九年级英语下册 Unit 3 Robots(二)同步练习 (新版)牛津版.doc

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Robots(二)题一:翻译:1.你准备好吃早饭了吗?2.他乐于助人。3. Theywerentready_ methemoney. A. lending B. lend C. to lend D. lent 题二:翻译:1.我们为旅行做好了准备。2.我们做好了回答问题的准备。3. They must be ready_ the party.A. for B. to C. in D. of题三:翻译:1.电视机又出毛病了。2.我们不会走错路的,因为我对这儿的街道非常熟悉。 题四:翻译:1.你的表肯定有毛病了。2.全社会都要帮助走入歧途的青年。题五:翻译:1.你怎样处理你的旧自行车的?2.你想要怎么处理她? 题六:翻译:1.你把我的雨伞怎么了?2.你捡到的那台照相机怎么处理了?题七:翻译:1.这个电视节目中的广告太多了。2.箱子太重了,所以我搬不动它。题八:翻译:1.我们有太多的工作要做。2.我觉得这儿太热了。请把窗户打开。题九:翻译:1.把这个空盒子拿走,给我拿个满的来。2.拜托您捎个信儿给他。3.他们强迫他把一切全告诉他们。题十:翻译:1.我让他带一些水果给我。2.我想带一些花给她。3.我妈妈不会让我去看电影的。题十一:翻译:1.我后悔自己那样的不小心。2.她每天早上都自己整理床铺。3.他让安娜6点叫醒他。4.你必须向你姐姐道歉。5.请等一下,我去看他是不是在。 题十二:翻译:1.他懊悔提起那件事。2.我将要铺床然后洗茶杯。3.他让我在门口等。4.他为自己的错误而道歉。 5.请等一下,我去找支钢笔来。题十三:翻译:1.你知道谁赢了这一局游戏吗?2.他没有告诉我什么时候我们能再见面。3.你能告诉我3号公共汽车站在哪吗?4.我不知道为什么火车晚点了。5.你知道他们在等谁吗?6. -Wouldyoupleasetellme_?-InasmallvillagenearNingbo.A.wherewasyourmotherborn B.whereyourmotherwasbornC.whenwasyourmotherborn D.whenyourmotherwasborn7. Idontknow_upsoearlylastSunday.A.whydidheget B. whyhegetsC. whydoesheget D.whyhegot8. Thereisnotmuchdifferencebetweenthetwo.Ireallydontknow_.A.whatshouldIchoose B.whichIshouldchooseC.whichshouldIchoose D.whatIshouldchoose 题十四:翻译:1.你能告诉我她正在干什么吗?2.你知道她什么时候来这里的吗?3.请告诉我们明天去哪里钓鱼。4.我想知道多久开始。5.我不知道如何和别人相处的好。6. -Couldyoutellme_?-Sorry,Idontknow.Iwasnotatthemeeting.A.whatdoeshesayatthemeeting B.whatdidhesayatthemeetingC.whathesaysatthemeeting D.whathesaidatthemeeting7. Wouldyoupleasetellme_next,Mr.Wang?A.whatshouldwedo B.weshoulddowhatC.whatweshoulddo D.shouldwedowhat8. Idontknow_tomorrow. Canyoutellme?A. whenwestarted B. whendidwestartC. whenwewillstart D. whenwillwestart题十五: During the Second World War, it was difficult to travel by plane, because the seats were needed for important government officials and army officers. Mr. Brown worked for the government during the war and he was doing very secret work. Nobody was allowed to know how important he was except very few people. One day he had to fly to London to give a talk to a few top people there, but an important army officer came to the airport at the last minute. Mr. Browns seat was given to him, so he was not able to fly to the city to give his talk. It was not until he reached the city that the important officer discovered that the man whose seat he had taken was the one whose talk he had flown to hear.1. Mr. Brown was _.A. an army officer B. a secret worker C. an ordinary official D. a public speaker2. Plane tickets were hard to get for _.A. ordinary people B. government officials C. army officers D. secret workers3. Mr. Brown had to fly to London because _.A. he would give a talk to the soldiers B. he would meet an important army officer C. he would give a talk to some important people D. he would spend his holiday there4. Mr. Brown could not take the plane, because _.A. his secret work was discovered. B. he wanted to change for another plane.C. his seat was given to an important army officer. D. he was unable to go by air.5. What did the army officer discover in the end? _.A. He had taken a very important persons seat. B. Mr. Browns talk was importantC. Mr. Brown didnt do important secret work D. Mr. Brown was a kind person. 题十六: One day newly wedded Nancy lost her ring while helping to plant potatoes. Friends were called and the field was searched long butin vain. Later, when the potatoes were harvested, everyone looked out for the ring but it remained lost. Another year came round and all the farmers working in the field kept their eyes open. The following year was the same. And year after year, whoever had business in the field always had Nancys ring in his mind. Then the farm changed hands but it went no farther than to cousins. So the memory of the lost ring remained alive until thirty-eight years had passed. Then came a spring day when a man was ploughing the field behind a pair of horses. Even after thirty-eight years he still looked out for the ring, and knew just which part of the field Nancy had lost it in. At this time, when he came there, he found it. He picked it up, put it carefully into his pocket, left his horse, and ran all the way down to the village and placed it into Nancys hand.1. How did Nancy come to lose her ring?A. She lost it while helping to harvest tomatoes in the fieldB. She lost it while watering the plants in the field.C. She lost it while working in the kitchen.D. She lost it while helping to plant potatoes in the field.2. What was done in order to find the lost ring?A. Friends were asked to join in the search. B. The field was searched for a long time.C. dogs were called to look for it. D. Both A and B3. The underlined word “in vain” in the 1stparagraph most probably means “_”.A. suggested B. returned no result C. insisted D. decided4. What did the ploughman do after finding the ring?A. He picked it up and put it in his pocket. B. He ran back to tell everybody in the village.C. He placed it in a secret spot. D. He returned it to the owner.5. What can you infer from the story?A. The ring was invaluable.B. People on the farm were honest and helpful.C. The rings mysterious disappearance was the work of supernatural power.D. Nancy no longer expected that her ring would be found again.Robots(二) 题一: 1. Are youready foryour breakfast?2. He is always ready to help others.3. C解析:1. be ready for sb. / sth.“为某人/某事做好了准备”。2. be ready to do sth.“准备做某事或者是乐于做某事”。3. be ready to do sth.“准备做某事或者是乐于做某事”,为固定用法,故选择C。题二: 1. We are ready for the journey.2. We arereadyto answer the questions.3. A解析:1. be ready for sb./sth.“为某人/某事做好了准备”。2. be ready to do sth.“准备做某事或者是乐于做某事”。3. be ready for sb./sth.“为某人/某事做好了准备”,为固定用法,故选择A。题三: 1. The television has gone wrong again.2. We wontgo wrong, because Im quite familiar with the streets here.解析:1. go wrong“走错路,发生故障”。2. go wrong“走错路,发生故障”。题四: 1. Something must have gone wrong with your watch.2. The whole society must help the young men whogo wrong.解析:1. go wrong“走错路,发生故障”。2. go wrong“走错路,发生故障”。题五: 1. What did you do with your old bike?2. What do you want to do with her?解析:1. do with与what连用,表示“对待,处理”,表示“怎样处理某事”要说“what do with?”,不说“how do with?”。2. do with与what连用,表示“对待,处理”,表示“怎样处理某事”要说“what do with?”,不说“how do with?”。题六: 1. What did you do with my umbrella?2. What did you do with that camera you found?解析:1. do with与what连用,表示“对待,处理”,表示“怎样处理某事”要说“what do with?”,不说“how do with?”。2. do with与what连用,表示“对待,处理”,表示“怎样处理某事”要说“what do with?”,不说“how do with?”。题七: 1. There aretoo manyTV advertisements.2. Theboxismuchtooheavy,soIcantcarryit.解析:1. too many“太多”,中心词为many用法等同于many,修饰可数名词的复数形式。2. much too“太”,中心词为too用法等同于too,修饰形容词或副词。题八: 1. Wehavetoomuchworktodo.2. Itsmuch toohot here. Please open the window.解析:1. too many“太多”,中心词为much用法等同于much,修饰不可数名词。2. much too“太”,中心词为too用法等同于too,修饰形容词或副词。题九: 1. Take this empty box away andbringme a full one. 2. Would you be kind totakea message to him?3. They made him tell them everything. 解析:1.bring“拿来,带来”是指某物或某人从别处带到说话者所在的地方来,动作由远及近,常用于bring sb. sth.= bring sth. to sb.“给某人带来某物”。2. take为“带去,拿走”,指人或物从说话人所在地带到别处去,动作由近及远,常用于take sb. sth.=take sth. to sb.“把某物带给某人”。3. make/have/let三个为使役动词,其后跟省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,即make/have/let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。题十: 1. I asked him tobringme some fruits.2. I want to take her some flowers.3. Mymotherwouldntletmegotothefilm.解析:1. bring“拿来,带来”是指某物或某人从别处带到说话者所在的地方来,动作由远及近,常用于bring sb. sth.= bring sth. to sb.“给某人带来某物”。2. take为“带去,拿走”,指人或物从说话人所在地带到别处去,动作由近及远,常用于take sb. sth.=take sth. to sb.“把某物带给某人”。3. make/have/let三个为使役动词,其后跟省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,即make/have/let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。题十一: 1. I regret being so careless.2. She makes the bed by herself every morning.3. HeaskedAnna to wake him up at six.4. You must apologize to your sister.5. Hold on, please. Ill just see if hes in.解析:1. regret“后悔”,regret doing/ having done sth.意思是“后悔做了某事”。2.make the bed“整理床铺”。3. ask sb. to do sth.“让(要求)某人做某事”,动词不定式作宾补。4. apologize“赔礼,道歉”,为不及物动词,常用apologize to sb.“向某人道歉”。5. hold on“等一下,别挂断,别放下话筒”,用于打电话时,叫对方不要挂断电话。题十二: 1. He regretted ever having mentioned it.2. Illmake the bedand then wash the cups.3. Heaskedme to wait at the gate.4. He apologized for his mistake.5. Hold on please, Ill just get a pen.解析:1. regret“后悔”,regret doing/ having done sth.意思是“后悔做了某事”。2.make the bed“整理床铺”。3. ask sb. to do sth.“让(要求)某人做某事”,动词不定式作宾补。4. apologize“赔礼,道歉”,为不及物动词,常用apologize for sth.“为.道歉”。5. hold on“等一下,别挂断,别放下话筒”,用于打电话时,叫对方不要挂断电话。题十三: 1. Do you know who has won the game?2. He didnt tell me when we should meet again.3. CanyoutellmewheretheNo.3busstopis?4. Idontknowwhythetrainislate.5. Doyouknowwho(whom)theyarewaitingfor?6. B7. D8. B解析:1.由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。2.由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。3.由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。4.由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。5.由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。6.宾语从句要用陈述语序,由此排除AC两项;又根据句意“在宁波附近的一个小村庄”,可知排除D,选择B。7.宾语从句要用陈述语序,由此排除AC两项;由lastSunday判断应该用过去时态,故排除B,选择D。8. 宾语从句要用陈述语序,由此排除AC两项;又根据句意“这两个之间没有多大区别,我不知道该选哪一个。”在一定范围内进行选择用which,排除D,故选B。题十四: 1. Canyoutellmewhatsheisdoing?2. Doyouknowwhen she came here?3. Pleasetelluswherewellgofishingtomorrow.4. Iwanttoknowhowsoonitwillbegin.5. Idontknowhow I can get on well with others.6. D7. C8. C解析:1. 由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。2.由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。3.由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。4.由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。5.由特殊疑问词作为连接词引导的宾语从句,除连接词外,后面的宾语从句要用陈述语序。常见的连接词有:who, what, which, where, when, why等。6. 宾语从句要用陈述语序,由此排除AB两项;又根据Iwasnotatthemeeting,可判断该句为过去时,排除C,故选D。7.宾语从句要用陈述语序,由此排除ABD,选择C。8. 宾语从句要用陈述语序,由此排除BD两项;由tomorrow判断应用一般将来时,故排除A,选择C。题十五: BACCA解析:1.根据文中Mr. Brown worked for the government during the war and he was doing very secret work. Nobody was allowed to know how important he was except very few people,可知选择B,“一个秘密工作者”。2.根据During the Second World War, it was difficult to travel by plane, because the seats were needed for important government officials and army officers,可以推出答案为A。3.据文中One day he had to fly to London to give a talk to a few top people there,可知选择C。4.根据an important army officer came to the airport at the last minute. Mr Browns seat was given to him,可知选择C。5.根据最后一句描述,可知选择A。题十六: DDBDB解析:1.根据文中第一句One day newly wedded Nancy lost her ring while helping to plant potatoes,可知答案为D。2.根据Friends were called and the field was searched long,可知选择D。3.根据上下文描述,很多人找了很久,还是没有找到,可知选择B,“没有结果,徒劳的”。4.根据最后一句描述,可知选择D。5.综合全文描述,可知选择B,人们很诚实且乐于助人。


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