2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 In Beijing Lesson 7《Arring in Beijing》教案2 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 In Beijing Lesson 7《Arring in Beijing》教案2 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 In Beijing Lesson 7《Arring in Beijing》教案2 (新版)冀教版.doc_第3页
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Arriving in Beijing教学内容:Lesson 7 Arriving in Beijing教学目标: 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:people, many, child, women, men 2.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: They are on their way to _. There are many _.3.学生能够理解并掌握下列单词的单复数形式:child/children,man/men教学重点、难点:1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:people, many, child, women, men2.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: They are on their way to _. There are many _.教学准备:教学光盘教学过程:一、 Class opening and reviewGreeting:How do you feel?Review :What do you see on the street/ in the picture?What is he/she doing?What are they doing?二、 New conceptThey arrive in Beijing. When do they arrive? Where do they live?Lets listen !播放光盘。整体感知文本,理解大意。听的时候给出问题,带着问题去听,让学生听的更集中更有针对性。They are on their way to the hotel. What do they see on the way?Lets read the text, find the answer.借助图片介绍单数句子与复数句子,注意is, are的用法。This/ That is a/an _.These /Those are _.三、四、 practice1. Read the text.2. Lets do it! Page 12, part 1 and 2.四、classclosingHomework:Read the text.Exercise book.板书设计: Lesson 7: Arriving in Beijing This is a child. A child is flying a kite. These are children. Some children are playing. That is a man. A man is running. Those are men. Some men are doing Tai Chi. This is a woman. A woman is singing. These are women. Some women are dancing.课后反思:小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 4 页 共 4 页

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