2019高考英语一轮达标 Unit 3 Under the sea练题(含解析)新人教版选修7.doc

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Under the sea一、阅读理解。Its not what you look at that matters;its what you see.Henry David ThoreauSlow Art Day is a global event with a simple mission:help more people discover for themselves the joy of looking at and loving art.Why slow?When people look slowly at a piece of art,they make discoveries.The most important discovery they make is that they can see and experience art without an expert.And thats an exciting discovery.It unlocks passion and creativity and helps to create more art lovers.How does it work?One day each year,people all over the world visit local museums and galleries to look at art slowly.Participants look at five works of art for 10 minutes each and then meet together over lunch to talk about their experience.Thats it.Simple by design,the goal is to focus on the art.In fact,Slow Art Day works quite well this way.By the numbersOver 1,200 individual Slow Art Day events have taken place since its official launch in 2010.Slow Art Day events have taken place on all seven continents.700 venues(museums,galleries,artist studios,sculpture parks,public art sites,etc.)have hosted Slow Art Day events.Participants love Slow Art DayFeedback on this simple event has been overwhelmingly positive.Heres a sample:“I loved taking the time to justbe with the works, particularly pieces I might otherwise walk by.Its a much better way of visiting the art museum than the usual idle ramble.Discussion afterwards was fun,interesting,informative and eyeopening.I look forward to doing it again.”Slow Art Day 2017 is Saturday,April 8,in museums and galleries worldwide.Join us and experience art differently.1The author quotes Thoreaus words at the beginning to _.Aarouse readers interest in artBintroduce the topic of the textCstress the importance of lookingDillustrate the joy of art appreciation2A typical slow art activity _.Alasts about fifty minutes when people look at art works criticallyBencourages people to see art for themselves and discuss with expertsCorganizes people to look at art on their own and talk about their experienceDinspires people to make discoveries about art works and create their own works3What can we learn about Slow Art Day from the text?AThe year of 2017 will see the eighth Slow Art Day.BIt happens once a year in all museums and galleries worldwide.CIt has bee an art festival celebrated on all seven continents.DSlow Art Day events have been held in over 1,200 different places.4According to the text,the author _.Ahas conducted a survey on Slow Art DayBstrongly remends Slow Art Day eventsCsees the good and bad sides of Slow Art DayDis frequently involved in Slow Art Day events【解题导语】本文是说明文,介绍了慢艺术日(Slow Art Day)的一些情况。1B考查推理判断。根据“Why slow?”中的“The most important.see and experience art without an expert”并结合全文大意可知,本文介绍慢艺术日的情况,因此文章开头引用梭罗的话是为了引入主题。2C考查细节理解。根据“How does it work?”部分中的“Participants look at five works of art for 10 minutes each and then meet together over lunch to talk about their experience”可知,在这项活动中,参加的人先自己观看艺术作品,然后聚在一起谈论他们的体验,故选C项。3A考查推理判断。根据“How does it work?”部分中的“One day each year”可知,该活动每年举办一次;再结合“By the numbers”部分中的“since its official launch in 2010”可知,该活动首次举办于2010年。故可推知2017年为第八届。因此A项正确。4B考查推理判断。本文作者介绍了慢艺术日,结合最后一部分最后一句“Join us and experience art differently”可知,作者推荐此活动并希望更多的人参与,故选B项。二、单句语法填空1We urged that she _ (e) to the party, but she protested that she was too tired.答案:(should) eurge “强烈要求”后跟从句时,从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即“should动词原形”,should可以省略。2The people in the earthquakestricken area are in _ (urge) need of food, medicine and shelters.答案:urgentin urgent need of . “急需”。3He has been witness _ a terrible murder.答案:tobe (a) witness to sth. “是某事的目击者”。4The people had left before the soldiers came to the _ (abandon) village.答案:abandonedabandoned为形容词“被遗弃的;废弃的”,在句中修饰名词village。5Everybody is aware _ the importance of learning.答案:ofbe/bee aware of . “意识到”。6When I reflect _ my schooldays, I realize how much easier things are for todays children.答案:onreflect on “认真思考;回想”。7To be a brave man, you should not be scared _ danger.答案:ofbe scared of . “害怕”。8Did you see that boy _ (question) by the police?答案:being questionedsee sb. doing sth. “看到某人正在做某事”,又因为question与that boy存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用being questioned。此处意为正在受盘问。9It was a time _ most people did not know how to operate a puter.答案:whenIt was a time when . “曾经一度(那时)”,为固定句式,when引导定语从句,在从句中作时间状语。10You have to trust your mind that itll take you _ you want to go.答案:wherewhere在该句中引导地点状语从句,表述你的头脑会带你去你想去的地方。三、完形填空。A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations.Inspiring speakers _1_ thousands of dollars to give this kind of training to corporate directors and staff.It cost me only a $12 _2_ ride.I had _3_ into Dallas just for the purpose of calling on a client.Time was precious and my _4_ included a quick roundtrip from and back to the airport.A _5_ taxi pulled up.The driver rushed to _6_ the passenger door for me and made sure I was _7_ seated before he closed the door.As he got in the drivers seat,he _8_ that the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me was for my use.He then showed me several _9_ and asked me what type of music I would enjoy.I could not believe the _10_ I was receiving!I took the opportunity to say,“_11_ you take great pride in your work.You must have a _12_ to share.”“You bet,” he _13_,“I used to be in Corporate America.But I was tired of thinking my best would never be good enough.I _14_ to find my right position in life,where I could feel _15_ of being the best.I love driving cars,and feeling like I have done a full days work and done it _16_.So I chose to bee a _17_.One thing I know for sure,to be good in my business I just have to meet the expectations of my passengers._18_,to be great in my business,I have to go _19_ the customers expectations!”The taxi driver taught me a great life _20_:Go an extra mile when providing any service to others.1A.offer BchargeCpay Dafford2A.taxi BbusCcar Dtrain3A.driven BflownCran Dcycled4A.hope BpurposeCplan Dchoice5A.private BroughCslow Dclean6A.open BlockCpush Dshut7A.silently BfortablyCtightly Dcasually8A.declared BconcludedCfound Dmentioned9A.pictures BmapsCtapes Dbooks10A.service BgiftCinvitation Dadvice11A.Actually BObviouslyCGradually DSuddenly12A.chance BsecretCstory Dride13A.whispered BarguedCsighed Dreplied14A.decided BpromisedChappened Dhesitated15A.careful BproudCafraid Dcurious16A.early BrapidlyCcautiously Dwell17A.driver BdirectorCclient Dspeaker18A.Besides BThereforeCHowever DPerhaps19A.against BwithinCover Dbeyond20A.method BexperienceClesson Dstandard【解题导语】本文主要讲述了一名出租车司机给作者上了一堂关于如何达到客户满意和期望的课。【难句分析】One thing I know for sure,to be good in my business I just have to meet the expectations of my passengers.分析:本句是一个复合句。I know for sure是定语从句。译文:有一件事我可以肯定,那就是想要做好生意,我就必须要满足我的乘客的期望。 【核心词汇】corporate adj.公司的client n客户precious adj.珍贵的extra adj.额外的1B根据空后的“thousands of dollars to give this kind of training to corporate directors and staff.It cost me only a $12”可知,励志演讲家的培训是要收费的。charge表示“收费”,符合语境。2A根据文章第一句“A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations”可知,出租车司机收作者12美元。3B根据第二段第二句的“Time was precious and my _4_ included a quick aroundtrip from and back to the airport”可知,作者当时是乘飞机去的。4C根据语境可知,时间很珍贵,作者的计划中包括往返机场的旅程。5D根据下文的“the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me was for my use”可推知,出租车很干净。6A结合“the passenger door for me”可推知,司机赶快跑过来给作者开车门。7B根据语境可推知,该司机注重乘客的满意度,所以他一定确保作者乘坐舒适。8D根据语境可推知,司机向乘客提醒有杂志可看。mention“提到”。9C根据空后的“asked me what type of music I would enjoy”可推知,司机给作者拿出几盘音乐磁带让他选择。10A根据空后的“I was receiving”可推知,作者对出租车司机提供的服务非常吃惊,不敢相信。receive the service“接受服务”。11B由空后的“You must have a _12_ to share”以及语境可推知,显而易见,作者认为出租车司机为自己的工作自豪。12C根据空后的“to share”以及语境可推知,此处表示有故事分享。13D根据语境可知,司机回应了作者的推断。14A根据空前的“I was tired of thinking”可推知,司机决定行动起来,找到生活中合适的位置而不是一味地想想。15B根据第三段第二句的“you take great pride in your work”可推知,司机想做到最好并为自己的工作自豪。16D根据语境可推知,司机想把工作做好。17A根据语境可知,他决定转行当一名司机。18C根据语境可知,上下文表示逻辑上的转折关系,故用However“然而”。19D根据文章最后一句“Go an extra mile when providing any service to others”可知,要想做到最好,就要多为客户考虑,超出客户的期望。beyond“超出”。20C根据文章开头“A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations”可知,此处表示司机给作者上了生动的一课。四、单句改错1A truck came in an opposite direction of the car, so the car driver made a sharply turn._答案:sharplysharpsharp “急转弯的,方向骤变的”,修饰名词turn, a sharp turn “一个急转弯”。2Judging from the furniture in the room, the building has abandoned for a number of years._答案:has后加beenbuilding与abandon之间为被动关系,现在完成时的被动语态结构为have/has been done,故应加been。3I was about to go out while suddenly it began to rain._答案:whilewhenbe about to do . when . “正要做这时”。4Have you read the novel reflected the life of the Chinese doctors?_答案:reflectedreflectingthe novel与reflect之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故应将过去分词reflected改为现在分词reflecting, 现在分词短语在该句中充当后置定语修饰novel。5He was scared to die of catching a disease so hed run off to wash his hands after he shook hands with anybody._答案:diedeathbe scared to death “吓得要死”,为固定短语。五、七选五Listening to others requires entering actively and imaginatively into the situation and trying to understand a frame of reference different from your own,and yet so many of us dont listen properly as we should._1_ It means trying to see the problem the way the speaker sees it.Here are some ways to bee a better listener._2_ Make sure you actually hear fully what your friend is saying,and you cant cut your friend off verbally carelessly.While you might intend to help move the conversation along,your friend might feel as if what he has said need to be continually talked over or sound anything but interesting.Nod to encourage the conversation along.A better option to let your friend know youre interested in what he says is just to nod along from time to time.Sometimes you nod along but then start thinking about something unrelated to what he could say._3_Tune out background noise.If youre easily distracted by laughter,glasses clinking,children crying,you might need to work extra hard to focus only on your friend._4_ Dont hesitate to tell them that the background noises are getting in the way.If you cant focus,try moving to another area.No texting or looking at your phone!_5_ For you see,when youre sitting in front of someone,he is the most important person in your world at that moment.APractice silence when someone else is talking.BIf necessary,ask your friend to repeat himself.CListening is more than just sitting silently while someone else talks.DWhoever is calling or texting can wait until youre done with your conversation.EQuestions you raise must clearly be motivated by curiosity about the speakers views.FIn this case, try to push away your thoughts until youre absorbed in what your friend is saying.GRemembering ideas from previous conversations proves that your attention is kept and encourages your friend to continue.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了如何成为一位优秀的倾听者。难句分析:While you might intend to help move the conversation along,your friend might feel as if what he has said need to be continually talked over or sound anything but interesting.(第三段最后一句)译文:虽然或许你打算帮助让谈话继续,但是你的朋友也许会感觉好像他所说的要不断地被讨论或者听起来根本是无趣的。词汇积累:verbally adv.口头上option n选择distract v使分心1C根据下一句“It means trying to see the problem the way the speaker sees it.”可知,C项“倾听不仅仅是别人讲话时安静地坐在那里”与下文联系密切,且C项中的“Listening”与下一句中的“It”相照应。故选C。2A根据下文内容可知,本段主要说明在别人讲话时,不要打扰对方。A项“在别人讲话时,练习沉默”能够引起下文内容,符合语境。故选A。3F本段主要讲述了在别人讲话时,你应不时地点点头,让你的朋友知道你对他所说的感兴趣。所以当你有时点头却心不在焉时,要赶快把注意力转回到你朋友所说的话中。故选F。4B下文提到,要毫不犹豫地告诉你的朋友噪音妨碍了你,由此推断出空格处应指如果受到了噪音的妨碍,可以请求朋友重复一遍。故选B。5D根据“No texting or looking at your phone!”可知,D项“无论谁的电话或者短信都可以等到你的谈话结束再回复”符合本段内容。故选D。

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