2019版八年级英语上学期12月月考试题 外研版.doc

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2019版八年级英语上学期12月月考试题 外研版(温馨提示:请同学们将所有答案写在最后一页的答题纸上,交卷时只交最后一张。)一、 听力测试(满分15分)(一)听句子,选择适当的答语。(每个句子读一遍)(每小题1分,满分5分)( )1. A. Yes, it is.B. Thank you.C. No, it isnt.( )2. A. Good idea.B. By bike.C. Enjoy yourself.( )3. A. I agree with you. B. Im sorry.C. I can spell them.( )4. A. He was late for school. B. Hes from England. C. Hes 12 years old.( )5. A. Its very interesting. B. That sounds great. C. You should read a lot of books.(二)听对话,选择正确的答案。(每段对话读两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分)( )6. When did the man begin to study English? A. Last year.B. This year.C. This morning.( )7. What should the man do in class? A. Speak more English. B. Write down the mistakes. C. Speak more English and write down the mistakes.( )8. Who thinks understanding the TV programmes in English is easy? A. The man.B. The woman.C. Both of them.( )9. When does the man watch English films and listen to English songs? A. On Saturdays.B. On Sundays.C. At weekends.( )10. Why is the woman good at English? A. Because she likes English. B. Because she is from England. C. Because she practises it every day.(三)听短文,选择正确的答案。(短文读两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分)( )11. What did Linglings teacher give her last year? A. Some books.B. Some magazines.C. Some advice.( )12. You should check you spelling if you want to learn English well. A. with a bookB. with a classmateC. with a dictionary( )13. Where should you write down the mistakes? A. In the English books. B. In the exercise books. C. In the notebooks.( )14. How often should you check your vocabulary book and read English books? A. Every week.B. Every day.C. Every hour.( )15. What else is good for you to learn English? A. Listening to English songs. B. Listening to music. C. Listening to pop songs.二、单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)( ) 16. The _ news made us _. A. surprising; surprised B. surprising; surprising C. surprised; surprised D. surprised; surprising( ) 17. Its very polite _ you _ say hello. A. for; of B. of; for C. to; for D. of; to( ) 18. Did you have _ supper? Yes, I had _ good dinner with my parents. A. a; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; /( ) 19. The best way _ your English is reading more. A. improves B. improving C. to improve D. improve( ) 20. Youd better _ too much meat because youre already too fat now. A. dont eat B. not eating C. not to eat D. not eat( ) 21. -What do you want to be in the future, John ?-I want to be _ weatherman. It is _interesting job.A. a ; the B. an ; a C. a ; an D. an ; the( ) 22 . -Can we run _ the road now ? -No, we mustnt .We have to wait until the light turns green. A. on B. across C. over D. through( ) 23. My uncle bought me an iPhone for my _birthday. A. twelfth B. twelve C. the twelve D. the twelfth( )24. -_ is the population of my home town ? -About 0.68 million. A. Which B. How much C. What D. How many( )25. Dont be afraid of new words. You can in the dictionary. A. look at themB. look for themC. look them upD. look them over( )26. It took me two weeks reading the novels written by Guo Jingming. A. finish B. to finishC. finishesD. finishing( )27.Remember this, John. careful you are, mistakes you will make.Thanks, Miss Rose.A. The more; the lessB. The more; the fewerC. The less; the fewerD. The more; the more( ) 28. James, Im too tired. Lets stop _the clothes. A. washing B to wash C. to washing D. wash( )29. My mother doesnt want to watch this movie. There is _in it. A . something interesting B. nothing interesting C. interesting something D. interesting nothing( ) 30. - Did you sleep well last night ? -Oh, no. _noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad. A. Too much B. Much too C . Too many D . So many( ) 31.-Linda, I called you this morning, but nobody answered the phone. -Im sorry. I _football with my friends then. A. play B. played C. am playing D. was playing( )32. What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?Oh! Its one of films Ive ever seen. A. interestingB. more interestingC. most interestingD. the most interesting( ) 33. This place is not big enough for Lucys birthday party. We should find a one.A. bigB. smallC. biggerD. smaller( ) 34. Dad _ newspaper at this time yesterday. A. has read B. will read C. was reading D. is reading( ) 35.-Please dont throw paper on the ground. - , I wont. A. Sorry B. Thats all right. C . Excuse me. D . It doesnt matter.三、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A, B, C,D 项中选出最佳选项,并将答案填涂在对应的答题卡上。Li Yong likes swimming very much. Last summer he and his parents went to Qingdao to spend their _36_. The first morning they had a quick meal and went to the sea. They went swimming and _37_ themselves in the sea for _38_ two hours. When they came back to the beach and lay _39_, Li Yong said to his father,” I want something to eat. Im_40_ now.”Then they came into a _41_ near the beach. His father told the young _42_ to bring a bottle of orange, two bottles of beer and four dishes(菜)。But the waiter stood there and didnt move.“_43_ dont you go and bring them for us?” asked the father.“Im sorry, sir,” _44_ the waiter. “I want to know where you hide(藏)your money”The father and mother _45_ at each other and laughed. They were wearing swimsuits!( )36. A. holiday B. hotel C. family D. dishes( )37. A. laughed B. jumped C. played D. enjoyed( )38. A. less B. more C. almost D. near( )39. A. up B. down C. of D. on( )40. A. thirsty B. hungry C. full D. busy( )41. A. restaurant B. office C. library D. bank( )42. A. policeman B. waiter C. actor D. doctor( )43. A. How B. Where C. When D. Why( )44. A. told B. said C. spoke D. talked( )45. A. found B. cried C. looked D. saw四.阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)( A )Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you dont usually see the person you are talking with. That may change in the near future.学校: 班级: 姓名: 成绩: 密封线内不准答题 Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone. With _ it_, two people who are talking can see each other. Picture phones can be useful when you have something to show the person youre calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a library and ask to see a book. Then youll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping through your picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, youll go to your phone and call the shop. People at the shop will show you the thing you are interested in right over the phone. You will be able to shop all over the town and never even leave your home.( )46. Today people can use the phone to talk with others _. A. In all the towns B. in some places in the world C. only in big cities D. almost anywhere on the earth ( )47. The underlined word ”it” in the passage means_.A. the picture phone B. any phone C. the use D. the change ( )48. We can _ through the picture phone according to the text.A. write a book B. go shoppingC. play games D. have classes( )49. Picture phones can be used for_. A. ringing up library to see a book B. going shopping without leaving our homes C. showing the person the things that we are talking about D. all of the above( )50. The title of the article can be “_”. A. The Telephones B. Picture Phones C. Shopping on the phone D. Talking on the phone( B)Food between China and western countries are very different. We Chinese may spend half of our life time on making and eating food. First, Chinese people choose food very carefully. They often try to use fresh material(材料) to make food. For example, people who live near the sea often eat fresh fish. Second, Chinese have a lot of ideas and skills for cooking. We can cook a chicken in over ten ways. Thats why Chinese food is so popular in the world. In western countries like England or America, people dont have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarkets where the food may stay for many days. They would also enjoy fast food like burgers and chips. They are unhealthy to human body. Western people are very good at making cakes and chocolate. They are very sweet but they make you become fat quickly. There are some other differences. Chinese people use chopsticks while western people use forks and knives. Chinese people only have three meals a day but western people will have more. For example, they have afternoon tea. If you are a housewife and have a lot of time, you may also have morning tea.( ) 51. How long may Chinese spend on making and eating their food? A. Half an hour a day. B.Half a week a month. C. Half a month a year. D.Half of their life time.( ) 52. Why dont people in western countries have fresh food? A. Because they buy their food from supermarkets. B. Because they have lots of ways and skills to cook. C. Because they are healthy to human body D. Because they dont enjoy fast food.( ) 53. What can make you become fat quickly ? A. burgers and chips B. cakes and chocolate C. burgers and cakes D. chips and chocolate( ) 54. How many meals do Chinese have a day? A. four B. three C. five D. Two( ) 55. What is the best title of the passage? A.Differences of Food Between China and Western Countries B.Differences Between England and America C.Differences Between Fork and Knife D.Differences Between Tea and Chocolate(C) A castle (城堡) stood on a tall mountain. It was a dark castle and it belonged to(属于)the wizard (男巫),Bobo. He had no friends because people were all afraid of where he lived. One day when he was walking in the village, several children came to him and one said, “Bobo, we would like to be your friends, but we dont like your castle.” “I dont like it either,” Bobo said sadly. “But what can I do?”“You could paint it. You could plant flowers around it and you could open the windows and let the sun in.”He thought about all these suggestions and agreed gladly. “Yes, I will do all that. Thank you. And will you visit me once they are done?”“Oh yes, we will.” They said together.So Bobo decided to change his castle. He waved his magic wand(魔杖) and said a few magic words. Then a white castle with blue windows and doors stood before him. Flowers grew around the castle. The sun shone brightly on the new paint and birds flew close to it.Even Bobo felt happy and bright and he walked back to the village to call the children to visit his beautiful castle.( )56. The wizards castle stood . A. on a tall mountain B. in a forest C. in a town D. on a farm( )57. Why did Bobo have no friends at first?A. Because he was very short.B. Because he was not friendly.C. Because he was a bad wizard.D. Because his castle made people afraid.( )58. What advice didnt the children in the village give Bobo to change his castle?A. To paint the castle.B. To grow flowers around it.C. To open the windows and let the sun in.D. To make a new bedroom.( )59. Bobo changed the castle by .A. waving his magic wand and saying some magic wordsB. asking some children of the village for helpC. calling some birds in the forest to help himD. painting some pictures with his beautiful paint( )60. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Bobo was a wizard and had a castle.B. Bobo thought about the childrens advice carefully.C. Bobo felt sad when he saw the castle had changed a lot.D. The children would be glad to visit the new beautiful castle.五、补全对话(每空1分, 共5分) 根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(有两项是多余的)A: Hi, Peter. We havent seen each other for several days. Hows it going?B: Not bad. 61. A: Pretty good! Are you free this Sunday afternoon?B: 62. Whats up?A: There is going to be a basketball match in our school. 63. B: Yes, of course. But which team is our school going to play against?A: 64. B: Really? I think our team is very strong. Perhaps we will win the match.A: But I hear that their team is strong, too.B: Im sure it must be a wonderful match.A: I think so. 65. B: Lets meet in the playground at 3:00 pm.A: OK. See you then. B: See you.A. Would you like to watch it ?B. What about you, Eric?C. No, I wasnt.D. The team from No.2 Middle School.E. When shall we meet?F. Yes, I am.G. How are we going there?六、完成句子(每空1 分,共10分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空一词。学校: 班级: 姓名: 成绩: 密封线内不准答题66.他们有一幢房子,靠近田野和小山。 They had a small house, _ fields and hills.67.这座城市需要更多的公共服务设施。 The city needs more _ _.68.稍等一下,我去叫我的语文老师。 _ _ a minute. Ill call my Chinese teacher.69.史密斯夫人只去过伦敦一两次。 Mrs Smith has only been to London _ or _ .70.去年政府关闭了镇里的一家工厂。 The government _ _ a factory of the town last year.七、任务型阅读(每小题1分,共5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容完成句子。 Life in space is quite different from that on the earth. How do astronauts(宇航员) live in space? Eating In the past, astronauts could eat only small pieces of dried food. But now astronauts can eat more everyday food like fruit, vegetables and ice cream. Sleeping All the people in the ISS(国际空间站) have their own rooms. They have to tie themselves to their beds, or theyll fly away! That seems like a hard way to sleep, but astronauts say sleeping in space is really not too bad. Exercising This is more important in space than on earth. Astronauts exercise on bikes and other machines for about two hours every day. In that way, they wont be ill when they get back home. Having fun Astronauts can read books, play cards, listen to music or send e-mails to their friends and family when they arent working. Sometimes they just sit and look out of the window. Its also fun!71. Astronauts could eat in the past.72. If astronauts dont tie themselves to the beds in space, they will _ 73. Astronauts exercise for every day.74. When astronauts get back home they will if they dont exercise in space.75. The passage tells us about the life of .八、综合填空。(每空1分,共10分)A girl thought she was not as beautiful as others, and nobody liked her. She was always u (76) and didnt like to talk to others. H (77), one day, her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip(发卡). When she wore it, she looked much more beautiful than before. So she d (78) to wear it to school. On her way to school she found that everyone s (79) at her. Many of her schoolmates said “hello” to her, but this never happened b (80). She was very happy. She thought that the beautiful hair clip brought h (81) happiness(幸福,快乐). Although she didnt tell her classmates a (82) her beautiful hair clip, they all wanted to know what happened to her. When she went back home after school, her mother a (83) her, “Did you know you dropped(落下) your hair clip? I found it by the door this m_ (84).” She knew that she didnt wear the hair clip to school at all. It is not i _ (85) what we wear or how we look. The most important is how we think about ourselves.九、书面表达 (10分)假如你是李华,你在英国的笔友Jim要来中国参观,向你询问有关中国的天气情况以及来中国的最好时间等。请你给你的笔友写一封信,介绍一下中国的气侯特点,并为他的参观提供一点建议,80词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:1.中国的气候,分四季 2.分别介绍四季,及最佳参观季节 3.欢迎随时参观Dear Jim, Im very glad that you will come to visit China. You asked me about the weather in China._Yours,Li Hua学校: 班级: 姓名: 成绩: 密封线内不准答题答题纸( 1 )一、 听力理解(15分)(一) 15 _ (二) 610 (三)1115 二、单项选择(20分)1620 2125 2630 3035 三、完型填空。(10分)3640 4145 四.阅读理解(15分)A)4650 B)5155 C)5660 五、补全对话(5分)6165 六、完成句子(10分)66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 七、任务型阅读(5分)71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 答题纸(2)八、综合填空(10分)76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 九、书面表达 (10分)Dear Jim, Im very glad that you will come to visit China. You asked me about the weather in China._Yours,Li Hua八英答案:一、15 BAAAC610 ACBCA1115 ACCBA二、1620 ADBCC2125 CBACC2630 BBABA3135 DDCCA三、3645 ADCBB ABDBC四、A) DABDBB) DABBA C) ADDAC五BFADE六66. close to 67. public services 68. Hang on 69. once twice 70. closed down七71. only small pieces of dried food 72. fly away 73. about two hours74. be ill 75. astronauts八76. unhappy 77. however 78. decided 79. smiled 80. before81. her 82. about 83. asked 84. morning 85. important 九略


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