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第 7 期 Book 3 Units 1-2 参考答案及部分解析参考答案Part A 略 Part B 略(见听说材料)Part C 信息点:1. My friend Dana makes a lot of money.2. Dana has got a lot of free time and she likes traveling.3. Last year Dana went to Kenya to see the wild animals there. 4. On Danas first day there, she took a special safari bus.5. Suddenly the bus got stuck in the mud.6. Three enormous elephants appeared.7. The tourists were happy and took lots of photos.8. The elephants came near the bus.9. Everyone was worried because the elephants were very big.10. One of the elephants pushed the bus out of the mud and onto the road. 参考答案1-5 BDACD 6-10 CDBBC 11-15 DCACB 16-20 BGFEA 21-25 BADAC 26-30 CABBD31-35 CDDAB 36-40 BCDAA41. were considered 42. there 43. their 44. compared 45. later 46. which 47. protection 48. had done 49. to help 50. in短文改错:There is a tall building on construction in the area where I live. It will be new museum under aby the time its completed. Yesterday while on the way home from school, I see some sawworkers working hardly in the sun. Therefore, this morning while pack lunch, I prepared a hard packingbag of fruits and water for them as appreciation for their effort. When I was handed them the bag, they were so moved as they thanked me again and again. The smile on each of their face that facesreally melted my heart. For they feeling cared for really matters. I am proud of that Ive them whatdone.One possible version:Dear Peter,I am delighted to know you are coming to China next month. Its my pleasure to recommend some tourist attractions to you. There are a lot of world-famous scenic spots in China, but the Great Wall and Terracotta Warriors are the attractions most worthy of being visited. The Great Wall is an ancient military structure, whose construction lasted for more than 2,000 years. Terracotta Warriors were discovered in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, near Xian in Northwest China. Since 1974, more than 8,000 life-sized Terracotta Warriors have been discovered. Please wear comfortable shoes and remember to keep your passport and wallet safe while traveling in crowded places. Wish you a pleasant trip in China.Yours, Li Hua部分解析阅读理解:A 篇(社会)本文是应用文。文章是一则招聘广告。1. B。细节理解题。由 Room and board 部分的 You will live in one of the three dorms on the ranch and have your own room 可知,雇 员可以独享一间卧室。2. D。细节理解题。由 Getting here 部分末的 if you will be arriving by bus or train, you should come to Glenwood Springs 可知。3. A。文章出处题。文章介 绍了工作环境、 岗位要求、福利待遇及交通方式和工作内容等。据此可知,本文节选自一则招聘广告。B 篇(个人情感)本文是记叙文。作者讲述了自己圣 诞节前在邮局自助邮寄的 经历。4. C。推理判断题。由第一段中的 the line at the post office snaked twice . where the line was much shorter 可知,圣 诞节期间邮局的人工服务窗口排着很长的队,队伍似乎纹丝不动,邮局就像是个蜡像馆,作者只好来到人 较少的自助服务机前。据此可推断,这个邮局在圣诞节前很忙。5. D。推理判断题。由第三段中的 And the clicks were surprisingly loud . I felt sorry for her: The machine could smell fear . I breathed deeply . I had the heart rate of a yogi 可推断,由于作者不擅长操作自助服务机,所以他排 队时感到既紧张又焦 虑。6. C。词义猜测题。由上文可知,后面排队的人无形中给作者很大的压力,他本想尽快完成自助邮寄,可偏偏出了差错,甚至需要重新来一遍。再由该段中的 Im sorry . I guess I dont know what Im doing. You all go ahead 可推断,当作者需要把自助邮寄的所有环节重新来一遍时,他感到很抱歉,很尴尬,一度想放弃,让别人先来。据此可推断,C 项恰当。7. D。细节理解题。由倒数第三段“Dont give up,” said the nice man behind me. “Try it again. Were all friends here, right?”可知,作者后面的男子鼓励他,让他不要放弃,再试一次。C 篇(社会)本文是说明文。文章介绍了丹麦人的一种温馨的生活方式。8. B。细节理解 题。由前三段及第六段中的 The idea is to feel as at-home as possible, forgetting lifes worries 可知,hygge 是一种 让人放松的生活方式。9. B。细节理解题。由第四、五段可知,丹麦的冬天昼短夜 长、天气寒冷, 这让丹麦人享有更多的家庭生活。10. C。推理判断题。由倒数第三段和倒数第二段可知,在美国和英国,hygge 已经成为一种新潮流。11. D。写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了丹麦的一种传统生活方式 hygge。D 篇(饮食)本文是议论文。文章讨论了人 们是否应该自带食物进电影院 这个问题。12. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的 In the early days of cinema, theater owners discouraged snack consumption . get stuck to it 可知,在电影院出现的早期,看电影的人不被允许在电影院吃东西。13. A。细节理解题。由第三段开头的 Movie theaters began selling snacks to boost profits during the Depression 可知,在大萧条时期电影院为了赚更多钱而开始售 卖零食。14. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的 If movie popcorn were healthful and delicious, then the sticker shock wouldnt be so bad. But the truth is . or weight issues 可推断,在电影院买食物不划算,因为里面的食品经常不新 鲜也不健康。15. B。观点态度题。由倒数第三段中的 when a businesss rule is extremely unfair, its fine to disobey it, and that the high price of movie popcorn justifies bringing in your own picnic 和倒数第二段中的 I agree 及文章末的 So go ahead and bring your own snacks secretly 可推断,作者赞成去电影院时自带食物。七选五:话题:日常活动本文是说明文。文章介绍了家 长培养孩子理财技能的方法。16. B。B 项中的 know 和 earn money 与下文的 They also know that our income . 相呼应。17. G。G 项是对上文 gives our kids . an understanding of why we do what we do each month 的举例说明。18. F。F 项中的 actually be responsible for it 与该部分小标题 Let kids handle money 意思相同,且与下文的 With the money they make . saving, and, of course, spending 相呼应。19. E。E 项与下文的 And together we are all working a little extra to fund a trip to Disneyland 是并列的两个例子,共同说明上文的 we are saving rather than borrowing for immediate gratification。20. A。A 项中的 That 指代上文的 likes to wait。完形填空:话题:人际关系本文是说明文。文章介绍了如何激 发团队成员的积极性,打造融洽、高效的团队。21. B。如果此前没有在比较民主的团队中工作过的话, 团队 成员通常不会“冒险(risk)” 毫无保留地表达自己的意见,至少 刚开始时不会。22. A。团队成员需要“鼓励(encouragement )”、支持和 实践才能勇于并学会公开表达自己的意见。23. D。在一个参与式的小组内部,成 员的想法和信息会被重视并被“认真(seriously)”对待。24. A。要想使充分发挥团队成员的创造力变得“可能(possible)”,一个成功的组织需要付出长期的努力。25. C。由上文的 speaking up 可推断,一个成功的 组织需要努力营造让成员“自由(free)”思考、表达和合作的氛围。26. C。27. A。要营造好的团队氛围,最重要的是 领导“愿意( willingness)”并且有能力带着“理解(understanding)” 去倾听团队 成员的意见。28. B。由上文的 to listen . to the contributions of team members 可推断,领导的目的不是影响或引导小组的“讨论(discussion)”向某个方向发展,而是真正去聆听成员的意见。29. B。领导应该“不带偏见地(openly)” 聆听成员们的意见,不随意评价。30. D。31. C。领导应该集中精力于真正“听取(hearing)”成员们的意见, “尽管(though )”这些意见有可能与领导自己的意见截然不同。32. D。领导的认真倾听“告诉(tell)” 小组成员们他们的意见是值得被听取的。33. D。上文讲领导要认真听取成员们的意见,故此 处应该是指“领导(leader )”。34. A。对于团队 建设而言, 组内成员们能否清楚表达、坦率交流和领导能否真正听取成员们的意见同样“重要(important )”。35. B。由下文的 less intent on defending their own 可知,此处是说当“ 冲突(conflicts)”出现时。36. B。团队成员们看到 领导耐心倾听大家的意见后,自己也会更乐于听取他人的“ 见解(views)”。37. C。上段中的 When they observe the leader . defending their own 说明了领导的榜样作用。比纯粹的“作榜样(modeling )”更有效的是明确的培训。38. D。由下文的 in a non-blameful, accepting way 可推断,培训应该教团队成员们如何“表达(express)”自己的观点、想法和感受。39. A。培训还应该教团队成员们以不带偏见且“有礼貌的(respectful)”方式倾听。40. A。通过榜样作用或培训营造和谐、高效的团队带给一个组织的“好处(benefits)” 是惊人的。语法填空:41. were considered。考查一般 过去时的被动语态。consider 和主语 what 之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态,又根据其后的 once 可知,应用一般过去时,再根据其后的 common animals 可知,what 表示复数概念,故填 were considered。42. there。考查 there be 结构。 found 后的宾语从句中缺成分,且意为“已经有”,故填there。 43. their。考查代 词。设空处作 garden 的定语,故填 their。 44. compared。考查过去分词作状语的用法。compared to 是固定表达,意为“与相比” 。45. later。考查副词比较级。设 空处修饰谓语动词 hibernated,且之前有 much 修饰,故填 late的比较级 later。46. which。考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句补充说明 the RSPBs Red List,且在从句中作主语,故填 which。47. protection。考查名词。in need of 后需跟名词,且 设空处 表抽象意义,故填 protection。 48. had done。考查过去完成时。do 所表示的动作发生在 said 之前,即过去的过去,故填 had done。 49. to help。考 查不定式作状语的用法。 设空处作目的状语 ,且 Gardeners 与 help 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填 to help。50. in。考查介词。decline in 意 为“在方面的下降”。第 8 期 Book 3 Units 3-4参考答案及部分解析参考答案Part A 略 Part B 略(见听说材料)Part C 信息点:1. Last year, I went to Britain for the first time.2. I went into a traditional pub.3. Nobody came to serve me. 4. I noticed that there wasnt any table service. 5. I went to the bar and asked for a cup of tea.6. The barman gave me a pot of tea and a cup.7. I asked for some milk and sugar and the barman pointed to a small table.8. I picked up the pot and the cup and went towards the table. 9. Suddenly the barman shouted and told me my bill was one pound fifty.10. I understood that I had to pay when I got my drink. 参考答案1-5 BDDCA 6-10 CACDB 11-15 ACBBA16-20 CBEGF 21-25 BACDB 26-30 ACAAC31-35 BDCBD 36-40 CADBD41. what 42. the 43. was found 44. of 45. them 46. being understood 47. naturally 48. to know 49. safety 50. things短文改错:Li Ming is one of the best student in my class and the teachers speak high of him. I wonderstudents highly wonderedhow he can do so good, so I talked to him. He told me that he spent one hour every day read well readingbooks. If he was busy, he would do it before sleeping. And unlike him, we couldnt wait to Butplay with games after we finished our homework. Now I understand that reading broaden his broadensmind and enriches his life, helping him to be the better person. I have made up my mind to atake up reading from now. onOne possible version:Dear Peter,It worries me a lot to hear that you have got into the habit of smoking.Smoking does great harm to people, and its foolish of you to think that teenagers like you will be free from the harm. Lung cancer is one of the most serious illnesses smoking will cause. Smoking is also a waste of money. Besides, careless smoking may cause fires.Therefore, I strongly recommend that you give up smoking as soon as possible. The earlier you start, the easier youll get out of the habit. Make non-smoking friends and get support from your parents and teachers if necessary. I hope youll be a non-smoker soon.Yours, Li Hua部分解析阅读理解:A 篇(现代技术)本文是应用文。文章介绍了 2017 年国际消费类电子产品展 览会上的几个热门展品。1. B。细节 理解 题。根据第一段中的 Its an annual electronic convention in Las Vegas where established and emerging tech companies . show off their latest products 可知 CES 是一个电子产品展览会,每年在拉斯维加斯 举行。2. D。细节理解 题。根据 Here One Earbuds 部分的. lets the user filter different sounds . hear their music, weather, and game updates, all while perfectly hearing the world around them 可知答案。3. D。细节 理解 题。根据 Kuri 部分最后一句. you can check on the house whenever youre away 可知,用户可以通过机器人 Kuri 远程监控家里的情况。B 篇(历史)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了墨西哥最受 欢迎的现代女画家弗里达 卡洛。4. C。推理判断题。结合文章第二、三段中的 She was paralyzed for three months, alone and lonely 和 Armed with a few brushes . that allowed her to paint while still in bed, she created some beautiful pieces 可以推断,弗里达在病床上用 绘画来 转移注意力。5. A。细节 理解题。根据第五段中弗里达所说的话 I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality 以及作者对此的评论 This perfectly describes her painting style 可知,弗里达的绘画属于现实主义流派。6. C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的 This discovery of Kahlos painting is significant, as only ten percent of her works are available in America 可知弗里达的绘画作品在美国留存的数量很少,因此Girl with Necklace 的发现非常重要。7. A。推理判断题。弗里达一生深受病痛的折磨,但她靠自学成 为墨西哥最受欢迎的女画家,由此可见,弗里达是一个有天 赋但不幸的人。C 篇(兴趣与爱好)本文是议论文。美国出版专家 Michael Norris 建议父母让孩子自己 选择喜欢的读物。8. C。推理判断题。根据第二段中的. well-meaning mothers and fathers who often stop their sons and daughters from picking up the reading habit 和第三段内容可知,Norris 认为父母对孩子所选书目的影响会导致其不喜欢阅读。9. D。细节理解题。根据第四段中的 The results of a number of surveys Norris has carried out .可知,这项新的研究是由 Norris 完成的。10. B。细节理解题。根据第五段内容可知,在书店选书的时候, Norris 建议父母让孩子自己去和图书销售员交流。11. A。推理判断题。结合最后一段中的 Children, added Norris, often enjoy reading books that are easy for them to understand 和 I have never read another Clancy since 可知, Norris 认为父亲让自己读那本书的做法是错误的。D 篇(艺术)本文是说明文。文章介绍了哈佛大学 颜料博物馆的来历及其作用。12. C。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句 Art experts rely on the collection for an important scientific purpose the colors act as standards to help them conserve and authenticate artists paintings 可知,该收藏是为了便于科学家研究保 护绘画作品。13. B。词义 猜测题 。根据划线词后面的句子 To figure out how to save the paintings 可推知,一些 14 世纪的绘画被磨损了,故此 处的 deteriorating 可以用 breaking down(损坏)代替。14. B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的 Forbes traveled the globe collecting powdered pigments 以及博物馆藏品的命名 Forbes Pigment Collection 可推知 Forbes 从全球各地收集了许多颜料。15. A。标题归纳题 。文章介绍了哈佛大学颜料博物馆的来历及其作用。Colorful collection 形象准确地概括了全文的主要内容,故用它作标题最佳。七选五:话题:朋友本文是议论文。文章对为什么要珍惜友 谊进行了有力的论证 。16. C。本空后面的具体事例与两对夫妇有关,故 C 项符合语境。17. B。选项 B 起承上启下的作用。本空前面 说“我们珍惜那些自己得不到的而忽视那些容易得到的”,后面又 对为什么要珍惜友谊提出设问,根据此 语 境可知选 B 项“友谊就是这样一种关系”。18. E。根据本空前面的“好朋友不会评判我们”以及后面的“和别人在一起时,我们的行为会被算计和提防,因此失去了很多生活的乐趣” 可知,只有和好朋友在一起时,我 们才能享受这种做自己的自由。19. G。本段主要论述了“分享”的意义。本空后面的例子论证了不能分享的痛苦,故此处应该是承接上文进一步说明“分享”的好处。 G 项中的 This sharing 指代上句中的 Share sorrow and losses 及 share all our problems and sorrows。20. F。F 项中的 inspiration 与前面的 encouragement 相呼应, 说明正是朋友的鼓励使我们重拾自信。完形填空:话题:社会本文是记叙文。文章讲述了一只小狗在同伴去世后忠 诚守 护的感人故事。21. B。根据下文中的 dead friend 可知这只小狗的同伴已经去世,故他在认真守护着的是一具“无生命的(lifeless)” 尸体。22. A。根据该空后的 joined by the organizations founder 可知,Samuel 给动物收容所打电话是为了寻求“帮助(help )”。23. C。接近不熟悉的动物时要“谨慎(cautiously)”, 这是常 识,专业人员当然不会不知道。24. D。最初的“反抗” 和最后的“ 同意上车”之间是转折关系,故此处填转折连词 Though。25. B。根据该空后面的 finally agreed to get into Fennells car 可以推知,小狗好像 “意识到(realize)”他们 在尽力帮他。26. A。小狗最后同意上车了,“然而(However)”,当汽车离去时,他一直透过窗户看同伴所在的地方。27. C。根据下文中的 it took some time for the rescue shelter to locate its . 可知小狗被送到了动物“收容所(shelter)”。28. A。小狗的同伴已经去世了,所以 应该是“ 躺(lying)”在那里。29. A。根据本句最后的 as well 可知,死去的小狗也被“捡起来了(picked up)” 。30. C。因为没有项圈和植入的微芯片,找到小狗的“主人(owners)”花了不少时间。下文中的owners who had been searching for these two dogs 也给出了提示。31. B。“因为(thanks to)”小狗的照片被 贴到了社交网站上,所以许多人才能看到并希望领养这只小狗。32. D。根据上文的 a dog standing on the pavement carefully watching over the . body of another dog 可知,这是一张关于小狗 “守护(guarding)”朋友的照片。33. C。Flores 把小狗守 护同伴的照片贴到社交网站后, 动物收容所接到无数想要领养小狗的人们打来的“电话(calls)” 。34. B。由上文的 carefully watching over 以及下文的 patiently stood guard for almost six hours可知这是一只“忠诚的(loyal )”小狗。35. D。根据该空后面的 had been searching for these two dogs 可推知,小狗的主人很 “着急(worried)”。36. C。Marley 可能是被一辆车撞了的事实是通过路面上的血迹“判断(judging from)”出来的。37. A。根据上文中的 a dog standing on the pavement 可推知,小狗 Brian 把朋友拖到了“路边(side)”并耐心守 护近六个小时。38. D。39. B。尽管 Brian 已经和他的主人“团聚(reunited)” 了, 但收容所还有许多狗“ 仍然(still)” 在寻找好的归宿。40. D。动物收容所的官员希望这则故事能“鼓励(encourage)”更多人领养这些可爱的动物。语法填空:41. what。考查连接词。设空 处引导宾语从句且在从句中作宾语,再 结合句意“ 明白他们在说什么”可知应填 what。42. the。考查定冠 词。majority 意为“ 多数”,在此表特指,故其前填 the。43. was found。考查一般过去时的被动语态。 find 所表示的 动作发生在过去,且 it(形式主语,真实主语是 that 引导的从句)与 find 之间是被动关系,故填 was found。44. of。考查介词。lack of 意为 “缺乏”。45. them。考查代词。用所给代 词的宾格形式,作 leave 的宾语。46. being understood。考查动词-ing 形式作补语的用法。此处是 with 复合结构作状语,因understand 与 phrases 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且 understand 所表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生,故填 being understood。47. naturally。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语动词 comes,故填副词 naturally。48. to know。考查不定式作补语的用法。expect sb. to do sth.是固定表达,意为“期望某人做某事”。49. safety。考查名词。设空处作主语,且意 为“ 安全”,故填 safety。50. things。考查名词复数。由 sorts of 可知,此处应填 thing 的复数形式。

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