2019年六年级下册Unit 5《Our dreams》(lesson 2)教案.doc

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2019年六年级下册Unit 5Our dreams(lesson 2)教案教学目标: 1.会听说认读helpful、angry、busy、honest、brave、free. 2.运用掌握句型 -Who is helpful/angry/busy/honest/brave/free? -Tennisplayer/Artist/Writer/Driver/Farmer/Policeman/Worker/Scientist is ( helpful/angry/busy/honest/brave/free.)3.运用所学句型进行简单对话。教学重难点: 运用掌握句型 -Who is helpful/angry/busy/honest/brave/free? -Tennisplayer/Artist/Writer/Driver/Farmer/Policeman/Worker/Scientist is ( helpful/angry/busy/honest/brave/free.) 教学用具:卡片、PPT 教学过程: (Step1.) warm-up 1. Greetings T:Class begins. Ss: Stand up, please. T:Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T:OK,Sit down, please. (Step2.) Presentation 1. Review the old words T:Now, before our class, lets review some old words. Look at the picture, Whos he? (出示卡片并操练,通过齐读、快速认读复习单词,并逐一将单词图片粘贴板书在黑板上) T:OK, well done. Now, answer me. What do you want to be in the future, XXX? S:I want to be a XXX. T: Can you tell me why? S: Because XXX is XXX. T: Good. So lets learn the new words. 2.Learn the new words 通过PPT出示新授单词。(教授方法:教读、齐读、反复操练,掌握熟练后请同学上台板书) T:How about her handwriting?Wonderful/Excellent.(Step3.)New dialogue T:Then follow me, Teacher is helpful. Worker is busy. (将前课所学单词和本课新词联系,通过对话联系并操练句子) T:Now, lets do the group work. please practice the dialogue with your friends. And then, show your dialogue to us OK. (小组练习并展示,然后根据展示成果给予小组鼓励) (Step4.) Exercise (根据PPT让学生做课堂知识练习,以检测掌握程度并巩固) (Step5.) Read and translate the text. T:Now, lets read our text and translate it. Who can have a try?(教读课文并让学生尝试翻译) (Step6.) Homework 1.Copy the new words 5 times each. 2.Read the text. 板书 Unit5 Our Dreams Lesson 2 helpful angry tennis player artist Who is busy honest ?writer driver brave free小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 3 页 共 3 页

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