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2019届高三英语下学期第五次月考试题第 I 卷(选择题,共 95 分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. - He traveled around the world alone when he was sixteen years old.- Wow, . A. thats really somethingB. good luck.C. Im with you on thatD. its not a big deal2. I felt very happy to get a one-month break from work last year I could travel with my family to Paris.A. whereB. whenC. whichD. that3. Im never going to guess the answer if you dont give me a .A. orderB. signalC. clueD. outline4. - I beg your pardon, but I didnt quite catch you.- Oh, I myself.A. am talking toB. have talked toC. talked toD. was talking to5. No notice should be of what your mother says - shes just in a bad mood. A. paidB. takenC. requiredD. needed6. It wasnt right to me that such near neighbors not know one another.A. couldB. wouldC. shouldD. might7. I heard the news on the radio last night there was a terrible storm on the way. A. thatB. whichC. howD. where8. My mother often makes a schedule to keep herself of what she is to do duringthe day.A. remindB. to remindC. remindedD. reminding9. you exercise regularly as well, you wont be able to lose weight only by eating less. A. OnceB. WhenC. IfD. Unless10. the tower building, where you can see the whole city.A. Standing on the top ofB. If you climb toC. When you reach the top ofD. Get to the top of11. - Have you seen a red backpack on this seat?- I saw a man walking away with , but I am not sure whether it is yours. A. oneB. itC. thatD. the one12. Make sure you have your passport with you all the time in a foreign country, which would cause trouble.A. somehowB. meanwhileC. otherwiseD. anyway13. All the students felt discouraged because the exercise was the abilities of most of the class.A. underB. beyondC. againstD. over14. - Ms. Smith, thank you for inviting us. The food you cooked is very delicious.- _.A. I practice every dayB. I am glad you like it.C. No, I dont think soD. Well, its not good enough15. Now the flowers look healthy again. I figure that they would have died if I them two days ago.A. dont waterB. didnt waterC. hadnt wateredD. havent watered第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 31-50 各题所给的四个选项 A、B、C、D 四个选项 中,选出最佳选项。I started volunteering at a soup kitchen several years ago. The original reason I was going wasto 16 munity service hours for school. My plan was to 17 go there a few times andget my service hours, but it taught me a lot. The typical volunteer there served 18 to people.Basically, I was 19 serving bread and juice to whoever wanted it, which was a simple task.Some of the people were homeless, and some of them were 20 families. All of them werepeople in need of a hot meal and a place to 21 for an hour or several minutes. 22 someof them looked like they werent behaving well, we always took care of them.The first time I went there was right before Christmas. For the people ing to the soup kitchen, it was not exactly a 23 time. It made me think about my happy Christmas and mademe feel how 24 I was. Unlike them, I have a home and I dont 25 cold or hunger. At thatpoint, I decided that I 26 wanted to go back there. I couldnt offer them much, but I couldalways offer my time and 27 . The experience also gives me a feeling of 28 . WheneverI go there , people are 29 that I showed up again . They know my name and they know that Iam more than happy to 30 them. It truly feels good to know that you can 31 someonesday. Ive realized that the feeling of doing good for people can be a better 32 than anyamount of money. You cant buy that feeling.I have never 33 a single second of my volunteering. It 34 me that dozens of citieshave made it illegal to set up a soup kitchen. But I will continue my volunteer work and find moreways to show my 35 to people in need.16. A. reduceB. avoidC. pleteD. cancel17. A. yetB. justC. evenD. still18. A. foodB. workC. timeD. money19. A. tired ofB. worried about C. responsible forD. free from20. A. busyB. seriousC. experiencedD. struggling21. A. hideB. restC. liveD. study22. A. AlthoughB. IfC. BecauseD. Until23. A. available B. strangeC. pleasantD. painful24. A. wiseB. honestC. curiousD. fortunate25. A. turn downB. suffer fromC. pass downD. learn from26. A. definitely B. graduallyC. equallyD. hardly27. A. reasonB. effortC. chanceD. patience28. A. stabilityB. guiltC. lossD. appreciation29. A. gratefulB. confidentC. proudD. shocked30. A. changeB. leaveC. forgetD. help31. A . describe B. wasteC. brightenD. disturb32. A. rewardB. excuseC. riskD. mistake33. A. plannedB. regrettedC. forgivenD. understood34. A. remindsB. confusesC. encouragesD. disappoints35. A. talentB. concernC. kindnessD. weakness第三部分 阅读理解(共 20 小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASmith College Precollege Programs offer intellectually inspiring and unique opportunities to high school girls who wish to pursue their academic interests in the classroom and beyond. Annually, these programs offer over 225 young women the freedom to explore challenging subjects while living and studying with other motivated students from around the world.College Admission Workshop: This new one-week program is for rising high school juniors and seniors who are beginning to look at colleges. It helps you gain a petitive advantage when you are applying to colleges. You can know how to write a college-level essay, excel in a college admission interview and give an introductory speech.Summer Science and Engineering Program: Do you want to conduct college-level research? This program is a unique four-week residential program that will give you a taste of both collegelife and college-level science. You will attend small classes taught by top faculty (学院) members.The classes also have a current Smith College student working as an intern (实习生).Discovering Womens History: This program allows you to explore the lives and writings of notable women of the 19th and 20th centuries. You will read the private papers of Sylvia Plath, Gloria Steinem and Virginia Woolf. You will also examine poet Emily Dickinsons personaldiaries and letters. You will learn archival (档案的) research skills.Field Studies for Sustainable(可持续的) Futures: This program is for students who want toexplore their interest in environmental protection in a directed way. You will learn about sustainable living and environmental science. Much of the program is conducted in the field, and you will engage in a variety of activities including hiking, visiting local farms and learning about sustainable food and agriculture.36. Whats special about Smith College Precollege Programs? A. They are free to apply for.B. They mainly admit female students. C. They offer host families to students.D. They target English-speaking students.37. After joining College Admission Workshop, students could . A. visit colleges they want to attendB. have a chance to publish their own writingsC. practice as teachers for high school studentsD. learn how to deal with college application process38. Summer Science and Engineering Program allows students to . A. learn from students and teachers from Smith CollegeB. take part in various physical sportsC. have access to valuable historical informationD. gain some knowledge on environmental protection39. Discovering Womens History may attract students who . A. enjoy doing experimentsB. have an interest in literatureC. want to learn with advanced technologyD. wish to municate with famous people40.Which program is suitable for students preferring outdoor activities? A. College Admission Workshop.B. Discovering Womens History.C. Field Studies for Sustainable Futures.D. Summer Science and Engineering Program.BWhat is it that causes the New Years Resolution Syndrome? People make resolutions, work hard at them for a few weeks, maybe even a few months, and then forget them. Next year, they make the same New Years resolutions. That is the syndrome. So why do so many people do it?They may be making goals that are too global, and too unrealistic. The elephant analogy (比喻)is still the best one I know of to illustrate good goal setting. How do you eat an elephant? One spoonful at a time. So it is with goals. Make spoon size goals and acplish them easily. Once youve mastered this, get a bigger spoon!You may have too many people in your life who consciously or subconsciously are unwilling or unable to support you to reach your goals. Surround yourself with people who want you to have what you want for yourself. Support each other and youll all achieve your highest goals.We must be careful not to confuse busyness with progress. Be selective about how you use your time and what you focus on. Success often es when you know what to leave out, rather than what to include in your life.Goal setting is like the pig and chicken who were out for a walk in town early one morning. The chicken became really excited when she saw a sign that said Ham & Eggs, $2.99. She said to the pig, Look, weve got double billing again. The pig grunted and said, Thats all right for you to say. For you, its all in a days work. For me, its total mitment. Goal setting is all in a days work. Goal achievement is total mitment.41. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A. Few Harvard students know the importance of setting goals. B. Writing down goals is unhelpful in achieving them.C. A very small percentage of Harvard students can succeed. D. Keeping working on goals eventually leads to victory.42. What can we know about New Years resolutions? A. They are really difficult to achieve.B. Most people give them up halfway.C. They should be different from year to year. D. Most people make no effort to achieve them.43. According to the elephant analogy, when setting goals, we should _. A. ask for others adviceB. set great and worthy goalsC. break a big goal into smaller piecesD. refer to the goals we set earlier44. What does the story of the pig and chicken imply? A. Rome is not built in one day.B. When the cat is away, the mice will play. C. The early bird catches the worm.D. Birds of a feather flock together.45. What can be the best title for this passage? A. Goals only work when you do!B. Surroundings contribute to success!C. Ways to make New Years resolutionsD. Suggestions for setting realistic goalsCOrthopedic pillows are not just like any other ordinary pillow. These products are specially made to fulfill a specific function.People buy orthopedic pillows for several reasons. Sometimes people buy this type of pillow because their doctor has specifically remended them to do so as part of a treatment and management plan for neck, back, or bone problems. In recent years, people have bee more aware of the science behind orthopedic pillows, which accounts for the increase in the popularity of these pillows. There has been a lot of available orthopedic pillow information for anyone interested. The science behind these pillows has also advanced significantly over the years, which means that orthopedic pillows are now more effective and useful than ever.Orthopedic pillows help you maintain the right gesture. While traditional pillows may be very fortable, they do not necessarily promote the proper gesture as you sleep, which is proved to be important for your health. It also helps you avoid waking up with a host of body aches and pains. Among the most mon causes of back and neck pains is sleeping without adequate support. Orthopedic pillows can provide you with the necessary support that will keep these kinds of body pains away. The pillow is specifically designed to conform to the naturalcontours (轮廓) of your body, thus ensuring that your skeletal structure is kept in proper alignment(直线) throughout the night and that no part of your body is subjected to too much pressure, which leads to pain.Of course, it is understandable that you may find an orthopedic pillow a bit unfortable the first time you use it, but that is true with any new experience. The materials used in manufacturing these pillows are ideal for the kind of sleep that you are looking for.Just like any product in the market, there is a disadvantage to an orthopedic pillow as well. They are usually more expensive than traditional pillows. But, if you treat the purchase as an investment on your health, it may be a lot easier for you to part with the cash.46. What makes orthopedic pillows increasingly popular? A. Peoples worries about sleep loss.B. Doctors specific remendation.C. The advancement of medical sciences.D. Their good effects on decreasing back and neck pains.47. Orthopedic pillows are superior to traditional pillows mainly in that . A. materials used in orthopedic pillows are much more idealB. orthopedic pillows promote the proper sleeping postureC. orthopedic pillows may make sleepers more fortableD. peoples body pains will be cured by using orthopedic pillows48. What causes body pains when one is sleeping according to the passage? A. Proper alignment.B. A thick quilt.C. The skeletal structure. D. Lack of support.49. What does the author think of orthopedic pillows? A. They are just worth the price.B. They can bear a little pressure. C. They help cure peoples disease.D. They have shortings in function.50. What is the passage mainly about?A. The impacts of pillows on peoples health. B. The market prospect of orthopedic pillows.C. Benefits and drawbacks of using orthopedic pillows.D. Scientific secrets behind orthopedic pillows.DThe holidays are the best time to ask the elders in your family for advice. For most people, the approaching holiday season includes more time with the extended family, including the elder generation.Unfortunately, older adults are often unseen in the popular media. Yet theres a big body of evidence that shows the benefits of older adults wisdom and the value of developing munication across generations.First, over the course of human history, older people have played very important roles as advice-givers. Anthropological (人类学) research shows that survival in pre-literate societies wasdependent on the knowledge of the oldest members.In recent times, most of the researches about intergenerational munication occur within formal programs, such as ones including older adults in public schools or having youth visit assisted living facilities. Also, you can apply many of the lessons of the researches to your own family gatherings.There is clear evidence that it is good for young people to spend time with older adults. The youth who participated in intergenerational programs showed more respect toward older adults, less anxiety, and higher self-esteem. Research also shows that interacting with younger people is good for older adults. A systematic review found that older adults who participated in intergenerational programs were likely to experience more satisfaction with their lives, higher self-esteem and fewer symptoms of depression. Interactions during intergenerational programs can be positive even when an older adult is experiencing memory or cognitive problems.Having children teach puter or video games to the older generations can be a fun way to spend time together. A study found that intergenerational games can help family members to bond. Another idea is to encourage the youth to ask older family members for their advice about life.The youth can ask older adults specific questions about the lessons they learned from their life experiences.The take-home message is that time with older relatives is one of the true gifts of the holiday season. Make the most of it by spending time with the older generation!51. Which of the following statements would the author most probably agree with? A. The popular media attaches great importance to the old.B. Holidays are the perfect time to stay with old people. C. Todays people like turning to the elderly for advice. D. Old people bee unwise due to their aging.52. Why did the author mention the anthropological research in the third paragraph? A. To state how modern societies develop.B. To show young people are much cleverer.C. To explain why todays aging turns out to be worse.D. To prove older people are intelligent and experienced.53. What can we know about the intergenerational programs? A. They are helpful to both the old and the young.B. They are unpopular with older people.C. Their lessons arent suitable for family gatherings.D. Their participants dont include unhealthy older adults.54. What is Paragraph 6 mainly about?A. Some fun video games for older adults.B. Advice from older people that is useful to the youth. C. Effective ways of intergenerational munication. D. Difference in interests between the old and the youth.55. From this passage, we can learn that it is important to . A. respect and acpany older peopleB. ask older people for advice for holidaysC. pay attention to the health of older peopleD. teach older people to adapt to the digital time第四部分 写作xx-xx-2 天津一中高三年级五月考英语试卷第 II 卷(非选择题,共 35 分)第一节:阅读表达(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)I am a member at the Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference. This is the conference whereI got my start about 15 years ago, so it feels special whenever I go back there.I usually teach multiple sessions, host a table at meals where I can talk with conferees, and often have about 40-50 private appointments with attendees. I take great pleasure in giving my personal advice on the beginners writing journey after listening to their puzzlement.And then I realized something, as I looked across the room and saw Al Gansky and Eva Marie Everson whom Id had private appointments with many years ago when I was one of the conferees. The only reason I am a member there now is because countless people like them have invested inme. As a new writer, I once expressed my book ideas to Al and Eva, and they encouraged me a lot. Award-winning authors Yvonne Lehman and Steven James weled me to their group and shared their knowledge. And Edie, Vonda, Linda, Lynette, Michelle and so many others became my writing friends, offering encouragement and support along the way. Id never have made it on this journey without them.Last week, I was invited to experience the life in the countryside with some writer friends. I refused the invitation at first. I was away from home a lot because of the numerous book releases and conferences. I felt so exhausted that I just wanted to stay at home. However, my sweet husband said, Honey, why dont you go? It will be good for you. It can be a great source of inspiration for you.Id never have made it without the support of this precious man whos been my chief encourager. It moves me to tears to think about all the times hes cleaned the kitchen, folded the laundry, taken care of our children and lugged my suitcases to the car so I can chase my dreams.I wouldnt be where I am today without all the supportive people and I want to give them a much-deserved s

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