2019高考英语一轮选练编题 Unit 1 Friendship(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc

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必修1Unit 1考点规范练(必修1Unit 1)【短文语法填空】One morning,I was waiting at the bus stop,worried about _1_ (be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop,_2_ some of them looked very anxious and _3_(disappoint)When the bus finally came,we all hurried on board.I got a place next _4_ the window,so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike _5_ (catch) my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver,but he refused _6_(stop) until we reached the next stop.Still,the boy kept _7_(ride)He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally,when we came to the next stop,the boy ran up to the door of the bus.I heard an excited conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked,“_8_ anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?”A woman on the bus shouted,“Oh dear!It s _9_ (I )”She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done,and the crowd of strangers _10_(sudden) became friendly to one another.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者主要叙述了有一次乘车的时候,很多乘客都非常焦虑、失望地等待。当汽车来了并且前行的时候,一个骑车的男孩儿在后面追着汽车,并且大声地叫嚷,但是司机没有停车。直到到了下一站,男孩儿终于追上来,和司机交谈之后,人们才知道刚才有人丢失了手提箱,他是来给送箱子的。人们都被这个孩子的行为感动了。1being因about为介词,其后加名词或动名词,故填being。2and根据文章内容可知空前和空后为顺承关系,故填and。3disappointed由前文可知人们感到失望,需用ed结尾的形容词disappointed。4tonext to为固定短语“靠近,邻近”。5caught文章讲述的是过去的事,故用过去式。6to stoprefuse to do sth为固定短语“拒绝做某事”。7ridingkeep doing sth为固定短语“一直做某事”。8Did询问过去发生的事情用过去时。9me/mine此处缺少表语。强调“我的包或者是我丢了包”。10suddenly此处缺少副词,故用suddenly。.阅读理解A(2016沈阳第一次质量监测)When going through major life changes,like changing careers,I would change the people with whom I spent the most time.Weve all gone through periods when the people in our lives have changedgraduation,moving to a new city,getting a new job,joining a new club,etc.I dont think I need to convince you just how much influence other people can have over your identity.If youve ever experienced a major switch in your people environment,then you know that you change as well.Most people dont make these choices consciously(有意识地) though.You might consciously decide to spend more time with a certain friend,or you may ask someone out on a date to begin a new relationship.But few people choose their existing friendships deliberately.Theres no“getting rid of people”.People are always dropping into and out of each others lives.Associations grow into friendships,and friendships fade into associations.You dont get rid of anyone.The truth is that in order to make room for new people and new experiences,you may need to loosen up some of your existing connections.What about loyalty(忠诚)?Shouldnt you always be loyal to your friends?Once you have a close friend,even if his influence on you is slightly harmful,shouldnt you stick by him?Loyalty to a friend sometimes means having to let go.It means being loyal to his highest and best self as well.If someone is destroying his health by smoking,for example,you arent showing loyalty by smoking right along with him.True loyalty sometimes requires that you break damaging connections,get yourself back on solid ground,and then decide what you can really do to help your friend.It can take a lot of courage to tell someone,“Im sorry,but I cant have you in my life anymore.”But even though this might seem like a selfish act at times,its often the best thing for the other person too.If a relationship is holding you back in some way,understand that its also hurting the other person.For example,if you work for a violent boss,your acceptance of that situation is considered to be silent approval,encouraging your boss to continue to behave violently.1.When experiencing major life changes,people may .A.join a new social munityB.influence their friends aroundC.choose their friendships purposelyD.have their people environment changed2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?A.Everyone has at least one friend.B.It is unnecessary to make new friends.C.Friendship still exists though there are fewer connections.D.You ought to treat your old and new friends equally.3.What is the authors opinion on the loyalty to friends?A.Never betray your close friends whatever happens.B.Correct their mistakes while you guard their goodness.C.Stick by your friends even though they do harm to you.D.Break up with your friends immediately if they smoke.4.How should we behave when employed by a violent boss?A.We should accept what we are told to do.B.We should stay silent and be in favor of him.C.We should bravely disobey him if he is wrong.D.We should give our boss courage to continue.BOld FossilsScientists have found what they think is probably the oldest fossil on Earth, a remnant of life from 3.7 billion years ago when Earths skies were orange and its oceans green.In a newly melted part of Greenland, Australian scientists found the leftover structure from a munity of microbes(微生物)that lived on an ancient seafloor. Based on their analysis of the fossils, the researchers determined that they are 220 million years older than those discovered in Western Australia, which were 3.48 billion years old.The discovery shows life may have formed quicker and more easily than once thought, about half a billion years after Earth formed. And that may also give hope for life forming elsewhere, such as Mars, said study co-author Martin VanKranendonk of the University of New South Wales and director of the Australian Center for Astrobiology. It gives us an idea how our planet evolved and how life gained a foothold, VanKranendonk said.Scientists had thought it would take at least half a billion years for life to form after the molten Earth started to cool a bit, but this shows it could have happened quicker, he said. Thats because the newly found fossil is far too plex to have developed soon after the planets first life forms, he said.In an outcrop of rocks that used to be covered with ice and snow which melted after an exceptionally warm spring, the Australian team found stromatolites(叠层石), which are layered structures that are often produced by a munity of microbes. The stromatolites were about 1 to 4 centimeters high.It is like the house left behind made by the microbes, VanKranendonk said. Scientists used the layers of ash from volcanoes and tiny zircon(锆石) with uranium and estimated that they date back to 3.7 billion years ago.The dating seems about right, said Abigail Allwood, a NASA astrobiologist who found the previous oldest fossil, from 3.48 billion years ago, in Australia. But Allwood said she is not pletely convinced that what VanKranendonks team found once was alive. She said the evidence wasnt conclusive enough that it was life and not a geologic quirk(地质巧合). It would be nice to have more evidence, but in these rocks thats a lot to ask, Allwood said in an email.1. The underlined words gained a foothold in Paragraph 3 mean_.A.continuedB.changedC.increasedD.Started2. We can learn from Paragraph 4_.A.the fossil appeared soon after the birth of the earthB.the fossil formed soon after the earths first lifeC.life formed earlier than the newly found fossilD.life appeared about half a billion years ago3. What is Abigail Allwoods attitude towards the newly found fossil?A.Neutral.B.Sceptical.C.Objective.D.Supportive.4. According to the passage, _.A.the previous fossils are a geologic quirkB. the previous fossils are made up of stromatolitesC. the newly found fossils e from Western AustraliaD. the newly found fossils have a history of 3.7 billion years【语篇解析】文章介绍科学家发现距今37亿年前的化石。1. D【解析】词义猜测题。根据文章第三段的句子It gives us an idea how our planet evolved这让我们了解星球是怎么形成的,下文是生命是怎么开始的。可知,gained a foothold 意为开始。故选D。3. B【解析】 观点态度题。根据文章最后一段的句子She said the evidence wasnt conclusive enough that it was life and not a geologic quirk(地质巧合).可知,Abigail Allwood 对于新发现的化石态度是怀疑的。故选B。4. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段的句子remnant of life from 3.7 billion years ago和第二段的句子the researchers determined that they are 220 million years older than those discovered in Western Australia, which were 3.48 billion years old.可知,新发现的化石有37亿年历史。故选D。.完形填空(2017山东潍坊1月期末检测)I met my best friend Jayce when we were 11 years old.I was adopted and 1 by my grandparents and was new to the city.We immediately knew we were best 2 in 6th grade and we spent every single 3 together:playing dress up,going to school dances,doing gymnastics,the normal things 4 you are that age.When I was 16 years old,my family was put in a 5 situation.My grandfather got into the habit of 6 drugs,we lost everything;we lost our house,our car,everything.My grandmother 7 me to be able to make the choice of where I would 8 to live.She told me “Krisi,I love you,now you can e with me or you can 9 in an orphanage.”10 I knew it,Jayce invited me to live with her and her family.I was able to finish high school and continue my 11 at our local university.It was a dream that 12 and the kindest thing I have 13 experienced.Not only did I get to spend every day with my best friend but I got to know what family truely 14.I have never met more loving and 15 people.I was like one of their own.I felt a sense of 16.What her mother and father did has 17 me to this day.They taught me about life,what to do and what not to do,very special 18 that I always treasure.They saved my life!I am 19 every single day for her and her family!I am truly 20 with the pany of a friend like Jayce in my life.1.A.calmed down B.cheered upC.watched overD.brought up2.A.students B.friendsC.neighboursD.actresses3.A.coin B.classC.momentD.vacation4.A.whenB.as ifC.in caseD.since5.A.peacefulB.angryC.badD.pleasant6.A.usingB.needingC.sellingD.studying7.A.forcedB.forbadeC.wantedD.frightened8.A.refuseB.continueC.happenD.wait9.A.stayB.workC.volunteerD.play10.A.UnitlB.AsC.AfterD.Before11.A.taskB.educationC.careerD.hobby12.A.turned upB.made a differenceC.came trueD.came into being13.A.everB.thenC.neverD.even14.A.includesB.presentsC.lacksD.means15.A.challengingB.acceptingC.demandingD.daring16.A.directionB.shameC.belongingD.dignity17.A.affectedB.praisedC.changedD.blamed18.A.lecturesB.lessonsC.opinionsD.concepts19.A.movedB.stubbornC.excitedD.grateful20.A.concernedB.burdenedC.connectedD.blessed. 短文改错(2017合肥第一次质检)I still remember the first day I e to this new school.Everything was new to me,what made me realize I was no longer a small child.I had to depend on me.Luckily,I made several good friend.Their interests were similar with mine.I had great English teacher,Maggie.She let me know the important of English.So I decided to learn English hardly.Although it was very difficult at first,but with the help of my teacher,I made rapidly progress.Just as the old saying goes,“Where there is a will,there is a way.”考点规范练(必修1Unit 1)【短文语法填空】.阅读理解A【解题导语】本文是一篇议论文。文章讲述了人的一生会经历很多的改变,进而告诉我们:如何适应改变以及怎样做才是对朋友真正的忠诚。1.D细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“When going through major life changes.I would change the people with whom I spent the most time.youve ever experienced a major switch in your people environment.”可知,当经历人生重大改变时,人们也会经历人际环境的改变。即D项正确。2.C句意理解题。根据画线句后的“People are always dropping into and out of each others lives.Associations grow into friendships,and friendships fade into associations.You dont get rid of anyone.you may need to loosen up some of your existing connections.”可知,尽管人们之间的联系少了,但友谊依然存在。故选C项。3.B推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的第二句和最后一句可知,作者对朋友忠诚的态度是纠正错误但要捍卫他们的优点,即B项正确。4.C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“.your acceptance of that situation is considered to be silent approval,encouraging your boss to continue to behave violently.”可知,如果老板错了,员工就要勇敢地不去服从,即C项正确。B.【解题导语】本文为一篇记叙文。作者被祖父母收养,在11岁的时候遇到了自己最好的朋友杰丝,后来因为家庭变故,祖父染上了毒品,作者与杰丝一家生活在了一起。杰丝一家很有爱,她的爸爸妈妈也对作者产生了很大的影响,教会了作者什么该做、什么不该做,使作者受益终生。1.D根据上下文可知,“我”被祖父母收养并养育长大。calm down“使平静,镇静”;cheer up“使振作起来”;watch over“看守,看管”;bring up“养育”,故选D项。2.B根据文章第一句可知,杰丝是我的好朋友。因此,此处表示“在六年级的时候,我们很快就认识了,并且成为了最好的朋友(friends)”。3.C根据下文可知,我们一起玩化妆游戏,一起去学校跳舞、做体操等等,这些都是我们单独在一起度过的时刻(moment),故选C项。4.A根据下文的you are that age可知,此处是when引导的时间状语从句。而as if“似乎,好像”,in case“万一”,since“自从”用在此处均不符合句意。故选A项。5.C根据下文可知,祖父吸毒使“我”的家庭遭遇不好的变故,陷入困难的(bad)境地,故选C项。6.A根据下文我们倾家荡产可知,祖父是吸(using)毒,而不是贩卖或学习毒品,故选A项。7.C“我”的祖母让(wanted)“我”做出决定,并没有任何强迫或禁止的意思,故force“强迫”,forbid“禁止”,frighten“使惊恐”,均不符合句意,故选C项。8.B祖父吸毒,家庭破裂,此处表示祖母让“我”选择继续(continue)生活的地方。故选B项。9.A根据上下文可知,祖母让“我”选择与她生活在一起,或者是待在(stay)孤儿院。work“工作”,volunteer“自愿”,paly“玩”均不符合句意,故选A项。10.D根据下文可知,杰丝想邀请“我”和她的家庭生活在一起,是发生在“我”遭遇家庭变故之前(Before)。故选D项。11.B根据语境可知,“我”读完高中,然后继续接受教育(education),在本地读大学。task“工作,任务”,career“职业”,hobby“爱好”均不符合句意,故选B项。12.C根据语境可知,读完高中继续读大学,这些都曾是作者的梦想,而且都已经实现了(came true),是作者曾经(ever)所经历的最美好的事情。turn up“出现”,make a difference“有影响”,e into being“产生”均不符合句意,故选C项。13.A参见上题解析。14.D“我”不仅能与好朋友生活在一起,而且还能体会到家庭的真正含义。mean“意思”符合句意,而include“包括”,present“提出”,lack“缺乏”均不符合句意,故选D项。15.B根据下文作者“就像他们自己的孩子一样”可知,杰丝的家庭是充满爱意的,是接受(accepting)“我”的。故选B项。16.C根据上下文可知,“我”找到了一种家庭归属(belonging)感。direction“方向”,shame“羞愧”,dignity“尊严”均不符合语境,故选C项。17.A根据上下文语境可知,杰丝的爸爸妈妈接受了“我”,并教会了“我”如何生活,直到今天,他们所做的一切都对“我”有很大的影响(affected)。而praise“赞扬”,change“改变”,blame“责备”均不符合语境,故选A项。18.B杰丝的爸爸妈妈教会“我”如何生活,教会“我”什么该做,什么不该做等等,这些对“我”来说都是一些特殊的功课(lessons),是“我”一生所珍视的东西。而lecture“讲座”,opinion“观点”,concept“概念”均不符合句意,故选B项。19.D根据语境可知,他们拯救了“我”的生活!“我”非常感激(grateful)杰丝和她的家人。故选D项。20.Dbe blessed with“在方面有福气,有幸得到”,be concerned with“与有关”,be burdened with“担负”,be connected with“与相连”。根据句意可知,有一个像杰丝这样的朋友的陪伴是“我”的福气,故选D项。.短文改错I still remember the first day I comecameto this new school.Everything was new to me,whatwhichmade me realize I was no longer a small child.I had to depend on memyself.Luckily,I made several good friendfriends.Their interests were similar withtomine.I had great English teacher,Maggie.She let me know the importantimportanceof English.So I decided to learn English hardlyhard.Although it was very difficult at first,but with the help of my teacher,I made rapidlyrapidprogress.Just as the old saying goes.“Where there is a will,there is a way.”

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