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Unit 1 School life一、阅读理解Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from Americas PresidentsBy David Stabler ISBN 9780062358684 Type: Historical nonfictionIn the 20 stories of 20 different U.S. presidents in this book, we learn that our countrys leaders are not so different from us. They, too, were once kids with ordinary problems. They struggled with schoolwork and angered their parents. Dwight Eisenhower dealt with bullies. Bill Clinton struggled with his weight. Barack Obama moved to Indonesia with his mother when he was just a boy, and had to get used to a new culture.Has Anyone Seen Jessica Jenkins?By Liz Kessler ISBN 9781444013986 Type: FantasyJessica Jenkins always thought she was a regular kid. Then, one day, she gets the surprise of a lifetimeshe can bee invisible! With the help of her best friend, Izzy, Jessica goes on a trip to discover the source of her new power. Along the way, she gets caught up in shocking secrets, kidnappings, rescue plans, and a mission to keep this amazing power out of the wrong hands.Spring GardenBy Fred Chappell ISBN 9780807119488 Type: PoetrySpring Garden is a collection of poems for spring, including classics by Thomas Nashe, William Shakespeare etc. and contemporary poems by Denis Dunn, Ruth Hill etc. It consists of 85 poems, ranging in length from just a few lines to several hundred.Absolutely TrulyBy Heather Vogel Frederick ISBN 9781442429727 Type: MysteryTwelve-year-old Truly is moved to Pumpkin Falls, New Hampshire, after her father suffers a terrible helicopter accident. The six-foot-tall Truly struggles to fit into her new surroundings. Then, one day, she uncovers a mysterious letter in a book at her Aunt Trues bookstore. And thats when the adventure begins. Truly leads her new friends Cha Cha, Romeo, and Lucas on a hunt to uncover the secrets of the small town. Absolutely Truly will appeal to anyone who enjoys mystery books with a bit of sadness and a feel-good ending.1.Who wrote the story about a girl with superpower?A. Heather Vogel FrederickB. David StablerC. Liz KesslerD. Fred Chappell2.The ISBN for the book of poems is _.A.9781442429727B.9780807119488C.9781444013986D.97800623586843.What kind of readers will probably like reading Absolutely Truly?A. Those who are fans of history.B. Those who like realistic stories.C. Those who are searching for a romantic plot.D. Those who enjoy a mixture of mystery, sorrow and happiness.4.Which of the following books tells real stories?A. Absolutely TrulyB. Spring GardenC. Has Anyone Seen Jessica Jenkins?D.Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from Americas Presidents【文章大意】本文介绍了四本不同类型的书。1.C 【解析】细节理解题。由文章第二部分内容可知,该书描述了一位有神奇力量的女孩,该书作者是Liz Kessler,故选C项。2.B 【解析】细节理解题。由文章第三部分内容“ISBN 9780807119488 Type: Poetry”可知,该书类型是诗歌,其书号是9780807119488,故选B项。4.D 【解析】细节理解题。结合文章对各本书的简介可知,Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from Americas Presidents讲述的是美国几位总统的真实故事,故选D项。二、词汇练习1. a_ film like Voice of Musiclisten to _ (音乐;音乐的)2. He had many interesting _ while traveling in China.be _ atHe has rich teaching _.He _ two World Wars. (经历;经验;体验;有经验的)3. Id like to do something that will really _me.The exam proved to be quite _. (挑战;具有挑战的)4. We had great _ in the park yesterday.She played a _ game with the children. (乐趣;滑稽可笑的)5. watch the concert with great _She was _ with my answer. (使满意;满意)6. give lots of _ to studentsMy father _ me to follow my dreams. (鼓励)7. speak_ Englishspeak English _ (流利)8. _me of the time of the appointmentsearch for the useful _on the Internet (通知;信息)9. He _ from Harvard University in 1965.After _from college, he went to a rural village to work. (毕业;毕业生)He became a _.10. make _for_ a meal (准备)11. _his whole life to helping the poor children, he was respected._ to helping the poor children, he was respected.We are all grateful to his _ to helping us with our English. (奉献)12. 学业的,学习的 a13. 交换v14. 奋斗v15. 以前的a f_16. 管理;操作v r_17. 交流v18. 极佳的,非常好的a19. 捐赠v20. 选择v21. 文学n22. 批准;赞成v23. 回顾_ _ _24. 获得,赢得 e_25. extra三、完形填空I was driving to the grocery store on a warm morning in May.I smiled as I watched the golden sunshine _1_ off the leaves.It was such a _2_ and heavenly time.My calm was broken,_3_,as I rounded a curve(拐弯处)A huge UHaul truck was ing my way several feet over the center line.I swerved as far onto the side of the road as I could to _4_ it.It was followed by not one but two other UHaul trucks just as _5_.I wondered if all the stuff inside of them _6_ the same person.I slowed down my car and waited for my heart rate to _7_.It was then that I _8_ a selfstorage business along the side of the highway,building new units for all the people who couldnt fit their _9_ into their houses.I saw a(n)_10_ couple carrying boxes into one of the units.It seemed _11_ that a couple just out of their teens could already have too much stuff.I lost my own _12_ for owning stuff when a house fire in the middle of the night destroyed everything my family owned.The only thing I had left was the underwear I was wearing.Yet,our whole family had awakened _13_ to escape.In the weeks that followed friends and family gave us a lot of stuff to get us back on our feet,but none of it seemed as _14_ any more.What was important was seeing Moms smile,giving Nana a hug and a kiss,and watching Dad snooze(打盹) in his chair _15_ a hard days work.What was important was the stuff of _16_,not the stuff of this world.Since then I have tried to limit the things I would _17_.I didnt want too much stuff to _18_ my life.I wanted to only buy what I needed and to spend my days in learning,growing,and _19_ my family and others.I assumed that only by doing so could I make my _20_.1A.appreciatingBreflectingCadmiring Dreleasing2A.refreshing BdelightfulCpeaceful Ddynamic3A.though BtooCanyway Dinstead4A.miss BrejectCignore Ddesert5A.useful BlargeCnew Dgood6A.turned to Breferred toCreacted to Dbelonged to7A.beat BpulseCaccelerate Dfollow8A.noticed BthoughtCdid Destablished9A.furniture BboxesCpossessions Dmaterials10A.old ByoungCmiddleaged Dsmall11A.curious BapparentCcertain Dobvious12A.hope BtalentCfaith Dtaste13A.in return Bin turnCin time Din vain14A.affordable BsignificantCbeneficial Dpractical15A.before BinCafter Dduring16A.mind BhandChead Dsoul17A.purchase BdonateCwaste Dneed18A.put up Bcrowd upCbring up Dset up19A.helping BabusingCloving Daffecting20A.name BdayCworld Dway【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过讲述驾车途中的所见所感,并联想到自己家中曾经的火灾事件对他自身观念的影响,由此阐述了自己的感受:世上最重要的东西不是物质占有量,而在于精神世界的丰富,只有这样人才能感到快乐。1B根据“the golden sunshine _1_ off the leaves”可知,此处意为“树叶反射出金色的阳光”。reflect“反射”符合语境。appreciate“感激,欣赏”;admire“钦佩,赞赏”;release“释放,发行”。2C根据空前一句中的“smiled”和空后的“heavenly”及下文中的“calm”可知,作者当时的心情是平静愉快的,故peaceful符合语境。refreshing“使人精力充沛的”;delightful“讨人喜欢的,令人愉快的”;peaceful“平静的,宁静的”;dynamic“动力的,有活力的”。3A根据空前的“My calm was broken”可知,空处所在句与上文构成转折关系,故though“可是,不过”符合语境。too“太,也”;anyway“不管怎样,无论如何”;instead“相反”。4A根据空前一句中的“truck was ing my way several feet over the center line”可知,作者尽量把车子往路边开来躲开卡车。miss“避开,躲开(不好或讨厌的事)”;reject“排斥,丢掉”;ignore“忽视,不理睬”;desert“遗弃,丢弃”。5B根据上文可知,一辆卡车越过了中心线几英尺向作者的方向驶来,结合语境可知,这辆大卡车后还跟着另外两辆同样大的(large)卡车,故选B。6D根据语境可知,作者不知道三辆卡车上的东西是否属于(belonged to)同一个人。belong to“属于”;turn to“转向,求助于”;refer to“参考,提到”;react to“对作出反应”。7D根据语境可知,作者放慢车速来平静心情调整心率。故follow“跟随,追赶”符合语境。beat“打败,拍打”;pulse“跳动,搏动”;accelerate“加速,增加”。8A该句中的It was then that是强调句型,意思是“就在那时”。作者在平静心情时注意到路旁的一个自助存储公司。notice“注意到”;establish“建立,创办”。9C根据语境可知,这些设备是为那些无法把所有物(possessions)存储到自己的房子里的人而建的。possession“所有物,财产”符合语境。furniture“家具,设备”;material“材料”。10B根据空后一句中的“a couple just out of their teens”可知,此处young“年轻的”符合语境。middleaged“中年的”。11A根据该句中的“could already have too much stuff(可能已经拥有太多的东西)”可知,作者对此感到奇怪,故curious“稀奇古怪的”符合语境。apparent“显然的,表面上的”;certain“必然的,有把握的”;obvious“明显的,显然的”。12D根据语境可知,夜半时分一场大火烧毁了作者家中的一切,因此作者不再有拥有(很多)东西的兴趣(taste)。taste“爱好,兴趣”符合语境。hope“希望”; talent“才能,天资”;faith“信仰,信念”。13C根据空前的“had awakened”和空后的“escape”可知,作者全家及时(in time)醒来逃了出去。in return“作为回报”;in turn“反过来,轮流”;in vain“徒劳”。14B根据空后的“What was important was”和空前的“none of it”可知,空处所填词与important意思相同,故significant“重要的,有意义的”符合语境。affordable“买得起的”;beneficial“有益的”;practical“实用的”。15C根据生活常识可知,父亲打盹应该是在一天的艰辛工作之后(after)。16D根据空前的“What was important was the stuff of”及空后的“not the stuff of this world”可知,空处所填词与“this world”形成对比,再结合上文内容可知,作者认为精神世界的丰富更为重要。soul“(人类整体的)精神状况”符合语境。mind“头脑,智力”。17A根据上文中的“not the stuff of this world”可知,作者从此努力限制自己购买(purchase)东西的数量。下文中的“buy”亦是提示,故选A。donate“捐赠”;waste“浪费”;need“需要”。18B根据语境可知,此处表示作者不想让太多的物品充斥自己的生活。故crowd up符合语境。put up“张贴,搭建”;bring up“抚养,养育,提出”;set up“建立”。19C根据空后的“my family and others”可以推断此处意为“爱我的家人和他人”,故选C。abuse“滥用”;affect“影响”。20B根据语境可知,此处表示只有这样做作者才能开心。make sb.s day为固定用法,意为“使某人非常高兴”。四、短文改错Dear Lisa,Im glad to receive your letter asked about the present holiday life of Chinese students. Learning together with entertainment still take up most of our time.Besides,we often help our parents with the housework or farm work,that makes us realize how hard we work every day and develop a great love for work.Meanwhile,we take active part in social activities,such as voluntary work. We went out to the streets to collect rubbishes or to the hospitals to cheer up the sick children.We try our best to help those who are in need or make our hometown a lot of more beautiful. We find greatly pleasure in these activities.Yours,Li Ming【答案】Dear Lisa,Im glad to receive your letter about the present holiday life of Chinese students. Learning together with entertainment still up most of our time.Besides,we often help our parents with the housework or farm work, makes us realize how hard work every day and develop a great love for work.Meanwhile,we take active part in social activities,such as voluntary work. We out to the streets to collect or to the hospitals to cheer up the sick children.We try our best to help those who are in need make our hometown a lot more beautiful. We find pleasure in these activities.Yours,Li Ming第一处:askedasking。考查非谓语动词。我很高兴收到你询问中国学生目前的假日生活的来信。ask和其逻辑主语letter之间是主动关系,故应用现在分词作定语。第二处:taketakes。考查主谓一致。学习和娱乐仍然占据了我们大部分的时间。此处是together with连接的名词在句中作主语,谓语动词应与句子原来的主语Learning保持一致,即应用第三人称单数,故改为takes。第三处:thatwhich。考查定语从句。此外,我们经常帮助我们的父母做家务或者干农活,这使我们意识到他们每天工作得多努力。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的整个句子,故用which。注意:that不能引导非限制性定语从句。第四处:wethey。考查代词。根据语境可知,此处指代的是上文中的“our parents”,故应用they。第五处:在active前加an。考查冠词。同时,我们积极参加社会活动,比如志愿工作。take an active part in为习惯用法,表示“积极参加”。第六处:wentgo。考查时态。我们去街上收集垃圾或者去医院安慰生病的孩子们。全文的基本时态是一般现在时,故此处应用一般现在时。第七处:rubbishesrubbish。考查名词。rubbish表示“垃圾”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,故改为rubbish。第八处:orand。考查连词。由语境可知,此处表示并列的顺承关系,故用and表示“和,与”。or表示选择关系,意为“或,或者”。第九处:去掉of。考查固定搭配。此处指使我们的家乡变得更加美丽。根据句中的“more”可知,此处修饰比较级,故应用a lot。a lot of表示“许多”,修饰名词。第十处:greatlygreat。考查副词。在这些活动中,我们发现了极大的乐趣。此处修饰名词pleasure,故应用形容词。


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