新课改2020版高考英语一轮复习Module2TrafficJam单元话题语篇训练含解析外研版必修4 .doc

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新课改2020版高考英语一轮复习Module2TrafficJam单元话题语篇训练含解析外研版必修4 .doc_第1页
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新课改2020版高考英语一轮复习Module2TrafficJam单元话题语篇训练含解析外研版必修4 .doc_第2页
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Module 2 Traffic Jam单元话题语篇训练.完形填空One day I saw an open shoe store. I walked in. As I stood talking to the saleswoman, the front door opened and a young man about twenty came into the store in a _1_.“I need a new pair of shoes,” said the _2_.As he turned the corner, I was _3_ to see that he had no legs.Seeing us _4_, the young man said,“When I was a _5_, my parents used to buy me a new pair of shoes every year. That was such a wonderful feeling _6_ I have never forgotten.”Soon the saleswoman came with a large box. She put it down on the floor, took out a boot and _7_ it to him. Placing the boot _8_ his nose, he closed both eyes, and took a deep _9_. I did not know what to say as tears began to roll down his _10_.Suddenly we heard the saleswoman shouting to an old man_11_who looked in the window. The young man looked at the old man and signalled him to enter. “What size of shoes do you wear?” the young man asked the old man. “Nine and a half.” he replied, _12_ his old tennis shoes. “Whats your _13_ hiking boot that old man wears?” the young man asked. Within a minute, the saleswoman returned with a pair of hiking boots. He _14_ out, took the boot, placed it to his nose and took a deep breath. _15_, tears came to his eyes.“Sir, would you mind trying on these boots?” the young man asked the old poor man.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位没有双腿的陌生青年为一位陌生的穷苦老人买鞋的感人故事。1A.wheelchairBcarCboot Dsuit解析:选A根据下文中的“had no legs”可推知这个年轻人是坐着轮椅(wheelchair)进店的。2A.salesman BownerCelder Dcustomer解析:选D根据空前的“I need a new pair of shoes”可知,进店的那位年轻人是一位顾客(customer)。3A.excited BshockedCashamed Dembarrassed解析:选B根据本句语境可知,一个没有脚的年轻人却要买鞋子,这让作者感到震惊(shocked)。excited“兴奋的”;ashamed“惭愧的”;embarrassed“尴尬的,窘迫的”。4A.unsatisfied BuninterestedCpuzzled Dworried解析:选C根据下文那个年轻人解释自己为什么买鞋可知,此处表示“看到我们疑惑(puzzled),那个年轻人解释道”。5A.student BmanagerCbarber Dkid解析:选D根据语境可知,当这个年轻人还是个孩子(kid)的时候,父母每年都会给他买双新鞋。6A.everything BsomethingCnothing Danything解析:选B根据空前的破折号可知,空处是对其前“such a wonderful feeling ”的补充说明,表示“一种至今难以忘怀的东西(something)”。7A.handed BthrewCsent Ddescribe解析:选A根据前文“She put it down on the floor, took out a boot”可知售货员把鞋递给了他。8A.to BoverCacross Don解析:选A根据最后一段“placed it to his nose”可知答案为A。9. Adrink BlookCsmile Dbreath解析:选D根据最后一段“took a deep breath”可知。10A.sleeves BhandsCcheeks Dlegs解析:选C作者看到年轻人泪流满面,不知说什么好。cheek“面颊,脸颊”符合语境,故选C。11A.in horror Bin sorrowCin relief Din rags解析:选D根据鞋店售货员吼窗外老人和文章最后的“old poor man”可推断,该老人应该是穿着破烂的(in rags)。in horror“惊恐地”;in sorrow “悲痛地”;in relief “放心地”。12A.turning around Bshowing upCturning back Dlooking down at解析:选D当老人回答他穿多大码的鞋时,应该是低头看脚上的鞋子。13A.best BdearestCheaviest Dquickest解析:选A根据语境可知,那个年轻人要为老人买最好的(best)鞋子。dear“昂贵的”;heavy“沉重的”;quick“迅速的”。14A.burst BlookedCreached Dbroke解析:选C根据下文“took the boot, placed it . breath”等动作可知,第一个动作应该是伸出手(reached out)接过鞋子。15A.At once BOnce again CEver since DOnce in a while解析:选B和前文呼应:“又一次,他流下了泪水。”.语法填空(2019陕西检测) All of us have read thrilling stories.In many of _1_ (they) the hero had only a _2_ (limit) and specified time to live.Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twentyfour hours, _3_ we were always interested in _4_ (discover) just how the dying man chose to spend his last days or his last hours.Such stories set up thinking, wondering _5_ we should do under similar circumstances.What _6_ (happy) should we find in reviewing the past, and what regrets? Sometimes, I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day _7_ if we should die tomorrow.Such an attitude would stress _8_ (sharp) the values of life.I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being _9_ (be) stricken blind and deaf for a few of days at some time during his early adult life.Darkness would make him _10_ (much) appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.语篇解读:本文主要讲述了惊险故事对人的启迪作用。1them考查代词。介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故用代词宾格them作介词of的宾语。2limited考查形容词。根据“a”和“specified time”可知,此处应用形容词limited修饰名词,意为“有限的”。3but考查连词。根据语境可知,前后句之间表示逻辑上的转折关系,故用连词but。4discovering考查非谓语动词。介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故用动名词discovering作介词in的宾语。5what考查宾语从句。what引导宾语从句,在从句中作do的宾语。6happiness考查名词。根据“what regrets”可知,此处应用名词形式,故用happiness。7as考查固定搭配。根据语境可知,前后句之间表示逻辑上的假定关系,故用as。as if表示“好像”。8sharply考查副词。此处应用副词sharply修饰动词stress,在句子中作状语。9were考查动词的时态。根据“would be”的提示可知,此处是一个if虚拟条件句,与现在事实相反,故用一般过去时,be动词常用were。10more考查形容词比较级。根据语境可知,此处表示比较的含义,故用more修饰形容词appreciative。

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