2018-2019学年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Safety课堂练习(一)(新版)冀教版.doc

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2018-2019学年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Safety课堂练习(一)(新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Safety课堂练习(一)(新版)冀教版.doc_第3页
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Unit 3课堂练习题(一)Lessons 1315Lesson 13I. 根据括号中所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。1. Its _(必需的)to help the poor.2. Is there anything _(严重的)with your uncle?3. Danny _(挂)his clothes on the line just now.4. _(安全)is the most important thing at present.5. Please be _(小心的)when crossing the street.II. 根据句意用适当的介词填空。1. Jenny is scared _ walking in the dark.2. Tony put the ladder _ the wall and climbed up.3. There is a little window _ top of the house.4. Li Ming, what happened _ you this morning?5. Theyll have a meeting in this hall and we are cleaning it _ the meeting.III. 对画线部分提问,每空一词。1. Jenny writes to her parents twice a month. _ _ _ Jenny write to her parents?2. Her pet dog has been dead for a week. _ _ has her pet dog been dead?3. There is only one apple on the table. _ _ _ is there on the table?4. Its two kilometers from here to the zoo. _ _ is it from here to the zoo?5. Danny lay on the chair just now. _ _ Danny lie just now?IV. 连词成句。1. having, are, breakfast, they _?2. book, you, which, prefer, do _?3. for, let, copy, you, Danny, them _.4. look, here, her, to, they, for, came _.5. understand, they, doesnt, said, what, he _.Lesson 14I. 从方框中选择适当的动词并用其适当形式填空。call reach move injure return1. Kitty tried _ her legs, but she couldnt.2. What about _ the books to the library today?3. The driver _ an ambulance after the accident.4. You must ride slowly, or youll _ yourself or someone else.5. _ Shanghai on time, you should take a plane.II. 从方框中选择适当的短语并用其适当形式填空。fall off be famous as come up with take care in a hurry1. Mo Yan _ a writer. He won Nobel Prize last year.2. Please _, or there may be an accident.3. Danny _ the wall and broke his left leg. He is in hospital now.4. Li Ming, why are you running _? Its not late at all.5. She thought hard and _ a good idea at last.III. 选择正确的答案填空。( )1. They _ into the hall. You cant see them here. A. will step B. are stepping C. step D. have stepped( )2. You can master this skill by yourself _ you try to learn it. A. because B. how C. if D. why( )3. The excuse _ you find is not for me, its for you. Is that so? A. it B. that C. one D. this( )4. The thieves _ the bicycles when the policemen caught them. A. were stealing B. stole C. have stolen D. will steal( )5. Sally was ill in bed, so Lisa attended the meeting _ her this morning. A. instead B. instead of C. in place D. in the place ofIV. 根据所给的汉语完成下面的句子,每空一词。1. 你能阻止他们吵闹吗? Can you _ _ _ _ noise?2. 你知道这是谁的错吗? Do you know _ _ _ _?3. 昨天他叔叔被一辆卡车撞了。 Yesterday his uncle _ _ _ a truck.4. 李明,你为什么这么着急呢? Li Ming, why are you _ _ _ _?5. 我真的不知道这里将要发生什么? I really dont know what _ _ _ _ here?Lesson 15I. 用括号中所给词语的适当形式填空。1. When you walk along the road, you must pay attention to the _ (safe).2. Youll make mistake if you are _ (care).3. A _ (strange) stopped her on her way home.4. They are taking a ride to the Great Wall _ (happy).5. Danny was _ (serious) ill and he was taken to the hospital at once.II. 连词成句。1. go, room, he, of, did, the, out _?2. story, place, when, this, take, did _?3. the, alone, dont, at, leave, home, baby _.4. not, again, do, me, to, she, this, told, thing _.5. know, him, what, the, he, with, was, didnt, matter _.III. 根据所给汉语完成句子,每空一词。1. 丹尼个子够高,能够到树上的苹果。 Danny is _ _ _ _ the apples on the tree.2. 李明假装正在睡觉,我也没和他打招呼。 Li Ming _ _ _ _ and I didnt say hello to him.3. xx年春天有些人死于H7N9。 Some people _ _ H7N9 in spring of xx.4. 据说很多人喜欢听这首歌曲。 _ _ _ many people like listening to this song.5. 张红和她的父母一起到澳大利亚去过好几次了。 Zhang Hong, together with her parents _ _ _ Australia several times.Unit 3课堂练习(一):Lesson 13I. 1. necessary 2. serious 3. hung 4. Safety 5. carefulII. 1. of 2. against 3. on 4. to 5. forIII. 1. How often 2. How long 3. How many apples 4. How far 5. Where didIV. 1. Are they having breakfast2. Which book do you prefer3. Let Danny copy them for you4. They came here to look for her5. He doesnt understand what they saidLesson 14I. 1. to move 2. returning 3. called 4. injure 5. To reachII. 1. is famous as 2. take care 3. fell off 4. in a hurry 5. came up withIII. 15 DCBABIV. 1. stop them from making 2. whose fault this is 3. was hit by 4. in such a hurry 5. is going to happenLesson 15I. I. 1. safety 2. careless 3. stranger 4. happily 5. seriouslyII. 1. Did he go out of the room2. When did this story take place3. Dont leave the baby at home alone4. She told me not to do this thing again5. He didnt know what was the matter with himIII. 1. tall enough to reach 2. pretended to be sleeping 3. died of 4. It is said 5. has been toIV. 1. stopped 2. shoes 3. pair 4. could 5. decided 6. grass 7. carefully 8.surprised 9. own 10. better


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