2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note夯基提能作业 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note夯基提能作业 新人教版必修3.doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note夯基提能作业 新人教版必修3.doc_第3页
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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note.阅读理解The 2014 Nobel Prize in Literature went to the French novelist for“the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the occupation”.Although the 69-year-old writer is a very popular literary figure in France,he is little known elsewhere.So who is this Patrick Modiano,why does his memory have such an influence upon him,and what exactly has he uncovered?Modiano was born in a suburb of Paris right after World War ended in Europe in July 1945.His father was a Jewish Italian businessman, who met his Belgian actress mother during the Nazi occupation of Paris.As The New Yorker magazine put it,Europeans born in 1945 shared a conditionThey escaped the war,but not “the taint (污点) of the war”.Modianos life has been influenced by Nazi Germanys occupation during the war and his familys connections with it.According to New York-based newspaper The Forward,his father survived the war dishonorably.When Paris Jews were brought together to be sent to concentration camps,the businessman did not join them but spent the time making money from deals with Nazis on the black market.“The novelist has a duty to record the lives of the people who have disappeared and the people who have been made to disappear,” French writer Clemence Boulouque,also an expert in Jewish studies,told The New Yorker magazine.In his more than three dozen novels,Modiano has returned again and again to the same themes:Jewishness,the Nazi occupation,and the loss of identity.His most admired novel,Missing Person,is a good example.Its a story about a detective who has lost his memory.He tries to find out who he really is by following his own steps through history.Although Modianos win is a surprise outside France,people are celebrating in his home country.Modiano is the 15th French literature winner.After Le Clezios 2008 win,it seemed unlikely that there would be another so soon.1.The passage is mainly about.A.a literary figures personal affairsB.a famous novelists family backgroundC.a Nobel Prize winner and his literary achievementsD.Europeans sufferings during World War 2.Which of the following statements about Patrick Modiano is TRUE according to the passage?A.He is a survivor of World War .B.He tried to find his lost identity.C.World War has an impact on his life.D.He was world-famous before winning the Nobel Prize.3.Modiano won the Nobel Prize because of.A.his extraordinary character B.his unique way of recording history C.his characters unusual experiencesD.his special connections with the war4.It can be inferred from the passage that.A.Modianos parents were sent to the concentration camp B.Modianos winning the Nobel Prize was beyond expectationsC.Modianos father had nothing to do with the Nazis D.Clemence Boulouque is also of Jewish origin.七选五Money MattersParents should help their children understand money. 1 So you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example. 1.The basic function of moneyExplain the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services. It is important to show your child how money is traded for the thing he wants to have. If he wants to have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to the cashier (收银员). 2 When your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money, you can start explaining more plex ways of using money. 2.Money lessonsApproach money lessons with openness and honesty. 3If you must say no to a childs request, explain,“You have enough toy trucks now.” Or, if the request is for many different things, say, “You have to make a choice between this toy and that toy. ”3.4Begin at the grocery store. Pick out similar brands of a producta name-brand butter and a generic (无商标产品), for example. You can show your child how to make choices between different brands of a product so that you can save money. 5 If he chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to make another purchase with the money saved. Later, you may explain how the more expensive choice leaves less money for other purchases. A.Wise decisionB.The value of moneyC.Permit the child to choose between them.D.Tell your child why he canor cannothave certain things. E.Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.F.Talk about how the money bought the thing after you leave the toy store. G.The best time to teach a child something about money is when he shows an interest.完形填空(2016四川)Lainey finished third grade. She had good grades and could read 1grade level, but she did not like to read.On a family car trip, her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter, as a surprise for her 2.But Lainey took one look at it, 3her eyes, and said, “Borrrring!”Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the Book to her students, and they loved it.4the youngest children in the class were 5by the story.They 6with great interest, and then 7joined in grand conversations about Harrys adventures.“How can you say its 8? Have you read it?”asked Aunt Dede.“No, its too long and it doesnt have any 9,”plained Lainey.“Oh, thats where you are 10;there are lots of pictures.Every page is full of pictures;you just have to read the words to 11them. Its like magic.”“Nice try,Aunt Dede,”Lainey replied 12from the back seat.Another 13was in order.“Well, if you dont want to read it, give it 14.Maybe your mom would 15hearing the story.”The Book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud.By the end of the first chapter,16 were ing from the back seat:“Please read a little 17.”Lainey is an example of an 18reader.As shown here, Lainey can bee 19 about reading when 20 with literature on topics that interest her, and when the people around her model involvement in the reading process.1.A.withinB.onC.toD.above2.A.daughterB.nieceC.studentD.friend3.A.openedB.driedC.rolledD.shaded4.A.EvenB.StillC.JustD.Yet5.A.surprisedB.annoyedC.puzzledD.attracted6.A.readB.toldC.listenedD.wrote7.A.suspectedlyB.anxiously C.calmlyD.enthusiastically8.A.amazingB.boringC.ridiculousD.humorous9.A.picturesB.storiesC.adventuresD.conversations10.A.crazyB.foolishC.wrongD.different11.A.seeB.matchC.showD.recognize12.A.sourlyB.patientlyC.eagerlyD.shyly13.A.ideaB.tryC.beliefD.behavior14.A.awayB.outC.inD.back15.A.enjoyB.admitC.mindD.finish16.A.decisionsB.requestsC.mentsD.promises17.A.more clearlyB.longer C.louderD.more carefully18.A.unpleasantB.innocent C.unwillingD.independent19.A.astonishedB.worried C.confusedD.excited20.A.presentedB.concernedC.disturbedD.replaced答案精解精析.阅读理解语篇解读本文为记叙文。介绍了2014年诺贝尔文学奖获得者法国作家帕特里克莫迪亚诺及其文学成就。1.C主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了帕特里克莫迪亚诺及其文学成就。故答案为C项。2.C细节理解题。根据第六段第一句可知帕特里克莫迪亚诺的生活受到了二战的影响,故答案为C项。3.B推理判断题。根据文章第一段及倒数第二、三、四段可推知答案为B项。4.B推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句可知答案为B项。.七选五语篇解读本文讲的是家长应该怎样培养孩子的金钱观。1.G文章开头讲家长应该培养孩子的金钱观。后面说当孩子想买东西的时候跟他讲讲金钱。所以说最好的时间是在孩子对某样东西感兴趣的时候。故选G。2.F第二段讲的是金钱的功能。当孩子想买玩具的时候让孩子把钱递给收银员,然后告诉他付过钱了才可以拿走玩具。故选F。3.D根据第三段的意思可知,当你拒绝孩子买某样东西时要解释清楚为什么。故选D。4.A第三点讲的是可以拿两款产品让孩子决定是买贵的还是便宜的,让孩子做出明智的决定。故选A。5.C此处讲的是让孩子在两种产品中做选择。故选C。.完形填空语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。读完三年级的Lainey尽管成绩很好但不喜欢阅读。在一次家庭乘车旅行中,她的姑姑拿出一本哈利波特让她读,可由于故事太长而且没有图画,她不愿意读。后来姑姑读了起来,到第一章结束时,它已经吸引了Lainey,从此Lainey对阅读产生了兴趣。1.D 根据She had good grades可知Lainey能读超过(above)三年级水平的东西。2.B根据本句中的family和Aunt可知此处应用niece(侄女)。daughter 女儿;student学生;friend朋友。3.C但是Lainey看了一眼这本书,翻着白眼说。roll ones eyes翻白眼;open ones eyes睁开眼;dry变干;shade给遮挡。4.ADede姑姑是位老师, 她把哈利波特读给学生的时候,他们都很喜欢。甚至(Even)班里最小的孩子们都被这个故事吸引了。本段第二句对第一句进行补充说明,故用Even。5.D根据下文They6with great interest可知班里最小的孩子们都被这个故事吸引了。attract吸引;surprise使惊讶;annoy使恼怒;puzzle使困惑。6.C根据上文Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students.可知他们饶有兴趣地听(listen)。read读;tell告诉;write写。7.D根据前面的with great interest可知学生们热情地加入到交谈中。enthusiastically 热情地;suspectedly可疑地;anxiously焦急地;calmly镇静地。8.B根据文章第一段中的But Lainey took one look at it, 3her eyes, and said, “Borrrring!”可知用boring(令人厌烦的)。amazing令人惊喜的;ridiculous荒谬的;humorous幽默的。9.A根据下文there are lots of pictures可知选A。10.C对比its too long and it doesnt have any9和there are lots of pictures可知此处Dede姑姑指出侄女的错误。wrong错误的;crazy疯狂的;foolish愚蠢的;different不同的。11.Athem指代pictures,根据常识可知书中的图画只能看(see)。match匹配;show展示;recognize认出。12.A根据Nice try可知此处表示Lainey没好气地回答。sourly没好气地;patiently耐心地;eagerly渴望地;shyly害羞地。13.B根据上文中的Nice try可知此处Dede姑姑要进行另一种尝试。14.D此处意为“好吧,如果你不想读,就还回来”。give back归还;give away泄露;give out分发;give in屈服。15.A或许你妈妈喜欢听这个故事。enjoy喜欢;admit承认;mind介意;finish完成。16.B根据下文“Please read a little17.”可知此时Lainey提出了要求。request要求;decision决定;ment评论;promise许诺。17.C根据上文.and she began to read it aloud.可知Lainey要求读大声一点。18.C根据文章第一段中的but she did not like to read可知Lainey不愿意读书。unwilling不愿意的;unpleasant令人不悦的;innocent无辜的;independent独立的。19.D对比but she did not like to read和By the end of the first chapter,16were ing from the back seat:“Please read a little17.”可知现在Lainey对阅读很兴奋。20.A当交给她有令她感兴趣的话题的文学作品时,Lainey会变得对阅读很兴奋。present把交给;concern关心;disturb打扰;replace代替。

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