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Unit 13Were trying to save the earth!第3课时分层训练Section B1 1a1e .用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1Please turn off the shower when you are _ (wash) your hair.2We _(real) shouldnt use paper napkins.3We should stop _(use) plastic bags to protect the environment.4Glass can be_ (recycle) again and again.5They are talking about _ (take) the bags when shopping. .根据所给的提示词翻译句子1当你离开房间的时候,要记得关灯。(when, leave)_2老师生气了,咱们别说话了。(got, stop)_3要听懂他们所说的话是困难的。(hard, what, said)_4我们已经决定不开车了。(already, stop)_5当你去购物的时候,你最好带上自己的袋子。(when, better)_.补全对话A: Environmental problems have become more and more serious.B: Yes, I think so. Last weekend I planned to swim in Qingcheng River. When I got there, I was shocked by what I saw. 1._ But now, it is full of rubbish, and there is no fish at all.A: 2._ And the air pollution is serious, too. How I miss the blue sky and the fresh air! 3._B: First, we must take action from ourselves. 4._A: I agree. Being volunteers really helps. B: Then, we need to invite more people to join us. A: Good idea! But how can we do that?B: 5._A: Sounds good! Lets do that!AWhat should we do?BThats terrible.CIt used to be clean.DWhat about making a speech about the environment in public?EWe can be volunteers to help protect the environment. 短文填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每个单词限用一次。for, full, school, when, save, reduce, environment, donate, protect, attentionI am Grace Cortese, and I am 10 years old. I believe I can make a difference in 1._the environment, because my science teacher, Jillian Esby, teaches us that there are many ways we can help if we pay 2._ and are willing to change our habits. Every year at my birthday party, I ask for charitable donations(慈善捐款) instead of gifts. 3._ I was eight, I asked my friends to 4._ to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) to save the polar bears. I raised almost $150. Last year, my friend, Mary, also did that. Imagine how much money we could raise to 5._the environment if everyone asked 6._ charitable donations for their birthdays!My whole 7._ is doing things to help protect the earth, too. Our school makes a car pool (拼车) program to 8._ the number of cars on campus, and we have a “Walk to School” day once a year. My science teacher, Mrs. Esby, has a “Teenie Greenies” club at lunch and she teaches a class how to recycle after school. And we also do beach cleanups.If you want to do something for the 9._, look through the Grades of Green website. It is 10._ of great ideas for us to reduce, reuse and recycle waste, and it also has a lot of really interesting facts.详解详析课内基础自测.1.washing2.really3.using4recycled5.taking.1.Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.2The teacher got angry. Lets stop talking.3Its hard to understand what they said.4We have already decided to stop driving.5Youd better take your own bag when (you go) shopping.课后巩固提升.15CBAED.1.protecting2.attention3.When4donate5.save6.for7.school8reduce9.environment10.full

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