九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future Lesson 56 Manage Your Time教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future Lesson 56 Manage Your Time教案 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future Lesson 56 Manage Your Time 教材分析1. Analysis of the Students The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are willing to express their opinions in English.2. Analysis of Teaching ContentLesson 56 is the second lesson in Unit 10, Book 5.This unit focus on the subject Get Ready for the Future, Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 56 mainly talks about how to manage their time well, and students s will be able to talk about the problems, the way to manage their time and their plan in English. 教学目标【知识目标】1. To master the words: besides, weekday, primary, asleep, notebook, review, itself.2. To master the phrases: on top of, fall asleep.【能力目标】Improve the students ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing. 【情感目标】Let students save time and they can make their own timetable in English. 【教学重点】To master the words and phrases.【教学难点】To learn how to manage their time well. And talk about the problems, the way to manage their time and their plan in English. 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-upFree talk: 1.How much time do you spend on your homework every day?2. Do you think you manage your free time ?Step 2. Presentation1. Explain the new words.2. Read the lesson and tick the suggestions mentioned by Sue.Organize your notes right after classes.Make a timetable of all your regular activities.Make a list of all the things you need to do each week.Plan your study time for each subject.Have a few minutes every evening to check how your plan is going.Record all the activities you decide to do on a regular basis.Do a weekly review of each subject.3. Check the answers.4. Explain the language points:sleep,sleepy和asleep虽然都与“睡觉”有关,但它们有区别。sleep “睡觉”,既可作动词也可名词。e.g. I cant sleep well at night. 我晚上睡得不好。sleepy作形容词,“困乏的,欲睡的”,可作定语或表语。e.g. Shes too sleepy, so wants to go to bed right now. 她太困了,所以她想立刻上床。itself pron. 它本身(自己)反身代词是表示“自己;本身;亲自”意义的代词。反身代词的用法:反身代词常在句中作宾语、同位语。e.g. She made herself a cup of coffee. 她为自己制作了一杯咖啡。 The doctor himself will check the patients. 这个大夫将亲自检查病人。常用的反身代词的固定搭配Teach oneself 自学 enjoy oneself 过得愉快 help oneself to 随便吃Say to oneself 自言自语 leave sb.by oneself 把某人单独留下 on top of “除之外(还)”。e.g. On top of his poverty, he had heart disease. 除贫穷外,他还患有心脏病。表示 “在顶端” 意思时,on (the) top of 和at the top of都可以使用,on侧重“面上”,at侧重“位置”。e.g. The old woman once lived in a house standing on (the) / at the top of a hill. 那位老太太曾住在一座山顶上的房子里。表示“重叠”情况的“上面”或“紧挨在一起” 的情况,多用on top of。e.g. They came out of the woods with their hands on top of their heads. 他们把双手放在头上从树木里走出来。fall既可以作动词,也可以作名词。作动词时,表示“下落;跌落”,过去式和过去分词分别为fell和fallen;作名词时,表示“秋天”,意同autumn。 e.g. The book fell from the table to the floor. 这本书从桌子上掉到地板上。 My uncle may go to America in fall. 我的叔叔可能秋天要去美国。hear (直接)听见,听到e.g. I heard the news over the radio. 我从收音机里听到了那个消息。hear about / of 听说;得知e.g. I heard about / of the artist, but havent seen him. 我听说过那位艺术家,但还没见过他。hear from 收到的信e.g. I expect to hear from my parents soon. 我盼望很快收到父母的来信。such 与so 二者都可以表示“这样的;那样的;如此的”。Such后可以直接跟单数可数名词、复数名词或不可数名词;so 则不可以。单数可数名词形容词修饰时,such位于a/an之前,而so则是so+形容词+a/an+名词。He is such a good boy .=He is so good a boy.有一般形容词修饰的复数名词和不可数名词词组之前,用such 而不用so.eg. They are such nice students. I heard such bad news on the radio.Such 用于all, many, no , some 等之后,so 则用于many, few, much, little 等之前。So 可以用来修饰形容词或副词。eg. There is no such animals now. I have so many questions. The loin runs so fast.cost, take, spend 和 pay的区别cost, take, spend和pay都可以表示“花费”,但它们的用法各有不同。cost表示花费金钱,主语通常是物,常用于sth. cost(s) (sb.) some money. 句型。 e.g. The new dress cost Sarah 99 yuan. 这件新礼服花了萨拉99元。spend表示花费时间和金钱,主语通常是人,常用于sb. spend(s) some money / time on sth.。spend表示“花费时间”时还可以用句型sb. spend(s) some time in doing sth.,其中的介词in可以省略。 e.g. They spent 3000 on / for the telephone. 他们买这部手机花了3000元。 My father spends an hour (in) watching the news on TV. 我爸爸花一个小时看电视新闻。pay表示花费金钱,主语通常是人,常用于sb. pay(s) (some money) for sth.句型。 e.g. The boss paid me ten yuan for my service. 老板支付给我十元钱的服务费。 He paid a high price for his success. 他付出了很大代价才取得了成功。take表示花费时间,常用于It takes sb. some time to do sth.这一句型中,其中it作形式主语。 e.g. It took us three days to finish the work. 我们花了三天时间完成了这项工作。 It took me two yuan to buy the magazine. 我花了两元钱买这本杂志。take的主语也可以是某种活动或人,后面接宾语或双宾语。e.g. The work will take three weeks. 这项工作要花费三个星期的时间。 The journey took me two months. 路上花了我两个月的时间。 I took ten minutes to solve the problem. 我花十分钟解出了这道题。Step 3. Practice1. Listen and follow to the tape.2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box on page 149.itself, asleep, review, weekday, primary(1) When the class began, the teacher did a quick _ of the last lesson.(2) After a whole days hard work, he fell _ without eating supper.(3) The dog found _ lying in the field when it woke up.(4) Slow down! There are some _ school students ahead.(5) This company holds a short meeting every _ morning.3. Check the answers.4. Listen to the Tired Girls timetable and fill in the table on page 141.5. Check the answers.6. Group work: If you were Sue, what advice do you have?7. Report.8. Make a dialogue with your partner how you manage the time.9. Act it out.Step 4. Consolidation1. Discuss:Do you have problems managing your time? Think about all the things you do and make your own timetable.2. Write a short passage about good time managements.3. Show the passage.Step5 Homework1. Listen and read.2. Finish exercises of this lesson.略。


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