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2019版九年级英语全册Unit6Whenwasitinvented7导学案新版人教新目标版学习要点:能够用英语讲述自己所熟悉的某一发明的简单过程。一、自主学习1. 篮球运动是一种备受人们喜爱而且充满活力的运动,作为娱乐和锻炼,他被很多人喜欢。 _ 2当他当大学老师时,他被要求想出一种能够在冬天玩的运动。 _ 3人们认为历史上第一次篮球比赛在1891年12月21日举行的。_ 4 奈史密斯医生把他的班里的男生分成两队并教他们玩他的新游戏。_ 5. 同时,他们需要阻止对方把球投到他们自己的篮筐里。 _ 6 这些明星激励着年轻人为实现他们的梦想而努力学习。 _ 7 如今,由于许多年轻人都梦想成为知名运动员,篮球运动在世界范围内得到了普及_2、 课堂活动Step 1:Ask the students to work in pair the following talk using the target language .A: What do you think is the most helpful / annoying invention?B: I think the most helpful / annoying invention is A: Why is that ?B: Well, it gives peopleStep 2:Imagine you are a business person. Write a description of your new invention. Try to sell the invention to the class. 常用句型: 1.I think is a very useful invention. 2. was invented by 3. was invented in 4. It was used for 5. is made of Step3:组长按照要求安排组员间相互评价各自的短文。标注出错误的地方和写得精彩的地方。并在老师的指导下进行评分,选出小组内最佳作文,并展示。3、 课堂检测( )1. I noticed him _ the teachers office just now A. went into B. go into C. was going into D. to go into( ) 2. In the library there_ a large number of books and the number of them _ growing larger. A . is, are B. have, is C. are, is D. have, are( )3. Not only you but also she _to go there A. is asked B. asks C. are asked D. ask ( )4. The books_ by Hanhan are popular _ studentsA. are written, for B. are written, among C. written, among D. written, between( )5. I wont leave until my work _. A. finish B. Will finish C. finished D. is finished( )6. The London bridge _ many years ago. A. built B. was built C. build D. was build 四、课堂评价1.自评: 小组评 :2.已学到了哪些知识?3.存在的问题或困惑?


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