2019年冀教版三年级英语下册第二单元月考试题 (I).doc

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2019年冀教版三年级英语下册第二单元月考试题 (I).doc_第1页
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2019年冀教版三年级英语下册第二单元月考试题 (I)学校_ 班级_ 姓名_一、用给出字母组成单词:(每小题2分,共12分)1、b g i _ 2、e i g t h_ 3、e p h l e n a t_ 4、t f o e s r _5、e t r e_6、f e v i_二、填空 Sheep(复数)_ Iwill(完全形式)_ can not(缩写形式)_ Her(主格)_ wolf(复数)_ tigers(单数)_ 去动物园(英语)_ his(主格)_ fish(复数)_二、连一连:(每小题2分,共10分)zoo river two animal small小的 动物园 河 二 动物三、根据单词选择正确的汉语意思(每小题1分,共10分) ( )1、love A、喜爱 B、讨厌 ( )2、how many A、多少个 B、多少钱( )3、where A、几点 B、哪里( )4、eat grass A、吃草 B、喝水( )5、in the tree A、在树上 B、在树里面( )6、clever A、聪明的 B、可爱的( )7、sheep A、狐狸 B、绵羊( )8、want A、发生 B、想要( )9、again A、又,再 B、但是( )10、now A、过去 B、现在四、将正确答案的序号填在括号里(每小题2分,共20分) ( ) 1、I_animal。 A、love B、loves C、loving ( ) 2、There _two monkey A、is B、are C、be ( ) 3、The_are fat。 A、panda B、pandas C、cat ( ) 4、What _sheep eat? A、do B、does C、is ( ) 5、Monkeys live _the tree? A、in B、of C、on ( ) 6、Lets _to zoo。 A、goes B、go C、going ( ) 7、They are _。 A、fat B、fats C、fates ( ) 8、How _ pigs are there? A、much B、four C、many ( ) 9、Cats eat _? A、grass B、meats C、fish ( )10、_! Four monkeys。 A、Look B、See C、Live五、情景会话:(每小题2分,共20分)1、遇到麻烦或危险时,你说:_ A、Help B、What that?2、请别人帮忙时,你说:_ A、I will eat you! B、Please help me!3、要求别人再做一次时,你说:_ A、Do it again! B、Help!4、询问别人发生了什么事时,你说:_ A、What that? B、What happened?5、对别人表示感谢时,你说:_ A、OK! B、Thank you!6、当别人提议去动物园时,你应说:_A、Great! B、Four。7、当别人问你有几根手指时,你说:_ A、Theyre big。 B、Ten。8、当你想问哪里有几只猫时,你应说:_ A、How many cats are there?B、What are they?9、当你想知道老虎吃什么时,你应说:_ A、What are they? B、What do tigers eat?10、当你想知道猴子住在哪里时,你应说:_ A、What do monkeys like? B、Where do monkeys live?六、连词成句:(每小题2分,共10分)1、Lets to the zoo go .- 2、see two I pandas .3、many How there are tigers ? 4、they What eat do ? 5、do live Where they ? 6、fly, What, can,animals ? 7、Whats, box, the ,in ? 8、 it, the, is desk,under ? 9、the, The, is, rabbit,on,desk 10、is, where,cow,the ?七、找出下列句子的答语:(每小题2分,共10分)( )1、Whats this? A、 ten( )2、How many elephants B、They eat fish。are there? ( )3、Where do birds live? C、I helped the wolf。( )4、What do cats eat? D、Its an elephant。( )5、What happened? E、They live in the tree。八、猜一猜,选一选:(每小题2分,共8分)( )1、I have a long tail and two long arms. I can climb up the tree .( )2、My eyes are green. I look like a dog .( )3、My name starts with an “e”. I have a long nose.( )4、My tail is short and my ears are long . I can jump .A、 monkey B、wolf C、elephant D、rabbit九、阅读短文,完成后面的判断题。正确的写“Y”,错误的写“N”。 Today we go to the zoo. There are so many animals in the zoo.Look! There are black and white. They are fat. They eat bamboo. Look at the elephant. Its so big. Its nose is so long, and the ears are big. Look at the monkey. Its thin. It lives in the tree. It eats bananas. I love animals. They are so lovely.( )1. There are so many animals in the zoo.( )2. The pandas are fat.( )3. The elephant is thin.( ) 4. The elephants nose is so long, and its ears are big. ( )5. The monkey lives in the forest.小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 3 页 共 3 页


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