新课改2020版高考英语一轮复习Module5Cloning单元话题语篇训练含解析外研版选修6 .doc

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新课改2020版高考英语一轮复习Module5Cloning单元话题语篇训练含解析外研版选修6 .doc_第1页
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Module 5 Cloning单元话题语篇训练.完形填空From a young age, my parents have taught me the importance of giving generously to the less fortunate.Last week, _1_ I left the house to run a few errands (差事), I carried with me some old clothes, some food and a handbag to hand over to someone _2_.As the car _3_ at a traffic signal, I saw a girl of five or six asking for money. I _4_ her to e to me and quickly _5_ all the things I had. As I started handing them over, she seemed _6_ . She looked up at me with a sweet smile on her face and asked what was in the _7_. I told her there were some clothes and food for her.Again she looked up at me and asked, “Can you give me some water?” Just then, I noticed her _8_ lips. It seemed as if she had not had a drop of water all day.I _9_ my bottle of water that I always carried with me and helped her to drink from it. She finished it quickly and gave me a heartwarming smile of _10_.I was thankful that I could _11_ her simple wish! I realized once again that day that you dont necessarily have to make big _12_ to help someone. This experience _13_ once again my belief in the _14_ acts of kindness and how they can make someones _15_.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者帮助一个女孩的故事以及由此产生的一些感悟。1A.asBuntilConceDbefore解析:选A上星期,当作者离开家去办差事的时候,作者带了一些旧衣服、食物和一个手提包去送给贫穷的人。根据语境可知,应选as。2A.needyBsickCdisabledDsad解析:选A参见上题解析。needy意为“缺食物(钱)的,贫困的”。3A.parkedBstaredCturnedDstopped解析:选D根据语境可知,此处指的是车停在了交通信号灯处。故选stop“停止,停下”。4A.phonedBsignaledCadvisedDallowed解析:选B根据语境可知,此处是指作者招手示意(signaled)女孩过来。5A.threwBfetchedCpackedDcollected解析:选D女孩过来后,作者把自己放在车里的衣服和食物快速收集(collected)在一起。6A.ashamedBupsetCembarrassedDastonished解析:选D根据语境及下文女孩问问题可以推知,女孩很吃惊(astonished)。ashamed“羞耻的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”。7A.carBbagCbottleDclothes解析:选B根据上文内容可知,作者出门时带的东西有衣服、食物和手提包。所以作者这里应是把衣服和食物装在包(bag)里送给她。8A.dirtyBpaleCthickDdry解析:选D根据下文中的“It seemed as if she had not had a drop of water all day.”可知,女孩由于缺水嘴唇比较干(dry)。9A.pointed outBpicked outCgave outDtook out解析:选D作者取出(took out)随身携带的一瓶水。point out “指出,指明”;pick out “挑选”;give out “分发,发出”。10A.happinessBpleasureCappreciationDwele解析:选C根据语境可知,女孩喝完作者递给她的水后,应是流露出感激的微笑。appreciation“感激,欣赏”。11A.satisfyBattainCpromiseDrealize解析:选A女孩那时的心愿是有水喝,所以作者满足(satisfy)了她的心愿。attain“达到,获得”;promise“承诺”;realize“实现”。12A.differencesBambitionsCachievementsDdonations解析:选D那一天作者再次意识到你没有必要给予大额的捐赠(donations)来帮助他人。ambition“追求,理想”;achievement“成就”。13A.foundBdoubtedCshowedDproved解析:选D这再次证明(proved)了作者的信仰:简单的(simple)善举以及这些善举是如何给人们带来幸福的。14A.uniqueBsimpleCreliableDpolite解析:选B参见上题解析。15A.dayBfortuneCdreamDlife解析:选A参见第13题解析。make ones day “给某人带来幸福”。.语法填空(2019福州市联考) China is in mourning after its most famous and oldest captive (被圈养的) panda Basi died _1_ (age) thirtyseven. Basi was born in the wild in 1980.At the age of four, she fell into an icy river and was _2_ (fortune) rescued by some local villagers _3_ (live) in Baoxing County in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. The locals handed her over to the Strait Panda Research and Exchange Centre in Fuzhou, where she lived the rest of her life. Basi came to fame shortly _4_ she was chosen as the model for Pan Pan, the mascot of the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing.Basi never bred (繁殖) but overcame several severe _5_ (ill) to live for more than _6_ (two) the 15year life expectancy of wild pandas. Basi _7_ (confirm) to be the worlds oldest captive panda by Guinness World Records in August. Captive pandas tend to live _8_ (long) due to better nutrition and living conditions. Word has e _9_ Basis body will be put in Basi Museum, which is _10_ construction at present for people to remember her forever and share the spirit of the harmonious development between humans and nature.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。中国年龄最大的圈养大熊猫巴斯在37岁时去世。她曾在4岁时因落水被救,然后得到圈养;是1990年北京亚运会吉祥物盼盼的原型。为了纪念巴斯,人们为她建起了博物馆。1aged考查形容词。该处指大熊猫巴斯在37岁时死亡。分析句子结构可知,此处应用形容词作状语,故填aged。2fortunately考查副词。空处修饰动词rescued,故用副词形式。3living考查现在分词。名词villagers和动词live之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。4after考查连词。根据该句“Basi came to fame shortly _4_ she was chosen as the model for Pan Pan, the mascot of the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing”并结合语境可知用连词after。5illnesses考查名词。根据空前的形容词“severe”可知,该形容词修饰空格处,故空格处应用名词形式;再根据空前的“several”可知,空处应用名词复数形式。6twice考查副词。根据第一段第一句中的“panda Basi died _1_ (age) thirtyseven”可知,大熊猫巴斯在37岁去世;结合空后的“the 15year life expectancy of wild pandas”可知,她的寿命是野生大熊猫预期寿命的两倍还长,故用twice。7was confirmed考查动词的时态和语态。通读全文可知,本文讲述了大熊猫巴斯生前的情况,故用一般过去时;该句主语是Basi,和动词confirm之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,表示“被确认”。8longer考查比较级。根据该句中的“better nutrition and living conditions”可知,由于有更好的营养和生活条件,圈养大熊猫的寿命更长。故用比较级。9that考查同位语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导同位语从句,抽象名词Word和从句Basis body will be put in Basi Museum为同位关系,且从句意义与成分完整,故用that引导同位语从句。 10under考查固定搭配。under construction为固定搭配,意为“在建造中”。故填under。


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