during your stay at HKU are what you need to start your journey.And dont forget to check out the following to familiarise yourself with the “game rules”, “support and resources” and “opportunity cards” on hand:* HKU Education aims to know what you are expected to achieve.* The key cards that contribute to your academic, professional and social excellence, eg. Horizons Office, mon Core, Centre for Sports and Exercise (CSE), Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES)语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一个旨在帮助大学新生尽快适应大学生活的网站。1According to the passage, which is the most important for students academic success?ASeeking support from their teachers.BSetting personal and academic goals.CBeing familiar with school facilities.DMaking good use of their time.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一个小标题下面的第二句可知,一个学生要获得学业上的成功,最重要的是利用好时间。2The purpose of this website is to _. Aattract more excellent students to attend HKUBhelp new students adapt to their university lifeCencourage students to seek adventure at universityDadvertise roadmaps and key cards among students解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段可知,这个网站的目的是帮助新学生快速适应大学生活。B(2019连云港高三考前模拟)Since the sex of a sea turtle (海龟) is determined by the heat of sand hatching the egg, scientists had suspected they might see slightly more females. Climate change, after all, has driven sea temperatures higher, which, in these creatures, favors female children. They found female sea turtles from Raine Island, the Pacific Oceans largest and most important green sea turtle living area, now outnumber males by at least 116 to 1. “This is extreme,” says turtle scientist Camryn Allen.Biologist Michael Jensen wanted to know if climate change had already changed turtles sexes. By using genetic tests, hed figured out that he could follow turtles of all ages. Still, his research data would lack an important detail: sex. Only after a turtle matures is it possible to tell its sex from the outside mature males have slightly longer tails. By then turtles can be decades old, so scientists often use laparoscopy (腹腔镜检查), sending a thin tube into each animal, but thats not so practical if youre hoping to examine hundreds of creatures. Fortunately, at a turtle conference, he met Allen, and all she needed was a little blood.They pared their results with temperature data on nesting beaches. What worries them is that Raine Island has been producing almost female turtles for at least 20 years. This is no small thing. More than 200,000 turtles e to nest there. During high season, 18,000 turtles may settle in at once. “But what happens in 20 years when there are no more males ing up as adults? Are there enough to maintain the population?” says Allen. They also found cooler beaches in the south are still producing males, but that in the north, its almost entirely females hatched. These findings clearly point to the fact that climate change is changing many aspects of wildlife biology.But how widespread is this phenomenon and what is the consequence?语篇解读:本文属于科普类说明文。科学家们在研究中发现,太平洋Raine Island绿海龟栖息地中雌海龟的数量远远超过了雄海龟,这是全球气候变暖所导致的结果。3How might the scientists feel if there were slightly more female turtles?AIts unique.BIts normal.CIts extreme. DIts doubtful.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Since the sex of a sea turtle (海龟) is determined by the heat of sand . favors female children”可推知,如果(因为气候变暖)雌海龟数量稍微多一点,科学家们可能会觉得这是正常的。4Why do the findings worry Jensen and Allen?AToo many females gather near Raine Island.BThe species diversity of sea turtles is shrinking.CTurtle populations are in decline.DSea turtles may end up dying out.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第三段中的“But what happens in 20 years when there are no more males ing up as adults? Are there enough to maintain the population”可知,他们担心如果没有成年雄海龟,20年后,可能没有足够的雄海龟来维持海龟的数量,长此以往,海龟可能灭绝。5What does the last paragraph imply?APeople have to test the consequence.BPeople should stop the phenomenon.CMore work needs doing about the phenomenon.DClimate change has changed sea turtles sexes.解析:选C推理判断题。上一段谈到了科学家们发现气候变化正在改变野生生物生理习性的多个方面,比如气温变化让雌海龟数量远远大于雄海龟数量。本段承接上一段,提出两个问题:这种现象的范围有多广?后果又是什么呢?言外之意是人们应该继续这方面的研究工作,将这种现象的前因后果弄明白,其余选项虽与本文或本段内容有关系,但并不是作者的弦外之音。C(2019徐州模拟)Although international students want to dive into American culture, it is easier to stay close to the familiar.“Most international students told me that they want to meet and make friends with as many Americans as they can,”said Mark Galloway, Institute for International Studies student adviser at Murray State University. “But in reality, they are fortable with being around people from their own country, if possible.”Testing of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is an admission (入学) test for international students enrolling in American universities. Galloway said students scores decreased when they spent less time with American students. More than 450 international students are on campus at Murray State University. Thailand, Japan, South Korea, China and Germany are the countries with the most students this semester, according to an IIS report.Wichien Eampromate, Thai Student Association president, said poor English ability and cultural differences make it difficult for Thai students to spend time with Americans.“We eat different things;we do different kinds of things,” said Eampromate.On the other hand, Joonseong Bae, an exchange student from Korea University, said he tries to avoid hanging around other Koreans. B


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