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(五)介词和介词短语.单项填空。(B)1.Is the tie made _ silk?Yes.Its made _ Italy.Afrom;in Bof;inCfrom;of Dof;from(D)2.What time shall we meet _ Sunday?Lets meet _ 10:00.Ain;at Bin;on Con;in Don;at(D)3.I left my keys in the room yesterday.I had to get in _ the window.Its dangerous to do that.Aabove BacrossCover Dthrough(D)4.Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily _ the windows.Abelow BacrossCbehind Dagainst(C)5.If you get on well _ your classmates,youll enjoy your school life more.Ato BatCwith Din(B)6.If you were a little more careful,you could find the key _ the door _ the corner of the room.Aof;of Bto;inCat;in Dto;of(A)7.Its very nice _ you to give me the chance.Aof Bfor Cto Dat(A)8.The plane will take off _ an hour.I must go to the airport right now.Ain Bfor Con Dat(D)9.Joe,do you learn to play the violin _ your cousin?No,I learn it all _ myself.Aof;on Bof;byCfrom;on Dfrom;by(D)10.The man was very busy and usually worked _ a break until about 10:00 in the evening.Awith Bin Cfor Dwithout(A)11.Eating more vegetables is good _ our health.Yes.I agree _ you.Afor;with Bat;withCfor;to Dat;to(C)12.As students,we must work hard._,we should also pay much attention to our health.AAs a result BTo be honestCAt the same time DIn the end(C)13.Dont be angry with him.That is his job,_.Aby accident Bin commonCafter all Dat least(A)14.People often light a fire to ask for help when they are _.Ain trouble Bin personCin surprise Din fear(D)15._ the flood,many people were left homeless.AIn addition toBWith the help ofCUnder the name ofDAs a result of.将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。1People will use robots more and more in_the_future(在未来)2There are about 1000 students on_the_playground now.(在操场上)3My father goes to work by_bike every day.(骑自行车)4Because Tom is on_duty today,he went to work very early.(值日)5To_my_surprise,I was the first one to come to the classroom this morning.(令我吃惊的是)6The young girl wants to go to New York to receive the prize in_person(亲自)7We should brush our teeth at_least twice a day.(至少)8Do you really think he did it on_purpose?(故意地)9I was in_a_hurry and left my book at home,so I had to go back home.(匆忙)10There are many goods on_sale in the shopping mall last weekend and I bought a Tshirt.(廉价出售)11Yesterday I met a friend of mine on the street by_accident(偶然地)12Tony is good at English and he often helps me with my English at/on_weekends(在周末)13Nancy was angry and she sat there in_silence(沉默)14There are sixty students in my class in_totalThirty of them are girls.(总共)15I moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco at_the_age_of thirty.(在岁时)16Please dont be upset.After_all,youve tried your best.(毕竟)17In_my_opinion,we are sure to win the basketball game.(依我看)18She won the competition three times in_a_row(连续几次地)

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