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Arteries 动脉,.,Arteries 动脉,CharacteristicsSymmetry 对称In the trunk of the body consist parietal and visceral branches 壁支和脏支Shortest possible courseRun on flexor surfacesUsually do not pass directly through muscles, avoiding compressionTogether with the veins and nerves in a sheath of fascia to form neurovascular bundle 血管神经束,.,Arteries of pulmonary circulation,Pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干Arises from right ventricle Runs up, back ,and to the leftBifurcates inferior to aortic arch into right and left pulmonary arteries, one for each lung,.,Arteries of pulmonary circulation,Arterial ligament 动脉韧带 Remnant of ductus arteriosus动脉导管A fibrous band that connects bifurcation of pulmonary trunk with inferior border of aortic arch,.,Pulmonary Artery,Aorta,Patent Ductus Arteriosus,.,Arteries of systemic circulation 体循环的动脉,.,Aorta 主动脉,Ascending aorta 升主动脉,Aortic arch 主动脉弓,lower border of T4 vertebra,Abdominal aorta 腹主动脉,lower border of L4 vertebra,Common iliac a. 髂总动脉,second right sternocostal joint,Thoracic aorta 胸主动脉,at level of T12 vertebra,.,Ascending aorta 升主动脉,Arises from left ventricle Runs upward, forward and to the rightExtends to level of second right sternocostal jointBranchesRight and left coronary arteries,.,Aortic arch 主动脉弓,Continuation of ascending aortaCurves upward, to the left and posteriorly, then downward, arching over left principal bronchus and pulmonary trunk to lower border of T4 level, to become thoracic aortaBranches (from right to left )Brachiocephalic trunk 头臂干Left common carotid artery 左颈总动脉Left subclavian artery 左锁骨下动脉Aortic glomera 主动脉小球chemoreceptor化学感受器Baroreceptor压力感受器,.,全身各大局部的动脉主干,头颈部颈总动脉 胸部胸主动脉腹部腹主动脉 下肢髂外动脉盆部髂内动脉,.,Common carotid a. 颈总动脉,Origin (arises from)Brachiocephalic trunk on the right Aortic arch on the leftAscends in neck to upper border of thyroid cartilage Bifurcates intoInternal carotid artery 颈内动脉External carotid artery 颈外动脉,.,Common carotid a. 颈总动脉,Carotid sinus 颈动脉窦 (baroreceptor)Located at a localizes dilation of terminal part of common carotid artery and beginning of internal carotid arterySensitive to blood pressure changesCarotid glomus 颈动脉小球(chemoreceptor) Lies posterior to the point of bifurcation of common carotid arterySenses changes in blood carbon dioxide (oxygen) levels,.,External carotid artery 颈外动脉,Superior thyroid a. 甲状腺上动脉 Descends to supply upper pole of thyroid gland and larynxLingual a. 舌动脉Facial a. 面动脉Loops around mandible (where it is palpable), at anterior border of masseter, to enter the faceAngular a. 内眦动脉Occipital a. 枕动脉Posterior auricular a. 耳后动脉Maxillary a. 上颌动脉Middle meningeal artery 脑膜中动脉Superficial temporal a. 颞浅动脉,.,Subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉,Origin (arises from)Brachiocephalic trunk on rightAortic arch on leftBecomes axillary artery at lateral border of first ribBranchesVertebral a. 椎动脉Internal thoracic a. 胸廓内动脉Thyrocervical trunk 甲状颈干Inferior thyroid artery 甲状腺下动脉Superascapular a. 肩胛上动脉Costocervical trunk 肋颈干,.,.,Axillary artery 腋动脉,Continuation of subclavian artery at lateral border of first ribBecomes brachial artery at lower border of teres majorBranchesThoracoacromial a. 胸肩峰动脉Lateral thoracic a. 胸外侧动脉Subscapular a. 肩胛下动脉Throcodorsal a. 胸背动脉 Circumflex scapular a. 旋肩胛动脉Anterior humeral circumflex a. 旋肱前动脉Posterior humeral circumflex a. 旋肱后动脉,.,Brachial artery 肱动脉,Continuation of axillary arteryDivides into radial and ulnar arteries at level of neck of radiusBranches Deep brachial a. 肱深动脉 Superior ulnar collaeral a. 尺侧上副动脉Inferior ulnar collateral a. 尺侧下副动脉,.,Radial artery 桡动脉,Branches Superfical palmar branch 掌浅支Principal artery of thumb 拇主要动脉,.,Ulnar artery 尺动脉,BranchesCommon interosseous artery 骨间总动脉anterior interossous a. 骨间前动脉posterior interosseous a. 骨间后动脉Deep palmar branch 掌深支,.,Superficial palmar arch 掌浅弓,Formed by ulnar artery and superficial palmar branch of radial arteryThe curve of arch lies across the palm, level with the distal border of fully extended thumb Gives rise to three common palmar digital arteries 指掌侧总动脉each then divides into two proper palmar digital arteries指掌侧固有 动脉,.,Deep palmar arch 掌深弓,Formed by radial artery and deep palmar branch of ulnar arteryThe curve of arch lies across upper part of palmar at level with proximal border of extended thumbGives rise to three palmar metacarpal arteries 掌心动脉,.,Visualizing the position of the superficial and deep palmar arches,.,Thoracic aorta 胸主动脉,Course Continuation of aortic arch at lower border of T4Passes through aortic hiatus of diaphragm at level of T12 vertebra to enter abdominal cavityMain branches Parietal branchesPosterior intercostals arteries 肋间后动脉subcostal artery 肋下动脉 Superior phrenic arteries 膈上动脉 Visceral branchesBronchial branches 支气管支 Esophageal branches 食管支Pericardial branches 心包支,.,Abdominal aorta 腹主动脉,Continuation of thoracic aorta at aortic hiatus of diaphragm in front of T12 Terminates at lower border of L4 vertebra by dividing into right and left common iliac arteries,.,Abdominal aorta 腹主动脉,Parietal branchesInferior phrenic a. 膈下动脉 (one pair)Lumbar a. 腰动脉 Four pairs of arteries that supply the posterior abdominal wallMedian sacral a. 骶正中动脉,.,Abdominal aorta 腹主动脉,Visceral branches Paired branches Middle suprarenal artery 肾上腺中动脉Renal artery 肾动脉Testicular (ovarian) artery 睾丸(卵巢)动脉,.,Abdominal aorta 腹主动脉,Renal artery 肾动脉,Lower accessory renal a.,.,Abdominal aorta 腹主动脉,Unpaired branches Celiac trunk 腹腔干 A short large artery that arises from the front of aorta as it emerges through the diaphragm. Superior mesenteric a. 肠系膜上动脉Arises from the front of aorta, at the level of L1Inferior mesenteric a. 肠系膜下动脉 Arises from the front of aorta, at level of L3,.,Celiac trunk 腹腔干,A short large artery that arises from the front of aorta as it emerges through the diaphragmBranches Left gastric artery 胃左动脉 Common hepatic artery 肝总动脉Splenic artery 脾动脉,.,Celiac trunk 腹腔干,Branches Left gastric artery 胃左动脉 Common hepatic artery 肝总动脉proper hepatic artery 肝固有动脉right gastric artery 胃右动脉left branch right branch cystic artery 胆囊动脉gastroduodenal artery 胃十二指肠动脉right gastroepiploic artery 胃网膜右动脉superior pancreaticoduodenal artery 胰十二指肠上动脉Splenic artery 脾动脉pancreatic branches 胰支 left gastrioeploic artery 胃网膜左动脉short gastric arteries 胃短动脉posterior gastric artery 胃后动脉splenic branches脾支,.,Celiac trunk,.,Superior mesenteric a.肠系膜上动脉,Branches Inferior pancreaticodudenal artery 胰十二指肠下动脉Jejunal and ileal arteries (13-18) 空肠和回肠动脉Ileocolic artery 回结肠动脉 appendicular artery 阑尾动脉Right colic artery 右结肠动脉Middle colic artery 中结肠动脉,.,.,Inferior mesenteric a. 肠系膜下动脉,BranchesLeft colic artery 左结肠动脉Sigmoid arteries 乙状结肠Superior rectal artery 直肠上动脉,.,.,Common iliac artery 髂总动脉,Continuation of abdominal aorta at level of L4 vertebra Run downward and laterally to end opposite the sacroiliac joint by dividing into internal and external iliac arteries.,.,Internal iliac artery 髂内动脉,Parietal branchesObturator a. 闭孔动脉Superior gluteal a. 臀上动脉 Inferior gluteal a. 臀下动脉 Iliolumber a. 髂腰动脉Lateral sacral a. 骶外侧动脉,.,Internal iliac artery 髂内动脉,Visceral branches Umbilical a. 脐动脉 superior vesical a. 膀胱上动脉Inferior vesical a. 膀胱下动脉Uterine a. 子宫动脉Inferior rectal a. 直肠下动脉Internal pudendal a. 阴部内动脉,.,Internal iliac artery 髂内动脉,Uterine a. 子宫动脉 About 2cm from neck of uterus it crosses above and in front of ureter,小桥流水,.,Internal iliac artery 髂内动脉,Internal pudendal artery 阴部内动脉 CourseLeaves the pelvis through the infrapiriform foramen and enters the gluteal regionIt enters the perineum through the lesser sciatic foramen and then passes forward in the pudendal canal with the pudendal nerve BranchesAnal artery 肛动脉Perineal artery 会阴动脉Dorsal artery of penis (clitoris) 阴茎(蒂)背动脉,.,External iliac artery 髂外动脉,Branches Inferior epigastric artery 腹壁下动脉Deep iliac circumflex artery旋髂深动脉,.,Femoral artery 股动脉,Continuation of the external iliac a. Begins midpoint of inguinal ligamentEnds at the adductor tendinous opening by entering the popliteal fossa as the popliteal artery,.,Femoral artery 股动脉,Principal branch Deep femeral a. 股深动脉 Arises from the posterolateral surface of the femoral artery about 2-5 cm below the inguinal ligament. Branches Medial femoral circumflex a. 旋股内侧动脉lateral femoral circumflex a. 旋股外侧动脉Four perforating arteries a. 穿动脉,.,Popliteal artery 腘动脉,Course Begins at the adductor tendinous opening, here it is continuous with the femoral arteryEnds at the lower border of the popliteus where it divides into anterior and posterior tibial arteries,.,Posterior tibial artery 胫后动脉,Course Passes downwards deep to gastrocnemius and soleusPasses behind medial mallealus by dividing into medial and lateral plantar arteriesBranchesPeroneal a. 腓动脉Medial and lateral plantar a. 足底内、外侧动脉,.,Anterior tibial artery 胫前动脉,Course Descends on anterior surface of interosseous membraneIn front of ankle joint becomes dorsal a. of foot,.,Dorsal artery of foot 足背动脉,CoursePasses forward between tendons of extensor longus and extensor digitorum longus to the proximal End of first intermetatarsal spaceBranches Deep plantar a. 足底深支1st dorsal metatarsal a. 第1跖背动脉Arcuate a. 弓状动脉,.,.,肱动脉,桡动脉,.,.,Teaching outline1.Master the beginning and ending ,courseand parts of the aorta, the beginning and ending of the ascending aorta and the names of its branches.2.Master the beginning and ending of the aortic arch and the names of its branches.3.Master the beginning and ending of the left and right carotid arteries, the positions and functions of the carotid sinus and carotid glomus.4.Master the distribution and branches of the external carotid arteries.5. Master the beginning and ending of the subclavian artery, axillary artery, brachial artery, radial artery, ulnar artery.6.Master the composition of the superficial palmar arch and deep palmar arch.7. Master the beginning and ending of the thoracic aorta.8.Master the beginning and ending of abdominal aorta and the names of its branches, the branches and distributions of the celiac trunk, the branches and distributions of the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries.9. Master the beginning the and ending of the common iliac arteries. 10.Master the beginning the and ending of the external iliac arteries, femoral arteries, popliteal arteries, anterior tibial arteries, posterior tibial arteries.,.,简答:1 试述主动脉的分部、各部起止与重要分支2 试述左、右颈总动脉、锁骨下动脉的起止和分支。3 试述颈外动脉的分支。4 试述腹主动脉的分支。5 试述腹腔干和肠系膜上、下动脉的分支和分布6 试述上、下肢大动脉的延续关系7 试述掌浅弓和掌深弓的组成名词解释:动脉韧带、颈动脉窦、颈动脉小球难点: 胃、肾上腺、大肠、直肠、阑尾、胆囊的动脉名称及来源一个冠心病病人,从股动脉插管,导管要经过哪些途径才能到达心脏的前室间支放置支架?写出10条全身能够摸到搏动的动脉?,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,腹壁下动脉,.,.,Celiac trunk,.,.,.,.,Anal artery 肛动脉Perineal artery 会阴动脉Dorsal artery of penis (clitoris) 阴茎(蒂)背动脉,.,.,.,.,Thank you!,.,


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