2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China讲义 外研版必修3.doc

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Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1philosopher n. 哲学家2philosophy n哲学3thinker n. 思想家 4bark n. 树皮5leather n. 皮革 6soft adj. 柔软的7category n. 范畴;种类 8adviser n. 顾问(二)表达词汇写其形1teaching n. (常作复数)教导;学说 2kindness n. 善良3principle n. 原则;准则 4position n. 职位5stress vt. 强调 6resign vi. 辞职7fuel n. 燃料 8condition n. 状况;条件;环境(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.equal adj.平等的;相等的 v比得上equality n平等 equally adv.平等地;相等地2.importance n重要;重要性important adj.重要的3.order n秩序orderly adj.整洁的;有秩序的4.influential adj.有影响的influence n& v影响*5.honesty n诚实honest adj.诚实的6.justice n公正just adj.公正的*7.contribution n贡献contribute v贡献;捐献;捐助*8.invent vt.发明invention n发明inventor n发明家*9.argument n争论;辩论;议论argue v争论;争辩;主张;认为10.freedom n自由free adj.自由的;空闲的;免费的用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空1All men are born equal,_so everyone hopes to be treated equally because equality is the basic demand.(equal)2The honest boy impressed all the employers with his honesty.(honest)3Edison was a great inventor and was famous for his inventions because he invented many things in his life.(invent)4His great contributions to the pany have contributed to its rapid development in recent years. (contribute)5William started off on the wrong foot by having an argument with the manager on his first day at work. He argued with him over something unimportant. We argued that William should find a better way to express his idea rather than behave that way.(argue)话题单词积累1dynasty /dInstI/ n朝代2emperor /emp()r/ n. 皇帝3queen /kwin/ n. 女王;王后4slavery/sleIv()rI/ n. 奴隶制度5battle /bt()l/ n. 战斗;战役6ancestor /nsest/ n. 祖先7origin /rIdIn/ n. 起源;由来8weapon /wep()n/ n. 武器9aggression /gre()n/ n. 侵略10revolution /revlu()n/ n. 革命11uprising /praIzI/ n. 起义12incident /InsId()nt/ n. 事变13invade /InveId/ v. 侵略14occupy /kjpaI/ vt. 攻占;忙于15sacrifice /skrIfaIs/ v. 牺牲16betray /bItreI/ vt. 出卖;泄露(机密)17escape /IskeIp/ v. 逃跑;逃走18feudal /fjud()l/ adj. 封建(制度)的19ancient /eIn()nt/ adj. 古代的20primitive /prImItIv/ adj. 原始的;远古的21historic /hIstrIk/ adj. 历史上著名(或重要)的22historical /hIstrIk()l/ adj. 与历史有关的;史学的23independence/IndIpend()ns/ n. 独立24independent /IndIpendnt/ adj. 独立的25slavery /sleIv()rI/ n. 奴隶制度26pyramid /pIrmId/ n. 金字塔27period /pIrId/ n. 时期;时代28stable /steIb()l/ adj. 稳固的;牢固的29popularity /ppjulrti/ n. 受欢迎;流行30automatic /tmtIk/ adj. 自动的二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语*1.agree_with同意;与相符;适合(某人)2.be_at_war_with 与交战*3.bring_up 养育;抚养*4.bee_interested_in 对感兴趣5.a_sense_of_responsibility 责任感*6.be_proud_of 为自豪*7.in_conclusion 总之*8.for_the_first_time 第一次9.more_than 超过*10.be_similar_to 与相似(二)用上面标注*的短语完成下列句子1His parents were_proud_of what he had achieved in science and encouraged him to stick to his dream.2The Smiths are praised for the way they bring_up their children.3He became_interested_in painting when he was a little boy.4You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must agree_with you, I suppose.5I met Jack for_the_first_time at Lucys birthday party and we have bee good friends ever since.6In_conclusion,_we would like to thank all those who have worked so hard to bring about this result.7Studying Wendys menu, I found that many of the items are_similar_to those of McDonalds.话题短语积累1play a role in在中起作用2once upon a time 从前3serve as 充当,担任;起的作用4as a consequence of 由于5lead a miserable life 过着痛苦的生活6set up 建立;设立7heart and soul 全心全意地8at the beginning/start of 在开始时9be devoted to 致力于,专注于10in the course of 在期间,在过程中11vote for/against 投票,支持/反对12on behalf of 代表13e to power 上台执政14in the long run 从长远来看15declare war on . 对宣战16be known as 作为而出名17be considered as 被认为是18of all time 有史以来;一直19be in power 执政,当权20in peace 和平三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1the waythat/in which引导的定语从句(that, in which可以省略)例句Treat others in the way you want to be treated. 仿写我认为减少食物浪费的关键是改变我们购物的方式。I think the key to wasting less food is changing the way (that/in_which)_we_shop.2“the reason why . is that .”中why引导定语从句,that引导表语从句例句Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.仿写我一直渴望去美国的原因是想去体验被认为是世界上最多元化的美国文化。The_reason_why I have been longing to go to America is_that I want to experience American culture, which is believed to be the most diverse in the world.3“do/does/did动词原形”表示强调例句However, we do know that in 1092 AD he invented the first real clock.仿写他的确喜欢听古典音乐。He does_enjoy listening to classical music.4no比较级than“同一样不”例句Cars were first used at the end of the nineteenth century, and were no faster than a horse.仿写汤姆履行职责并不比迪克好。Tom is no_better_than Dick in performing the duty.话题佳句背诵1Zheng He, an explorer in Ming Dynasty, is my favorite figure in Chinese history.(2016北京高考书面表达)郑和是明朝的一位探险家,他是我最喜欢的中国历史人物。2Confucius is considered as the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.孔子被认为是古代中国最伟大的圣人。3He holds the belief that how important it was to stand on his own two feet and be responsible for his own acts.他相信脚踏实地和对自己行为负责的重要性。4By being devoted to what he does no matter how boring it is, he sets a good example to us.不管事情有多枯燥,他都会全身心地去做所做之事,为我们树立一个好榜样。5Owing to the fact that he can do whatever he has chosen to do with great perseverance, he has made great achievements in many fields.由于他能够坚持不懈地做他所选择做的任何事情,所以他在很多领域都取得了巨大成就。四背语段语感流畅Confucius lived in a time when states were often at war with each other. His father died when he was very young, and he was brought up by his mother. Although he had a wide knowledge, the ruler didnt follow his advice. After resigning, he began to travel from state to state, spreading his principles. His teachings have had a great influence on China for over 2,000 years. He stressed the importance of the kindness, duty and order in society.孔子生活在一个各诸侯国之间经常发生战争的年代。他自幼丧父,他母亲把他抚养成人。尽管他知识渊博,统治者却不采纳他的主张。辞职之后,他开始周游列国,宣扬他的学说。他的学说极大地影响了中国2 000多年。他强调仁爱、责任和社会秩序的重要性。第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1equal adj.平等的;相等的;胜任的 v等于;比得上 n同等的人;相等物教材原句All human beings are equal.所有的人都是平等的。(1)equal . with . 把与等同(2)be equal to (doing) sth. 等于;能胜任(做)某事be equal with 与平等equal sb./sth. in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面比得过,敌得过某人/某物without equal 无与伦比(3)equality n. 相等;平等equally adv. 相等地;同样地We need to be active in all kinds of sports, and pay attention to mental health which is equal to physical health.我们要积极参加各种体育运动,注重心理健康,它与身体健康同等重要。Hong Kong Wetland Park is equally (equal) attractive in spring and autumn, for the weather is pleasant in both seasons.香港湿地公园在春季和秋季同样地具有吸引力,因为这两个季节的天气都很宜人。Such stupidity is without_equal in the entire history of human relations. 如此愚蠢的行为在整个人际关系史上找不出第二个。2order n秩序;次序;命令;订购;点的饭菜vt.命令;订购;点(饭菜)教材原句He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society.他强调了仁爱、责任和社会秩序的重要性。(1)in order of以的顺序in order 井然有序;适宜;妥当out of order 有毛病;发生故障place an order for sth. (with sb.) (向某人)订购某物(2)order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事order that . 命令Ordered (order) over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive any time now.(2016北京高考单选)这些书是一个多星期以前订购的,现在有望随时到货。I cant make a call, as our telephone is out_of_order.我无法打电话,因为我们的电话坏了。He ordered that everything (should)_be (be) ready before the experiments.他要求在实验开始之前一切都准备好。名师指津order用作动词或名词,表示“命令”时,其后相关的从句中要用“should动词原形”表示虚拟语气,should可以省略。3stress vt.强调;施压于;使紧张 n压力;重音;强调高考佳句One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.(2015浙江高考单选)减轻压力最有效的方式之一就是与你信任的人聊聊感受。(1)stress the importance of sth.强调某事的重要性under stress 在压力之下under the stress of 在压力下;为所迫lay/put/place stress on 强调;把重点放在上(2)stressful adj. 压力大的;紧张的Cooperation or teamwork, the importance of which is often stressed, plays an important part in football matches.合作或协作,在足球比赛中起着重要作用,这一点经常被强调。Things can easily go wrong when people are under_stress.人在压力之下,办事情就容易出差错。Studying abroad can be stressful (stress), because you have to worry about adjusting to a new culture at the same time.在国外学习可能压力很大,因为你同时不得不担心适应一种新的文化。4condition n状况;条件;环境 教材原句Often, factory workers lived in poor and crowded conditions.通常工厂工人生活在贫穷和拥挤的环境中。(1)living/housing/working conditions生活/住房/工作条件under . conditions 在条件下(2)be in good/bad/poor condition 状况良好/恶劣;健康/不健康out of condition 身体不适(3)on condition (that) . 在条件下;倘若;只要on no condition 决不(放于句首时,句子需用部分倒装)My grandmother takes exercise every day, and she is in_good_condition now.我奶奶每天都锻炼身体,因此她现在身体状况很好。You may use this puter, as long as(on_condition_that) you are able to use it properly so as not to damage it.你可以使用这台电脑,条件是你能恰当地使用它并且不弄坏它。On no condition must_you_tell him what happened.你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。名师指津condition表示“(工作、生活或住房等)条件”时,通常要用复数形式;而表示“状况”时,则为不可数名词。词汇过关练.单句语法填空1Yet would it be surprising if I tell you that high school life in the US is almost as stressful_ (stress) and demanding as it is in China?2Learning to read and write opens the door to get a better job and better living conditions (condition)3Im not equal to the position, so I dont apply for it.4Id like to place an order for some tea with your pany.5. (2017北京高考单选)The little problems that we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions (invent)6He is a very influential (influence) man in the pany, so everyone would like to follow his advice.7Considering his great contributions to the pany, he is really worthy of the position.8They agreed to the plan in principle but there were several details they didnt like.9Bob resigned from the pany because the job was not challenging enough in his opinion and he needs something demanding to develop his ability to deal with plicated situations.10In my opinion, honesty (honest) is the most important part of friendship, because I hate being cheated.单句改错1He cant still go for an outing, because he is out of the condition.去掉the2He ordered that the students (should) wore their special clothes during the military training.worewear3Father always puts a lot of stresses on good table manners.stressesstress4Men and women must be treated equal in education and employment.equalequally5.Great changes have taken place in the city which we worked.whichwhere.单句写作(句型转换)1The doctor ordered me to take a rest for a month. The doctor ordered_that_I_(should)_take a rest for a month.2You should on no condition tell a lie.On no condition should_you_tell a lie.3No one matches him in courage, about which everyone knows.No one equals_him_in courage, about which everyone knows.No one is_equal_to_him_in courage, about which everyone knows.第二板块短语、句式突破1bring up养育;抚养;提出;呕吐教材原句His father died when he was young, and he was brought up by his mother.他的父亲在他小时候就去世了,他母亲把他抚养成人。一词多义写出下列句中bring up的含义The Smiths are praised for the way they bring up their children.抚养He brought up a practical plan at the meeting, which brought down the cost of production.提出He was drunk and brought up what he had eaten at midnight.呕吐bring about引起,带来,导致(事故、变化等)bring back 带回;使回忆起某事bring down 使降低;使倒下bring in 引入;赚得;挣得bring out 显现出;使发挥;阐明Many people are beginning to reflect on why we pay so much to study abroad and what kind of consequences it will bring about. 很多人开始反思,我们付出这么多到国外留学是为了什么?这又会带来什么结果?Please make another sentence to bring out the meaning of the phrase.请再造一个句子来阐明这个短语的意义。2Treat others in the_way you want to be treated.己所不欲,勿施于人。句中the way作先行词,“you want to be treated”为省略关系词的定语从句修饰the way。(1)way表示“方式;方法”时,其后常接in which或that引导的定语从句,也可以将关系词in which或that省略掉,此时关系词在从句中作状语。(2)way后接定语从句时,如果关系词在从句中作主语或宾语则用关系代词that/which,作宾语时还可以省略。(3)way表示“方式;方法”时,其后还可接动词不定式或of doing sth.的形式。The research suggests that stress may change the way in_which/that people make choices in predictable ways.研究表明压力或许会以可预见的方式改变人们的选择。The way that/which came up at the meeting was unpractical.在会议上提出的方法不切实际。And you should keep it in mind that paring notes with your classmates frequently is a good way to_improve (improve) your study.(2015四川高考书面表达)你应该记住经常与同班同学商量是提高学习的有效办法。3Mencius believed that the_reason_why man is different from animals is_that man is good.孟子认为人不同于动物的原因是人性本善。believed后面是that引导的宾语从句,从句中使用了“the reason why . is that .”句式,其中why引导的是定语从句;is之后的that引导的是表语从句。(1)reason用作先行词后接定语从句时,首先判断定语从句中缺少什么成分,如果缺少状语,则要用关系副词why或for which引导定语从句,why有时可省略;如果缺少主语或宾语,要用关系代词that/which引导定语从句。(2)the reason后接同位语从句解释其内容时,用引导词that。The reason why he has had such a success is that he never gives up.他取得如此成功的原因是他从不放弃。The reason that/which he explained at the meeting was that he didnt catch the first bus.他在会议上解释的理由是他没有赶上早班车。Why dont you believe the reason that my car was held up in the traffic jam?你为什么不相信我堵车了这个理由呢?短语、句式过关练.bring短语介、副词填空1Being brought up in the countryside made Mr Wilson very hardworking when he was very young.2We need to bring in more new machines to keep up with our panys development.3The government has made great efforts to bring down food prices, which have been too high for years.4People nowadays seem to have enjoyed the great benefits brought about by the greatest level of economic development.5A good teacher never criticizes his or her pupils but uses praise to bring out their best.补全句子1最后,我想说我在这里过得有多么愉快。In_conclusion,_Id like to say how much I enjoyed staying here.2你日常生活中发生的事情会改变你看待世界和世间的人的方式。Something that happens in your daily life will change the_way_you_look_at_the_world and the people in it.3这将节省时间、减少你的工作量、帮助你的孩子们培养责任感。This will save time, reduce your workload and help your children develop a_sense_of_responsibility.4是六年前他第一次来中国的时候他才开始学习汉语的。It was six years ago, when he came to China for_the_first_time,_that he began to learn Chinese.句型转换1Neither this novel nor that one is interesting.This novel is no_more_interesting_than that one.2Tom overslept this morning. That is why he was late for work.The_reason_why Tom was late for work is_that he overslept this morning.3Can you work out a way? We can solve the problem in this way.Can you work out a way that we can solve the problem?Can you work out a way in_which we can solve the problem?提能一用课文词汇写高分作文position, equal, honesty, importance, stress, condition, contribution, resign, influential, justice1补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)李华在一家大公司担任高级职务。Li Hua held a senior position in a large pany.他胜任他的工作。He was equal to his job.在工作期间,他总是强调诚实和公正的重要性。During his work he always stressed the importance of honesty and justice.这使他成为公司里有影响的人物。It made him bee an influential figure in the pany.他的同事都认为他对公司的发展做出了极大的贡献。All his workmates thought that he made great contributions to the development of the pany.几天前,他因身体不适而辞职。He resigned several days ago because he was out_of_condition.2升级平淡句(1)用who引导的非限制性定语从句连接句和句Li_Hua,_who_held_a_senior_position_in_a_large_pany,_was_equal_to_his_job.(2)用现在分词短语作结果状语连接句和句During_his_work_he_always_stressed_the_importance_of_honesty_and_justice,_making_him_bee_an_influential_figure_in_the_pany.3衔接成语篇(注意使用适当的过渡衔接词汇:so, unfortunately)Li Hua, who held a senior position in a large pany, was equal to his job. During his work he always stressed the importance of honesty and justice, making him bee an influential figure in the pany. So all his workmates thought that he made great contributions to the development of the pany. Unfortunately, he resigned several days ago because he was out of condition.提能二用课文句型解构高考长难句本单元突破点宾语从句中包含定语从句经典例句比较分析真题尝试翻译课文长难句Mozi taught that we should love all human beings and look after those who are weaker than ourselves.that引导宾语从句,在该宾语从句中包含了一个由who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词those。对于这份运送的工作而言,你会自觉地意识到在你手中的那个箱子里装着的很可能是挽救某人生命的东西。真题长难句For this courier job, youre consciously aware that in that box youve got something that is potentially going to save somebodys life.(2016全国卷阅读理解C)that引导宾语从句,在该宾语从句中包含了一个由that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词something。“历史人物与古代发明”是高中新课程标准24个话题之一“历史与地理”中的一个子话题,也是高考热点话题。提及此话题,你一定能够想起不少的历史人物与古代发明,其中也一定有你最喜爱的历史人物,你从他的人生经历中学到了什么?你最喜爱他的什么?对你的成长有哪些积极的影响?这些正是我们考生所应该思考的。纵观历年高考试题,此话题多在阅读理解、写作题型中考查。一、话题与语篇考题示例(2017浙江高考阅读A)1Benjamin West, the father of American painting, showed his talent for art when he was only six years of age. But he did not know about brushes before a visitor told him he needed one. In those days, a brush was made from camels hair. There were no camels nearby. Benjamin decided that cat hair would work instead. He cut some fur from the family cat to make a brush.2The brush did not last long. Soon Benjamin needed more fur. Before long, the cat began to look ragged (蓬乱). His father said that the cat must be sick. Benjamin was forced to admit what he had been doing.3The_cats_lot_was_about_to_improve. That year, one of Benjamins cousins, Mr. Pennington, came to visit. He was impressed with Benjamins drawings. When he went home, he sent Benjamin a box of paint and some brushes. He also sent six engravings (版画) by an artist. These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had ever seen.4In 1747, when Benjamin was nine years old, Mr. Pennington returned for another visit. He was amazed at what Benjamin had done with his gift. He asked Benjamins parents if he might take the boy back to Philadelphia for a visit.5In the city, Mr. Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings. The boy began a landscape (风景) painting. William Williams, a wellknown painter, came to see him work. Williams was impressed with Benjamin and gave him two classic books on painting to take home. The books were long and dull. Benjamin could read only a little, having been a poor student. But he later said, “Those two books were my panions by day, and under my pillow at night.” While it is likely that he understood very little of the books, they were his introduction to classical paintings. The nineyearold boy decided then that he would be an artist.1What is the text mainly about?ABenjamins visit to Philadelphia.BWilliams influence on Benjamin.CThe beginning of Benjamins life as an artist.DThe friendship between Benjamin and Pennington.2What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 suggest?AThe cat would be closely watched.BThe cat would get some medical care.CBenjamin would leave his home shortly.DBenjamin would have real brushes soon.3What did Pennington do to help Benjamin develop his talent?AHe took him to see painting exhibitions.BHe provided him with painting materials.CHe sent him to a school in Philadelphia.DHe taught him how to make engravings.4Williams two books helped Benjamin to _.Amaster the use of paintsBappreciate landscape paintingsCget to know other paintersDmake up his mind to be a painter策略指导(一)这样读文第1步:宏观把握文章大意分层抓关键句概括层意行文结构第12段第1段画波浪线部分少年才华初显本文按照时间顺序从本杰明韦斯特在六岁时自制画笔作画写起,到后来得到堂兄赠送专业工具作画,再到知名画家送给本杰明书籍,讲述了本杰明韦斯特是如何一步步走上艺术之路的。第34段第3、4段画波浪线部分堂兄帮助第5段第5段画波浪线部分贵人相助,立志成才第2步:微观突破理解障碍自主翻译由于是个穷学生,本杰明只能读懂一点点。自主翻译虽然他可能对这些书理解甚少,但它们却是他了解古典绘画的入门指导。(二)这样做题名师解题1主旨大意题。选C文章从本杰明韦斯特在六岁时自制画笔作画写起,到后来利用专业工具作画,再到知名画家送给本杰明书籍,都是在讲述本杰明是如何一步步走上艺术之路的。故选C项。2句意理解题。选D根据第二段可知,本杰明在没有专业画笔之前是用猫的毛制作画笔的。画线句的字面意思是“猫的命运将会得到改善”。根据画线部分后的内容可知,本杰明的堂兄送给了他专业的颜料和画笔。由此可推知D项与画线部分的意思相符。3细节理解题。选B根据最后一段第一句“In the city, Mr.Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings.”可知,为了更


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