2019年六年级英语下册 Unit1 lesson2 At the Sports Store教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Unit1 lesson2 At the Sports Store教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年六年级英语下册 Unit1 lesson2 At the Sports Store教案 冀教版一、教学目标:1、知识技能:能听、说、读、写的单词:any need or能根据具体的情况,进行问答。2、过程与方法:通过学单词,培养学生听说读写的能力。通过创设情景,综合运用所学语言进行交流,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用语言的交际能力和对语言的应变能力。3、情感态度:让每一个学生都能积极主动参与教学活动,发挥学生主观能动性,从而使他们更加热爱英语学习,增强学习英语的信心。二、教学重难点:1.能听、说、读、写的单词:any need or能根据具体的情况进行问答。2.this that these those的正确使用。3.能听懂、会说、会读课文。三、教学过程:(一)Class opening and reviewReview :basketball ping-pong sport runners shorts T-shirtT: What sports do you play?Whats your favourite sport?What do you wear to play _?设计意图:教学伊始由词到句循序渐进的帮学生进入状态,同时也符合我校提倡的口语交际训练。Review word: “this that these those” (直接出示使学生再现,接下来由老师讲授)(二)New conceptINTRODUCE(介绍)(1)、Teach word “or”(通过实物摆放的不同方位教授)T: What sport do you like? Is this ping-pong ball or that basketball?Do you like this ping-pong ball or that basketball?S1: I like this ping-pong ball.T:What sport do you like? Is this ping-pong ball or that basketball?Do you like this ping-pong ball or that basketball?S2:I like that basketball. T: Do you like these books or those books? S3: I like_. T: Do you like these runners or those runners?S4: I like_.(大量练习几种选择疑问句的问答)设计意图:方位词this, that, these and those 虽然曾出现过好几次,但仍然是一个难点,学生不容易掌握,所以通过教授选择疑问句让它们再次在真实的语境中说出,应该两全其美。但教师必须每个类型至少示范两个。(2)Teach word “need any”(教师接学生的问答顺势说,使整个教学过程一气呵成,做到有效地衔接)T: I dont have _. I need _. Do you have any _s?S: Yes./No.Spell the word “need any.(利用feet与need, many 与any对比记忆,并区分some any 的用法)Practice in pairs.(小组合作中互相练说,克服学生面对全体不好意思的、怕说错的思想,可培养他逐渐树立自信的意识。)2、示范角色表演“Shopping”3、情景模拟:“开心超市”规则:一名学生扮演店内售货员,其他学生扮演顾客,到商店买东西,练习句型:A: I need_. Excuse me. Do you have any s?B:Yes. Ill show you!/No!Do you want this/ these_ or that/those_?A:I like_.How much is it/are they?B: dollars!A: Ill take_,please.(此时同时讲解美元和元的区别。如:one dollar,two dollars;one yuan,two yuan. 还要解释并练习一下如何问多少钱How much is it? How much are they?)4、听录音跟读。5、学生再自编对话表演。(设计意图:以上在理清脉络之后,将课文中的重难点扎实了,在让学生对照板书,学生在表演对话时就没有很大的困难了。)(三)Class closing四、板书设计:Lesson 2:At the sports store any need or A: I need_. Excuse me. Do you have any s?B:Yes!/No!Do you want this/ these_ or that/those_?A:I like_.How much are they?B: dollars!五、Exercise:选词填空:1 I like_balls. ( this, these)2 Do you have_ runners? (some, any)3 Do you like this T-shirt_that T-shirt? (and, or)4 _basketball is mine. (That, Those)小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 4 页 共 4 页

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