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2019年英语六年级下册Module3unit11配练习和答案课题Moulde3 Unit11 Controlling fire学习分析目标:1.掌握本课重点单词及词组。 2.掌握本课中的重点句子。 3.掌握remember和forget后可接to do和doing的意思及区别。重点:1、掌握本课重点句子和重点词组。 2、动词不定式和动名词做宾语的不同意思难点:有些词后可接to do和doing,意思相差很大,会区分学习内容 诊查一、语音:挑出含有题前划线部分发音的单词: ( )1.thank A. friend B. fine C. English D. nice( )2. his A. desk B. boys C. books D. sorry( )3. of A. family B. wife C. seven D. four( )4. think A. these B. their C. thank D. brother( )5. where A. we B. who C. whose D. over二、选用括号中正确的单词填空:1. Many_(careless,careful)people forget to put out the barbecue fires.2. Our flat is on the_(fourth,forth)floor.3. I am sorry,Miss Guo. I _(forget,leave)my English book at home today.4. Firemen use_(breathing equipments,breathing equipment)to protect from smoke.5. Factory workers_(also use,use also)fire to make glass.三、用冠词a, an, the填空,不需要处划: 1. _old man in _car is _old teacher. 2. Can you see _dog over there? Its my dog.3. I can see _boy and _woman in _picture. _boy is Jim and _woman is Miss Gao.4. Theres _“x”and _“u” in the word “excuse”.5. Lucy can play _piano, but she cant play _football.四、阅读理解:One day, Mr Read and his son Robert were going out for a walk. He put on a pair of shoes together with a pair of different socks, one white and one yellow. As he came out of his house, his son noticed(注意) the colours of his fathers socks and said,“ you have put on two different socks, dad.”When he heard this, he looked at his socks and found that his son was right. He was happy and said to himself,“ what a clever son I have got!” Then he said to his son to go back to the house to get another pair of socks for him.When the son went back to the house, all he could find was one white sock and one yellow sock. Robert then took the socks to his father and said,“Its no use changing! These socks at home are also different, one yellow and one white.”根据短文内容判断正误。( )1. One day Mr Read and his daughter were going out for a walk.( )2. Mr Read put on a pair of shoes together with a pair of socks in the same colour.( )3. Robert went back to the house to get another pair of shoes for him.( )4. Robert couldnt find the socks in the house.( )5. The socks at home had the same colour.导学一、重点单词:1. Control v. 控制,抑制E.g. By the age of 21 he controlled the pany. 他21岁就掌管了公司。2. Cigarette n. 香烟E.g. He smokes 20 cigarette a day. 他一天抽20支香烟。3. End n. 末端;尽头;末尾E.g. He is standing at the end of the queue. 他正站在一排人的最后。4. Injured adj. 受伤的;受损害的E.g. The injured people were taken to hospital by ambulance. 受伤者被救护车送进了医院。5. Cause v. 引起E.g. The fire was caused by an electrical fault. 这场火灾是由电路故障引起的。6. Stick n. 棍;棒;柴枝E.g. We made the fire out of dry sticks. 我们用干柴枝来生火。7. Heat n. 热量 heat v. 加热E.g. The sun gives us heat and light. 太阳给我们光和热。The milk is cold. 牛奶是凉的。Ill heat it for you if you want. 如果你需要我可以把它加热。8. Melt v. (使)融化;(使)熔化E.g. Spring es;all the snow melts away. 春天来了,冰雪融化了。Iron will melt when it is made very hot. 当铁烧得热时就会熔化了。9. Burn v. (过去式,过去分词burnt或burned)燃烧,烧坏E.g. Dont stay in the hot sun. Itll burn your skin. 别待在烈日下,会晒伤你的皮肤。10. Careless adj. 粗心的 careful adj. 仔细的,认真的E.g. This is careless work. Do it again! 这工作做得粗枝大叶。重做Be careful when you cross the road. 当你过马路时要小心。11. Seriously adv. 严重地 serious adj. 严重的E.g. The driver was seriously injured in the accident. 司机在事故中受了重伤。12. Axe n. 斧E.g. He chopped the tree down with an axe. 他用斧头把树砍倒。13. Equipment n. 装备;设备 equip v. 装备,配备E.g. The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive. 摄影室的装备很贵。14. Ladder n. 梯子,阶梯E.g. You must use the ladder,or you cant reach it. 你必须使用梯子,否则你不能够到它。15. tool n. 工具E.g. I have some gardening tools. 我有一些园艺工具。16. Rescue v. 解救;援救;营救E.g. We rescued the boy who fell into the river. 我们救起了掉进河里的小男孩。17. During prep. 在.期间E.g. There are extra trains to the seaside during the summer. 通往海滨的火车在夏季有加车。He fell asleep during the lesson. 他在上课时睡着了。18. queue v. 排队 n. 行列,队列E.g. We had to queue for hours to get in. 我们必须排几个小时的长队才能进去。19. Corridor n. 走廊;通道E.g. Dont play in the corridor. 不要在走廊里打闹。20. Alarm n. 警报器E.g. They heard the fire alarm. 他们听到火警警报。二、词组区分:remember to do sth. & remember doing sth. forget to do sth.& forget doing sth.T:我们先来看两个例句:You must remember to close the door.I remembered closing the door yesterday.T:这两个句子分别是什么意思呢?S(翻译)T:恩,第一句的意思是“你必须记得去关门。”,第二句的意思是“我记得昨天关过门了。”虽然remember都解释为记得,但是remember to do sth.和remember doing sth.这两个词组含义不同,前者是记得去做某事,后者是记得做过某事。我们再来看两个例句,请你来翻译一下。Remember to lock the door! I remember finishing my homework. S:记得要锁门哦!我记得完成了我的作业。T:对了哦,很好,那你能告诉我forget to do sth.和forget doing sth.分别是什么意思呢?对照remember to do sth.和remember doing sth.这两个词组S:forget to do sth.是忘记去做某事而forget doing sth.是忘记做过某事T:很好!你能造两个句子吗?S:I usually forget to close the door我经常忘记去关门。 The old woman always forgets taking the medicine. 那个老太太老是忘记吃过药。三、重点词组:1. Fire drill 消防演习E.g. There will be a fire drill at school this week. 这个星期学校将举行一次消防演习。2. Be careful with . 当心.E.g. You must be careful with the knife its very sharp.使用那把刀你一定要当心一点它很锋利。3. Lose ones life 丧命;丧生E.g. The driver lost his life in the accident.那位司机在那次事故中丧命了。Many people lost their lives in the Wenchuan earthquake.许多人在汶川地震中丧命。4. use sth. to do sth. 使用某物去做某事E.g. The tools are used to fix the machine. 这些工具被用来修机器。四、重点句型:1. Today,people use fire in many different ways.Way n.(某个)方面;道路;路线;方法,手段E.g.He is different from his brother in many ways. 在很多方面他和他的哥哥不一样。I can see many shops on my way home. 我在回家的路上能看见许多商店。The ways to save water 节约用水的方法2. They leave burning cigarette ends or do not put out their barbecue fires.Leave v. 留下;遗忘;丢下E.g.Dont leave the rubbish here and there.Put the rubbish into the rubbish bin.不要把垃圾丢得到处都是,把垃圾扔进垃圾箱。展示一、选择题:( )1. We can use pieces of wood to make _fire. A. / B. an C.a D.the( )2. The vaccine is used to protect us _the bird flu. A.to B.by C.of D.from( )3. Kathy lives in the countryside. She always uses _to cook food.Its cheaper. A.wood B.charcoal C.gas D.elecrticity( )4. You should_ wear red scarves when you are at school. A.remember B.remember to C. forger D. forget to( )5. A firemans job is to_ fires. A.turn off B.think about C.talk about D.put out( )6. Some students may_ down the stairs. A.run B.running C.ran D.runs( )7. We have to be_ when we use fire. A.careful B.carefully C.careless D.carelessly( )8. People may be_ injured in a fire. A.seriously B.hardly C.deeply D.heavily二、以下每句均有一处错误,将序号填入题前括号内 ( )1.Su Yang is as younger as Su Hai. A B C( )2.Who jumps higher, Ben and Liu Tao? A B C( )3.Yesterday afternoon, we go to see our teacher, Miss Gao. A B C( )4.How can I get to there? A B C( )5.Look, Yang Ling is standing in the bus stop. A B C三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空: 1. Mr King is _(Lucy and Lily) father. 2. Today is _(children) Day.3. Miss Li is those _(girl)Chinese teacher. 4. Which of the two coats _(be) yours?5. How much money _(be) there in your purse? There _(be) twenty yuan.四、对划线部分填空。 1. An axe is made of metal.(对划线部分提问)_ _ an axe made of?2. Dont play with fires.(保持句意不变)_ _play with fires.3. The fire alarm of out school is on the second floor.(对划线部分提问)_ _is the fire alarm of your school on?4. Early men made a fire by using a stick,a large piece of wood.(对划线部分提问)_ _early men make a fire?五、完型填空,通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Good morning, boys and girls. _1_ is todays school news on TV. An international group is our school this week. There are _3_ teachers and two students in the group. _4_! This is Mr White and he is from the UK. The woman _5_him is Miss Green. She is from _6_. The old man _7_ our students is Mr Brown and he is from Canada. The beautiful girl is from Japan. Her name is Judy. _8_ that boy. He _9_ shy. Is he a _10_, too? No, he is from Chinatown in New York. He is an overseas Chinese!1. A. There B. These C. Those D. Here2. A. visit B. visiting C. seeing D. see3. A. three B. five C. four D. two4. A. See B. Watch C. Look at D. Look5. A. front B. near C. next D. back6. A. American B. France C. French D. English7. A. talk with B. talking C. talking with D. talk8. A. See B. Look at C. Listen D. Listen to9. A. looking B. look C. be D. looks10. A. Chinese B. Japan C. Japanese D. China六、首字母填空:One afternoon ,when school was over, Mary and Joan Black didnt go home. They stayed in school t 1 help their teacher. They helped her to carry some books. They worked for half an hour. Then the teacher said, Thank you, girls. We will finish the work tomorrow. Now you must go home. When the girls got home, it was dark outside. There was a light i 2 their home, and the door was open. They could see a man inside. Who is it? said Mary. Mother and father have gone to do some shopping. They will go home at half past seven. When the man saw Mary, he looked a 3 . Then he smiled and said, e in! You dont know me, but Im your fathers friend. He has asked me to get some money for him. The man did not see Joan. Mary went inside and began talking to the man, but Joan did not. She quickly but quietly ran off. She soon found a policeman and brought him back to their home. The man was still there, but when he saw the policeman, he t 4 to run off. The policeman took him by the arm. Just then the girls parents returned. Is this man your f 5 ? the policeman asked Mr. Black. No! He must be a thief. He wanted to steal my money. Im glad that you have caught him. 1.t 2.i 3.a 4.t 5.f 七、阅读理解:根据题意,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。Last week I went to the cinema. I had a good seat. The film was very interesting. But I didnt enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the film. I turned round. I looked at them angrily. But they didnt see me. At last I could not hear it. I said to them.“I couldnt hear a word!”“Its none of your business(没你的事),”the young man said rudely,“this is a private conversation(私人谈话).”判断正误。( )1. Last Sunday I went to the cinema.( )2. A young man and a young woman were sitting in front of me.( )3. The film was very bad, so I didnt enjoy it.( )4. They werent watching the film.( )5. The young man thought the author(作者)would like to listen to their private conversation.( )6. From this story we can see that the two young people were polite.八、阅读下面的短文,完成句子。 Lisas birthday is on October 18th. Its on Wednesday. She is going to have a birthday party. She wants to invite Peter, Gao Wei and Li Yan to her birthday party. They can celebrate after school. Today Lisas parents go shopping with Lisa. They want to buy a birthday cake and some other things for her birthday party.M: What kind of cake would you like?L: Id like a fruit cake, please.D: What shape would you like? A round one or a star one?L: Id like the star cake. How nice!M: Yes, it looks lovely.L: Lets get some ice cream, too.D: Yes, and Ill get some jelly for you.L: Thank you. I love jelly. Can we get some round balloons and long balloons, too?D: Certainly.L: Thank you. Ill have a great birthday party.根据短文内容回答问题。1.When is Lisas birthday? 2.Is her birthday on Thursday? 3.Does Lisa invite Kate to her birthday party? 4.What kind of cake would Lisa like? 5.Does she want a round cake? 课后作业一、选择题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 1.Do you have brothers sisters in your family? A. someand B. someor C. anyor D. anyand( ) 2. Jim and Mary good English and puter. A. arein B. isin C. areat D. isat( ) 3.How is the cinema from here? A. far B. many C. much D. about( ) 4.We can have outing in autumn. A. aa B. anan C. an/ D. thethe( ) 5. - _ you like to e?-Of course. Ill e them. A. Whatwith B. Whatsof C. Wouldwith D. Wouldof( ) 6. Id like Helen soon. A. to write B. to write to C. to writing to D. to writing( ) 7. Tom in a big house? A. Doeslive B. Doeslives C. Dolives D. Dolive( ) 8. A: What Jane ? B: Shes writing an e-mail to her pen friend. A. isdoing B. diddo C. willdo D. isgoing to do( ) 9.You and I like listening to music. We have the same .A. bothhobbies B. toohobbies C. arehobby D. bothhobby( ) 10. Im eleven years old. And my little brother is eight. So . A. Hes taller than me. B. Im three years older. C. Im two months older. D. Hes older than me.( )11. Which season do you like _, spring or autumn? A. good B. wellC. better D. best( )12. We can _ tell her about our new house. A. too B. atC. also D. on( ) 13. Can I give _ _ e-mail address? A. him, meB. me, him C. my, him D. him, my( ) 14. What would you like? _. A. Id like to some apples.B. Id like to listen to music. C. Id like some apples.D. Id like go to bed.( ) 15. There is a lot of _ in spring there. A. rain B. rainsC. rainyD. rainy二、根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Thoughtless people drop_(burn)cigarette ends everywhere.2. There is a long ladder outside the classroom on the_(two)floor.3. A lot of people may be_(injure)in a fire.4. Miss Guo wants_(write)some rules for her students.三、按要求写单词。1. heavy(比较级) 2. fly(过去式) 3. same(反义词) 4. plus(对应词) 5. rainy(名词) 6. carefully(形容词) 7. more(原形) 8. foggy(名词) 9. far(比较级) 10. miss(第三人称单数) 四、句型转换。1. She is catching insects now.(改为一般现在时) Sometimes she _ _ in the park.2. What time is it? Its time to have dinner.(改为近义句) _ the time? Its time _ dinner.3. Wash the clothes.(改为否定句) _ wash the clothes!4. Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)Nancy _ going to go camping.5. The boy runs faster than the girl.(改为一般疑问句) _ the boy _ faster than the girl?6. Ann and Lily watched a film last night.(改为现在进行时) Ann and Lily _ _ a film now.7. He came here by bike this morning.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he _ here this morning?8. The man in blue is Su Yangs uncle.(对划线部分提问) _ man is Su Yangs uncle?9. She saw the Beijing opera show last Friday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ the Beijing opera show?10. My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ to see a play the day after tomorrow?五、完型填空:A: _1_ is your favourite month? B: My favourite month is _2_. A: Why? B: Because it often snows. I _3_ snow very much. We often make snowmen in the _4_ air. SoI think its the _5_ month. What _6_ you? A: I _7_ it. Its too _8_. I think the best month is _9_. I often go swimming _10_ my parents. We usually have a good time.1. A. What B. When C. Which D. What time2. A. December B. March C. May D. September3. A. dont like B. to like C. liked D. like4. A. out B. open C. close D. nice5. A. good B. better C. best D. bad6. A. are B. about C. of D. for7. A. like B. dont like C. have D. not like8. A. good B. bad C. cold D. hot9. A. January B. April C. February D. July10. A. and B. with C. like D. to六、首字母填空:A:Hank lived in a small town, but then he found a job in a big city and moved there with his wife and his two children. On the first Saturday in their new house, Hank took his new red c 1 out the garage (车库) and began to wash it. A neighbour (邻居) stopped and said, What a nice car! Is it yours? Sometimes, Hank answered. The neighbour was s 2 , Sometimes? What do you mean? Well, answered Hank, When theres a party in the town, its my d 3 . When theres a football game somewhere, its my sons. When Ive washed it, and it l 4 nice and clean, its my wifes. And when it needs gas (汽油), its m 5 . 1.c 2.s 3.d 4.l 5.m :Tom lives a long way from town. One day he went into town to buy something in the shop, and after he bought it he went into a restaurant and s 1 down at a table. When he looked r 2 he saw some old people with eyeglasses on reading their books, so after lunch he went to a shop to buy g 3 , too. He walked a 4 the road, and soon found a shop. The man in the shop asked him to t 5 on a lot of glasses, but each time Tom said, No, I cant read with these. The man became more and more puzzled (困惑). At last he said, Excuse me, but can you read at all? No, I cant! Tom said, If I can read , do you think I will e here to buy glasses? 1.s 2.r 3.g 4.a 5.t 七、阅读理解: Whats a White lie Mary did not understand such sentences as “She is blue today,” “ He has a green thumb,” “He has told a little white lie” and so on. And she went to her teacher for help. Mary: Mrs Smith, there is a colour in each of these sentences. What do they mean? Mrs Smith: In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad. Yellow afraid. A person with a green thumb grows plants well. And a white lie is not a bad one. Mary: Would you give me an example for “a white lie? Mrs Smith: Certainly, now I give you some cakes. In fact you dont like it, but you wont say it. Instead, you say, “No, thanks, Im not hungry.” Thats a white lie.1. Blue sometimes means sad in _English. A. good B. spoken C. usual D. poor2. I dont have a green thumb, so all my plants_. A. die off B. grow well C. look nice D. are good3. Tom is _to climb the tree. He is yellow. A. happy B. clever C. glad D. afraid4. He didnt like me to know the _of the accident. He told me a white l


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