2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining单元分析教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining单元分析教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining单元分析教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 7 Its raining!Section A单词卡片名词: rain, snow, weather, park, message, problem动词: rain, snow, cook情态动词: could形容词: windy, cloudy, sunny, bad代词: him副词: back, again短语归纳动词短语: take a message, call (sb.)back句型再现1.Hows the weather in Beijing? 2The weathers great.3What are you doing? 4Im playing basketball with some friends at the park. 5Sounds like youre having a good time.6Can I take a message for him?7Could you just tell him to call me back? Section B单词卡片名词: Canada, summer, juice, vacation, Europe, mountain, country, winter, Russian, snowman动词: visit, sit, skate形容词: dry, cold, hot, warm, hard, snowy, Russian, rainy副词: soon, hard短语归纳介词短语: on (a)vacation句型再现1.Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.2Are you studying hard, or are you having fun?3Hows your summer vacation going?4I want to call you but my phone isnt working, so Im writing to you.5Its hot in your country now; isnt it? 本单元的中心话题是“谈论天气”。 Section A部分涉及两个主要语言功能项目:一是运用Hows the weather?及描述天气的形容词windy, cloudy, sunny等来谈论不同城市的天气状况;二是继续运用现在进行时态来描述人们的即时活动。这部分通过电话片段、五大城市的标志性建筑与当地天气结合在一起。Section B部分运用dry, cold, hot, cool, warm等拓展了谈论天气的表达方法,本部分将本单元的互致问候、谈论天气、询问正在从事的活动等重点功能项目结构以明信片的形式呈现出来。1Hows the weather?Its raining./Its sunny.2Hows it going?Its great.3What are they doing?They are playing basketball in the park.1现在进行时的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及答语(详见P 单元语法聚焦)2how引导的问句用来询问天气和表达问候(详见P 单元语法聚焦)Why do British people like to talk about the weather?English culture is founded upon politeness and a respect for anothers privacy. Asking personal questions was considered impolite and it would be embarrassing to both parties if an emotional response was given to a simple question of “How are you?”Therefore, the easiest topic to discuss that would allow both parties to be friendly and social without any risk of emotional distress is to simply discuss the weather.Actually it comes from a time when women and men were not allowed to discuss much of anything. Talk of children, any body parts, etc. was all taboo. Weather was considered a neutral topic, and one that “womenfolk” could understand. In the 1600s &1700s, and perhaps even before that women were looked upon as delicate beings and could not hear or talk of things that were political, warlike, etc. Women were also not allowed a very good education, as it was thought to be too much for them and that they couldnt handle it. Some even thought that teaching a woman a foreign language was going to make them mad. So, there were few things that could be discussed in polite society, weather being all encompassing, and generic, so as not to offend. To this day it continues, but not as it was generally used before. Now, it is just a neutral subject for two parties, and either an “icebreaker” or filler for a lull in conversation. 为什么英国人喜欢谈论天气?英国文化是建立在礼貌和对他人隐私尊重的基础之上的。询问个人问题被认为是不礼貌的,如果就“你好吗”这样简单的问题产生情绪反应将会使双方感到尴尬。因此,最简单的话题是谈论天气,它会使双方感到友好而无精神压抑之风险。实际上,这种(文化)起源于男女不许说话、交谈的时代。谈论孩子、人体部位等都是禁忌。天气被认为是中立的、妇女能明白的话题。在十七、十八世纪,或许更早时候,女性被认为是脆弱的人,不能听或谈论类似政治、战争等话题。当时,女性也不允许接受良好的教育,因为人们认为对她们来说太难,她们难以应付。一些人甚至认为教她们外语会使她们发疯。因此,在上流社会,几乎没有什么可谈,天气无处不在,是一般话题,没有什么冒犯。直到今天,这种习惯还一直延续,但并不像以前那么普遍。现在,天气仅是一个对双方来说中立的话题,也是破冰之语、谈话间的插段。

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