2019年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and present(第1课时)Period 1分层训练 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and present(第1课时)Period 1分层训练 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and present(第1课时)Period 1分层训练 (新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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2019年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Past and present(第1课时)Period 1分层训练 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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Unit 1Past and present第1课时分层训练Period 1.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Many children love playing computer games at _ (现在)2I went to school on foot in the _ (过去)But now I ride to school.3xx枣庄My life has _(改变) a lot in the last few years.4It takes us only a quarter to get to the centre of Nanjing by _ (地铁)5He has _ (刚才) come back.用所给单词的适当形式填空1Simon has _(eat) four pieces of bread, so he isnt hungry now.2I think Miss Yang has _ (change) a lot.3Hi, Judy. Have you graduated from college?Yes. I _(study) in Nanjing University for four years.4Some students used to _ (ride) bikes to school.5I lost my lovely dog last week. I _ (not find) it yet.单项填空()1.Jim is so kind _ me. He is willing to share his happiness _ me.Awith; with Bto; with Cwith; to Dto; to()2._ do you usually go to school, Tom?By bus.AWhy BHowCWhere DWhen()3.When did you move to China?_ATwo years ago BFor two yearsCIn two years DAfter two years()4.Where _you _ Linda just now?At the corner of the street.Ahave; seen Bdid; see Cdo; see Dwill; see ()5.Look at the blue sky! The rain _Lets go out for a walk.Astops Bwill stop Chas stopped Dhad stopped()6.Have you seen my English book?_AYes, I have. BReally? CNo problem. DYes, Id like to.()7.xx武威Our city is cleaner than it _ be.Ais used to Bused toCuses to Dis used()8.Could you please teach me _ to send pictures on WeChat(微信)?Sure. Let me show you.Awhen BhowCwhere Dwhat()9.There are _ comic books in the bookstore, but most of them are _ expensive.Atoo much; too many Btoo many; much tooCtoo many; too much Dmuch too; too much()10.xx苏州_ does it take you to get to school by bike?About fifteen minutes.AHow soon BHow oftenCHow long DHow far.根据汉语意思完成句子1他们用了两个月的时间完成了这项任务。It _ to finish the task.2. 公共汽车已经走了,因此我们不得不等下一班。The bus has left, so we _ the next one. 3. 我叔叔刚刚从伦敦回到大连。My uncle _ from London to Dalian. 4过去我们学校周围有许多树。There _ many trees around our school.5. 为什么不乘地铁去海洋公园呢?Why not _ the Ocean Park?教师详解详析本课教学资源素材一新课教学方法 教学方法(1)情境教学法:创设真实情境,向学生提问。如:How did you come to school this morning? 引导学生复习已学过的交通工具名词。(2)合作交流法:让学生两人一组,互相询问对方假期去过的地方和出行的方式。如:Where did you go during the winter holiday and how did you go there?(3)语言感知法:教师说:“Eddie used to share food with Hobo, but now he doesnt. Hobo used to be kind to Eddie, but now he isnt. What happened?”然后引导学生得出结论:They have changed.以此让学生初步认识现在完成时。 学习方法带着问题和线索听录音听力测试最重要的是审题。学生拿到试卷后,要快速浏览选项,确定所听的重点并猜测对话或短文可能涉及的内容,带着问题和线索听录音能快速准确地理解内容。另外,无论是对话还是短文,要将注意力集中在对整体内容的理解上,无须强迫自己听清每个单词,应把重点放在关键词或与问题有关的词句上。对涉及的时间、地点、人物、事件、数字等有关重要信息要做简单记录。 素材二课堂活动案例 活动一将全班学生分成两组,分角色朗读对话,然后让学生两人一组,模仿Millie和Dad的对话,最后根据表格内的信息编新对话。 活动二让学生打开课本,在Comic strip部分的对话中寻找含有现在完成时的句子。如:(1)Eddie, have you seen my food?(2)Ive just eaten it.(3)Youve eaten my food?(4)Youve changed, Eddie.(5)Youve changed too. 活动三分角色朗读对话,鼓励学生根据对话内容,适当增加动作和表情并上台表演。素材三新课导入设计Past, past, in the past,My father went to school by bike in the past.Present, present, at present,I go to school by bus at present.更多备课资源:word版电子教案、匹配的课件,详见云资源。教师详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.present2.past3.changed4underground5.just.1.eaten2.changed3.have studied4ride5.havent found课后巩固提升.1.B2.B3A问句是一般过去时,故用表示过去的时间来回答。4. B5.C6.A7B考查固定用法。句意:我们的城市比以前更干净了。used to do sth意为“过去常常做某事”。故选B。8B9B考查固定短语。句意:书店里有太多的漫画书,但大多数很贵。too many意为“太多”,修饰复数可数名词;too much意为“太多”,修饰不可数名词;much too意为“太”,修饰形容词或副词。故选B。10C考查疑问词组辨析。句意:“你骑自行车上学花多长时间?”“大约15分钟。”how soon对将来的时间提问;how often对动作的频率提问;how long对时间段或物体长度提问;how far对距离提问。故选C。.1.took them two months2. have to wait for3. has just returned4used to be5. take the underground to

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