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2019版七年级英语下册Unit6ImwatchingTVSectionB1a-1e教案新版人教新目标版 教学目标知识与技能:1) 能掌握以下单词:pool, shop, supermarket, man, host, study, state, the United States, American, dragon, young. 2) 能掌握以下句型: Is Alice playing basketball?No, she isnt. She is .过程与方法:教师引导学生进行大量的结对练习,小组练习,学生进行大量的听说训练。情感态度价值观:培养同学间的友好相处,规范自己的行为,同时能提高他们的观察能力和判断能力,激发他们对学习英语的兴趣和热情。教学重难点1) 掌握本课出现生的词及表达方式。2) 进一步练习运用现在进行时态的句子来描述他人在做的事情。能根据表格内容,进行对话和口语表达能力。教学方法创设情境,精讲点拨。学习方法独立思考,大胆操练。教学准备录音机、图片、磁带、课件教 学 过 程 设计意图Step 1.Greetings and Lead-in1.Review the knowledge on the present progressive tense. 2.Check the homework and let some Ss read their sentences. Step 2 Writing1. T: Look at the pictures below. Where are they? What are they doing? Please look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. 2. Ss work in groups. Discuss the pictures about the places and the activities they are doing. Then fill in the blanks. 3. Let some Ss read their answers to the class and check the answers.Step 3 Pair work1. Look at the pictures and ask and answer questions. Give Ss a model:A: Is the man swimming in the river? B: No, he isnt. Hes swimming in a pool. 2. Ss work with their partners. Ask and answer about the pictures. (If necessary, give some help to the Ss.)3. Let some pairs ask and answer about the pictures. Step 4 Listening 1c 、1d: :1. T: Now I will play a recording of a conversation. This time write the places you hear in the chart. 2. Ss listen and write the places. 3. Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.Do Activity 1d in the same way.Step 5 Pairwork 1. Now lets make a conversation using the information in the chart. Ask some Ss to give a model: S1: Is Alice playing basketball?S2: No, she isnt. Shes 2. Ss work with their partners and make their conversations.3. Let some Ss act out their conversations. Step 6 Summary and HomeworkWeve done much listening and oral practice. 通过师生、生生间的互相提问,既复习了词汇,也训练他们的口语交际能力。 本环节通过各种活动,目的是强化训练,加深印象, 为运用将打下最坚实的基础。通过学生在模拟情景中交际,目的是培养学生综合运用语言的能力,能在做中学,在学中用 板书 设计 Unit 6 Im watching TV.Section B(1a-1e)Words: pool, shop, supermarket, man, host, study, state, the United States, American, dragon, young. 教后反思

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