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Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? Section A1.bed/bed/ n.床eg:My books are on my bed.我的书在我床上。There is a new bed in my bedroom.我的卧室里有一张新床。拓展:in bed(躺)在床上,go to bed上床睡觉,under the bed在床底下,on the bed(物品放)在床上。2.bookcase /bukkeis/ n.书橱;书柜eg:The bookcase is for me.这个书橱是给我的。My dictionary is on the bookcase.我的词典在书橱上。归纳:on the bookcase在书橱上,in the bookcase在书橱里。2.Wheres the schoolbag?书包在哪里?Its under the table.它在桌子下面。使用语境:此处为情景交际用语,第一句问句表示询问物品的位置,第二句答语指明物品所在的方位。Wheres是Where和is的缩写,表示“在哪里”。主语schoolbag为单数,所以使用Where is.?询问物品的方位。under the table是表示方位的介词短语,意为“在桌子底下”。(1)where /we(r)/ adv.在哪里,到哪里,在什么位置eg:Where are you?你在哪里?Where is her home?她的家在哪里?where提问的地点必须是作状语或表语的,对于作定语的地点提问不能用where,而用which。3.Come on,Jack!杰克,快点!come on(表示鼓励、催促等)快,走吧eg:Come on!We dont have much time.快点,我们没有太多的时间了。拓展:跟着来eg:Youd better go now,and Ill come on later.你最好现在就去,我随后就来。进展eg:How are things coming on?事情进展如何?5.I think its in your grandparents room.我认为它在你祖父母的房间里。句法分析:这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句。主句是I think,从句是its in your grandparents room从句前省略了引导词that。eg:I think English is very important.我认为英语很重要。用法点拨在含有I/We think.引导的宾语从句中,如果宾语从句要表达否定的意义,那么其否定形式转移到动词think上,这叫否定转移。eg:I dont think you are right.我认为你是不正确的。(1)room /rum/ n.房间eg:She lives in Room 243.她住在243号房间。用法点拨:room还可以作“空间;空地”讲,此时是不可数名词。短语make room for sb.意为“为某人腾出地方”。eg:Please make room for me.请给我让个位子。(2)your grandparents room是名词所有格形式,意为“我祖父母的房间”。表示有生命的东西的所属关系常使用“s”形式,意为“的”。eg:This is Toms bike.这是汤姆的自行车。That is Marys book.那是玛丽的书。6.Yes,its on their bed!And my hat?是的,它在他们的床上!那我的帽子呢?(1)on /n/ prep.(表示位置)在上eg:Whats that on your desk?你课桌上的那个是什么?My English book is on my bookcase.我的英语书在我的书橱上。辨析:in,on,underin在里面on在上面under在下面(2)their /e(r)/,/er/ pron.他(她、它)们的eg:Where are their keys?他们的钥匙在哪里?归纳:形容词性物主代词有:第一人称第二人称第三人称myouryouryourhisheritstheir我的我们的你的你们的他的她的它的它们的(3)hat /ht/ n.帽子eg:My hat is very nice.我的帽子很好看。7.I dont know.我不知道。使用语境:I dont know.常用来表示对他人的询问或提出的问题不清楚或不知道。日常交际中,通常在其前加Sorry./Im sorry.表示礼貌。eg:Wheres my hat?我的帽子在哪里?Sorry.I dont know.对不起,我不知道。(1)dont = do not不eg: I dont like bananas.我不喜欢香蕉。We dont think so.我们不这样认为。归纳:dont是do与not的缩写形式,表示否定的意义,用于动词前构成否定句。拓展:is+not = isnt不是,are+not = arent不是,do+not = dont不,can+not = cant不会,不能。(2)know /n/ v.知道;了解eg:I know the answer to the question.我知道这个问题的答案。归纳:know v.认识eg:Do you know the boy?你认识那个男孩吗?1.The theme park(主题公园)is about _ride from the museum(博物馆).You should start out right now.A.two hour B.two hours C.two hours D.two hours解析:考查名词所有格。答案:C2.Sally is very happy.There is a big smile_her face.A.on B.to C.in D.at解析:考查介词。萨利非常高兴,在她脸上洋溢着欢笑。答案:AHow to make your room clean and tidy?Its not so hard to keep your room clean and tidy. Youve worked hard and now your room is clean and tidy. It makes you feel great,doesnt it? Now you only need to keep it that way. The following steps will help you.Step 1: Get into the habit of making your bed before you leave the room. A dirty bed can make a clean room look dirty. This small step can let you keep your room clean and tidy the whole day.Step 2: Keep food out of your room. Because all of those dirty dishes and paper can make a room dirty fast. If you must eat food in your room,bring dishes back to the kitchen and take out all the trash(垃圾) when you finish eating your food.Step3: Put things back where they were. This is the simplest rule. If you follow it,you will never have to worry about your room being dirty again.Step4: Whenever you get home from school or work,change your clothes right away and put them away so that they wont just be lying on the bed.Step5: If you have a party with your friends,make sure to pick up the trash and clean your house as soon as they leave.


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