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第4讲 润色添彩的定语从句定语从句的正确使用体现学生对于语言具有较高的掌握能力,在写作中使用一到两个定语从句可以提升文章的档次。一、写作中定语从句的常见类型1.关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词who,whom,whose,that,which,as引导的定语从句是写作的一大重点,尤其是which和as引导的非限制性定语从句在高考范文中更是常见。(1)I have already been a volunteer for the 13th National Games which will be held at the end of August in Tianjin.我已经是八月底将在天津举行的第十三届全运会的志愿者了。(2017天津)(2)There is no doubt that you are supposed to know about the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance,which will make the class go smoothly.毫无疑问你应该提前了解唐朝的历史,这会使得课程进展顺利。(2017全国)(3)Any student who is interested is wele to participate.欢迎任何感兴趣的同学参加。(2016全国)2.关系副词引导的定语从句关系副词引导的定语从句是指when,where,why引导的定语从句。(1)I think the reason why you are always angry may be the high pressure of study.我认为你总是发脾气的原因可能是学习上的巨大压力。(2)To help them better understand our tea-drinking culture,we took them to the tea room in our school,where I introduced the history of tea-making and different kinds of tea.为了更好地让他们了解我们的饮茶文化,我们带领他们去了学校的茶室,在那里我向他们介绍了制茶的历史及茶的种类。(2018北京)3.“介词which/whom”引导的定语从句(1)Its said that a large number of paper-cut works by experts throughout China will be on show,some of which are made by famous artists.据说出自全国各地的专家之手的大量剪纸作品会被展出,其中一些是著名艺术家的作品。(2017全国)(2)Material collecting took us a whole week,during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life.收集材料花费了我们一周的时间,在那期间我们采访了老师,对学校生活的每个方面拍了照片。(2017北京)即时训练11.我们的英语老师是一位中年女士,她的儿子在美国读书。Our English teacher is a middle-aged woman whosesonisstudyingintheUSA.2.上周我和父母去参观了父亲以前工作过的农场。Last week my parents and I paid a visit to the farmwheremyfatheronceworked.3.再过一个月就是7月底了,届时世界青少年机器人技能大赛(the World Adolescent Robotics petition)计划在我的城市,天津举办。(2018天津)There will be a month before the end of July,whentheWorldAdolescentRoboticspetitionisscheduledtobeheldinmycity,Tianjin.二、定语从句的常见句型1.As we all know./As is known to us all.众所周知As we all know,our earth has been polluted heavily so far.众所周知,目前我们的地球已经被严重污染了。 2.As the old saying goes.常言道As the old saying goes,“When in Rome,do as the Romans do.”常言道,“入乡随俗。”3.such.as.像这样的;诸如此类的He is such a kind teacher as we all like.他是那么和蔼的老师,所以我们都喜欢他。4.the same.as./the same as.像一样的Her manner towards him was quite the same as it had always been.她对他的方式与以前完全一样。5.one of the复数名词定语从句 中的一个Her sister is one of the students who are admitted into the famous university.她妹妹是考入这所著名大学的学生之一。6.the only one of the复数名词定语从句 中唯一的一个She is the only one of the staff who is qualified for the job.她是唯一一个能胜任这项工作的员工。即时训练21.众所周知,在我们学校作弊是要受到惩罚的。Asweallknow/Asisknowntousall,if we cheat in our school,we will be punished.2.她是那么幽默的一个女孩,我们都喜欢和她在一起。She is suchahumorousgirlas we all like staying with.3.李萍是我们班刻苦学习的学生之一。Li Ping is one of the students whoareworkinghardinourclass.三、定语从句的写法定语从句在写作时可采用“三步法”。第一步:写出两个简单句。(1)The scientist will pay a visit to our school next week.(2)The scientist is very intelligent and modest.第二步:在一个简单句中找出一个要被修饰的词汇,这个词汇在两个简单句中都要有。根据句意在第一个句子中找出要被修饰的词汇:the scientist。第三步:用第二个简单句充当定语从句,要注意关系词的选择。把第一个句子改为含有定语从句的复合句,the scientist作为先行词,指人,在从句中作主语,所以关系词可以是that或who。The scientist who/that is very intelligent and modest will pay a visit to our school next week.即时训练3用定语从句连接下列每组简单句1.I am here visiting my uncle.He happens to be working in your city.Iamherevisitingmyuncle,whohappenstobeworkinginyourcity.2.I often help my deskmate.It has been appreciated by our teachers.Ioftenhelpmydeskmate,whichhasbeenappreciatedbyourteachers.3.Ive always looked forward to the day.I will be able to be independent then.Ivealwayslookedforwardtothedaywhen/onwhichIwillbeabletobeindependent.四、在写作中使用定语从句时的常见错误1.关系词误用2.句子成分残缺3.有多余的代词或副词4.混淆定语从句与并列句综合演练.用定语从句完成句子1.上周,我们带着本校的外国学生去体验了正宗的茶文化,结果证明这是很有意义的。(2018北京)Last week,we took the foreign students in our school to experience the Chinese tea culture,whichturnedouttobeextremelyrewarding.2.这部电影主要与学校的发展有关,这将有助于我们学生更好地了解学校的历史。(2018全国)The film is mainly related to the development of our school,whichwillgreatlyhelpusstudentsknowtheschoolshistorybetter.3.我们学校最近刚建成了一座体育馆,它就在图书馆的后面。(2018全国) Our school has built a new stadium recently,whichislocatedbehindthelibrary.4.我买了很多书,这些书花了我所有的积蓄。 I bought a great many books,onwhichIspentallmymoneythatIsaved.5.我们班由40位同学组成,所有人都待人友好,学习刻苦。 Our class is made up of 40 students,allofwhomarefriendlyandhard-working.6.那座建于100年前的石桥将被拆除。The stone bridge which/thatwasbuiltonehundredyearsago is to be pulled down.7.警察搜查了嫌疑人曾经住过的房子。The police searched the whole housewhere/inwhichthesuspectoncelived.8.他还没去过你在信里提到过的那个城市。He hasnt been to the city (which/that)youmentionedinyourletter.根据以下内容要点写一篇短文,介绍你的同学Mary,尽可能多地使用定语从句1.我有一个同学叫Mary,她的爸爸是我以前的语文老师。2.Mary乐于助人,对自己非常严格,但是很容易相处,我们都非常喜欢她。3.Mary学习非常努力,去年被一所重点大学录取了,这使得她父母很高兴。4.寒假就要到了,到时Mary会和她的好朋友一起去北京。5.众所周知,北京有很多名胜,她们在那里会学到很多东西而且会玩得开心。参考范文I have a classmate called Mary,whose father is my former Chinese teacher.Mary is a girl who is helpful and strict with herself but easy to get along with,so we all like her.Mary worked so hard that she was admitted into a key university last year,which made her parents very happy.The winter vacation is ing when Mary will go to Beijing together with her best friend.As we all know,there are a lot of places of interest in Beijing,where they will learn a lot and have a good time.


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