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2019版高一英语上学期期末考试试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASix million people visit Grand Canyon in the US every year. For the purpose of helping project Grand Canyon for your fellow visitors and future generations, please follow the guidelines below.CampingTo protect the park, camping is allowed only within permitted campgrounds. Permits are required for overnight camping at the North Rim. Advance booking can be received by mail. Please write: Information Center, P.O. Box 129, Grand Canyon, AZ 86023.FiresBecause of the extreme fire danger, campfires are not allowed except at Mather and Desert View campgrounds. Collection of firewood is not allowed either.Hiking(远足)Please stay on permitted paths. Otherwise you may destroy desert plants. Pack out what you pack in, so you leave no signs of your visit. It is important to keep in mind that you are in a national park where wildlife exists.WeatherThe weather at Grand Canyon can change very quickly. With so much rock, lightning(闪电) causes a particular danger during sudden summer storms These storms also frequently bring floods inside valleys, a danger to hikers. Watch the skies and check daily weather reports.WildlifeDo not feed park wildlife. There have been a few cases at Grand Canyon National Park where deer(鹿) were purposely shot because there are plastic bags that left them sick and weak. Hungry deer car be danger and have kicked and bitten visitors at Grand Canyon. Some other animals will also beg and bite. For your own safety and the well-being of the animals, please do not feed wildlife, no matter how gentle they may appear.1. What can you do first if you want to go camping?A. Know the permitted pathsB. Stop at Mather and Desert ViewC. Make sure not to make a fireD. Book campgrounds in advance2.What do the underlined words “pack out what you pack in” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. keep everything out of campgrounds B. take away everything you bring inC. carry all the necessary food D. look after your personal belongings3. Why were some deer killed on purpose at Grand Canyon?A. They begged food from visitors B. They were a danger to other gentle animalsC. They ate wrong things and bee very ill D. They kicked and bit visitors4. What is the main purpose of the text?A. To provide travel information B. To report some recent newsC. To teach tourists hiking skills D. To introduce the wild lifeBWhen I was a boy, I was always happy to see those little brown coins. After years I was still very happy to pick up pennies on the ground, I usually saved them up. I usually bought a pack of gum or a bag of chips when it was enough. After growing up, I heard a story about coins. It was said that our loved people sometimes would leave pennies on the ground in front of us. People wanted to show us that we were loved and watched over kindly. I never doubted that story even as an adult. It is difficult for me to find a lot of money on the ground, but pennies are there all the time. Maybe that is why I still enjoy seeing them and picking them up, no matter how dirty or old they are.A few months ago, I was walking to the local post office to mail a letter. As I entered the room, I saw not one, not two, but four pennies shining in the sunlight. I smiled and picked them up. I kept them in my hands as I walked in the post office. “Four is Ok,” an office said to a lady. The lady began searching her purse. Her face went red. I understood what had happened. I laughed to myself at this surprising moment. I placed my pennies on the desk before her. The smile I got in return was worth a thousand dollars.The coins werent so valuable to me, but they did matter to her. I just performed a little kindness. I was happy.5. What might the author probably buy when he saved enough pennies? A. A set of storybooksB. A pack of chipsC. A box of chocolatesD. A bag of sugar6. When grown up, the author .A. saw some careless women lost coins B. thought rich people threw coins on purposeC. still believed the story about coins D. found old people forget coins on the ground7. What can we learn from this passage? A. Doing small acts of kindness is good B. Every coin should be used to buy important thingsC. We should look for coins when we are walkingD. Pay more attention to what you hear from now onCI was having a picnic day with my sister. We both like to ride her motorcycle and that day we drove to the nearest park. We bought some coffee and cakes, and then we were enjoying our food. Within a few hours, the sky was changing and looked ready to drop a heavy rain. We packed everything and were ready to go. My sister, who was sitting on a bench, suddenly was very still and couldnt talk to me. she didnt move. Her eyes were rolling and she was about to lose consciousness(知觉). I held her in my arms and asked if she wanted to rest. She didnt answer and only said “Sorry”.It started to rain and I didnt know what to do. She was fighting to stay aware but her skin was pale and her eyes were acting strange. Suddenly, from nowhere, a woman on a bicycle appeared, wearing a raincoat. “She isnt looking good. Do you want me to call an ambulance(救护车)?” “Yes, please, yes!” I begged.She did. Struggling with the rain, she managed to call some policemen, who quickly helped me carry my sister to a safer place. The ambulance arrived and we went to a hospital, where she was treated in time and she came to life in the morning after rest and medical help.An interesting fact was that I guessed the woman in the raincoat was a doctor or a nurse. I later learned from one of the police officers who told me: “No, she was an ordinary person who took some courses on emergency situations(紧急情況).I am so grateful that she appeared exactly at he right moment. I dont know why or how. I didnt even get the chance to say thanks to her.8. What happened to the author and her sister?A. They had a fight B. Her sister fell ill suddenlyC. They were caught in the rain D. They had difficulty packing things9. How did the woman help the author?A. By giving first aid to her sister B. By protecting her sister from the rainC. By carrying he sister to the hospital D. By asking for emergency medical help10. Why did the woman call the policemen?A. To keep order in the park B. To send the sick girl to hospitalC. To pull the sick girl to a safer place quickly D. To carry the sick girl onto the ambulance11. What was the authors main attitude towards the woman?A. Thankful B. Friendly C. Doubtful D. AdmirableDYou might think people all over the United States have Wi-Fi-wireless Internet service-and mobile phones. But there is no such service in Green Bank, West Virginia, a tiny town four hours from the U. S. capital, Washington D. C. Fewer than 150 people live in Green Bank, which has two churches, an elementary school and a public library. It is also home to the largest radio telescope in the world. There is a ban(禁令)on Wi-Fi in Green Bank, along with anything else that can create electromagnetic(电磁的)waves. Officials say the waves could disturb the signals(信号)the telescope receives. For many Americans, a visit to Green Bank is a little like returning to the 1950s. To get there, you must read road signs-because there is no GPS service in the town. People can connect with the Internet through telephones, but wireless service is not allowed. The observatory(天文台)is one of the largest employers in the area. The federal National Science Foundation (NSF)spends about $8.2 million a year to operate the observatory, telescope and educational center. Jonah Bauserman is a technician. If he supposes there is a signal that is not allowed in the zone, he drives to the house where the signal is ing from and checks it. but once a week, when the device is cleaned, e banned devices are allowed near it. People in the town respect the work of the scientists. And they say they are happy to live without Wi-Fi and mobile phones. “You know, instead of sitting here on our phones and other devices were out fishing and hunting and going to each others houses.” Everyone knows each other and munication is almost always face-to-face.12. What will you are see when you pay a visit to Green Bank?A. GPS service B. Radio-controlled toysC. Cell phone towers D. Guide posts13. What is Jonah Bausermans duty in his work?A. Following signals from cell phones B. Cleaning the telescope once a weekC. Listening for signals from outer space D. Protecting the telescope from being affected14. What has the telescope brought to the local people?A. Great wealth B. A healthier lifestyle C. Many job chances D. Much difficulty in life15. What may be the best title for this text?A. An American Town Without Wi-Fi and Mobile PhonesB. Good Relationships Between people in an American TownC. The Largest Radio Telescope in the WorldD. A Better Life Without Wireless Devices第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。How to stay in a good moodIts typical to feel your mood starting to bee bad. If you want to be able to stay in a good mood, then you have to form these habits that will keep you feeling happy.1.Dont take love for granted.If youre lucky enough to have a special someone, then you should make your time together meaningful.16 Make time to spend time with your special someone. Being around your loved one has been proven to make people happier.2.Get regular exercise.Regular exercise is one of the most important habits that you need to form.17 You can go running three times a week and walk the other four. Just make sure to be as active as you can every day.3.Spend time with your friends.18 Of course, dont always hang out with friends when you have a free moment. Make sure you do make time to see friends at least once or twice a week, if you can.4.Get enough sleep.19 One of the easiest ways to stay in a good mood is to be well-rested. Waling up feeling full of energy will make you feel much more ready to face the day and much more excited about everything ahead of you.5. 20 If you want to stay in a good mood, then you have to make sure that you eat three healthy and diverse meals every day. Start off with a healthy breakfast and dont skip this meal no matter what things happen. Have light snacks throughout the day, like yogurt or fruit, to keep you energetic.A. Have a healthy eating schedule.B. Make sure that you sleep for 7-8 hours a day.C. Do begin with a healthy breakfast in the morning.D. Hanging out with friends will keep you feeling alive.E. Dont stop doing the things you love with the person you love.F. However, you dont have to do the same boring old thing every day.G. Once you start exercising, do the same sports at the regular time every day.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)A Leap(跳跃)to HonorLeaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木)is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it.To perfect her skills, Lola 21 for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls.Thats especially impressive, 22 she is legally blind, born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift constantly. She often sees double and cant 23 how far away things are.When she was little, her mom 24 that even though she couldnt see 25 , she was fearless. So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. She loved the 26 right away and gymnastics became her favorite.Though learning gymnastics has been more 27 for her than for some of her tournaments, she has never quit. She doesnt let her 28 stop her from doing anything that she wants to.She likes the determination it takes to do the sport. Her biggest 29 is the balance beam. Because she has double vision, she often sees two beams. She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. Sometimes she even closes her eyes. “You have to 30 your mind that itll take you where you want to go,” says Lola.To be a top-level gymnast, one must be brave. The beam is probably the most 31 for anyone because its four inches wide. At the state petition, Lola didnt 32 the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10- her highest score yet. Lola doesnt want to be 33 differently from the other girls on her team. At the petitions, the judges dont know about her vision 34 . She doesnt tell them, because she doesnt think they need to know. Her mom is amazed by her 35 attitude. Lola never thinks about 36 . She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her 37 is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to 38 what shes learned to other kids when she grew up.Lola is 39 of all her hard work and success. She says it has helped her overe problems in her life outside gymnastics, too. Her 40 for others is “just believe yourself”.21A. runs B. teaches C. trains D. dances22A. since B. unless C. after D. though23A. tell B. guess C. fancy D. predict24A. doubted B. Remembered C. imagined D. noticed25A. deeply B. well C. ahead D. carefully26A. task B. sport C. event D. show27A. boring B. enjoyable C. difficult D. unsatisfying28A. talent B. quality C. nature D. condition29A. doubt B. advantage C. challenge D. program30A. examine B. express C. open D. trust31A. fearful B. harmful C. unfair D.inconvenient32A. fall down B. fall over C. fall off D. fall behind33A. greeted B. treated C. served D. paid34A. pains B. stresses C. injuries D. problems35A. positive B. friendly C. selfless D. devoted36A. defending B. quitting C. winning D. bargaining37A. standard B. range C. view D. goal38A. go through B. pass by C. hand down D. give out39A. proud B. tired C. ashamed D. confident40A. plan B. advice C. reward D. Responsibility第二节:语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)41. I like the book _was bought yesterday.42. He has a book _ cover is very beautiful.43. The reason _ he was late was that his wife was ill.44. This is the most interesting film _ I have ever seen.45. _ is known to all, China is a developing country.46. The sports meeting is _( hold ) in our school now. 47. Those _ break the law will be punished.48. I have many friends , some of _ are teachers.49. I still remember the day _ I first came to Shantou.50. Many new buildings _( bulid ) since 1980.第三部分:词汇与句型 (共三节,满分40分)第一节:词汇基础(共10小题;每空1分,满分10分)根据下列各句所给单词及首字母或汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空,并把完整单词填写在答题卷相应的位置上。51. It _(使担忧) me that you no longer seem to care.52. We are _(感激) to you for your kind help.53. The boy _(假装) to be sleeping when I went into his bedroom.54. People live longer _(现今) and they are better educated.55. P_ , I am strongly against your suggestion.56. Much to my r_ ,the car was not damaged.57. In the past , people p_ to live in old houses rather than in new ones for some reasons.58. The young woman looks a_ with a beautiful dress on.59. The man fell off the tree and got i_.60. It must be _(evidence) to all of us that he has made a mistake.第二节:根据中文,完成句子(每空1分,满分20分)61. 那件大衣是我的。That coat _ _ me.62. 这本书非常值得一读。The book _ _ _ _.63. 很多人周末积极参加各种活动。Many people _ _ _ _ _ all kinds of activities on weekend.64. 根据你的研究,我们取得了重大进展。 _ _ your study, we make great progress.65. 我们对这首歌很熟悉。We _ _ _ this pop song.66. 我们认为读书很重要。We _ _ _ _ studying.第三节:根据所给的提示,翻译下列句子。(每句5分,共10分)67. 毫无疑问的是,这本书是有价值的。( doubt )_68. 如果你能帮助我我将会很感激。( I will.if. )_第四部分:书面表达(满分25分)假如你是学生会主席李华,学生会将举办迎新年晚会,你希望外籍教师Tom能参加,于是你给他写了一封邀请信。要点如下:1. 晚会开始、结束时间以及举办地点;2. 晚会内容包括:唱歌,跳舞,玩游戏等;3. 真诚希望对方参加并且询问对方的意向。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行为连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Tom, How are you doing ? Recently, in order to wele the new year , an evening party will be held in our school._I am looking forward to your reply. Yours Li Huaxx第一学期期终考试高一级英语科试卷 参考答案 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)14 DBCA 5-7 BCA 811 BDCA 12-15 DDBA七选五(每小题2分,满分10分)16-20 EFDBA完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)21-25 CAADB 26-30 BCDCD 31-35 ACBDA 36-40 BDCAB语法填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)41. that/ which 42. whose 43. why 44. that 45. As46. being held 47. who 48. whom 49. when 50. have been built词汇基础(每小题1分,满分10 分)51. concerns 52. grateful 53. pretended 54. nowadays 55.Personally56. relief 57. preferred 58. attractive 59. injured 60. evident 完成句子(每空1分,满分20 分)61. belongs to 62. is well worth reading 63. take an active part in 64. According to 65. are familiar with 66. attach great importance to 翻译句子(每句5分,满分10分)67. There is no doubt that the book is valuable.68. I will be appreciated if you could help me. 或I will appreciate it if you could help me.书面表达(25分)Dear Tom, How are you doing? Recently, in order to wele the new year, an evening party will be held in our school. As the chairman of the Students Union, I am writing to invite you to join us. Here is a brief schedule. First, it will be held in the school meeting hall from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. next Sunday. In addition, there will be many wonderful performances, such as singing ,dancing, playing games and so on. Everyone is longing for your ing. I sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation and I am sure that we students would be extremely happy to see you. I will be appreciated if you could let me know your decision. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours,Li Hua


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