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第 1 页 共 3 页商务英语专业自考本科毕业论文选题方向文学1. On the Style of Withering Heights 呼啸山庄的文体分析2. About the Breaking of American Dream from the Great Gatsby 从了不起的盖茨比看美国梦的破碎3.On the Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice 论威尼斯商人中的人物夏洛克4. A Brief Analysis of the Heroine Personality in Jane Eyre 简爱的主人翁个性分析5. On the Linguistic Features of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克贝利费恩历险记的语言特点跨文化交际6. On the Cross-culture Failures by Chinese learners of English论中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误区7. On the Similarities and Dissimilarities of British and American English论英式英语和美式英语的异同8. A Study of the Cross-cultural Factors in Business Negotiation 商务谈判中的跨文化因素研究9. Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People 东西方人际关系要素差异探析 10. Comparative Study of Thinking Way between Chinese & English 中西方思维方式比较 翻译11. On the Characteristics & Translating Skills of Business English商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 第 2 页 共 3 页12. Analysis on the feature of Business English vocabulary and its translation tactics 商务英语词汇的特征分析及翻译策略 13. Linguistic feature of business advertisements and its translation 商务广告的语言特点及其翻译 14. Translation Techniques of Idioms and Slangs成语、俚语的翻译技巧15. The Translation of Attributive Clause 定语从句的翻译商务16. A Study of Politeness Strategies in English Business Letter 商务英语信函中的礼貌策略研究17. On Color Words in Business English 浅谈商务英语中的颜色词 18. 外贸英语函电的语言特点及其在国际贸易中的应用 Linguistic feature of correspondences for foreign trade and its application in international trade 19. 浅谈涉外合同英语特色 On the Characteristics & Feature of International Commercial Contracts 20. 商务英语写作中的错误探讨 On the Writing Mistakes in Business English教学21. 交际教学法与商务英语口语教学 Application of Communicative Approach to the Teaching of Oral Business English 22. 案例教学法在商务英语教学中的应用 The Application of Case Study in Business English Teaching 23. 情境教学理论在商务英语教学中的运用 The Application of Situated Teaching Theory in Business English Teaching 第 3 页 共 3 页24. 试论商务英语教学中语言交际能力的培养 On Fostering Communicative Competence in Business English Teaching 25. 任务教学法在商务英语教学中的应用 The Application of Task-based Teaching in Business English Teaching


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