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2019届高三英语月考试题(五)本试题卷分为听力、阅读理解、语言知识运用和写作四个部分,共14页。时量120分钟。满分150分。第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A19.15. B9.18. C9.15.答案是C。(A)1. When will the woman get home?A. At 5:15 pm. B. At 5:30 pm. C. At 5:45 pm.(A)2. Where is the womans hometown?A. New York. B. Chicago. C. Phoenix.(B)3. Who did the housework yesterday probably?A. Mary. B. Henry. C. Linda.(C)4. What will the speakers take to the party?A. A cake. B. Orange juice. C. Ice cream.(B)5. What is the woman?A. Shes a shop assistant.B. Shes a receptionist.C. Shes a secretary.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。(A)6. Whats the relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Friends.C. Customer and waitress.(B)7. Why is the man going without the directions?A. He forgot to bring them.B. The woman lost them.C. He can remember the directions.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。(A)8. What does the woman ask the man to do first?A. To pay the minibar bill.B. To take his own bags himself.C. To get the bill charged to his pany.(B)9. How does the man pay?A. With the panys cash.B. With his Visa Card.C. With his cash.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。(A)10. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Old friends. B. Husband and wife. C. Father and daughter.(B)11. What will the woman do tomorrow?A. See her children. B. Make a speech. C. Make a phone call.(B)12. Where does the man stay?A. At the Hilton Hotel.B. At the Blackwood.C. At the Garden Hotel.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。(A)13. What does the man want to make reservations for?A. The penthouse. B. A standard room. C. Some books.(B)14. What do we know about Tony Parker?A. He only handles bookings for the penthouse. B. He makes arrangements for all VIPs reservations. C. He is the manager of the hotel.(B)15. What is the mans phone number?A. 660 843 3233. B. 660 843 3235. C. 660 843 3230.(C)16. Where does this conversation take place?A. In the mans office.B. In the womans office.C. On the telephone.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。(B)17. Where did Whitney Houston first start singing?A. In nightclubs. B. In churches. C. In a school.(C)18. Who is Clive Davis?A. Whitney Houstons agent.B. The movie producer who made The Bodyguard.C. The man who signed Whitney Houston to a longterm recording deal.(A)19. Which of the following is a Whitney Houston song?A. Saving All My Love for You.B. Greatest Emotion of All.C. I Will Always Be with You.(A)20. What do we know about Whitney Houstons death?A. The reason why she died was not clear then.B. She died soon after winning a Grammy Award.C. She died at the age of 45.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(C)21. What type is this ticket?A. A standard single one for an adult.B. A standard single one for a kid. C. A standard return one for an adult.D. A standard return one for a kid.【解析】由车票的第一行可知答案。 (B)22. Which train takes the least time from Oxford to London Paddington?A. The 10:43 train. B. The 11:01 train.C. The 11:07 train. D. The 11:16 train.【解析】由火车时刻表的Duration一列可知耗时最少的车次是11:01的车。(D)23. What can we learn from the timetable and the ticket?A. The ticket is valid only on July the second.B. The ticket is for trains to all stations in Oxford. C. Passengers can transfer by taking the 11:01 train.D. All trains from Oxford to London Paddington depart at the same platform.【解析】由车票的第二行可知有效日期为7月22日,故A错误。由车票的最后一行可知火车到伦敦的任何一站,故B错。火车时刻表的最后一列可知11:01的车不能换乘,故C错。由火车时刻表的第二列可知火车都从Oxford一号站台出发,D正确。BDan Buettner has studied five places around the world where residents are famed for their longevity: Okinawa in Japan, Nicoya in Costa Rica, Icaria in Greece, Loma Linda in California and Sardinia in Italy.People living in these socalled “blue zones” have certain factors in monsocial support networks, daily exercise habits and a plantbased diet, for starters. But they share another unexpected monality. In each munity, people are gardening well into old agetheir 80s, 90s and beyond.Could nurturing your green thumb help you live to 100?It is wellknown that an outdoor lifestyle with moderate physical activity is linked to longer life, and gardening is an easy way to acplish both. “If you garden, youre getting some lowintensity physical activity most days, and you tend to work routinely,” says Buettner.He says there is evidence that gardeners live longer and are less stressed. A variety of studies confirm this, pointing to both the physical and mental health benefits of gardening.If gardening is good, is farming even better? Many of the lifestyle factors associated with longevitysuch as living in the country and getting lots of exerciseapply to farmers as well.Some evidence suggests that farming is one of the healthiest occupations.However, neither farming nor gardening will ultimately guarantee a longer lifespan(寿命). But some of the lifestyle factors associated with bothnamely going outside, engaging in light physical activity and eating a healthy plantbased dietjust might.(B)24. What do the longlived people in the “blue zones” share?A. They all live well beyond 90.B. They keep on gardening.C. They only eat vegetables.D. They are very sociable.【解析】B。 从第二段最后一句“In each munity, people are gardening well into old agetheir 80s, 90s and beyond.”可知A错误、B正确,C太绝对,D文章未提及。(C)25. How does gardening possibly help live a longer life?A. By getting people working outside occasionally.B. By getting people involved in creative projects.C. By providing some appropriate physical activity.D. By supporting effective social networks.【解析】根据第四段第一句可知C正确,B未提及,A选项的occasionally不正确,D选项是对文中提到的social support networks的误解。(D)26. What does the author conclude in the last paragraph?A. Farming will get more popular.B. Farming and gardening can ensure longevity.C. There is no connection between longevity and occupation.D. Physical activity and healthy eating count.【解析】选项A文中并未提及,选项B与文章意思相反,D正确,C选项太过绝对。(B)27. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Secrets of LongevityB. Gardening Could Help You Live to 100C. Gardening and FarmingD. The Benefits of Gardening【解析】从全文来看,文章大意讲的就是从事园艺对长寿有一定的好处,B正确。选项A只提了长寿,没有涉及园艺,选项C未涉及长寿,选项D范围过广。CAlmost every day we e across situations where we have to make decisions one way or another. Choice, we are given to believe, is a right. But for a good many people in the world, in rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, something wonderful but hard to get, not a right. And for those who think they are exercising their right to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion(幻觉), a false idea created by panies and advertisers, hoping to sell their products. The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in peoples lives. Buying something as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access to a wide range of everyday goods leads to a sense of powerlessness in many people, ending in the shopper giving up and walking away, or just buying an unsuitable item that is not really wanted. Recent studies have shown that many electrical goods bought in almost every family are not really needed. More difficult decisionmaking is then either avoided or trusted into the hands of the professionals, lifestyle instructors, or advisors.It is not just the availability of the goods that is the problem, but the speed with which new types of products e on the market. Advances in design and production help quicken the process. Products also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The typical example is puters, which are almost outofdate once they are bought. This indeed makes selection a problem. Gone are the days when one could just walk with ease into a shop and buy one thing; no choice, no anxiety.(A)28. What does the author try to argue in the first paragraph?A. The practice of choice is difficult.B. Choice is a born right. C. Its easy to make choices.D. panies offer good shopping decisions. 【解析】 从第一段中“But for a good many people in the world, in rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, something wonderful but hard to get, not a right.”可归纳出答案为A。(B)29. Which of the following is most likely to cause anxiety?A. Easy access to everyday goods.B. Too many choices.C. Misleading advertisements.D. Professional shopping advice.【解析】从第二段第一句可知无止境的选择范围导致人们在做出选择时很焦虑,也就是说选择的范围太大。A选项是说很容易买到东西,而不是选择范围广。(A)30. The example of puters is used to prove that_ A. updated products flood the marketB. hightech products are of poor qualityC. everyday goods need to be replacedD. advanced products are in demand【解析】电脑的例子出现在最后一段,本段topic sentence 是第一句话“It is not just the availability of the goods that is the problem, but the speed with which new types of products e on the market.”是说新型产品不断冲击市场,故选A。(C)31. What is this passage mainly about?A. The opinions on peoples right.B. The problems of the availability of daily goods. C. The helplessness in purchasing decisions. D. The variety of choices in modern society.【解析】纵观全文及最后一句话“Gone are the days when one could just walk with ease into a shop and buy one thing; no choice, no anxiety.”可以知道本文主要讲述人们在购物时因为选择太多而无法简简单单地进行选择的现状。DVertebrates(脊椎动物), human beings included, are constantly changing their skinproducing new layers of it as they slough_off old cells. Understanding this process of regeneration would help the treatment of skin diseases and injuries such as burns. This week, a group of researchers led by Kenneth Poss of Duke University Medical Centre, in North Carolina, have announced a colourful new technique that should enhance such understanding. They call it the “skinbow”Skinbows are themselves an adaptation of an approach called a “brainbow”,which was invented almost a decade ago, and is used to label nerve cells different colours. Brainbow technology permits someone with an appropriate microscope to trace the connections that lots of individual nerve cells make with one another in the brain of, say, a mouse.Dr Posss experimental animal is not a mammal but a fish: the zebra fish. Skinbow or brainbow, though, the basic procedure is the same. Genetic engineering is used to create lines of animals whose genomes(基因组)contain multiple copies of genes for proteins that glow under ultraviolet light(紫外线)These genes are controlled by DNA switches that are activated only in the appropriate tissue typebrain for brainbows, skin for skinbows. In the case of skinbows, some of the proteins glow red, some glow green and some glow blue.At the moment Dr Poss thinks his microscopes can distinguish 7080 such colours. Moreover, unlike brainbow technology, which requires that the animal be killed in order to see what is going on, a skinbow is visible from the outside. Regenerative processes can be followed over an extended period.The researchers, for example, could observe in detail how a fish responds to injury. When they cut a fin from one of their charges, they were able to track cells moving to the site of the damage and helping to repair it. They also saw new cells rising from deeper layers of the skin to supplement those that had migrated to heal the injured fin. After two to three weeks, the fin had regrown pletely.The next stage will be to test how fish skin responds to diseases, and to drugs that might treat those diseases. In the fullness of time, the technology might be extended to look at skin regeneration in other species, mammals included. Even while restricted to fish, though, it is likely to produce useful insights into the process of regenerationnot to mention the possibility of a nice little sideline(副业) in designing aquaria(水族馆)(A)32. Which of the following best explains “slough off” underlined in Paragraph 1?A. Get rid of. B. Take advantage of.C. Adapt to. D. Rule out.【解析】根据前后句意可知,在脱落旧细胞时,不断地产生皮肤的新层。(D)33. What can we know about the brainbow according to Paragraph 2?A. It is a colorful nerve cell.B. It was invented to trace the skinbow.C. It can speed up the adaptation of the skinbow.D. It helps detect connections between cells.【解析】从第二段可推出答案。(C)34. Where do the skinbow and the brainbow differ?A. In their principles.B. In their plexity.C. In their continuity in observation.D. In their practicality in reality.【解析】第四段第二、三句告知了两者之间的区别。“Moreover, unlike brainbow technology, which requires that the animal be killed in order to see what is going on, a skinbow is visible from the outside. Regenerative processes can be followed over an extended period.”(D)35. What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. The process of skin regeneration.B. The limitations of the skinbow.C. The prediction of a promising career.D. The possible applications of the skinbow.【解析】从最后一段可知,除了鱼之外,这项技术可以扩展到观察其他物种,包括哺乳动物的皮肤再生。所以可推出是谈论“skinbow”在其他物种方面应用的可能性。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Technology can help solve the problem of bad, absent teachers in poorcountry schoolsThe UNs Millennium Development Goals included the ambition that by xx all the worlds children would plete primary school. This has largely been achieved: nine out of ten children are now enrolled.36._D_. Even though most of the worlds children go to school, an awful lot of them learn pretty much nothing there. According to a recent World Bank study of seven subSaharan African countries, half of nineyearolds cannot read a simple word and threequarters cannot read a simple sentence.37._A_. The same study found that only 7% of teachers had the minimum knowledge needed to teach reading and writing effectively. When classrooms were inspected to see whether a teacher was present, half the time the answer was no.38_B_. It seems to bring about bigger improvements in poor countries than in rich ones. Some of the scarce resources being spent on teachers could therefore be better spent on edtech. That does not mean dumping puters on schools in the hope that children will understand how to use them, a folly on which plenty of money has been wasted.39._E_, that gets things right more often than the teachers do, that adjusts itself to the childs ability, that sends teachers clues about what they are supposed to be teaching and that allows the authorities to check on whether the teacher is in the classroom.Technology is no panacea(灵丹妙药). Good traditional teachers are not outdated, and are never likely to be.40._G_. But edtech can help greatlyby monitoring pupils and teachers alike, assisting the best teachers and, most importantly, making up for the failings of the worst.A. The reason is terrible teachingB. Several recent studies suggest edtech can helpC. Paying teachers more in the hope of employing better ones is not the answerD. Regrettably, the figure is not as impressive as it soundsE. Instead, it means providing schools with software that children can use without any help from an adultF. Devices can be taken to where there is a connection to upload or download the necessary informationG. And authorities need to hold teachers to account【解析】36. 上文说“这个目标大部分已经实现了”,下文指出“尽管世界上大多数适龄儿童都去了学校,他们之中有很多人在那里几乎什么都没学到。”36空表示:令人遗憾的是,这个数字并不像听上去那样令人印象深刻。37. 根据世界银行最近针对撒哈拉沙漠以南地区七个国家的一份研究,有一半的九岁孩子连一个简单的单词都不会念,四分之三的孩子读不懂简单的句子。造成这个现象的原因在于糟糕的教学质量。所以A是正确答案。38. 第一段讲述了目前的现状,接下来的一段主要讲述解决问题的方法。38空位于段首,是本段的主题句:“最近的几项研究表明教育科技可以为改善这种情况提供帮助。”后文都是围绕教育科技展开说明的。所以B是正确答案。39. 39空位于段落的中间,为支撑句。上文提到“用在教师身上的稀缺资源可以被更好地用在教育科技上, 这并不意味着将计算机堆放在学校里”“相反,这意味着为学校提供软件”所以E是正确答案。40. 上文“传统的优秀教师并不会过时,也不可能过时。” 后文“然而,教育科技可以帮大忙”有一个转折关系。40空与“传统的优秀教师并不会过时,也不可能过时。”是一个并列关系,所以G是正确答案。hold sb. to account 意为“让某人承担责任”。 第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。We went out to dinner tonight to celebrate my daughters beautiful performance. We dont do this often because of our_41_budget.I noticed a very_42_mom e in with her three children, maybe about age 4 or 5. She looked like she had just_43_work. She sat with her children quietly taking care of them and_44_all their needs. Then I noticed as soon as the last course_45_arrived, she took a bite of her food in a hurry and then one of the_46_had to go to the bathroom. They all left the table and she_47_themso lovingly and_48_ especially after what may have been a long day at work. She was still wearing some kind of uniform. I _49_ myself from the table and quietly went to the hostess stand. I _50_ $15 to the hostess and said, “Can you put this anonymously(匿名地) towards that mom of 3s _51_? I am hoping it will _52_ at least the childrens meals.” The hostess had such a lovely smile and accepted the _53_. I didnt stand around _54_ as I didnt want anyoneeven my own familyto _55_ what was going on. I wanted it to be pletely anonymous. For the _56_ of my meal, I did all I could not to pay any more attention _57_ to the table, as I didnt want her to suspect that it was me that had _58_ their dinner. It feels so _59_ to live in this type of world, full of love and _60_, instead of anger, sadness and selfservice. 【语篇导读】 本文是记叙文。作者讲述了自己匿名帮助陌生的母子四人付账的故事。(C)41. A. separateB. previousC. embarrassingD. total【解析】根据前面的We dont do this often可知,因为作者一家人的预算应不多,是“令人羞涩的,令人尴尬的”,所以不能经常在外面吃饭。(B)42. A. depressed B. exhausted C. graceful D. excited【解析】根据下文中的what may have been a long day at work及She was still wearing some kind of uniform.可知,这位带着三个小孩的妈妈是疲惫的。考生可能会选depressed忧郁的,但该词侧重感情方面,这篇文章不是重在讲述她的辛酸,而是她的母爱以及母爱引起作者的关心。(C)43. A. quitted B. started C. finished D. lost【解析】她看上去像是刚刚下班,结束了一天的工作。“辞工”“失业”和“才开始上班”与上下文内容不符。(D)44. A. practicing B. overlooking C. recognizing D. satisfying【解析】根据上文中的She sat with her children quietly taking care of them可知,那位母亲安静地坐在那里照顾着孩子们,满足他们所有的需要。(A)45. A. finally B. suddenly C. luckily D. really【解析】根据文中的she took a bite of her food in a hurry及They all left the table可知,就在最后一道菜终于被端上来时,她才匆匆吃了一口(先前她一直舍不得吃,都让孩子们先吃)。(D)46. A. customers B. brothers C. hostesses D. kids【解析】孩子们由于吃得过饱,其中一个要去洗手间。(A)47. A. led B. pushed C. sent D. hurried【解析】于是他们都由母亲领着有序离开了餐桌去上厕所。“推动”“派遣”和“催促”等词显然不合语境。(C)48. A. desperately B. naturally C. patiently D. silently【解析】由前面的lovingly可知,这位母亲对孩子们充满了爱意,而且非常有耐心。(B)49. A. helped B. excused C. forgave D. cheered【解析】由前面对作者一家人在外面吃饭的描述可知,作者借故离开了他们的餐桌。(B)50. A. wrote B. handed C. returned D. threw【解析】根据本段中的Can you put this anonymously(匿名地)、 at least the childrens meals及The hostess had such a lovely smile and accepted可知,作者递给女服务员15美元。(A)51. A. bill B. menu C. table D. price【解析】他想帮助那位母亲支付她的部分账单。如果作者是想要把账单或钞票放到餐桌上的话,就不会自己走到结账处与女服务员说那些了,况且此句的介词是towards不是on。(C)52. A. support B. improve C. cover D. enrich【解析】希望这笔钱至少够三个孩子的饭钱。cover在此的含义为provide enough money for sth.足以支付,够付。例如:Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees. 你的父母得支付你的学费。(D)53. A. invitation B. order C. decision D. offer【解析】女服务员微笑着接受了作者的好意。offer在此相当于文章结尾处的kindness。(B)54. A. more B. long C. twice D. again【解析】根据后面的I wanted it to be pletely anonymous.可知,作者并没有在那边站很久。(C)55. A. read B. prove C. know D. confirm【解析】因为他不想让任何人(包括他的家人)知道发生了什么。(A)56. A. rest B. half C. end D. most【解析】根据文中对作者帮助一位母亲付账的描述及as I didnt want her to suspect that it was me可知,在作者用餐的剩余时间里,他尽可能不再直接给予那母子四人所在的餐桌更多的关注。(D)57. A. happily B. safely C. calmly D. directly【解析】解释同上。根据第二段第一句提到的noticed可知,作者注意到那边餐桌的情况,也许对方也注意到了他。所以此时他不再目视那个方向,以免“露馅”。(A)58. A. paid for B. looked into C. prepared for D. cleared away【解析】因为他不想让那位母亲怀疑是他付的账


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