2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality讲义 外研版必修5.doc

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Module 5 The Great Sports Personality一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1track n跑道2brand n商标;牌子3marathon n. 马拉松 4ministry n. (政府的)部5final n. 决赛 6ultimate adj. 最后的(二)表达词汇写其形1stadium n. 体育场,运动场 2background n. 背景3guarantee vt. 保证 4purchase vt. 购买5symbol n. 符号 6score v. 得分7quality n. 特性;品德;品性 8victory n. 胜利9protest vi. 抗议 10tough adj. 费力的;困难的(三)拓展词汇灵活用1.athletics n田径运动athlete n运动员athletic adj.运动的2.trainer n运动鞋;教练员train v培训;训练trainee n接受培训者;实习生*3.retire vi.退休retirement n退休;退役retired adj.退休的*4.perform vi.表现performer n执行者;表演者performance n表现;表演*5.advantage n优势;长处disadvantage n劣势;不利因素;不便之处*6.designer n设计师design vt.& n设计7.specific adj.具体的;特定的specifically adv.明确地;准确地8.champion n冠军championship n冠军地位;锦标赛9.declare vt.宣布declaration n宣言;声明*10.petitor n竞争者;对手pete v竞争;对抗petition n竞赛;比赛petitive adj.有竞争力的用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空1They weighed the advantages and disadvantages before making the decision.(advantage)2He is a retired engineer, and he took up painting after retirement.(retire)3The performance given by this performer who often performed in public was a great success. (perform)4The designer,_who had designed a great number of famous works, said that most of his designs came from a sudden inspiration.(design)5The two athletes are peting for the gold medal. The result of the petition is hard to predict because the two petitors are both excellent and petitive.(pete)话题单词积累1physical/fIzIk()l/ adj.身体的2energetic/endetIk/ adj. 精力充沛的3benefit/benIfIt/ n. & v. 益处;受益4beneficial/benIfI()l/ adj. 有益的5relaxed/rIlkst/ adj. 充满压力的6strengthen/stre()n/ v. 加强;增强7instructor/Instrkt/ n. 教练;技术指导8guide/aId/ n. 领队9coach/kt/ n. 教练10captain/kptIn/ n. 队长11professional/prfe()n()l/ n. 职业运动员12amateur/mt/ n. 业余运动员;爱好者13sponsor/spns/ n. 赞助商14event/Ivent/ n. 赛事;事件,大事15match/mt/ n. 比赛,竞赛16tournament/tnm()nt/ n. 锦标赛,联赛17cheer/tI/ v. 欢呼;加油18cheerleader/tIlid/ n. 拉拉队队员19defeat/dIfit/ vt. 击败;战胜20beat/bit/ v. 击败;战胜21win/wIn/ v. 获胜;赢22medal/med()l/ n. 奖牌23award/wd/ vt. 授予24deserve/dIzv/ v. 应得,应受25glory/glrI/ n. 荣誉;光荣26glorious/lris/ adj. 光荣的;辉煌的;壮丽的27honour/n/ n. 荣誉,光荣vt. 尊敬,给予荣誉二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语1.make_a_list_of拟订一份名单;列出2.be_made_up_of 由组成*3.on_the_increase 正在增加*4.have_an_advantage_over 比占优势*5.vote_for 投票选举6.after_all 毕竟;终究*7.of_all_time 有史以来8.be_up_to_sb. 由某人决定*9.rise_to_ones_feet 站起身10.So_what? 那又怎么样?(二)用上面标注*的短语完成下列句子1Being tall makes him have_an_advantage_over the other players.2I want to know what she stands for before I vote_for her.3Nowadays, the number of people doing fitness training is on_the_increase.4Confucius is respected by most Chinese as the greatest teacher of_all_time.5The student rose_to_his_feet and asked his teacher a strange question.话题短语积累1play sports进行体育锻炼2physical exercise 体育锻炼3be fond of 爱好4go in for sports 爱好体育运动5be good for 对有好处6build up ones body 增强某人的体质7keep fit 保持健康8cooperate with 与合作9make friends with 与交朋友10share happiness and sorrow同甘共苦11concentrate on 集中精力于12a close game 一场势均力敌的比赛13break the record 打破纪录14set a new world record 刷新世界纪录15win a victory 赢得胜利16starting/finishing line 起点/终点线17high jump 跳高18field events 田赛三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1even though引导让步状语从句例句But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. 仿写即使天气不好,我们也要做一次旅行。Well make a trip even_though_the_weather_is_bad.2强调句型例句But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.仿写正是教练的鼓励使他重建信心,在比赛中获得了第一名。It_was_the_coachs_encouragement_that made him restore his confidence and won the first prize in the petition.3the chances are (that) .“很可能”例句If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.仿写如果你在申请这份工作方面努力的话,你很有可能被录用。If you make efforts in applying for the job, the_chances_are_that you will be employed.话题佳句背诵1Its obvious that daily exercise is very beneficial to your health.很显然每天锻炼非常有益于你的健康。 2Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy.体育运动可能是几乎所有的人都可享受的最大众化的放松形式。3He keeps exercising all year around, even in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter.他常年坚持锻炼,冬练三九,夏练三伏。4Not only does exercise improve our health but also it makes us cheerful and raises our learning efficiency.锻炼不仅改善我们的健康状况,而且可以使我们精神愉悦,提高学习效率。5As far as Im concerned, running is not only a good way to build up our strength but also helps us relax and relieve the pressure of learning.就我个人而言,跑步不仅是强身健体的好方法,而且有助于我们放松心情,缓解学习压力。四背语段语感流畅Nowadays the number of students who are fond of playing sports is on the increase. The reasons are as follows:To begin with, when playing sports, they can learn to cooperate with others, which is beneficial to their future life. Secondly, playing sports can help them make a lot of friends, with whom they share happiness and sorrow. Whats more, sports can make them more relaxed, so that they can concentrate on their study. Lastly, doing sports can strengthen their body, making them strong and healthy.To sum up, only when they take advantage of their free time to play sports can they keep fit and achieve their goals.现在爱好体育锻炼的学生人数正在增加,原因如下:首先,当进行体育锻炼时,他们能够学会与其他人合作,这对他们未来的生活是有利的。其次,进行体育锻炼能够帮助他们交很多朋友,他们能够同甘共苦。另外,运动可以使他们更放松,这样他们就可以集中精力学习。最后,进行体育锻炼能够增强他们的体质,使他们健康强壮。总之,只有当他们利用空闲时间进行锻炼才能保持健康,实现他们的目标。第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1perform vt.& vi.表现,履行,执行;表演;运转高考佳句After that, well sing their favourite songs and perform folk dances.(2015全国卷满分作文)在那之后,我们将会演唱他们最喜爱的歌曲并表演民间舞蹈。(1)perform ones duty/promise履行某人的职责/诺言perform an experiment/operation做实验/手术(2)performance n表演,演出;表现;执行,履行put on/give a performance 进行演出performer n执行者,表演者,演奏者,能手Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it being_performed (perform) live is quite another.(2015浙江高考单选)在家听音乐是一回事,去现场听正在被演奏的音乐完全是另一回事。I went to the theatre, but the performance (perform) was so wellreceived that I couldnt find any vacant seat there.我去了剧场,但表演是如此受欢迎以至于我在那儿没能找到空座。语境串记The performer performed very well and her performance was popular with the audience.这个表演者表演得非常好,她的表演深受观众的欢迎。2advantage n优势;长处;优点;有利条件教材原句Li Nings designs were attractive, and they had a major advantage over their betterknown rivals they were cheaper.李宁的服装设计很吸引人,它们比更知名的竞争对手有一个更显著的优势它们更便宜。(1)take (full) advantage of(充分)利用(的机会)gain/win/have an advantage over sb. 比某人有优势;胜过,优于to ones advantage to the advantage of sb. 对某人有利have the advantage of (doing) sth. 有(做)的有利条件(2)disadvantage n. 劣势;不利因素;缺点Take_full_advantage_of this opportunity to perform and you will have an advantage over your rivals in the performance.充分利用这次表演的机会,你就会在表演方面胜过你的对手。It might be to your advantage to take a puter course of some kind.学习某种计算机课程可能会对你有利。The advantage of cycling to work is that we can live a lowcarbon life while the disadvantage is that it wastes time. (advantage)骑行上班的优点是我们可以过一种低碳生活,而缺点是浪费时间。3guarantee vt.保证;担保;为作担保;使必然发生n.保证(书);担保(物);抵押品;保修单经典例句Take this opportunity, and I guarantee you wont regret it.抓住这个机会吧,我保证你不会后悔的。(1)guarantee to do sth.保证做某事 保证某人得到某物be guaranteed to do sth. 肯定会做某事(2)give sb. a guarantee 给某人保证/承诺under guarantee 在保修期内We guarantee to_deliver (deliver) your goods within a week.我们保证一周内交货。The manufacturer gives us a guarantee that the iPad is_guaranteed (guarantee) for a year. That is to say, it is still under guarantee now.厂家向我们保证这台苹果平板电脑保修一年。也就是说,现在它仍在保修期内。词汇过关练.单句语法填空1The school library is a resource which you can take advantage of to make progress.2Johnson is a very successful fashion designer (design) and many people enjoy reading his thoughts.3(2017江苏高考)This plete but brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young and old,and guaranteed to_present (present) even the biggest history lover with something new!4Much of the criticism has focused on the railways online purchasing (purchase) system, which has been unable to keep pace with the huge demand.5If youre interested in petitive (pete) games, then take a look at what your local clubs offer.6A number of people crowed into streets and made a protest against the war.7Once performed (perform), the works of Beethoven must attract all the people present at the concert.8To win the championship (champion) in the next game is certainly a challenging job for her.9When the meeting was_declared (declare) closed, all the people present got up and left.10My uncle retired (retire) last year, since when he has been devoting his time to helping poor children.单句改错1Can you give me guarantee that the work will be finished on time?me后加a2The next day after the Pearl Harbor Incident, US President Franklin Roosevelt declared war to Japan.toon/against3Shortly after the accident, two scores of police were sent there to keep order.scoresscore4Thousands of people walked on the street, protested against the new law.protestedprotesting5We had to recognize that they had many advantages to us in some aspects.第二个toover6However frequently performing, the works of Shakespeare always attract many people.performingperformed.单句写作(句型转换)1Can you guarantee I will have a job when I get there?Can you guarantee_me_a_job when I get there?2I think we should make full use of this technology to improve the quality of our products.I think we should take_full_advantage_of this technology to improve the quality of our products.第二板块短语、句式突破1on the increase正在增加/长,在增大教材原句The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase and sport had never been so popular.有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也变得前所未有的普及。(1)on the decrease/decline在减少;在衰退on the rise 在上涨,在增长(2)increase by . 增加了increase to . 增加到The number of students going abroad for further study is on_the_decrease/decline nowadays.目前去国外继续深造的学生的数量在不断减少。With the production increasing by 30%, our pany has made great progress.产量增长了30%,我们公司取得了很大进展。2rise to ones feet站起身教材原句As the leader es into the stadium to run the last few metres of the 42kilometre race, the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer.每当领先的运动员进入体育馆来跑那全程42千米的最后几米时,全场观众都会站身来为他欢呼喝彩。jump/leap to ones feet跳起来struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来stand on ones own feet 自立,经济上独立set foot on/in 进入,踏上I found an old man fell into a pool, but quickly he struggled_to_his_feet.我发现有一位老人摔倒在一个池塘里,但是很快就挣扎着站了起来。Now that you have grown up, you must learn to stand_on_your_own_feet.你既然已经长大成人,就必须学会独立生活。3If you go into a school or university anywhere, the_chances_are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。句中含有(the) chances are (that) .句型,意为“很可能”,此句型中的the和that都可省略,that引导表语从句。表达此意时还可以用“there is a chance that .”, that引导同位语从句。If you live in the country, the chances are that you have heard birds singing to wele the new day. If you live in the country, there_is_a_chance_that you have heard birds singing to wele the new day. 如果你住在农村,很可能听到过鸟儿在歌唱着欢迎新的一天的到来。theres no chance of doing/to do sth./that .不可能have a chance of doing/to do sth. 有做某事的机会take a chance/chances 冒险,碰运气by chance/accident 偶然;碰巧There_is_no_chance_of doing business if you insist on that offer.如果你们坚持那个报价,就不可能做成生意。You should never take_a_chance/chances while driving a car.开车时决不应冒险。短语、句式过关练.单句语法填空/句型转换1(2017江苏高考)Cinemas have gradually given way to the rise of the Internet and cellphones, and the ticket price is on the increase.2The workers want to decrease the amount of working hours to 7 hours a day.3A local newspaper remarked that crime was on the decrease.4As the number of English learners is increasing, its not difficult for them to understand these words in Chinese contexts.As the number of English learners is on_the_rise/increase,_its not difficult for them to understand these words in Chinese contexts.foot短语填空1I saw two boys rising_to_their_feet at the same time to answer the question.2At the sight of the police, he jumped_to_his_feet and ran away.3Beaten down on the ground, the boxer struggled_to_his_feet and continued the match.4As soon as the Chinese boy set_foot_on America, he realized he would stand_on_his own_feet.一句多译很可能我们无法按时完成任务。1Its_likely_that_we_cannot_finish_the_task_on_time._(Its likely that .)2The_chances_are_that_we_cannot_finish_the_task_on_time._(The chances are that .)3There_is_a_chance_that_we_cannot_finish_the_task_on_time. (There is a chance that .)提能一用课文词汇写高分作文advantage, champion, petitive, declare, ultimate, guarantee, on the increase1补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)那些日子参加报名竞赛的人数正在增加。Those days the number of the people signing up for the contest was on_the_increase. 每个人都有自己的优势,因此每个人都有可能拿冠军。Everyone had his own advantages and had a chance to be the champion.当竞争激烈的比赛结果宣布时,我有幸成为最后的赢家。When the result of petitive contest was declared,_I was fortunate to be the ultimate winner.我认为是老师的指导和不断的训练保证了我的成功。I think that my teachers guidance and constant practice guaranteed my success.2升级平淡句(1)用the chances are that .句式改写句Everyone_had_his_own_advantages_so_the_chances_are_that_everyone_will_be_the_champion.(2)用强调句型改写句I_think_it_was_my_teachers_guidance_and_constant_practice_that_guaranteed_my_success.3衔接成语篇Those_days_the_number_of_the_people_signing_up_for_the_contest_was_on_the_increase._Everyone_had_his_own_advantages_so_the_chances_are_that_everyone_will_be_the_champion._When_the_result_of_petitive_contest_was_declared,_I_was_fortunate_to_be_the_ultimate_winner._I_think_it_was_my_teachers_guidance_and_constant_practice_that_guaranteed_my_success.提能二用课文句型解构高考长难句本单元突破点even though/if引导状语从句that引导同位语从句经典例句比较分析真题尝试翻译课文长难句But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. 句中包含even though引导的状语从句和that引导的同位语从句。尽管它包含证据说风力农场是有害的,但是对于不喜欢风力农场的人来说几乎算不上是一种惊喜。真题长难句Even if it contains evidence that wind farms are harmful, it will hardly be a pleasant surprise to people who do not like them.(2014福建高考阅读理解E)句中包含even if 引导的状语从句和that引导的同位语从句。“体育”是高考常考话题之一。我们的笑容,灿烂绽放;我们的依恋,溢出心房。让心手相牵,让鸽哨悠扬,让力量汇聚,让智慧领航,神奇的奥林匹克之果已经品尝。超越,生命的奇迹,你已见证,你已分享;超越,让梦想插上飞天的翅膀。超越自我,你的坚韧感动上苍;超越极限,你的精彩举世无双,让世界洒满和煦的阳光。纵观历年高考试题,此话题多在听力、完形填空、阅读理解、书面表达等题型中考查。一、话题与语篇考题示例(2016全国卷)When I was 13 my only purpose was to bee the star on our football team. That meant _1_ Miller King, who was the best _2_ at our school.Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my football everywhere for _3_.Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from _4_. He looked very _5_, but he didnt cry. That season, I _6_ all of Millers records while he _7_ the home games from the bench. We went 101 and I was named most valuable player, _8_ I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Millers _9_.One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller _10_ going over a fence which wasnt _11_ to climb if you had both arms. Im sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept _12_ from. But even that challenge he accepted. I _13_ him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally _14_ on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didnt tell you this during the season, but you did _15_. Thank you for filling in for _16_.”His words freed me from my bad _17_. I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was _18_ ahead of me. I was right to have _19_ him. From that day on, I grew _20_ and a little more real.1A.cheering for Bbeating outCrelying on Dstaying with2A.coach BstudentCteacher Dplayer3A.practice BshowCfort Dpleasure4A.school BvacationChospital Dtraining5A.pale BcalmCrelaxed Dashamed6A.held BbrokeCset Dtried7A.reported BjudgedCorganized Dwatched8A.and BthenCbut Dthus9A.decision BmistakeCaccident Dsacrifice10A.stuck BhurtCtired Dlost11A.steady BhardCfun Dfit12A.praise BadviceCassistance Dapology13A.let BhelpedChad Dnoticed14A.dropped BreadyCtrapped Dsafe15A.fine BwrongCquickly Dnormally16A.us ByourselfCme Dthem17A.memories BideasCattitudes Ddreams18A.still BalsoCyet Djust19A.challenged BcuredCinvited Dadmired20A.healthier BbiggerCcleverer Dcooler策略指导(一)这样读文1抓首句,明文体,确保读文方向不跑偏由首句 “When I was 13 my only purpose was to bee the star on our football team.”可知,本文应该是一篇关于作者努力奋斗成为足球明星的夹叙夹议文。阅读时应该重点在时间线索下的作者的成长过程。2抓关键词(话题词汇和行为动词),巧串联,明文章大意结合文中“football team, Football season, records, the home games, 101, most valuable player”等话题词汇和“carried my football everywhere, was struck, lost his right arm, Damaged but not defeated”等关键信息,可知此文叙述了“作者一直在刻苦训练,想成为学校足球队的明星并取代Miller King。但在赛季前,Miller King被车撞了,失去了右臂,不能参加比赛了。作者凭借在赛季中优秀的表现,被评为最有价值的运动员,但是他在梦中总感觉他应该为Miller King的车祸负责。后来,Miller King对他的表扬让他释然了。”本文的行文脉络如下:(二)这样做题名师解题语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。在学校“我”喜欢踢足球,并且很崇拜Miller King,但是他因为车祸失去了右臂而不能参加比赛了。“我”代替了他,并且取得了骄人的成绩。“我”心里感觉对不起他,但是他的话让“我”深受感动。1选B联系空前的“to bee the star on our football team”和空格后的“who was the best .”可知,“我”要成为足球队的明星,就意味着要击败(beat out)最好的球员Miller King。 cheer for“为欢呼”;rely on“依靠”;stay with“与待在一起”。2选D联系前文“我要在足球上打败Miller King”可知,他是学校最好的球员(player)。coach“教练”;student“学生”;teacher“老师”。3选A联系前文“all summer long I worked out”可知,整个夏天自己都带着足球在外练习(practice)。show“表演”;fort“安慰”;pleasure“乐趣”。4选C联系前文“Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm.”可知,他出车祸,住院了,然后从医院(hospital)回来。school“学校”;vacation“假期”;training“训练”。5选A联系前文“他刚从医院回来”可知他脸色苍白(pale)。calm“平静的”;relaxed“放松的”;ashamed“羞愧的”。6选B联系下文“We went 101 and I was named most valuable player .”可知,“我”打破(break)了Miller所有的纪录。hold“保持”;set“创造”;try“尝试”。7选D联系空格后的“the home games from the bench”可知,他坐在凳子上看(watch)比赛。report“报道”;judge“裁判,评判”;organize“组织”。8选C前后两部分在语意上是转折关系,因此用but。9选C联系空格前的Millers以及前文讲述的Miller因为车祸致残不能参加比赛的情况可知,作者总是责备自己,因为Miller遭遇车祸(accident)了自己才有机会。decision“决定”;mistake“错误”;sacrifice“牺牲”。10选A联系后文“which wasnt 11(hard) to climb if you had both arms”可知,因为现在失去了右臂,他过篱笆时被卡住(stuck)了。hurt“受伤的”;tired“疲倦的”;lost“丢失的”。11选B联系空格后的“if you had both arms”可知,现在他被卡住了,如果有两只胳膊,翻越围栏对于他来说,不是难(hard)事。steady“稳定的”;fun“有趣的”;fit“合适的,健康的”。12选C联系下文“I 13(helped) him move slowly over the fence.”可知,“我”帮助了他,但是“我”认为他是不想接受“我”的帮助(assistance)。praise“表扬”;advice“建议”;apology“道歉”。13选B联系前文可知,他卡在那里,再联系空格后“him move slowly over the fence”可知,“我”帮助(help)他从篱笆上下来。let“让”;have“有”;notice“注意”。14选D由前文的“move slowly over the fence”和空格后的“on the other side”可知,最后我们安全(safe)了。drop“落下”;ready“准备好的”;trap“卡住”。15选A联系前文“We went 101 and I was named most valuable player”可知,他说“我”做得很好(fine)。wrong“错误地”;quickly“迅速地”;normally“平常地”。16选C联系空格前的“filling in”可知,因为Miller受伤,作者代替了他,此处是Miller说的话,所以用me。17选D联系前文“8(but) I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame”可知,他的话让“我”从这些不好的梦(dream)中解脱出来。memory“记忆”;idea“主意”;attitude“态度”。18选A联系空格前的“Damaged but not defeated”可知,Miller尽管受伤,但是没有被打败,他仍然(still)领先于“我”。19选D联系前文“Miller King, who was the best 2(player) at our school”可知,“我


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