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2019年小学五年级英语同步练习册试题一、选择题1、We put the address on _ right.A.aB.anC.the2、What is _ envelope?A. aB.anC ./3、-What are you doing?- Iam _ a letter.A.sendingB. writingC.Both A and B4、live with _ mother and father.A.weB.usC. our5、_ you have a nice trip to Beijing?A.DoB.AreC. Did6.I want my mother sto buy a new bike _ me.A. toB.forC. by7.I _ chopsticks for my mother.A.thoughtB. boughtC. caught8.We can take a picture _ Jennys camera.A. inB. withC. use9.This is a picture _ Jenny.A. forB. ofC. Both A and B10. Orange is my favourite _ .A. fruitB. colourC. food11. I often _ to school.A. am walkingB. walkedC. walk12. I want to buy a gift _ you .A. forB. toC. beside13.What _ you do yesterday?A. doB wasC. did14. Danny fell down and _ his tail.A. breakB. brokeC. did15. Can you _ a kite.A makeB. flyingC. made16. Tiananmen Square is _,A. famousB .wonderfulC. bothA andB17. The shirt is _ small for me.A. tooB. toC. two18. This picture is for _ .A. IB. myC. me19. Jenny likes _ shopping.A. goingB. goesC . to go20.What _ I doing ?A . isB. doC. am21. We bought gifts _ you .A. toB. forC. with22. Green is my favourite _ .A. fruitB. foodC. colour23. This sweater is too small _ me.A. forB. toC. with24. Lets put the picture _ my desk.A. in the front ofB. aboveC. down25. _ are Jenny s and Dannys pictures.A. ThisB. ThatC. Those26. Lets take a picture_ Jennys camera.A. inB. withC . use27. I often _ to school .A. workB. talkC. walk28. Danny _ an e-mail to his friend.A. wrriteB. wroteC. write29. I want to buy _ postcards.A. someB. anyC. much30. A postcardhas a picture _ it.A. inB. ofC. on31. We write on _ on a postcard.A. leftB. a leftC. the left32. Now, I _ the letter in the box.A. putB. to putC. am putting33. She _ a stamp for his letterA. needB. needsC. to need.34. Webuy stamps _ .A. at the post officeB. in a bicycle shopC. in a restaurant35. Where _ the traffic lights?A isB. areC. have36. I am sending these postcards _ Canada.A. inB. onC. to37. _ she need a puter.A. DoB. DoesC. Is38. _ is your address?A. WhatB. WhereC. How39. Danny wants _ a postcard to his mother.A. to sendB. sendingC. sends40.We write the address on _ right of the postcard.A. /B. theC. a41. - What are you doing?- I _ postcards.A. writeB. writesC. am writing42. - _ postcards do you need? - Six.A. HowB. How manyC. How much43. Im sending this letter _ Shijiazhuang.A. inB. toC . at44. We put the letter in _ .A. a postcardB. an envelopeC. a stamp45.May I help you _ it ?A. to writeB. writeC. Both A. and B46.Danny is writing postcards _his mother.A. toB. onC. in47. Who _ thirsty?A. amB. isC. are48 . What would you like _?A. drinkB. to drinkC. drinking49. Danny is singing a song _ my mother.A. toB. forC. across50.May I _ some grapes?A. to haveB. havingC. have51.There _ manypeople on the street.A. isB. areC. have52. _ you feel tired?A. AreB. DoC. Does53.We see some people _ happily on the street.A. walkingB. to walkC. walks54. That is _ film.A. aB. anC. /55.There is a bandage _ Toms nose.A.forB. onC. Both Aand B56._ are women.A. ThisB.ThatC. These57.Iam _ .I want to eat some bread.A . hungryB.thirstyC.tired58. Look! The children _ .A. cryB. criesC. are crying59.The children are here . They are playing_.A.cameraB.filmC. cards60.Many people like to go _ a walk.A. toB.atC. for61. The buses go _.A. slowB.quickC. slowly62._ many people on the street.A.HaveB. There areC.There is63.May I _ you take a picture?A. to helpB. helpC. helping64.We have English _ 2:00_ the afternoon.A.at,atB. in,inC. at,in65.Who _ tired?A.amB. isC. are66._ everyone happy?A. AmB.IsC. Are67. There_ three boys in the classroom.A. isB.areC. have68. _people are buying tickets.A.ManyB. MuchC. How many69. The train arrives _ Beijing .A inB. atC. to70. May I talk _ the boy.A. toB. withC. Both A and B71. The man _ me is laughing.A. behindB. is behindC. are behind二.阅读理解。(15分)(一)判断题(5分)Hello,mynameisJimmy.Imaboy.Imeleven.IaminClassFiveGradeSix.Nowletmetellyousomethingabout myfamily.Therearethreepeopleinmyfamily.My father,mymotherandI.My fatherisaworkerandmymotherisaworkertoo.And theyarebothgoodworkers ,I am a good Student. My father and mother love me very much too. We have a new car. Its green. I like it very much.1. We have an old car.()2 .Im in Class Six ,Grade Five.()3. There are three people in my family.()4. My father and mother are both workers.()5. I dont like out car.()(二)选择Li Ming has two good friends from Canada. They are Rose and Mike .their country is very far from China.They are in the same school, but they are not in the same class(班). Li Ming and Rose are in Class One . They live in the samebuiding. It is a little far from their school. They ride their bicycles to school and ride home together every day.()1. Where are Rose and Mike from?A. The U.K.B. CanadaC. Australia()2.LiMing and Mike are _.A. in the same classB. not in the same schoolC. not in the same class()3. They live _.A. berry far from their schoolB. near their schoolC. in one building()4. They go to school and e home _.A. by bicycleB. by busC. by car(三)问答题Zhanglinis a boy.Hes twelve years old .His English is very good. Because his mother is an English teacher. His favorite clothes areyellow shirts. Its very nice. He likes to play football with his friends. He always goes to school by bus. On Sundays we often play and study together. We are good friends.1.What does Zhanglins mother do?2.What colour are Zhanglins favorite clothes?_3.How does he always go to school?_4.How old is Zhanglin?_5.Is he my good friend?_6.What do we do on Sunday?小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 7 页 共 7 页

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