2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future押题专练(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future押题专练(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future押题专练(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第2页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future押题专练(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc_第3页
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Life in the future 第一节 阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。AEven as we breathe a sigh of relief watching the rescue of 33 miners trapped in a Chilean mine for more than two months, there is recognition that their recovery from this traumatic experience involves more than just their physical health. Surrivors of disasters are at significant risk for such problems as depression and anxiety.In an uping report,George ABonanno and colleagues note that disasters result in extreme psychological harm in a minority of individualsless than 30% of samples experience severe levels of these psychological problems. Just as there are a wide range of problems experienced following disasters, Bonanno and his coauthors observe there are also a number of oute patterns.Some survivors will exhibit chronic dysfunction (慢性功能障碍) but the majority will go on to recover psychological function within a few months or years.Following disasters, the most mon form of immediate psychological intervention(介入) is Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) (危机事件应激晤谈)However, following a review of studies on the effectiveness of CISD, Bonanno and coauthors conclude, “Multiple studies have shown that CISD is not only ineffective but,as suggested earlier,in some cases can actually be psychologically harmful. “The data on crisis debriefing suggest that imposing such interventions on individuals doesnt work,”Lilienfeld says.“If some of the miners want to talk to somebody to express their feelings, then by all means mental health professionals should be there to listen to them and support them.But for miners who would prefer not to talk much about the experience, its best to leave them alone and respect their own coping mechanisms (应对机制)” According to Bonanno and his coauthors,there are treatments that may be effective in helping survivors recover from disasters.Psychological first aid (PFA) which,among other things,provides practical help and helps develop a sense of safety and calmness among survivorsis a promising approach.For example,the munitycentered interventionwhich helps maintain a sense of connectedness and quality of munity lifeis beneficial to survivors of disasters.1Which of the following can replace the underlined word“traumatic”in the first paragraph?AAmusing BUpsettingCImpressive DMemorable2What can be inferred from Lilienfelds words?AThe choices of interventions should follow the survivors will.BThe survivors should often ask health professionals for advice.CIts beneficial for the survivors to municate with each other.DThe miners should be respected for their hard and dangerous work.3According to the passage,which of the following methods is generally more effective?AHelp survivors fit in their munities.BUrge survivors to join in volunteer programs.CAsk survivors to speak out their experiences.DLeave survivors alone to improve their emotions.4What is the passage mainly about?AThe types of psychological problems.BThe harmful effects of mine accidents.CThe new research about the mental activity.DThe psychological help for survivors of disasters.语篇解读:绝大多数灾难幸存者都会产生一定的心理问题,因此对他们进行心理疏导是极其重要的。1解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段第一句以及下文disasters可知,被困在煤矿中是一件令人痛苦的经历。答案:B 答案:A3解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,让灾难幸存者融入自己的社区生活是帮助他们走出阴影比较有效的方法。选项B在文中并没有提及,选项C、D并不适合所有的人。故选A项。答案:A4解析:主旨大意题。全文主要说明了对灾难幸存者心理急救的有效方法,D项最为符合。答案:DBWashington teacher Tammie Schrader is very enthusiastic about puter games in education. She thinks they can be used to teach programming skills which will help students to learn in middle school. Canadian teacher Justin Holladay wrote a few simple games to help his students practice math skills.When the games became popular, he started his own pany to create more of them.And the University of Washingtons Zoran Popovic got more than 4,000 Washington students to master linear equations (方程) this spring by playing a puter game for just a few hours.The growing availability of inexpensive puters and a new generation of young teachers who grew up playing on puters have inspired interests in games for serious purposes.“Six or seven years ago,selling games to schools was brutal(唐突的) ,”said David Martz of Muzzy Lane Software,a Boston,US pany that produces games for publishers such as McGrawHill.Now,he said,schools are interested in the promise of games.Software and education panies have tried for many years to bine youngsters passion for puter games with educational progress,without much success.Zoran Popovic thinks the first efforts to bine games with education fell_flat because they were created by mercial panies.These panies were more interested in selling products than seeing students master a skill.Teachers say there are some pretty good games in the marketplace now.Holladay,a math teacher from Alberta,Canada,began moving paperbased math games to the iPad,building games that allowed students to pete with each other and give him instant feedback on their progress. The games reinforced (加强) the lessons he was teaching,and his students had fun playing.He said,“They were a lot more engaged.”5. From Paragraph 1,we know that_Ateachers were devoted to creating puter gamesBteachers think puter games can help in learningCteachers encourage students to play games to relaxDteachers hold different views on puter games6Who gave ments on“bination between games and education”?ADavid Martz BTammie SchraderCJustin Holladay DZoran Popovic7What helped promote puter games in schools according to the text?aThe affordability of puters.bThe preferences of young teachers.cThe advertisements of mercial panies.dParents support.eBetter games.Aa,b,c Ba,c,dCa,b,e Db,d,e8The underlined phrase“fell flat”in Paragraph 3 probably means“_”Amade no profit Bdeserved attentionCturned out successful Dfailed to get ideal effect语篇解读:文章讲解了电脑游戏在美国课堂的逆袭,美国很多的老师都认为电脑游戏可以促进学习,现在很多游戏公司也很注意游戏和教育的结合,所以许多学校都认为游戏可以促进学习。5解析:推理判断题。文章第一段用三位老师来举例说明老师们认为电脑游戏有助于辅助课堂教学。答案:B6解析:细节理解题。由第三段的“Zoran Popovic thinks the first efforts to bine games with education.”可知,Popovic对于游戏和教育的结合发表了观点。答案:D 答案:C8解析:词义猜测题。文章第三段谈到的商业公司更重视产品销售的盈利情况,而不是学生是否掌握新技能,所以可以推知Popovic认为游戏与教学刚开始结合时,并未获得预期的效果。答案:D第二节 完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从120题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, Ive watched one friend after another land highranking,highpaying Wall Street jobs. As executives(高级管理人员) with banks,consulting firms, established law firms, and major corporations, many are now_1_on their way to impressive careers.By societys_2_,they seem to have it made.On the surface, these people seem to be very lucky in life.As they left student life behind, many had a_3_drink at their cheap but friendly local bar, shook hands with longtime roommates,and_4_out of small apartments into high buildings.They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine_5_a college years monthly rent.They replaced their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.The thing is,a number of them have_6_that despite their success,they arent happy.Some_7_of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eighthour workweeks devoted to tasks they_8_Some do not respect the panies they work for and talk of feeling tired and_9_.However, instead of devoting themselves to their work,they find themselves working to support the_10_to which they have so quickly bee_11_People often speak of trying a more satisfying path,and_12_in the end the idea of leaving their jobs to work for something they_13_or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always leads them to the same conclusion:its _14_They have loans,bills,a mortgage(抵押贷款)to_15_,retirement to save for.They recognize theres something_16_in their lives,bu its_17_to step off the track.In a society that tends to_18_everything in terms of dollars and cents,we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our_19_in financial terms. But what about the personal and social costs_20_in pursuing money over meaning? These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignoreand the very ones we need to consider most.1A.much BneverCseldom Dwell2A.policies BstandardsCexperiments Dregulations3A.last BleastCsecond Dbest4A.cycled BmovedCslid Dlooked5A.shared BpaidCequaled Dcollected6A.advertised BwitnessedCadmitted Ddemanded7A.plain BdreamChear Dapprove8A.distribute BhateCapplaud Dneglect9A.calm BguiltyCwarm Dempty10A.family BgovernmentClifestyle Dproject11A.accustomed BappointedCunique Davailable12A.yet BalsoCinstead Drather13A.let out Bturn inCgive up Dbelieve in14A.fundamental BpracticalCimpossible Dunforgettable15A.take off Bdrop offCput off Dpay off16A.missing BinspiringCsinking Dshining17A.harmful BhardCuseful Dnormal18A.measure BsufferCdigest Ddeliver19A.disasters BmotivationsCcampaigns Ddecisions20A.assessed BinvolvedCcovered Dreduced语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文,题材为社会生活类。我发现我的一些朋友名校毕业后找到了体面的工作,有了很高的收入。他们真的成功了吗?1解析:事业很顺利,此处应该用副词well修饰。答案:D2解析:按照社会的标准(standards)来判断的话,他们已经具备成功所需要的一切了。policy政策;experiment实验;regulation规章。答案:B3解析:他们毕业前在当地廉价但很友好的酒吧里喝了最后一次(last)酒。答案:A4解析:搬出了狭小的公寓楼住进了高楼大厦。cycle骑自行车;slide滑动,滑行;look看。答案:B 9解析:empty意为“空虚的”,符合语义。答案:D10解析:根据空格后定语从句所表达的含义“他们这么快就”可知此处应该是“生活方式(lifestyle)”。答案:C11解析:他们这么快就习惯的生活方式。固定搭配be/bee accustomed to 习惯于答案:A。12解析:人们经常说要走一条更令人满意的路,可是(yet)到最后。前后意思上是转折关系,故选A项。答案:A13解析:let out发出;turn in上交;give up放弃;believe in相信。根据语境可知答案为D项。答案:D14解析:fundamental根本的;practical实际的;impossible不可能的;unforgettable难以忘记的。根据语义可知选C。答案:C 18解析:在一个倾向于用金钱来衡量(measure)一切的社会里。suffer遭受;digest消化;deliver运送。答案:A19解析:disaster灾难;motivation动机;campaign运动;decision决定。由语义可知选D。答案:D20解析:be involved in涉及,牵涉,与有关。assess评估;cover覆盖;reduce降低,减少。由语义可知选B。答案:B第三节 语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Red envelopes 1._(relate) to the Chinese Lunar New Year for long. I myself have had plenty of 2._(experience) both receiving and giving out red envelopes in the past, and generally speaking,its been fun. I mean,who doesnt love free money? Im truly surprised by the extent of peoples obsession with virtual red envelopes this year. In fact, everyone I know spent at least a day or two 3._(crazy) shaking their smart phones,mostly trying to get as much lucky money as possible.Thanks to messaging app giant WeChats new feature 4._allows users to send money electronically, grabbing virtual red envelopes has never seemed so easy. Just in case you are one of the very few people still not on the bandwagon,heres 5._it works. Givers link their WeChat to their bank accounts, and then they can send specified amounts of money to their WeChat contacts through a personal message. They can also put the cash up 6._grabs in chat groups full of friends, and anyone who acts fast enough will get 7._share. Later,receivers can transfer the funds from their WeChat back into their own bank accounts. In theory,this sounds like a fun game. Im always for some harmless fun in life, so my natural response would be:Why not? Moreover,Ive always believed that its human nature to want free stuff,regardless of whether you actually need it or not. This may not be a good quality,8._its not against the law, so I wont get all judgmental here.9._(consider) these reasons, I really cant fault anyone for their enthusiasm in grabbing virtual red envelopes. I would have done it too, 10._I not thought linking WeChat to my bank accounts was too much trouble.语篇解读:作者对春节期间所出现的通过手机抢红包这一现象发表了自己的看法。1解析:考查时态。be related to为固定短语,意为:与有关联。根据时间状语for long可知,应用现在完成时。答案:have been related2解析:考查名词。experience作“经历”讲,为可数名词。此处表示复数概念,故用复数形式。答案:experiences3解析:考查副词。设空处需用副词作shaking的状语,故答案为crazily。答案:crazily 答案:that/which5解析:考查表语从句。根据下文有关微信抢红包程序的介绍可推知本空答案为how。答案:how6解析:考查介词。句意:你也可以将现金放在微信朋友圈中,让网友去抢。根据句意可知设空处表示目的,故答案为for(为了)。答案:for7解析:考查冠词。句意:动作快的人将会抢到一份。share名词,意为“一份”,share在本句中表示泛指,故与不定冠词连用。答案:a8解析:考查并列连词。前后两句为转折关系,故用并列连词but。答案:but9解析:考查非谓语动词作状语。Considering.为独立成分,意为:考虑到答案:Considering 答案:had第四节 书面表达某外籍大学来我校招生,请你用约100个单词写一篇主题为“畅想未来,规划人生”的英文短文,作为招考测试内容。内容要点:1.规划内容;2规划理由;3实现途径;注意:1.短文须包含以上内容,可适当拓展;2开头已给出,不计入总词数;3短文中不能出现考生个人的具体信息。My plan for the futureSenior year is ing to an end. It is high time for me to think about my future plan. 标准范文My plan for the futureSenior_year_is_ing_to_an_end._It_is_high_time_for_me_to_think_about_my_future_plan.Since childhood, I have been dreaming to be a scientist to predict earthquakes. I can never forget miserable scenes whenever the earthquake strikes. The question “Can we do nothing but die?”often recalls in my mind. I choose not to believe that!Three months later, I will be a college student. I am planning to take a major to gain professional knowledge. After graduation, I will choose a worldfamous university, where I can exchange knowledge and skills with top experts. “Theory without experience is blind.” I will catch any chance to gain firsthand experience.I am determined to devote my lifetime to the great cause and firmly believe that, through joint efforts, predicting earthquakes will be a piece of cake in front of us mankind.


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