九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7第五节 七选五同步训练 人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7第五节 七选五同步训练 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7第五节 七选五同步训练 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7第五节 七选五同步训练 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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第五节七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入短文15小题的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。AThere are many differences between American students and Chinese students,especially high schoo students.For example,in the USA,high school usually ends at 4:00 pm.But in China,school usually ends at five,and theyll study until 9:00 pm.at night. 1 Why very few go to bed before nine oclock? 2 So they are swimming in the homework pool.They only do this for a good college.They usually talk about their good grades.But for American students there is little homework.Most of the time they will send email to their friends and talk to them. 3 On Friday nights they like to go to movies instead of staying home for homework.Dont American students care about whether they can go to college or not?Of course they do! For good students,just like Chinese students,but they have different ways.The colleges dont only look their exam grades.They also look at their extracurriculum(课外的)activities like soccer team and others.So most of the students who are good at sports mostly will join sports team that they are interested. 4 Joining teams is both fun and a good look on college resume(简历)Although American students dont have much homework,they are busy on their way to go to college.Though college dont only look at the grade. 5 They have to take and pass before they graduate.Students have to do lot of extracurriculum activities,too.1_2._3._4._5._BExams are over.Its time for summer vacation!What do you want to do in the coming holiday?Teens School reporter Leng Jingze went to the Middle School Affiliated to Tianjin University. 1 Li Zhida:I will have a good rest in the holiday.Ill play table tennis with my classmates and play computer games.Then I should do my homework.Finally,I want to visit Dalian to see the beautiful sea there. 2 Jia Xiaochen:I want to learn how to cook from my parents this summer.My parents always cook delicious food.I just love eating it. 3 After all,parents cant cook for me all the time.Li Lin:I want to watch lots of DVDs this holiday. 4 Watching movies relaxes me.Id love to see Pirates of the Caribbean(加勒比海盗)and the Lord of Rings(指环王)series.Shi Xilin:My holiday plan is to go to see the Olympic Games.I want to see He Chong win a gold.I also want to watch swimming and basketball matches. 5 1_2._3._4._5._参考答案A【篇章导读】本篇文章介绍了中国高中生和美国高中生的不同。中国的高中生为了考上大学,不得不面对繁重的学业负担,每天学习到很晚,在题海中遨游。而美国的高中生有更多的自由空间和时间,但是他们也有他们的升学压力。1B解析:句意:有时他们甚至学习到更晚。由前文可知,中国学生通常要学习到晚上9点,空格处这句话承接上文。再联系到下文为什么他们很少能在九点前就睡觉呢,所以此处他们甚至会学习到更晚。故选B。2D解析:句意:他们需要面对各种各样的考试。前文提出问题:为什么他们很少晚上九点前就睡觉呢?再联系下文提到成绩。故此处为他们需要面对各种各样的考试。故选D。3G解析:句意:他们不经常讨论成绩。承接上文中国学生经常讨论成绩,而美国学生经常和朋友发电子邮件聊天,所以和中国学生不同的是他们不怎么看重分数。故选G。4A解析:句意:这些就是他们空余时间做的事情。前文介绍了多姿多彩的课余活动,这里总结这些就是美国学生课余时间所做的事情。故选A。5E解析:句意:他们也要参加一些考试。前文说尽管大学不是只看分数,后文中说他们在毕业之前也要参加并且通过,联系上下文可知,他们也是要参加考试的。故选E。B1D解析:下文内容都是学生们关于暑假安排的一些想法,由此可推知空格处应该是与之相关的总结句。故选D。2B解析:B项中的“by ship”与上句中的“sea”相照应。故选B。3G解析:G项中的“make the dishes”与上句中的“cook delicious food”相照应,都提到了做饭。故选G。4A解析:A项中的“tiring”与下句中的“relaxes”相对应,因为考试太累了,所以看电影放松一下。故选A。5F解析:前几句提到要去奥运会看比赛,由此推知,要看比赛就要有门票,F项符合语境。故选F。


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